One Piece the Movie 1
Adventure just got wackier
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In case you don't know, One piece is a fairly new anime about pirate adventures. It can be read in comic form in Shonen Jump. You can also see a dubbed and heavily edited version on the Foxbox but never you mind. It's better to get the episodes on ebay uncut and in the original Japanese. You can get episodes 1-120 for just $60.
The first movie is actually my least favorite but it's still worth checking out. Sanji fans should take note that this movie takes place before they meet him. You can see him during the end credits if you gotta have Sanji, so keep watching when the credits roll. Yes, this is indeed early in the series and it starts with a legen of Captain Wunan who managed to collect a third of the world's gold. His trasue is said to be hidden on a certain island and a rival pirate has the map. The Chinese translaters call him Huangjinlong, but they had alot of weird spellings for the character names. This pirate loves only gold and ignores all other treasures and his signiture attack is an energy blast from his mouth. Well, there's one very funny fight scene of him attacking Luffy and Zoro while they are chained together and Zoro has only a sword in his mouth to fight with. There's also an old friend of Wunan's involved in all of this along with his grandson. This starts a tradition that will be copied in the 2nd and 3rd movie as well. Watch for it.
Being their first movie, this was pretty good. One piece DVDs can be bought on ebay or on sites like this one. The other movies are far more spectacular and imaginitive but this one still has it's moments. The One Piece movies always have unique new villians and in interesting last battle near the end. If Sanji is your favorite character you might want to try the other One Piece Movies before you buy this one.
Straw hat pirates:

Monky D. Ruffy:
Captain, rubberman, future king of pirates. He's irresponsible, adventurous and gluttonous and he can stretch like rubber.
Navigator, Sailor, Thief, Mapmaker. She's known to be tricky and well skilled at what she does.
Swordsman, Bounty hunter. He's skilled in the art of fighting with 3 swords.
Marksman, Cannoneer, artist, shipright. He's known as a liar and teller of tall tales but he's not as useless as people think. He has many talents but can often turn cowardly.
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