* A small one *

[Name] Chris
[StartPlace] York...
[CurrentPlace] Poughkeepsie!
[EndPlace] Success =P
[AIM] blacklabe1skater
[E-Mail] [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

27 50 64 71 105 113 128 132

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[ Kemakill Overview ]

02.22.07 - Well, the new website technologies that are out today have made the code behind the Kemakill pages obsolete and unimpressive. Instead of attempting to upgrade the jumbled code behind this site, I started a redesigned Kemakill. This site will probably just sit here and collect dust, but that's fine with me. The new Kemakill project can be found HERE. I hope to transfer everything of worth over to the new layout. Aka no more Helix and stupid shit like that....

02.14.06 - Two new pages with a couple pictures added. I have a couple dozen pictures sitting around that still need to be added to the site when I get around to it. The new pictures can be found here and here.

12.10.05 - New background

07.23.05 - I finally got around to finishing up the Kemakill Backgrounds section. There is a big selection of some pretty cool backgrounds, many of which I use on my own machine, so they are worth checking out. The Backgrounds sections can be found here.

06.01.05 - More of Austin and DJ's videos posted, hopefully I will be able to put more of my own up soon.

05.11.05 - My buddy Austin made a couple videos of him and DJ doing burnouts. Check out the new videos at the Banshee Page.

01.31.05 - I made the title images for the pages that I added in my last update. Not a whole lot to look at, but some of them are pretty cool.

12.12.04 - I had a ton of pictures that weren't used, 90 to be exact, and I just got around to adding them. I uploaded all of them and now my allocated space on Geocities is 99% of the 15MB limit. This will probably be the last update for a couple weeks before I find more space for my site and make more pictures. At least this update is pretty significant. I added a total of 13 pages to the Remote Gallery section. These can be found at: Remote 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19.

12.08.04 - There is still some stuff on this site kickin' around from way back when. Namely, a section known as Helix. I completely forgot it existed, and I'm sure at least someone has found it before and wondered what the hell it was. Well, it's basically nothing and I'm sorry if anyone wasted a second of their time looking through it. Maybe something will come of it someday, but until then, I just got rid of a lot of nonsense that was in it. Not really an update at all.

10.26.04 - Six new pages added to Kemakill: Remote 01, Remote 02, Remote 03, Remote 04, Remote 05 and Remote 06.

10.20.04 - I added a couple of links to the main page, namely Backgrounds and Banshee. Backgrounds is going to be a new page where I post some cool pictures that make good backgrounds for your computer. Some might be worth trying out, I always use them on mine.

10.15.04 - I added a good amount of new pictures to my site. I have a bad feeling that no one looks at my site anymore, probably because there hasn't been very many interesting new things on here. Well, there's more new stuff, late as it may be. I hope the zero people that still look at my site enjoy. The pages can be found here: Head 05, Head 06, Head 07 and Head 08. In fact, that means Gallery 4 is finished. Now on to Remote Gallery...

09.29.04 - New page added to Gallery 4: Check it out.

09.27.04 - Two more pages added: This one and this one, check them out.

09.23.04 - Finally some more pics have been added to my site. Like I said, there's a shitload more to be put on here, but I just need to get around to putting them up. The new pics are in Gallery 4, on this page.

09.04.04 - Gallery 3 is now finished. I added a couple of pictures to adler02, adler05 and adler10. Check it out.

09.01.04 - I added the little site stats link to the bottom of my Index page. I know, I know, it's not much, nothing at all in fact. Oh well, more soon.

05.29.04 - New Index "chemborder". Doesn't it look cool, maybe?

05.19.04 - Well, I fixed the Index Links. I wasn't aware that they weren't working... I also added five new Banshee videos. Some of them are very cool. Check out the new stuff and more will keep being added.

05.12.04 - Gallery 2 is finished, so there are more pictures to look at now. All you've gotta do is click on the Gallery2 link to the left and check out the four pages on there. Ignore Delete tho, that's for my own amusement. There's a lot of secrets and junk in there if you have a lot of time but other than that, just check out the other three pages.

05.08.04 - Damn, check out the new new Index Links. I've finally changed my ways and tried out Macromedia Dreamweaver to image map the links, as opposed to using tables and writing the code myself. This way looks more stylish and creative, and it took me a fraction of the time. Thanks for convincing me to try the program out, James.

05.02.04 - Things are beginning to fall into place. The four pages of the first gallery are up and viewable. I am just now starting to choose where each picture will go in each gallery. It took me a while to get around to it, but Gallery 1 is finished.

04.29.04 - I changed the Index links to look a little more fancy. They still aren't quite the way I want them though. I'll have to test out a few more looks. I still need to get my pictures up though! Until I do that, the site is basically meaningless. Sorry!

04.19.04 - To make Kemakill less frustrating to look at and to navigate, I split the Index page into two stupid frames. Some of the things I did with the frames are kind of cool, but I prefer the entirely visual experience that Kemakill had before. Now it's easier to find where you are, but I'm not quite as satisfied. Oh well, I may change it back after my website project.

04.15.04 - I added to the disclaimer page and put a link to it along with the "Last Updated" notice on the Index page.

04.14.04 - The Remote links are in place, but everything is still empty. I'm thinking about making some sort of directions for viewers to follow in order to get around my page. I've gotten some complaints, so maybe it's necessary.

04.14.04 - The Banshee page is pretty much finished, less than a day later. I converted my .avi videos into flash files to put them on the web and to save space, and the page looks and works pretty well. Now I want to get rid of the French links gallery page and replace it with the Remote gallery page.

04.13.04 - In my Information Systems class, I was assigned a web page designing project. So I thought, why not use this thing? The first thing I have to do is put in a disclaimer. I need one anyways, especially due to the nature of my site. Second, I'm going to censor the content of my page, as I have done in the past for any academic web design projects. Third, I want to make a small page dedicated to the banshee. It's not going to really fit in with the look of the Kemakill site, but it will be an interesting project. Later on, I want to change the color of the pipeline borders to a metalic color, fun stuff.

04.02.04 - Thanks to James, I now have the mouse-over effects working on the Index links. Looks pretty good, I think. I'm not actually sure if I like it better than the original Kemakill Index, though, so it may just have been one big waste of a project. I will try to add to it and hopefully make it look more interesting.

04.01.04 - Ah, the new Kemakill Index is finished. Links work, counter fits and works and the random title finally looks right. I hope this new design is an interesting change, if not, I always have the old one. I might work with this new link system and try to do some mouse-over effects if possible.

04.01.04 - Finished 'chemborder' images. These are the images that make up the pipeline border of the front page. This was painstaking work.... Hours later and I have finished all of the project. The link system fits and works, the random images fit and work, and the counter even fits. This should be up within a day and hopefully looking good.

03.31.04 - Dimensioned 'kemtitle' images yeah! Now I can have them randomly generate inside the same-sized box. Hopefully it will all work, because it is going to be one huge table.

03.30.04 - My newest project, started today, is a complete redesign of the Kemakill Index. So, instead of the simple 4-box link system and the randomly generated title, it will now have a pipeline-border with a new link system made from the psilocybin chemical formula. Let's hope it turns out well and is finished soon. Although... now that I have about 5 things in progress at once, it may take some time.

03.28.04 - I got rid of those steps that showed how to read the above animation. I don't think anyone saw them anyways.

03.26.04 - Created a table for my personal info (above) but i don't know what else to put in there...

03.25.04 - Made fablefire, hoover and yhwmellet images today in work. The "Remote" Galleries page is put together, but without a main link and any actual pages for it. Hopefully I will stop making new pictures and focus on putting the old ones back up, but that will take a long ass time, so it may not be done for a while.

03.24.04 - The entire site is under construction. I moved all of the images ever created for Kemakill from like five separate directories into one big one, just to make work harder for myself. So, for the time being, probly 90% of the images aren't going to work until I take care of things.

03.24.04 - This the start of the Kemakill documentations... obviously. I figured it would be helpful to let whoever happens to stumble upon my site know what's going on with it. Well, it's more for my own amusement actually. No one is reading this stuff anyways, right?

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