Welcome to my leetle Adventures page. This is for to chronicle adventures, roadtrips, etcetera.
Happy Chef, as you may or may not know, is a Midwestern restaurant chain. These particular
restaurants are guarded by a large fiberglass Chef wearing a white jacket, pants, shirt, orange
vest, black tie, white chef hat, and brandishing a wooden spoon. We guesstimate him to be
anywhere from 15-20 feet tall. He is, to say the least, awe-inspiring. How, you
may ask, does one learn about the fate of the Great Chef? I will tell you. My cousin and I were messing around , typing in sites and doing searches on the web, and I said "Hey...try www.happychef.com." Cousin Neal did, and heck afire, there was a page for the sacred fiberglass man! "Oho," said I, "Let me email them, for I have not seen a standing Chef in quite some time. They took the last one down, the one off I-80 over by Sapp Brothers. I was much bereaved." And so it came to pass that I mailed the good people at www.happychef.com, asking where I could find other standing Chefs. I explained that I had done a 'photographic essay'
featuring the Chef and was much chagrined to find him gone in the fall of 1995. Fate smiled
upon me three days later, when I received email from someone at the Happy Chef headquarters.
He informed me that out of roughly 50 restaurants (Happy Chef is a regional chain), only 5
Chefs remain to guard the restaurants with their ever-watchful eye(s).

I was overjoyed, you know, after living with such fear for so very long, never knowing if I'd ever see the huge
Mr. Chef again. You would be anxious, too, if you were me, but apparently you're not.

Happy Chef!

That's roughly what I said. Since there aren't any scanned pictures yet of the Chef, you'll have to take it on faith
that I say "Happy Chef" in orange for a reason. The Chef wears an orange vest which is only a couple shades
darker than the very orange you see.

Hi, kids!  I'd like to go inside and eat with you, but I'm too big to get through the door! That's him...! That's the first Chef we visited, there in Cherokee, Iowa. At the bottom of the picture you can discern Neal, Cousin Extraordinaire, mimicking his newfound idol.

The Happy Chef knows a lot of things, like why ice cubes get smaller in your drink! Here you see a close-up of Neal's first imitative gestures of Mr. Chef. Excuse the blur; in the absence of a scanner I have digitally photgraphed and captured some snapshots. At least you get the *impression*, chiddren.

The Awe-Inspiring I-80 Chef (now gone)! This is part of my initial "photo essay" on Happy Chef in 1995. 
This Chef stood guard over an abandoned Happy Chef restaurant not far from Omaha, Nebraska.  He vanished shortly after this picture was taken.
The Happy Chef tells you where to GO if you don't worship him. Another I-80 Nebraska Chef shot.  Note the white fingernails.
Sistine City Near-contact between the mortal and immortal one day in 1995.
I just found some ramblings about Happy Chef.  I was in the Language Lab at UNL when I did these.  I was hyper and bored at the same time.

You've lost me. Don't waste my danged time or something.

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