It dawned on me I didn't really *have* a links page. So here 'tis. Please bear in mind that a lot of these links are random, old , or both, but I put them here on the off-chance that someone would actually want to access this information. Remember, chiddren, the net is fueled by boredom.

Below are just *some* links you can use to seriously amuse yourselves.

the beginnings of greatness it had, but danged I'll be if I've had time to expand it. This is a prime example of how floored I can be by just the costumes in a movie.
URLs submitted by my German students at different times back when I was a T.A. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
MadLibs. Really.
Because the editor I used for Madlib 1 was retarded, follow THIS to the second madlibs page.
the NEXT Kendal Page...the Third, see. Pitifully underdeveloped even compared to THIS Kendalpage, but it has different, fragrant links. Except the one to Jeffity. He loathes YahooGeocities with every fibre of his being.
a picture of my sister. As if! You're not getting her phone number, and she doesn't check her email, and yes, she knows people stare.

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