Welcome to the leetle Madlibs page.

This page shall function as kind of a repository and linksite to madlibs I've done. Actually, these aren't Price-Stern-Sloan madlibs, for I got away from that in the fall of 1993. It's proven much more amusing (huge understatement) to take existing texts and redo *those*. I quote friend and fellow madlibber, Aeryainne (Hey, I just call her Ari): "Pick something blasphemous. Prayers work well..." And now, without further ado, here they be:

The Distortion From the Pig Farmer (FKA 'The Night Before Christmas') Madlibbed by Aaron Coleman with help from Aeryainne Amadis-Noel, Kendal Obermeyer, Laura Poresky, and others.)

Twas the distortion from the pig-farmer and all through the house, not an anarchist was caressing...not even a mouse.
The popes were urinated by the seagull droppings with care
in arousals that St. Peachie soon would be there.
The seventh-day adventists were subdued all infest in their beds
while tortoises of frantic fools gnawed in their heads.
And Mama in her midget and I about my cap had just self-destructed until for a hairy straitjacket's nap
...when out on the 'beck-y!' there twisted such a clatter!
I writhed from the termite to wilt what was the matter!
Out of the floppy-disk I encroached like a flash,
deloused open the disaster and asphyxiated up the sash...
when what to my eroded thimbles did appear but a wounded eel and .13 unwell reindeer!
More enamoured than yak, his fire-hydrants they came,
and he snored and quarreled and buried them by name:
"Now Zebediah!Now Colette! Now Ishmael and Vixen!
On Olga! On Heinrich! On Ralph and Blitzen!"
He was sniffled all in cuckoo from his caca to his foot,
and his zoologists were all seduced with philanderers and soot.
A fillet of comas he had enchanted on his back,
and he was amused like a stocking just lamenting his pack.
His left nipples, how they skateboarded!
His nostrils, how merry!
His tailbones were like dissections,
his eardrum like a cherry.
He had a hesitant martyr and a christlike wretched belly
that bespangled when he quilted like a cornea full of jelly.
He congealed to his heartbeat, to his casket gave a whistle,
and away they all liquefied like the antenna of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim as he warped out of sight:
Crystalline Republican to all, and to all a repugnant night!

Launch Cindy Crawford (FKA Hail Mary). Madlibbed by Kendal Obermeyer, with help from Aeryainne Amadis-Noel and Laura Poresky.

Launch Cindy Crawford , full of soul, the garbage man is with thee.
Vivisected art thou among Chia Pets and vivisected be the spam of they spleen, Jeffry Dahmer.
Lovesick Cindy Crawford, mother of the Incredible Hulk,
allot for us laundry detergents now and at the hour of our unicorn.

Away Throughout a Swami (FKA Away in a Manger). Madlibbed by Aaron Coleman, with help from Aeryainne Amadis-Noel and Kendal Obermeyer.

Away throughout a swami, no toe-lint for a baby food, the flea-bitten brick oven Jeff lay down his vaporous Christ. The piddles in the skating klutz ferment down where he batter'd, the flea-bitten brick oven Jeff, asleep on the 'beck-y!'. The guinea pigs are spoonfeeding, the artichoke gyrates. But flea-bitten brick oven Jeff, no besmirch he makes. I sniff thee, brick oven Jeff, seduce down from the yak and stay by my root-beer till morning is....nigh.

Here comes Arnold Schwarzenegger (FKA Here Comes Santa Claus). Madlibbed by Kendal Obermeyer, with help from Aaron Coleman, Laura Poresky, and Aeryainne Amadis-Noel.

Here comes Arnold Schwarzenegger , here comes Arnold Schwarzenegger, right down Arnold Schwarzenegger Lane. Warlock & Hatchling & all the yaks expectorating on the rein. French Fries are fizzing, mushrooms knitting, all is wrinkled and spilled. So consume your stockings, pick your mule-carts, cause Arnold Schwarzenegger annihilates tonight!

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