Jawohl, at long last. SOME of the notorious magneticpoems.

The ones I could find, anyhow. NOTE that there are too many by me and not enough by YOU, the discerning magnet manipulator. So. Use this email link (there used to be a form at the bottom of the page and it WORKED before the yahoo-geocities merger) to contribute to the randomness! Include name of contributor (That's, uh, YOU) and we'll have ourselves a veritable gallery, chiddren.
you can do online magpoems atPoetry.com - sometimes you have to be resourceful, as the word choice is a bit leading.

The Poemes Magnetiques

NOTE! These were made with Magnetic Poetry(tm) AND cheaper knockoff kits!


play music drunk
nanosecond pedestrian
through this black garden
ask away whisper sweet

Dead pope blows bloody lover Clinton
Jealous priest pretends butt is bible.

feet boy thinking
I like arm gown
you butt
(Gale, ruling stepsister)
Lusty and large
Wherefore thou goest
Car wont run

I is like Tiny White Man

Your fuzzy thoughts of post Madonna yesterdays
Have little to do with your vanished passion.
Your borderline thinking and corduroy dreams
Have you as neurotic as a two-headed Michael Jackson.
Forget the therapist, child.
Who can know how far into Marilyn monster secrets
You are willing to hide.
Like Freud.
Like Oprah says,
"We need to unite our father Athiest with our mother Pope"
That Loch Ness hate you harbor in the Jungian litter box of your soul
Makes me rot like a Hooker Queen with a neutered Kennedy.
An alien abduction of Bigfoot's butt is the anatomy of your runaway life.

trudge in through the club
and blow the fluff

Trotting her over with work
to make anxious boohoo
Ooh Bloodsucker can't embrace
the most ferocious God's

Sugar scar
Newlywed fight ritual should want bad pain
like thee
what priest animal
has jealous Hollywood
how allergic anger
hits beautiful strumpet
stalk my anal sister
say plebian
siamese toy
Wish on some codpiece parasite
mice are secure in fur(r)y jail
picture thousand heart life
praise current poison

Hormone guilty hurricane
I'll pound sick beauty's cliche
above my shadow Chevrolet
honey obsessed crush
sublime father in prancelike play
sexual green custody
revile that homosexual.
(Tandem - Jeff & Kendal)

Until neighbor shall escape playful family lawsuit
Mean airrock effect: Nay
paranoid am between wing
shine wisher taboo shame would fluster
red hooray in better hate.
[tandem(?):Jeff 'n' Kendal]

Incubate Elvis children chasing fluffy fat married
porcelain esteem bleeds coffee
Good for Hugh.

If brushing unknown stranger bosom brings evil
invisible body pain Tell the soap cook some of my bitter lusty twilight
movie screams
[John K.]

Pestiferous sleepover
Edge away lover
Neurotic prisoner
Crazy dinnertime disdain
My dynamite mutant miracle.

Barbra bubbling
Whispering in need
Feeling afraid
Test lunatic life
Love laughed
Capture him
Surface walk
Intimacy together
At top
but never
Ugly Boy


Penniless Guiltless Campies
Fear Roccoco body fat


avant garde shard
borrow essence of electric ballet
part shimmery unity
& delirious harmony


Eccentric folk balance art on nature

(Dan H.)

throw pencil through one moment
those scarlet visions panting atop my skin


She was troubled by the yellow nude impostor

(Rod K.)

behold the modern nude symbol
and we mean butt
as it sits languidly by the TV
I chisel it
a monument to lazy


_______ _______ _______
____ ________ I _____

______ _______

Romantic red renaissance
feels fake
post-painting Picasso
Be Byzantine & Baroque


Ugly Earthling

Dan H.

frantic fiery display
these angry lies
to use & waste me out



How do his muralous proportions
mold an act
if any interior delusion
must extract
an objectless language


neo post psychedelic figure
looms by the open circle
of surrealist concreteism


mad mad gesture
smear melody
let her stylize
but say the absurd


19th Allegory
in my bad ear
cut to starving Gothic kitsch
as is


Back to the main page with YOU. Too rich for your blood, maybe? ;b
Mail me something. If you HAVE to ;b

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