Days Until Kenny Chesney's The Road and the Radio
Through The Years
Kenny Cable
I was born in the Johnson City Medical Center, Tennessee. I was born on April 25, 1989 to my mother Judy Cable. I was born premature because my mother smoked.
  My father, Donald Die, left mom when she told him that she was going to have a baby. My Aunt Rain always was happy to have a new baby to the family of my grand-mother, Annice Cable, my Uncle Donald Cable, and my Papaw Kenneth Cable who I was named after.
  Papaw and Mamaw broke up before I was born, which proved to be hard times for Moma, Aunt Rain, and Donald because they only knew that Mamaw drank quite a alot, and lost her knowledge of life, but they all still loved her.
  Mamaw always loved all of them but it didn't always apear to be that way.  Her drinking continued after I was born, I remember moma telling me though through most of the time that I was with her she was sober.
  I never developed a fear of her until one day when I was about seven or eight, she was drinking heavy and her and my Uncle Donald were fighting which scared me because I didn't want my grand-mother hurt. So I called Aunt Rain and her husband Steve Tipton to come get me and stop the fight. When they arived Mamaw threatened to cut Aunt Rain's head off and got a knife because she was going to take me away from her, as soon as I saw the knife I developed a fear of my Grand-Mother but I still loved her. That night my mother and Daddy, as so called he was always there for me, came and got me and took me home.
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