Long Form 2


    1. Attention Stance

    2. Bow.

    3. Signify.

    4. Step your left foot to a meditative horse stance.

1. Step your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward block and check with at the shoulder. Instantly snap that inward block into an outward handsword to 12 o'clock. Shift into a forward bow as you execute a left hand spear to the eyes. (Your right hand should be cocked at your hip palm open.) As you shift back into a right neutral bow, execute a mid-range right vertical hand spear to the solar plexus.

2. Step your left foot forward into a left neutral bow as you execute a left inward block and check at your left shoulder. Instantly snap that inward block into a left outward handsword to 12 o'clock. Shift into a forward bow as you execute a right hand spear to the eyes. (Your left hand should be cocked at your hip, palm open.) As you shift into a right neutral bow, execute a midrange left vertical hand spear to the solar plexus.

3. Pull your left foot back to your right as you face 12 o'clock in a cat stance Have your hands cocked at your right hip, left on top, right palm up.

4. Step your left foot to 9 o'clock into a left forward bow as you execute a left outward block and a right reverse punch. Shift back into a left neutral bow as you execute a left jab. Snap it back as you execute a right reverse punch without going into a bow. Execute another left jab as you simultaneously execute a left knife-edge kick, landing in a left neutral bow.

5. Pull your right foot your left so you are in a cat stance facing 12 o'clock. (Your hands should be at your left hip, right on top, left palm up.)

6. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a right forward bow as you execute a right outward block and a left reverse punch. Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a right jab. Snap it back as you execute a left reverse punch. Instantly snap it back as you execute a right jab simultaneous with a right knife-edge kick, landing in a right neutral bow.

7. Pull your left foot to your right into a cat stance facing 9 o'clock. (Your hands should be cocked at your right hip, left on top, right palm up.)

8. Step your left foot to 6 o'clock into a left neutral bow facing 6 o'clock as you execute a universal block (with the right hand as the inward block.)

9. Shift into a left forward bow facing 6 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a left upward block and a right hammerfist to the groin in front of you.

10. Turn your upward block into a overhead claw. Execute a right backfist followed a left backfist and a right backfist.

11. Pull your right foot to your left and step your right foot to 12 o'clock into a right neutral bow facing 12 o'clock as you execute a universal block (with the left hand as the inward block.)

12. Shift into a right forward bow facing 12 o'clock as you simultaneously execute a right upward block and a left hammerfist to the groin in front of you.

13. Turn your upward block into an overhead claw. Execute a left backfist followed by a right backfist followed by a left backfist.

14. Step your right foot to 4:30 in a left neutral bow facing 10:30 as your left backfist drops into a left downward block. Execute a left overhead looping back knuckle strike to the back of your attacker's head. Follow that motion as you chamber your looping backfist and execute a right reverse punch. Instantly follow that with a right front thrust kick and left jab.

15. Land forward in a right neutral bow as you execute a midrange right vertical thrust punch.

16. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow as you execute a right downward block. Execute a right overhead looping back knuckle strike to the back of your opponent's head. Follow that motion and as you chamber your right back knuckle strike, execute a left reverse punch as you go into a right forward bow. Instantly follow that with a left front thrust kick and a right jab.

17. Land forward in a left neutral bow as you execute a midrange left vertical thrust punch.

18. Step to 1:30 as you execute a left overhead chopping punch to 1:30 (target could be the bridge of an attacker's nose) simultaneous with a left retarded ball kick to knee level.

19. Land in a right neutral bow as you execute a right upward block. Execute a left one-finger eye poke. Using this as a gauge, execute a right one-finger eye poke. Instantly follow that with a left one-finger eye poke.

20. Step to 10:30 as you execute a right overhead chopping punch to 10:30 (target could again be the bridge of an attacker's nose) simultaneous with a right retarded ball kick to knee level.

21. Land in a left neutral bow as you execute a left upward block. Execute a right one-finger eye poke. Using this as a gauge, execute a left one-finger eye poke. Follow that with another right one-finger eye poke.

22. Execute a left inward downward block (palm up) as you step into a rear crossover towards 4:30. Unwind into a right neutral bow facing 10:30 as you execute a right uppercut.

23. Execute a right inward downward block (palm up) as you step into a rear crossover towards 4:30. Unwind into a left neutral bow facing 10:30 as you execute a left uppercut.

24. Step your right foot back to 7:30 into a left neutral bow as you execute a left inward downward block (palm down). Convert it to a vertical outward block. Execute a left vertical back knuckle strike.

25. Step your left foot back to 7:30 into a right neutral bow as you execute a right inward downward block (palm down). Covert it to a vertical outward block. Execute a right vertical back knuckle strike.

26. Execute a left push down block. Shift into a twist stance. Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left neutral bow as execute a left outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a left overhead claw.

27. Execute a right push down block. Shift into a twist stance. Step your right foot to 1:30 into a right neutral bow as you execute a right outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a right overhead claw.

28. Execute a left push down block. Shift into a twist stance. Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left neutral bow as you execute a left outward elbow strike. Follow that by executing a left overhead claw.

29. Execute a right thrust punch to 1:30. Follow that by executing a left inward block. Move your left foot into a rear crossover towards 7:30. Unwind so you are in a horse stance facing 10:30 as you execute an inward overhead elbow (without the stance change).

30. Execute a right reverse punch to 10:30. Step your right foot into a rear crossover to 7:30. As you unwind into a horse stance facing 4:30, execute a left inward overhead elbow strike (without the stance change).

31. Execute a left reverse punch towards 4:30. Step into a rear crossover towards 9:00. Unwind as you execute a right inward elbow and a left palm heel strike. (An elbow sandwich.) Execute two rakes to your attacker's eyes, with both hands raking out and around back to a chamber. Execute a right upward elbow.

32. Go to a meditative horse stance.