Two Man Set

The Two-Man Set is listed here in a side to side format.

Side 1:
(starting on the right)

Side 2:
(starting on the left)

In the presentation of this Form in Secrets Of Chinese Karate, by Ed Parker, this side is listed as Opponent #1. The numbers in parentheses below identify the corresponding figures in Chapter 19 of that book, while the attacks listed after each block identify the attack from Opponent 2.

1. With feet together, form a triangle with both hands, so index fingers and thumbs touch. (1-3)

2. Step your left foot to 4:30 into a right neutral bow as you do a right outward block to your attacker's backfist (2-2). Execute a left reverse punch to the head. (4-7)

3. Step your right foot into a right front crossover to 7:30 as you execute a right outward parry to your attacker's chop (2-3). Cock your left fist at your left hip. Your right heel should be almost touching Opponent #2's right foot. Take an additional left step towards 9:00, cock your right fist to your left ear. Pivot both feet into a horse stance facing 12 o'clock as you do a right backfist or forearm strike to the kidney. (8-12).

4. Pull your right foot back into a cat as you do a left outward block from under his arm (punch, 2-4) followed by a right front snap kick to the stomach. (13-15).

5. Pivot on your left foot (counterclockwise) and plant your right foot to 7:30 into a bow, as you bring your hands to your left hip in a cup & saucer. (16-19).

6. Step your left foot to 7:30 into a left rear crossover as you do a left outward block (back-knuckle, 2-6). Immediately do a left knife-edge kick to your attacker's stomach. Land to 12:00 in a horse stance facing 1:30 as you cock your left hand (spear hand with the palm out) overhead. (20-23)

7. Pivot low and to the left into a closed kneeling stance as you do a right scooping block, or wing block against your attacker's left uppercut (2-7). Pivot back into horse as you do a left chop to the temple. (24-28).

8. Step your right foot back to 9 o'clock, pull your left foot into a left cat stance as you execute a left inward forearm block (hammerfist, 2-8). Step your left foot to 3:00 into a left bow, just inside Opponent #2's left leg, as you execute a two-finger spear to Opponent #2's eye. (29-31).

9. Step slightly to 3 o'clock with your left foot into a horse stance, deeper between his legs, as your right hand reaches up to grab your opponent's arm (half-fist, 2-9). Do a left elbow to the ribs as you pull your right hand back to the hip. (32-34).

10. Drop lower into the horse stance as your right hand (palm up) pushes his right hand up (back-knuckle, 2-10). Cock your left hand (palm open and upward) across your chest, and follow with a left outward handsword to the ribs (palm down). (35-38).

11. Step slightly to 9 o'clock with your right, pull your left foot back into a right cat stance as you do a left downward back knuckle to the forearm (elbow, 2-11). Step your left foot to 1:30 into a left neutral bow behind his right foot as you do a left top knuckle to the temple. (39-42).

12. Shift your left foot slightly back to 9 o'clock as your right hand scoops overhead and diagonally down and outward (palm heel, 2-12) while your left hand cocks back to the hip (palm open and up). Pivot to the right into a horse as you do a left palm strike (fingers pointing left) to the ribs. (43-46).

13. Step your left foot back to 9 o'clock into a horse stance, and execute a right outward scooping block coming from underneath his kick (2-13) as you cock your left fist above and slightly to the left of your head. Shift your weight into a final bow stance. (47-48)

In the presentation of this Form in Secrets Of Chinese Karate, by Ed Parker, this side is listed as Opponent #2. The numbers in parentheses below identify the corresponding figures in Chapter 19 of that book, while the attacks listed after each block identify the attack from Opponent 1.

1. With feet together, form a triangle with both hands, so index fingers and thumbs touch. (1).

2. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a horse stance as you execute a right backfist to the temple. The left hand cocks back to the hip. (2-5).

3. Step your left foot to 10:30, and pivot on the right foot into a right neutral bow facing 7:30, as you execute a right (upward and outward) chopping block (against your attacker's punch (1-2). Immediately bring your right down into a chop to Opponent #1's neck. (6-9).

4. Step your left to to 3 o'clock, and pivot, so you are in a right neutral bow facing 9 o'clock, as you execute an outward chopping block to your attacker's backfist (1-3). Respond with a left reverse punch, as you harden and extend the right forward bow. (10-14).

5. Shift back into a right reverse bow as you do a right downward block (front snap, 1-4), with your left fist cocked overhead. (15-17).

6. Execute a left front crossover to 9 o'clock as you step your right foot to 9 o'clock into a right neutral bow, slightly in front of him, and do a right back knuckle to the temple (left hand cocked at the hip). (18-21).

7. Step your left foot slightly to 6 o'clock as you execute a right downward block to your attacker's kick (1-6). Step your left foot to 9 o'clock into a horse stance between Opponent #1's legs as you do a left uppercut to the stomach and a right reverse punch to the chest. (22-25).

8. Execute a right rising block to stop your attacker's chop (1-7), circle the arm behind your shoulder, and do a right hammerfist to the ribs as you shift into a bow stance. (26-30).

9. .Shift back into a horse stance, as your right hand grabs his left arm (dart, 1-7). Follow with a left half-fist to the throat. (31-32)

10. Step your right foot to 9 o'clock as you execute a right elbow strike to his forearm (elbow-9), as you pull your left foot back to 3 o'clock into a horse stance. Shift immediately into a bow stance, as you do a back knuckle to the temple. (33-36).

11. .Step your left leg to back to 1:30 into a horse stance as you execute a right inward block (chop, 1-10). Shift into a forward bow stance as you do a right horizontal elbow strike to the upper ribs. (37-40).

12. Step your left foot to 6 o'clock while maintaining the bow stance, as you do a left inward parry (top knuckle, 1-11) and cock your right hand back to the hip (hand open and palm up). Execute a right palm heel strike to the ribs as you extend the bow stance. (41-44).

13. Step your left foot to 4:30 into a reverse bow (left) to 4:30 into a reverse bow as you do a right downward block (palm strike, 1-12) with the left arm cocked above the head. Follow with a right side kick to 9:00. (45-47).

14. Pivot 180 degrees on the left foot (keeping your right foot in the air as you do the turn), and finish in a reverse bow stance facing 12:00, with both hands in spears. The right hand should be overhead, while the left arm is down and parallel to your left leg. (48)