After the Fall
After the Fall is set in the Gemini star system two thousand years after the Universe was ripped asunder by a grand disaster. The exact details are not known, but during the great Galactic Dominion, mankind was spread across the entire galaxy. In his thirst to explore even further he punched through the delicate dimensional barriers into a thousand other realms. This caused a great collapse that caused half of all things in existence to cease. In addition the warp gates, mankind's means of moving across the galaxy stopped working. Effectively stranding those colonies that man had established.

Now, in the Gemini system, life continues, albeit far different from what it used to be. Groups constantly vie for power, and the fragile human genome, warped by the circumstances of the fall, mutates in ways previously never experienced. Magic resurfaced in the wake of the fall, and is now practiced by a variety of people, for any number of reasons. But, even for its flaws, life is relatively good in the Gemini system.

Players can be just about anything, the only restrctions are that there are no aliens of other species. All characters will be human, though they may not necesarily look it. New races of humaity have formed from steady mutation, and wildly different-looking mutants are becoming more common. Then there are the cyborgs, which have place great amounts of machinery in their bodies, and thus can look rather otherworldly.

This is the support page, and I will work on making it capable of answering all your questions. And, yes, this layout could be considered confusing, but I'm working on it.
After the Fall Characters Page
The System
When we speak of mutants in After the Fall, we speak of three kinds. Stable Mutations, Unstable Mutations, and Psions (Sometimes, Zionists). Mutants as a rule are discriminated against by most as a perversion of nature. Sparkists, however, see mutants as a gift or boon.
The Gemini system is a binary star, composed of a red giant, a blue dwarf, three habitable planets, one gas giant, four inhospitable planets, and one mega structure (Gigantic space station). The stars are in turn surrounded by a great ring of ice and asteroids.
Nemesis - Red Giant
Stable Mutations
Tetran - Barren Planet
Stable Mutations are essentially other races of humanity that have formed in the aftermath of the fall. These mutants, ironically, have very stable genomes and are not prone to further mutation, unlike normal humans. What follows are a list of some stable mutations. Suggestions for new stable mutants are welcome.
Ecu - Barren Planet
Philos - Barren Planet
Arcave - Inhabited Planet
Solas - Blue Dwarf
Vesperr - Gas Giant
Neo Ogres
Deus - Mega Structure
Makara - Barren Planet
New Eden - Inhabited Planet
Damoroth - Inhabited Planet
Unstable Mutations
Unstable Mutations are odd warpings of the human body that simply change a person in unfathomable ways. Most Unstables are not different from others except in appearence alone, others develop great powers and abilities, but remain very human looking. I'm currently working on a random way to develop mutants of this category.
There are many factions in the Gemini Star system. People as a rule, tend to band together with others whom share a similiar outlook. As follows is a list of some of the most famous or influencial. Though, it is by no means a complete list of factions, and new factions form constantly.
Brotherhood of Archaes
Church of Deus
Church of the Divine Spark
Department (The)
Neo Zionists
Night Lords
Order of Equity
Shadow Net
Sons of Gorgon
Psions are mutants who, though they usually look human, have developed mental abilities far beyond the ken of most people. A psion develops powers in broad categories, such as Biokinesis - manipulation of living tissue, or Telekinesis - the ability to move and manipulate matter with only the mind. Most psions possess only one type of power, but are incredibly powerful  with it. Less common are those that possess several, though they are not particularly strong with any.
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