My Horoscope Identity is: Leo QUALITIES: pride – courage – generosity – ambition – sense of humor – frank – faithful – sense of honor – creativity. FAULTS: authoritarian – intolerance – vanity – jealousy – proud – lack of flexibility – need to be admired – exaggeration – overly sensitive. ELEMENT: Fire. MODE: Fixed. RULER: Sun. COLOR: Sun Yellow, Gold. FAMOUS LEO: Madonna, Alfred Hitchcock, Napoleon, Robert Redford, James Cameron, Kate Bush. Among the signs, this is the one of the sun! Beauty and pride are indissoluble for the LEO! Carried along by his certainty in life and passion for power, he takes risks in his search for victory! He is often invincible in the eyes of others and his courage and charisma are impressive. But the LEO can feel anxious about not shining from deep within which he compensates for by a certain amount of megalomania.