> 1. A Blessing In Disguise: (a benefit which you don't see at first) "My car broke down again, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise; I've been wasting too much time driving around anyway."

2. A Dime A Dozen: (cheap and easy to get) If a thing is very common, available and easy to get, we say it is "a dime a dozen." Example: "Do you think I should buy this now and bring it with us?" Answer: "Don't bother; those are a dime a dozen where we are going."

3. A Fool And his Money Are soon Parted: ( foolish people lose money easily)

4. A Penny saved is a Penny gained: Not spending money has the same result as earning money, so to save a penny is the same as earning a penny.)

5. A Slip Of The Tongue: (to say something by accident): When you say something by accident - something which you did not mean to say - you have made a slip of the tongue. Example: "I didn't mean to say that! It was just a slip of the tongue."Example: "Be careful talking to the police tomorrow; one slip of the tongue could get us into big trouble." Sometimes a slip of the tongue causes you a problem because you have said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

6. A Taste Of Your Own Medicine: (a lesson where other people treat you the same way you treat them in order to teach you that you are acting badly): Example: "He's always interrupting people when they are talking; so let us interrrupt while he starts talking so that he may have a taste of his own medicine!"

7. A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: ( one who is dangerous while pretending to be harmless): Example: She may look cute, but that girl is a wolf in sheep's clothing."

8. At The Drop Of A Hat: (quickly, without needing to decide): He will accept the invitation at the drop of a hat.

9. Beating A Dead Horse: (forcing an issue that is already closed): What is the use in beating a dead horse? the decision has already been taken.

10. Birds of the same feather flock together: (means that people who are similar to each other often spend time together.)

11. Looking a gift horse in the mouth: (questioning the value of something you have received for free): Example: "This shirt you gave me is not my favorite brand." Reply: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth! You should be thankful when you receive a gift, and not wish for something better.

12. Every Cloud has a silver lining: ( be hopeful in testing times.): Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun. When we look more closely at the edges of every cloud we can see the sun shining there like a silver lining. Every cloud has a silver lining means that the sun shining at the edges of every cloud reminds us that every difficult situation has a bright side.

13. Neither a borrower, nor a lender be: (one should neither borrow nor lend): "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be" says that it is best to not lend [money] to other people and to not borrow from other people. When we lend something we risk losing both the thing we lend and the friendship with that other person. Also if we are unable to repay the loan we took it from a friend, we stand a chance of losing friendship as well as reputation. This says that you value the friendship and you don't want to risk hurting the friendship with a loan.

14. Turn Over A New Leaf: (taking action to change one's life for the better): Example: "I'm turning over a new leaf, I've decided to quit smoking."

15.Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder: (the time spent apart makes you care for a person even more): "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" means that the time you spend away from one you love makes you love that person even more. Example: "Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips?" Reply: "No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us.

16. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: (means that your what you do communicates more clearly than what you say.)

17. Add Fuel To The Fire: (do something to make a bad situation worse)

18. Great Minds Think Alike: ( people with great minds think like each other)

19. All Bark And No Bite: (acting aggressive but not willing to fight):People who are all bark and no bite threaten to do things that they are not really willing or able to do.

20. All In The Same Boat: (facing the same challenges and needing to work together)

21. All That Glitters Is Not Gold: (it may not be as valuable as it seems)

22. Don't Put All Your Eggs In the same Basket: (don't risk everything all at once)

23. have an axe to grind: (have a personal motive to get satisfied in a secret way.

24. The Ball Is In Your Court: (it is your turn to do something)

25. Roll Out The Red Carpet: (to give a grand welcome to an important guest)

26. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind: (you don't think about it when you can no longer see it): There are some things which we think about only as long as we can see them in front of us; when we can no longer see them we forget about them.

27. Second Nature: (something which is very natural for you to do)

28. At Wit's End: (not able to come up with a solution or an answer)

29. Up For Grabs: (available for anyone to take)

30. The Writing On The Wall: (the signs of a coming change esp.a bad one)

31. Preaching To The Choir: (trying to make believers out of people who already believe)

32. The Sky Is The Limit (the possibilities are endless)

33. Beating Around/about The Bush: (talking about something indirectly) Speaking in a roundabout manner, in a circumlocution way.

34. Rub Salt In the Wound: (to intentionally bring back the pain of an past experience)

35. What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them:(they don't need to know)

36. From Rags To Riches: (from poor to wealthy)

37. Practice What You Preach: (do things the way you tell others to do them)

38 Dry Spell: ( a period of time without success)

39. Method in one's Madness: (what appears to be crazy action is actually done for a good reason)

40. Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish: (cautious with small things, but careless with large matters)

41. Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools: (when you have nothing to do you are more likely to get into trouble)

42. An Idle brain is a devil' workshop:(ugly things might start to enter if one is not using time properly.)

43. People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones: ( don't criticize other people when you yourself have faults and weaknesses)

44. Blood Is Thicker Than Water: (family relations are more real than all other relationships)

45. To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine: (when people do things wrong we should try hard to forgive them because all people make mistakes)

46. Out Of The Woods: (recovered to safety after a dangerous experience)

47. Rome Was Not Built in a Day: ( all great works take time to finish )

48. Head Over Heels: ( totally and uncontrollably in certain things esp.love)

49. Haste Makes Waste: ( when we do things too quickly we are likely to end up with poor results )

50. On Pins And Needles: ( to be very nervous about something happening)

51. Off The Hook: ( free from a difficult situation )

52. Tooth And Nail: ( to fight violently )

53. Labor Of Love: ( work which you do with utmost interest and love )

54. The Best Of Both Worlds: ( to get the best of both choices )

55. Flash In The Pan :( a sudden success that disappears quickly )

56. The Devil Is In The Details: ( the difficult part is in the many small details )

57. In And Out: ( to know it very well ) note:Grammar point: 'In and out' acts like an adverb ("I know this in and out"). The 'ins and outs' acts like a noun ("Teach me the ins and outs").

58. Word Of Mouth: ( news that travels from person to person)

59. The Straw That Broke The Camel's Back: ( one last thing that finally made the you upset)

60. Let The Cat Out Of The Bag: ( sharing a secret)

61. The Apple Of Your Eye: ( the one you love the most )

62. Put Your Best Foot Forward: ( go ahead and give it your best try )

63. Crying Wolf: ( calling for help when you don't really need help)

64. Variety Is The Spice Of Life: ( life is exciting when you try different types of experiences)

65. Curiosity Killed The Cat: ( curiosity can be dangerous)

66. Biting Off More Than what You Can Chew: ( taking on a challenge that is too big)

67. Biting The Hand That Feeds You: (hurting a person who has been helping you)

68. Don't Count Your Chickens before they are hatched: ( don't make plans based on uncertain events ) the above idiom means that you can hope certain things happen in the future, but you cannot know for sure that they will happen until they actually do happen.

69. Barking Up The Wrong Tree: ( looking for something in the wrong place)

70. Crying Over Spilled Milk: ( complaining about some past loss)

71. Burning The Midnight Oil: ( up late at night working hard)

72. When It Rains, It Pours: ( it hasn't happened for a long time, and then it happens all at once) Some people say, It never rains, but it pours; the meaning is the same as When it rains, it pours. Example: "Sometimes we have no customers for two or three hours, then suddenly we get 20 people all at once." When it rains, it pours describes how after there has been no rain for a long time, it suddenly rains a lot all at once.

73. Sink Or Swim: ( you will either fail or you will find a way to succeed)

74. Start From Scratch: ( starting a project from the very beginning)

75. Better Late Than Never: ( it is better to do something late than not to do it at all)

76. The Early Bird Catches The Worm: ( being early leads to success)

77. Rock The Boat: ( do something that risks upsetting a group situation)

78. Let Bygones Be Bygones: ( forget about the disagreement happened in the past)

79. The Pot Calling The Kettle Black: ( to say something about someone else which is actually true of you yourself).Example: "Here comes the guy who is always late for work." Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black?"

80. Out Of The Blue: ( suddenly and unexpectedly)

81. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush: (a certain now is more worth than much in the future)

82. Much water has flown under the bridge: (there are many changes have taken place)

83. Icing On The Cake: ( a second great thing happens in addition to the first)

84. A chip of the old block: (resembling like one's own parent)

85. Skeletons In The Closet: ( secrets from your past which you try not to show to other people). Note: it can also be expressed like this. "skeletons in the cupboard".

86. Two's Company; Three's A Crowd: ( a group of two people is comfortable and okay; but a group of three is not comfortable).

87. The Pros And Cons: ( the reasons for and against it; the good and bad aspects)

88. Count your blessings: (be thankful to God for whatever you have been blessed with)

89. Do in Rome as Romans do: (a visitor should behave and do things as everyone in that area does)

90. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie: ( don't restart a conflict)

91. Lend Me Your Ear: ( please listen to me)

92. The Ends Justify The Means: (the result is more important than how we arrived at). Note: it is usually used in the negative. The ends do not justify the means: (the result eventhough accomplished successfully does not count if it were achieved by improper means)

93. Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire: ( to get out of a bad situation and end up in one that is even worse)

94. When Pigs Fly: ( that thing will never happen)

95. Wet behind the ears: (inexperienced, raw and young who do not have enough maturity to take up the issue)

96. Leave a bad taste in one's mouth:(a feeling that something is false or unfair, a feeling of ill will)

97. A bed of roses: (an easy life, a pleasant place to work or stay)

98. A bee in one's bonnet:> (upset, a bit angry )

99. A beehive of activity: (a busy place, a room full of working people )

100. A blackout:((TV) refusal to broadcast an event during that event taking place)

101. A blackout: ((war) a policy that requires lights to be turned off)

102. A budding genius:( a child who appears to be very intelligent)

103. A bull in a china shop:( a big, reckless person in a room full of fragile things;)

104. A bun in the oven: (pregnant, expecting a baby)

105. Like father, like son: (a son who resembles his own father)

106. A cliff-hanger: (a game that is close until the end).

107. At loggerheads: (having a quarrel, opposing each other) Example: We have been at loggerheads over their plans to build a new office complex.

108. As the crow flies:(by the most direct way, along a straight line between two places) Example: As the crow flies it is about 6 kilometers between my house and my company.

109. At someone`s beck and call:(always ready to serve somebod)Example: His eldest daughter is always at his beck and call when he spends an evening at home.


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