
Show 101 (Episode 1) - A Moon Star is Born

In this premier episode, 14 year old schoolgirl Serena learns that she is "Sailor Moon".

Show 102 (Episode 2) - Talk Radio

Queen Beryl, in her constant quest for the source of human energy, uses a late night radio talk show called "The Love Line" and one of her henchmen as the DJ, to entice Serena's teacher and her friend Molly to become innocent victims.

Show 103 (Episode 3) - Slim City

Queen Beryl, has learned that human's expend an absurd amount of energy on crazy diets and frantic activity they call 'fitness'.

Show 104 (Episode 4) - So You Want to be a Superstar

Serena's friends get stars in their eyes when super star, Saffron, visits their school and invites the kids to compete in a talent contest.

Show 105 (Episode 5) - Computer School Blues

The evil Queen Beryl and her henchmen try to turn commuters and human lust for scholastic
achievement and success into another dastardly scheme to sap energy from Sailor Moon and her unwitting friends.

Show 106 (Episode 6) - Time Bomb

Queen Beryl's henchman, Jedite, finds a way to rig all the alarm clocks and slow time in an evil scheme to sap human energy.

Show 107 (Episode 7) - An Uncharmed Life

Bus loads of tourists have been disappearing from the sacred temple on Cherry Hill.

Show 108 (Episode 8) - Nightmare in Dreamland

Serena and the others visit "Dreamland", the local amusement park, to investigate rumours that people are disappearing.

Show 109 (Episode 9) - Cruise Blues

A dream vacation on the Sunset Romance Cruise Ship turns into a really bad trip for Sailor Moon and her scouts.

Show 110 (Episode 10) - Fight to the Finish

The evil Jedite challenges the three Sailor Scouts to a duel on the main runway of the local airport.

Show 111 (Episode 11) - Match Point for Sailor Moon

Neflite is posing as a tennis coach, Maxfield Stanton. Molly's best friend, Katie Sandler, becomes a champion tennis player with the aid of a mysterious tennis racket with super powers.

Show 112 (Episode 12) - An Unnatural Phenomena

Neflite, chooses his next victim -- an elderly gardener who's favorite park is being demolished.Show 113 (Episode 13) - Wedding Day Blues

Everyone's involved in a wedding dress sewing contest, but when Neflite's Black Widow casts her evil web, the Sailor Scouts are snared.

Show 114 (Episode 14) - Shutter Bugged

The Sailor Scouts are dying to have their picture taken but this camera is taking more than just pretty pictures. When the Scouts expose the evil Neflite's ruse, he turns the lens on Sailor Moon herself!

Show 115 (Episode 15) - Dangerous Dollies

Some beautiful dolls suddenly become frightening pawns of Neflite's evil forces and the Sailor Scouts have their hands full.

Show 116 (Episode 16) - Who is that Masked Man?

A fake Tuxedo Mask appears and Sailor Moon finds out too late that it's really the evil Neflite setting a trap to capture her.

Show 117 (Episode 17) - An Animated Mess

The evil power of the Negaforce filters into an animation studio.

Show 118 (Episode 18) - Worth a Princess's Ransom

An evening with Tuxedo Mask is cut short when Queen Beryl's evil servants come looking for the long lost Emperium Silver Crystal - the crystal that will shape the destiny of the entire universe.
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