Moon Cats
When Queen Serenity sent her daughter and the other Sailor Senshi to the future, she sent two cat guardians to watch over the Senshi, and to advise and train them, if it ever became necessary. All through the series, the cats play important parts as friends, guardians, and advisors, and they become a crucial and very endearing part of the SailorMoon saga. The older cats, Luna and Artemis, have a kitten in the far future, Diana, who becomes a guide to Small Lady.The moon kitties are not your average tabbies, and they are most definitely not pets, but sometimes, their senshi protectors forget this little fact. =)
Most of the time, though, the senshi are quite aware of the wisdom of their cat trainers and guardians, though quite often the cats' words fall on deaf ears. =) But the Senshi deeply care about the kitties, and the cats are quite attached to the Senshi in return. All three cats end up being quite close to the all the senshi, especially the Inner Senshi, but the bonds of friendship between the cats and the senshi they tend to hang around with is quite deep and quite unique, something which happens to be especially true in the manga.In the manga, all 3 cats have human forms. They are originally inhabitants from planet Mau.
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Diana -->
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