Sailor Sun
Erin Shields
American Name~ Erin Shields
Japanese Name~ ~Undicieded~
Age~ 21
Birthday~Aug. 3rd
Astrological Sign~ Leo
Blood type~A
Favorite Color~ Yellow and Black
Favorite Animal~ Cat
Strong Points~ In touch with reality
Likes~ Danceing, Astronmy, Being with her friends
Has trouble with~ Serious relationships

Erin is a very mysterious person. She is close friends with Setsuna and Haruka. She gets along with all the senshi. Mamoru and Erin are very close because both of their famillies are dead. You see, Erin was Mamoru's twin sister in the Silver Millennium. On earth, they were born to different parents, but you can see a few similaraties. The eyes for instence. After Rika broke up with Motoki, he met Erin and fell in love with her. You are not able to see it as well in "Sailor Sun Appears", but in the next Sailor Sun story, you will be able to see that she has a touch of saddness in her heart. She feels like the only people that understand her are Setsuna, Haruka, Mamoru, and her cat, Sunny.

Sunny is Erin's talking cat. He is a lot like Artimes. Sunny has this thing for Diana though... We will watch and see if that develops...
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