A thousand years ago, the universe was united in a time of peace called the Silver Millennium. This was a time when all the planets lived amongst themselves in peace, and it was ruled by Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. Everyone in the Moon Kingdom was happy, and Princess Serenity was the happiest of them all. She was the daughter of Queen Serenity, who was teaching her to be a wise and fair ruler. Queen Serenity ruled the Silver Millennium with the moon stick and the ginzuisho, the most powerful stone in the universe, Princess Serenity enjoyed life in the Moon Kingdom, but longed for Earth, for she had fallen in love with the main prince from there, Prince Endymion. They tried hard not to fall in love, for it was forbidden. But they could not help it, and a jealous Beryl watched as they embraced. One day, Beryl was walking around, and found herself in front of ancient ruins, surrounded by an evil energy. She joined forces with this energy and became known as Queen Beryl of the negaverse. She gathered followers, people from Earth who were jealous or power-hungry. Among them were Prince Endymion's four generals, also the lovers of the four princesses of Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. She attempted to destroy the moon, but failed and was sent below the Earth. On Princess Serenity's fourteenth birthday, she decided to strike again. This time she was stronger, and first attacked the outer planets. Once she had finished the kingdoms and protectors of Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn, she headed for the moon. On the moon, a celebration of the Princess' birthday was taking place. Prince Endymion attended, having warned the queen of the coming danger. Princess Serenity's court, made up of the princesses Rei, Minako, Makoto, and Ami also attended to protect the princess if any danger arose. During the first dance, the queen's advisors Luna and Artemis came running through the ballroom yelling that the Moon Kingdom was under attack. The princess' court transformed and the prince ran into battle. Queen Beryl's seven shadow warriors attacked, and the queen used most of her and the ginzuisho's energy to destroy the evil. The ginzuisho broke into seven smaller crystals, and the ginzuisho's power was lost. Queen Beryl didn't give up though. She destroyed the four princesses and attempted to destroy the prince and Princess Serenity. She pulled the prince towards her and killed him, while the moon princess followed. The queen was so injured at this that she used the last of the ginzuisho's power and the last of her energy to send everyone who had died or been injured to the future. They would then be reborn to finally defeat this evil. She sent everyone, including her advisors to the future, except for Sailor Pluto. She told Luna and Artemis to awaken the Sailor Soldiers if evil ever did strike again. With that, she sent them and everyone else to the future.

The Present

It was a school day and Usagi was about to be late for school. She ran but stopped when she saw a small kitty being tortured by a bunch of kids. She ran over there and yelled at the kids. Then she picked up the kitty and took off the small bands it had on its forehead. Then she got scared at the small crescent moon it had on its forehead and ran all the way to school. After school, when she got back home, she fell asleep. The kitty she had saved jumped through her window and greeted her. She said her name was Luna and that Usagi was the chosen soldier of justice, Sailor Moon. She gave Usagi a Hensin brooch and told her to yell 'Moon Prism Power Make-up!' Usagi did as she was told and found herself twirling around. When she sopped twirling she had a sailor suit on. Luna told her she had to go save Naru from a negaverse youma. Sailor Moon ran to the rescue. Eventually, Luna found Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. She told them that their mission was to protect and find the moon princess. Shortly after they found Sailor Venus, it was revealed that Usagi was the princess and that an ally, Tuxedo Kamen, was Prince Endymion. The ginzuisho was revealed and Beryl turned Endymion bad. Eventually, Sailor Moon defeats Queen Beryl and they all go back to being teenagers. Over time the are reawakened as soldiers and they find the outer soldiers.

The Future

In the future Usagi marries Mamoru and they have a daughter named Chibi-Usa. Some ecological problem occurs and the entire world falls asleep for a thousand years. After a thousand years, Usagi awakens as Neo Queen Serenity. She uses the ginzuisho to revive everyone on Earth and return Tokyo to it's bustling nature, Neo Queen Serenity and King Edymion are rulers of Crystal Tokyo. Their daughter Princess Serenity or Small Lady, the inner senshi and the outer senshi live in the crystal palace. One day, the negamoon attacks, and goes to the past to destroy Tokyo there. But Chibi-Usa goes and warns the soldiers of the present.
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