Sailor Mars
Japanese name: Rei Hino
Meaning: Spirit of Fire
American Name: Raye Hino
Meaning: Spirit of Fire
Age(1992): 13-14
Birthday: April 17, 1978
Astrological sign: Aries
ht: 5'3
blood type: AB
hobbies: fortune telling, reading manga
favorite gemstone: ruby
favorite colors: red and black
favorite food: blowfish and sushi
favorite subject: ancient literature
least favorite food: canned asparagus
least favorite subject: Modern Social Studies
strengths: meditation, the supernatural
weaknesses: bad temper, television
goals: to become a head preistess, singerm songwriter, voice actress, model

Senshi info:
Senshi identity: Sailor Mars
Nameday: Tuesday
1. Mars Power, Make up!
2. Mars Star Power, Make up!
3. Mars Crystal Power, Make up!
earrings: red hanging stars
tiara jewel: red
top bow: purple
gloves: red
skirt: red
bottom bow: red
boots: red high heels
(not really a senshi attack, but...)
Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Akuryou taisan!
1. Fire Soul
2. Fire Soul Bird
3. Burning Mandala
4. Mars Flame Sniper
5. Mars Snake Fire
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