Sailor Venus
Japanese name: Minako Aino
Meaning: Beautiful little child of love
American Name: Mina Aino
Meaning: A resolute Protector of love
Age(1992): 13-14
Birthday: October 22, 1978
Astrological sign: Libra
ht: 5'0
blood type: B
hobbies: shopping, acting, chasing idols
favorite gemstone: topaz
favorite colors: yellow and red
favorite food: stuffed dumplings, ramen noodles, and curry
favorite subject: mushrooms
least favorite food: physical education
least favorite subject: everything else
strengths: relaxing, idolizing others
weaknesses: the police
goals: to become an idol

Senshi info:
Senshi identity: Sailor Venus
Nameday: Friday
1. Venus Power, Make up!
2. Venus Star Power, Make up!
3. Venus Crystal Power, Make up!
4. Moon power    (she only uses it, like, once)
earrings: orange studs
tiara jewel: orange
top bow: navy blue
gloves: orange
skirt: orange
bottom bow: yellow
boots: orange low high heels with a strap around the ankle
1. Crescent Beam
2. Crescent Beam Shower
3. Venus Love me Chain
4. Venus Love Me Moon Chain (hey, Minako can't be Sailormoon!)
5. Venus Love and Beauty Shock
6. Venua Wink Chain Sword
7. Rolling heart vibration
8. Crescent boomerang

SAILOR V (the *ahem* original, thankyou)
1. Moon power transform.
2. Mikazuki power transform.
1. Crescent shower
2. Crescent slender beam
3. Sailor V kick
4. Sailor V chop
5. V-chan shiki momidashi Sailor V chop
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