The rules aren't that hard! Please follow them and you'll immediately be added to the fanlisting.

001. Please give your REAL NAME or NICKNAME (by nickname I mean one someone actually calls you ... not a screen name).
002. Have a valid e-mail address. I will e-mail you to confirm your membership.
003. You DO NOT have to own a website. If you do, enter it.
004. Optional: Tag the tagboard.
005. You have to be a fan of Keshia, or support her.
006. Add the code before or at least 3 days after you join. Be sure to keep it up at all times. I will check.
007. I have every reason to delete you from this fanlisting. Why? Cuz I said so. Naw, if you hate on anyone in this fanlisting, or on Keshia or anything like that, you're out.
008. In the box where it says "You're Unpredictable ..." put "... But I still love you" (Exactly like that)

Now that you've read these, grab a code and join!

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