Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSj Heero Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam W, Dragon Ball Z, X/1999, or The Zelda Series. And Amiko-chan is herself so she can kill me after reading this. Note: SSj Heero's real name is Kha and will be referred as Kha throughout some parts of the fic) ----Chapter 1: Amiko-chan's Little... Obbsession...---- ---Intro--- Narrator: All Kha, Amiko, and Trunks Maxwell (Referred to as TM) wanted was a normal life... Well maybe not, but they wanted peace... Hey wait... They didn't... (BANG!! The narrator falls down dead and Kha is seen with a smoking gun) Me: Okay... Here's the story... Our little groupie didn't want much trouble. We wanted to do what we wanted and go on. But after a strange turn of events, we are caught in a battle to save the universe! Amiko: Yep! That's true! Me: BUT WE'RE ONLY 14 YEAR OLDS!!! HOW CAN WE SAVE THE WORLD?!! Amiko: Calm down Kha... Any way this story starts from the beginning so let it start. Me: Okay... TM: Shaddap! The story is starting now! ---The beginning--- SSj Heero (Referred as ME/I from now on, also you have to imagine what I look like!): Well it's another day of school, right Amiko-chan? (Amiko-chan [Imagine what she looks like! I ain't telling you!] is intently reading her manga of X/1999) Amiko: Stupid Kotori.. She CAN'T HAVE MY KAMUI-KUN!!! (Everyone in at least a mile who heard it immediately sweatdrops. I have a sweatdrop growing as big as the back of my head.) Me: (Whispers) Ey, Amiko... You DO know we are in school, right? Amiko: Nani? Watcha say? Gomen, I was *cough* intently reading my manga... Me: I can see... Well maybe you should suppress your obsession once in awhile... (Amiko immediately turns red and shows an aggravation vein) Me: Nani? Amiko: SHUT UP! THIS IS *NOT* AN OBSESSION! BESIDES, WHAT'S WRONG WITH SHOWING PRAISE TO KAMUI-KUN?!?!?! YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?! Me: (-_-;;) Heh.. Well... I don't have a problem... Please don't kill me! (Amiko suddenly calms down and smiles) Amiko: Don't worry! I won't kill you! (dark tone) Yet that is... (Back to normal tone) Anyway we must get to class right? Me: Uh... Right... (We run to class) ::Lunch:: Me: How was school Ami-chan? It sucked ass didn't it? Amiko: Uh huh... TM [Same thing... I ain't telling you what he looks like]: I thought I'd find you two *newlyweds* here! Me: Oh no... (Looks at Amiko who quickly turns red and shows another aggravation vein) Me: (To myself) Just walk away... Amiko: DAMM YOU! WE ARE NOT NEWLYWEDS AND AREN'T EVEN GOING OUT! SO JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP AND USE THAT LUMP THREE FEET ABOVE YOUR ASS!! TM: Wha? I DON'T have a lump three- hey wait... (Me & Amiko facefault) (After a few seconds everything calms down) Amiko: ichi... ni... san... gou... Me: So what're we gonna do? (Amiko pulls out a box full of See's candy) Me: Oh no... Not a sugar high! Amiko: (in a high pitched voice) Yep! (Amiko pops a few pieces of sugar in her mouth and starts to go hyper) Me: Oh no... Not another sugar high... (A hole in the sky appears) Me: What the hell? Amiko: (Hyperactive) Oohh... TM: This is SOOOO predictable... We will get sucked into the hole... (We get sucked into a hole) TM: Then we are in another dimension or traveling to another dimension in a tunnel with flashy stuff... (Opens eyes and... yes.. the walls are glowing and flashing.) TM: Then we pass out... (Everything goes black) Me: (Waking up) Where the hell am I? (Looks around and sees... Grass... Buildings.. Is that the Earth Sphere United Nations? and... A mobile suit? Is it a gundam?) Amiko: (waking up) Nani? Oh yea! My candy! Me: (O_O;) ... That's the least I'm worried about... TM: Yep I thought so... Me: What? What are you talking about? TM: Over there... (I look around and see that the gundam was Wing Zero Custom.) Me: Oh no... TM: Uh huh... (The gundam's... uh... "stomach" opens and Heero jumps out. Amiko sees this and her eyes turn to hearts) Amiko: (O_O) Yay! It's Hee-chan! (Amiko runs over and glomps [running over and jumping on Heero, hugging him, it's a term for a fangirl] Heero) Heero: Hey! Get off of me! Relena's in danger! The world is in danger! (Amiko quickly lets go and becomes sinister) Amiko: (Dark tone) WHAT DID YOU SAY...? RELENA?! Heero, Me, & Trunks: (O_O;;;;) Oh no... ---To be continued...--- Me: On the next Episode, of GINGA GIRI GIRI! Amiko starts a battle with Relena! Why is Relena so pissed off? Is she in her period? And Amiko finds a new item to help her obse- Amiko: IT'S NOT AN OBSESSION!! Me: Okay... Well, Amiko indulges in her INTEREST- Amiko: (^_^) Better! Me: Of Heero... So don't miss the next episode of GINGA GIRI GIRI: Amiko and Relena Duel to the Death! Well... Not Quite... ------------ Pretty stupid story so far... and it was a bit short... but what the heck... It’s my first fic!