Disclaimer: Blah Blah... I don't own anything here except the fic and myself so don't bother me baka! Oh and give Pocket Bishoujo (www.pocketbishoujo.com) and Pocket Bishonen (www.pocket-bishonen.com) credit for catching pretty boys/girls! Note: Holy crap on a stick! A fic? Written by SSj Heero? (Referred to as Me/I from now on except for when others talk about me, then they call me by Kha, my real name) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ginga GIRI GIRI!! The Universe is in Danger! By SSj Heero (Kha Chu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----Chapter 2: Amiko and Relena Duel to the Death! Well... Not Quite...---- ---Recap--- Me:(In DBZ Announcer Voice) On the last episode of GINGA GIRI GIRI, our heroes get warped into a mysterious realm, unknowingly the trio meets a familiar face. It's Heero Yuy! Amiko, being obsessed- Amiko: IT ISN'T AN OBSESSION! Me: Okay... Well anyway, she quickly comes in realization that Heero still loves Relena, Amiko plans to resolve the matter by killing Relena... Trunks Maxwell (referred to as TM): I guess this ends the recap.... Me: Huh? Oh, yeah... Amiko: Now on with the show! Me & TM: .... ----- ::Outside of Earthsphere United Nations:: Amiko: (Dark Tone) Waddya mean you gotta save Relena... Heero: Well... It's this Mariemaia girl... Amiko: Consider it done! (Amiko runs into the building... Gunfire is heard) Heero: (Looking at TM & Me) AREN'T YOU GONNA RUN AFTER THAT MANIAC? Me: Nope... TM: Her glare can kill... Heero: (o_O) ... Eh? (A window on the 20th floor of the building breaks and a body falls next to Heero) Heero: (O_O) AGH!! How can a human girl have so much power? Me & TM: ... (Gunfire stops... Amiko quickly returns) Amiko: Done! Everything is safe Hee-chan! Heero: Nani...? (Amiko reaches for something in her pocket and feels something...) Amiko: Nani?! What's this? (Amiko pulls out a spherical shape... A ball... Half is red, the other is white... and a stripe circles around the ball and a circle lies in the center... I notice this...) Me: Wha? Oh no! It's- TM: (O_O) A Bishie-ball?! Amiko: (^__^) Yea! This is cool! (Amiko presses the circle and the ball grows) Heero: Wha? What the he- Amiko: Bishie ball... Go! (The ball is hurled at Heero and Heero is trapped inside before he even knows it) Amiko: (Picking up the ball) Yay! I caught a Heero Bishounen! (^__^) (Amiko jumps up and down) Me: It's the end of humanity as we know it... TM: Yep... Me: But how did that get in her pocket? TM: Maybe something/someone put it in there? Me: Who would actually do that? (-_-) Let's just hope... hehe... TM & Amiko: Hentai... ::Top floor of ESUN Building:: Relena: (Thinking) Where did Heero go?! That girl just barged in here and saved me... but... she just threw that ball and Heero disappeared... (Relena takes the elevator down through the building with a thousand thoughts running through her head... She arrives at the bottom and steps out.) Relena: (Seeing us) Hey! Whoever you are! (Amiko looks up and sees Relena) Amiko: Oh... It's you... (Eyes turn to pure hatred) TM: No... Don't tell me they're... Me: Yep... They're going to fight... Relena: Where's Heero! He just disappeared! Amiko: I caught Hee-chan! He is in my bishie-ball! Relena: WHAT?! (Eyes turn to hatred) DAMN YOU!! (Relena promptly goes into a fighting stance) Relena: I'll KILL you! You take my Heero! (Amiko just stands there, wide-eyed...) Amiko: You don't know karate you hag! Don't YOU know that? Relena: I don't care! (Relena jumps at Amiko and aims a punch at Amiko) Amiko: Simple... (Amiko blocks it with a hand and kicks Relena away, DBZ Style. Then she jumps after her and unleashes a barrage of punches) Amiko: Die hag! Relena: You first! (Relena manages to knee Amiko's stomach, causing Amiko to fall... An empty bishie ball rolls away...) Relena: Give up? Amiko: How can she be so strong?! She is a PACIFIST! But I WON'T give up! (Amiko jumps up and trips Relena, then kicks her stomach and steps on it. Relena gets up and both continue the fight shouting insults at each other.) (TM & I sat down, enjoying the fight...) Me: Relena is fighting quite well... TM: Yeah... For a pacifist... Me: But Amiko-chan's gonna win... And she won't kill Relena either... TM: No... Amiko's getting tired fast... How is she gonna win? If she DOES win, she WILL kill Relena... (I Get up and picks up the empty bishie ball) Me: (Grin) TM: Ooohhh... Gotcha... ::Back at the fight:: Relena: You can't win! You are getting weaker by the second! Amiko: Yea... (breathing) But... I WILL win... (Pant...) Relena: Why is that? HAH! You're babbling! Amiko: Really? (Amiko punches Relena's stomach, then roundhouse kicks her face, the trips her and kicks her a few times) Amiko: Now is the end! (Amiko raises her foot... Preparing to stomp on Relena... Then lets her foot down hard... on nothing) Amiko: WHAT? Where is she?! (Amiko looks around and sees Me... A bishie ball flies at me and I catch it... I shrink it and attach it to my belt.) Me: Good work Ami-chan! Amiko: I wanted to kill her! Dammit, Kha!!! Me: Oh well... Your new shoes would've been dirtied with blood... Amiko: Oh yeah... (We walk away... to where TM is sitting. He promptly gets up when we reach him) Me: Hey... Why is it Relena was able to fight like that? That is not possible... TM: The damn writer is doing this... Ask him! Me: But I AM the writer! TM: Oh Yeah... (A few seconds pass while we're walking away) TM: So we're done here... Where are we gonna go? Me: I dunno... Amiko: Baka! Of course we'll pay a visit to Tro-tro! (Amiko's pet name for Trowa) Me & TM: Oh no... Amiko: Oh yes! (Amiko quickly runs to where Trowa's circus is... TM & I running trying to keep up with her.) Amiko: Let's go! To Tro-tro! Me: Okay... TM: Wattabout Duo? Amiko: Maybe later... But let's go! ---To be continued--- ---Preview--- Me: On the next chapter, of GINGA GIRI GIRI, Amiko pays a visit to Trowa, who is predictably at the circus... But in the way of Amiko's obsession- Amiko: IT'S NOT AN OBSESSION! Me: Okay... Anyway, our crew, which is shall be named later, visit Trowa and Catherine at the circus. Needless to say, Catherine is not so pleased with us taking away Trowa... TM: Oh yeah... I'm not a just a suck-up anymore and I actually get a real part in this fic! Amiko & Me: Yep... It's true... On the next chapter: Catherine! Knife Throwing Goddess! Amiko: Who comes up with these names? Me: I do... It's lame but just be quiet... -------------