Disclaimer: If you read the last 2 fics, this is no surprise... I only own the fic and my self... Flame me if you want... or compliment me! Note: (SSj Heero = Kha/Me/I) (Trunks Maxwell = TM) (Amiko= Amiko/Amiko-chan/Ami-chan) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in danger! By SSj Heero (AKA Kha Chu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Chapter 3: Catherine! Knife Throwingg Goddess!---- ---Recap--- Me: (In DBZ Announcer Voice) On the last chapter of GINGA GIRI GIRI, Amiko discovers a bishie-ball! Using, it she captures her favorite (?) bishounen, Heero Yuy! Relena isn't too happy about this, so Amiko and Relena fight to the death! Amiko: Yep! But since a certain *ass* captured Relena with a stolen bishie-ball, she wasn't killed and ended up in his hands... Me: Gomen Nasai... Amiko: YOU BETTER BE!!! (Amiko pulls out an ax.... I start to get nervous and start running) TM: They will never stop... Well Anyway... After the huge battle, Amiko & Co. head off to the circus to meet with Trowa... Me: AGH! Amiko: DIE! Bwa hahahaha!! TM: WILL YOU SHUT UP!!! I'M WATCHING THE STORY! ----------- --Intro--- Me: After about a few hours of walking/running/taking a space shuttle, our little groupie has finally entered L3... And what luck! The circus is nearby! Amiko: (Pant) But seeing (Pant) How we are obviously (Pant) tired, we must rest for awhile and waste our time creating fake names... Me: Hey! Don't spoil too much! Amiko: Oops... --- ::22:00 | L3 Colony; Inn:: Me: (To TM) Did you pay for the inn? TM: Yea... But I don't see why I must spend MY money for us... Amiko: You have the most money, plus you can steal! TM: Oh yeah! (Me and Amiko sweatdrop) Me: Anyway, since the cops are after us? Why don't we create fake names? Then they can't really find us... TM: But there's no need! Nobody knows us here! Amiko: He's right... But why don't we create some anyway? TM: Fine... I'll take Duo's name once we capture him... Amiko: But right now we are after Tro-tro... Not Du-chan! TM: Okay... I shall get Trunks, forget Trowa... Then Duo once we're done capturing Trowa... Me: I'll take Kami... Amiko: Why should you take God's name?! HERETIC!! Me: (O__O) Nani?! Fine! I'll call myself, uh... (Thought: Lesse... Trunks... no... Squall?) I'll take Squall's name... Amiko: Not Squallie! No! MIIIINNNE!! Me: Fine Amiko call me whatever you want. I'm sticking with Squall... Amiko: Fine... Then I'll call myself Hinata! (Me & TM facefault) Amiko: Hey! Me: Didn't that figure... "Trunks" waddya think? (TM is already asleep on a bed) Amiko: I better get some sleep too... (Amiko goes to sleep on another bed) Me: Hey! You can't leave me with the floor! Amiko: (-_-... ZzZzZzZzZzZz) TM: (-_-ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz) Me: Dammit... (I lie on the floor... Trying to go to sleep) Me: Why are we here? Nothing makes sense... The hole in the sky? What was it... (I fall asleep) :: 8:00 | L3 Colony Inn:: Me: (Waking up) Huh? Is everyone awake? (The room is completely empty. No one except me is inside) Me: What? (I walk to the door... Then a my head starts to hurt. A pain unlike any other... It felt like a million little knifes... Wait, it felt more like toothpicks stabbing into my head...) Me: Agh! Ugh! What the hell?! (Just as suddenly as it happened, it stops) Me: What? That was strange. (I reach for the doorknob, and a wind blows from behind. But the window was closed. I turn around and see... Myself... Only in grayscale color) Me: Nani? (I blink and it is gone) Me: What the hell? Better not think about it... (I walk out the door... Not realizing that the being was there... Watching me...) TM: (Outside) It took you long enough! Amiko: Yea! Come on! Me: Okay... (Thought: Better not tell them... It was weird and we won't figure it out anytime soon...) (Our groupie, which the cops named Outlaws, headed for the circus... Soooo typical) ::On the way to the circus:: Me: (Looking at a rich guy) Hey "Trunks"! See that rich guy over there? TM: Gotcha... (TM walks over to the guy and SECRETLY takes the guy’s wallet out of the back pocket. Then we walk, silent for a few minutes, then we continue to talk) Me: How much? TM: (Looking in wallet) About Twenty Thousand... Amiko: Yea! That's good! I can by some- Me: Save it... Let's go to the circus like you suggested... Amiko: Okay... :: 10:00 | Circus:: Catherine: That was a great performance, right Trowa? Trowa: Yea... Where do I put the clown costume? Catherine: (^_~) Don't worry about it! I'll take it! (Catherine walks away with Trowa's costume) Trowa: Thanks Sis... Huh? (Trowa sees our groupie in the doorway) Amiko: Yay! It's Tro-tro! Trowa: Huh? (Amiko runs down to the center) Amiko: Yay! It's you! Trowa: Uh... Do I know you? Amiko: Nope! But you will! Trowa: (o_O) Nani? Amiko: Bishie-ball go! (Amiko throws a bishie-ball and captures Trowa. Amiko picks up the ball) Amiko: (^_^) Yea! I caught Tro-tro! (Catherine reappears and finds Trowa missing... As well as Amiko jumping up and down ecstatically) Catherine: Ummm... May I help you? Did you see a boy there? His name is Trowa... Amiko: I caught Trowa, thank you! Catherine: (Dark tone) Dammit you! Why'd you do that? Give him back! Amiko: Nooo!! MIIIIINNNNEE!!! Catherine: (-_-;;;) Okay... I guess we'll have to fight over him... Amiko: Okay fine! ---Stare down!--- (After a few seconds of glaring at each other, Amiko jumps at Catherine and punches her face) Catherine: Eh... That hurt... a little! (Catherine pulls out a few knifes and throws them at Amiko) Amiko: Where'd they come from?! (Amiko barely dodges all the knifes) Catherine: I'm part of the circus! I know slight of hand! (Catherine throws a few more) Amiko: Ah! (One knife grazes Amiko's arm, giving her a little wound) Amiko: Ow! That hurt! Catherine: This is NO GAME, kid!! (Catherine prepares to throw a few more, but Amiko trips her and throws her up into the air) Amiko: "Squall"! Capture her NOW! Me: Oh! Okay! (I reach into my pocket, bring out a bishie-ball, press the center, aim at Catherine, then throw the ball) Catherine: That must be what captured Trowa! (Catherine throws a knife, which deflects the bishie-ball, and lands on a tightrope) Catherine: Hah! Your plan failed! (I throw another Bishie-ball) Catherine: Hah! I'll just... Wait! I have no more knives! NOOOO--- (The bishie ball hits Catherine and captures her) Me: Yeah! I caught Catherine! Amiko: Yeah... With my help... (Amiko grabs her right arm in pain) Amiko: Knifes sucks when thrown at you... Me: Yep. TM: How about something to eat? Me & Amiko: Okay. (We walk away and a few hours later, Amiko has her arm bandaged and we leave the L3 Colony) TM: A dinner and bandages cost a hundred bucks?! Rip off! Me: We'll take care of it later... TM: RIP OFF!! Amiko: This stolen shuttle is cool! It seems like the Outlaw Star! TM: THIS IS INJUSTICE! A HUNDRED BUCKS JUST FOR DINNER AND BANDAGES?! Me: Yea... Minus the red coloring, grappler arms, and a tank where a naked chick controls the ship. (Trunks stops yelling and stars thinking) TM: Hmmm... Stop it, Trunks! You bad! You have impure thoughts! Me & Amiko: (-_-;;;) Hentai! Amiko: Erase it from your memory... Me: Forget about it... Trunks: Where do we go? Amiko: NOW we go to Du-chan! Me: One problem Amiko... Amiko: Yes? Me: WE CAN'T FLY THIS SHIP!! Amiko: Wha?! Trunks: Aaahhhh!! An asteroid!! Me: SHIIIITTT!!! Amiko: Noo! ---To be continued--- ---Preview--- Me: On the next chapter of Ginga GIRI GIRI! Duo is next! But before we make it to Duo, we have a little trouble on our ship. Amiko: An asteroid hits it, forcing us to land on a remote colony! Waiting for its repairs, our groupie must hide from police and hope to get enough money to pay off the repairs! TM: That means ME, with an ability to pickpocket anyone I see! Me: But who will be the unlucky one? Find out as we labor as mecha pilots! (Amiko punches me) Amiko: You're spoiling too much... Me: Whoops... TM: Next on Ginga GIRI GIRI: Mercenaries on the Run! Money IS Everything! Amiko: So don't miss it! Me: Hey... They can't miss it! It's online all the time! Amiko: Oh yeah... ------------- Now the fight wasn't as long, but it works! Don't miss the next chapter!