Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING in this fic except the plot, the fic itself, and my own existence... What's this? An episode based on humor? My god, I'm bored! Note: If you didn't read my previous chapters, (SSj Heero = Me/I/Squall) (Trunks Maxwell = TM/Trunks) (Amiko= Amiko/Amiko-chan/Ami-chan/Hinata) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI! The Universe is in Danger! By SSj Heero (AKA Kha Chu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----Chapter 4: Mercenaries on the Run! MMoney IS Everything!---- ---Recap--- Me: On the last episode of GINGA GIRI GIRI, we head to the circus! But before that, we come up with fake names and allow "Trunks" to show off his pickpocketing skills! Amiko: And I got to capture Tro-tro! And with a little help from "Squall" defeated Catherine Bloom! TM: And we stole a ship to go to L2 Colony, but unfortunately, we couldn't pilot it... Being 14 year olds and all... Me: So we are sent into an asteroid field! Amiko: That's enough! Now on with the show! Me: I never get to start it... Amiko: Quiet... ----------- ::L3 Cluster in Space:: Me: No! It's an asteroid field! TM: We're gonna crash!! Amiko: AAHHH!!! Me: Please God... Help me... Amiko: You mean "US"!! TM: You forgot us?! Me: Whoops... Please God! Help US!! Amiko: (-_-) Better... TM: There's the asteroid! BBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!! ===================================================================== Narrator: Is this the end of our heroes? Find out on the next chapter... Me: Hey! This chapter's not over! Amiko: Plus you were dead! Narrator: (-_-;;;) Oh yeah... (Narrator falls back in his coffin) TM: Let’s continue this! ===================================================================== ::Somewhere in the area: Voice: This is patrol robot X-18999. Reporting explosion in L3 cluster... Blip! Beep! X-18999: Shrapnel confirmed... Material... Neo Gundanium... Beep! Whir! X-18999: Unable to process data... Illogical... No source has been determined... BEEP! BEEP!! X-18999: Meteors in area confirmed as pieces of large asteroid... But the source of Neo Gundanium unconfirmed... Conclusion, asteroid collided into Neo Gundanium object... ::Universal Police HQ:: Cop: Captain! X-18999 has detected Neo Gundanium in L3 cluster! Captain: So... The Outlaws were there... What happened?! Cop: Meteors in the area have been confirmed to come from one source! X-18999 concludes that an asteroid collided with their ship... Captain: So it's nothing to worry about... Cop: But the main body was not found! NOTHING except some shrapnel was found! Captain: So they're still alive?! Cop: I believe so... Captain: Shit... ::L3 cluster (Farther from colonies):: Me: (Waking up) We're not dead... (Sparks come out of the wall... The room goes dark) Amiko: Really...? Ugh... We're lost though... TM: God was on our side... (Beeping sound is heard) Me: What the... The main panel... (I look at the main panel, and see a colony) Me: We are in range with the L3-Z24511 colony... I'm gonna dock... Amiko: Since when was there a colony like that? This is weird... TM: What's this brown, sticky stuff on my hands? Amiko: My chocolate! It melted! TM: At least she won't be hyper for awhile... (I push a button marked DOCK... As if it wasn't simple enough) Voice: Docking procedure started... (In a few minutes, we dock in L2-Z24511 Colony) ::L2-Z24511 Colony:: Tech: Whoa! It's a Neo Gundanium ship! Tech 2: God! Who owns those anymore?! (Our group exits the ship) Tech: It's a bunch of kids! Me: Hey! Can you fix the ship?! Tech: Huh? Yeah! But we need Neo Gundanium to fix it! Tech 2: It's rare, but we can get some! Me: Okay! Do it! Tech 2: It will cost five hundred thousand dollars!! Me: Okay! We'll pay for it in a week! Tech: The repairs will take two weeks, so you better pay! TM: FINE! (We leave the dock, leaving the techs to fix it) ::Neo City:: (Our group walks through the city) Amiko: Yay! A city! Me: I need rest... TM: My back hurts... Amiko: My candy... Me: That's the least of my worries, Ami-chan... We just need to get five hundred thousand bucks in two weeks... Amiko: It's "Hinata" now! Me: Okay... (Trunks sees a potentially rich man, runs by him, secretly stealing his wallet. He stops to wait for us, the rich man walks by without taking notice. Amiko & I walk to Trunks) Amiko: How much now? TM: Hmm...!!! Me: What?! Is it a lot? TM: (O_O) !!!!!!!!!!! Amiko: Tell us!! TM: Oh yeah... there's about a million in here! (Me & Amiko's mouths drop to the ground, but the man hears this) Man: What? You stole my money! Damm kids! Me: Oh no... Trunks: Let's go! (Our group runs away, but the man sends a bunch of cops to stop us, we stop when we see the cops) Cop 1: Stop in- Cop 2: The name of- Cop 3: The law! Me: (-_-;;;) How stupid... (One of the cops raises his blaster gun) Me: Eh!! Run! (We all run, the cops chasing us, shooting their blasters) TM: There's no escape! Amiko: Hee-chan! Go! (Amiko throws her bishie-ball in the air and Heero appears, gun in hand, and aims at the cops) Heero: Get away... Cop 1: Where'd that kid come from? Cop 2: Must be magic... Cop 3: Fire! (Heero shoots all of them with one bullet each) Amiko: Yay! Hee-chan! (Amiko glomps Hee-chan) Me: Let's go... (Heero returns to his bishie-ball and continue to walk, but not before Trunks takes their money. Eventually, Amiko stops, and I see why she stopped) Me: Great god... TM: Oh no... Amiko: Candy!!! (Amiko runs off to a See's Candy store) Me: (-_-;;;) Let's follow her... TM: (-_-;;;) Okay... (A few minutes later, we leave the store with a thousand dollars worth in candy) Me: Another sugar high... TM: A big one too... Amiko: (With chocolate in her mouth) What? TM: Never mind... ::L2-Z24511 Inn:: Me: Let's get some rest... Innkeeper: A hundred for double bed room! (Trunks hands over a hundred and we enter the room) Me: Finally some rest again... TM: Yea! (Lays on a bed) Amiko: Candy! (Amiko jumps on the other bed... eating candy) Me: I guess I take the floor again... (All of us quickly fall asleep) All: (-_-ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...) ::Meanwhile:: Innkeeper: Those kids look like the Outlaws... I better check... Hmm... Interesting... ::Next Morning:: Me: (Waking up) *Yawn* That was a good sleep... (Amiko & Trunks are gone again... And so are any traces of chocolate) Me: Ehr... Amiko ate all her chocolate already?! (I walk to the door, then feel the pain again... A thousand toothpicks in my head...) Me: It doesn't hurt as much... (I turn around, expecting the illusion of me, but there is none... I turn to face the door, and it was there, breathing in my face...) Me: (Jumping back) Agh! (It disappears when I blink) Me: Am I going insane? I'll just go... (I leave the room and meet up with Trunks and a hyperactive Amiko outside) Amiko: (Running around) CANDYCANDYCANDYCANDYCANDYCANDY!!! CHOCOLATE!! TM: I can't stop her... Me: No... (In a few minutes, Amiko collapses and the floor... Apparently, her sugar high has ended) Amiko: ... (I drag Amiko with me while walking) Me: NEVER give her too much sugar! TM: Uhh... Yeah (We walk away from the inn) TM: It's only been a day since we came here... The repairs aren't done... And we spent all our money on candy, supply food, weapons, etc. Me: Lets get a job to earn more money then! Amiko: (Waking up) How about mecha?! Me: No! No mecha! TM: Yeah! You'll destroy anything in sight with a mecha! ::Five days later, Inside a mecha they call Gundam:: Me: How did we get into mecha piloting? TM: Amiko forced us... Plus it makes good money... Amiko: (On intercom) That's right fools!! Now fight! Bwa hahahahaha!! Me: Damn... TM: We're her slaves... (We fly through space) TM: What's our mission? Me: To destroy rebel forces I think they are called "White Fang" (Amiko hears this) Amiko: White Fang?! Zechs-kun!! Me: Oh no... TM; Not another bishounen... (Amiko steals a gundam and flies ahead of us to Libra) Me: Here we go again... TM: I guess so... (We fly faster to keep up with Amiko...) ---To Be Continued--- ---Preview--- Me: Next on Ginga GIRI GIRI! Our band of Outlaws grows with a new bishounen! Zechs! But before getting to Zechs, our trio must destroy the forces of the White Fang... Amiko: Once more there is a huge battle for a bishounen! Yea! Tm: And as usual... I pickpocket from someone... But who? Me: Next on Ginga GIRI GIRI: Zechs! Watch Out! Here comes Ami-chan! Amiko: It's as if you think I'm evil! TM: No... But you ARE deadly... Me: Just end this fic! -------------