Discalimer: BLAH BLAH BLAH. [SSj Heero's note: Amiko took over! I am being forced to write this! She has a gun pointed to my head! (Whispering) Call the cops and make them come to 62- (BANG!) Amiko: Better not! Oh sh... I killed him! Oh I guess I have to write this fic now...] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ginga GIRI GIRI Chapter 5 by Amiko-chan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zechs! Watch Out! Here Comes Ami-chan! -----------------RECAP-------------------------------------------------- Amiko: On our last episode of Ginga GIRI GIRI, we become mecha pilots to pay for the repairs on the ship. TM: And we are sent on a mission… SSJ: To fight the White Fang! Amiko: Zechs-kun! TM and SSJ: -_-‘ Amiko: Well let’s start the story! -------- TM: God, did she fill that gundam with sugar? SSJ: Even if she does I’m glad I’m not paying for it. TM: Sh*! (Amiko finally makes it to Libra) Amiko: Here Zechsie, Zechsie, Zechsie. Amiko (thinking): Where the hell are they? (TM and SSJ catch up) TM: DID U USE ALL OUR MONEY TO FUEL YOUR GUNDAM? Amiko: Oops. (TM turns red and gets an aggravation vein) Amiko: Now calm down TM, we can always get more. TM: We are in financial debt and all you can think about is bishounen and wasting my money!!!!! Amiko: Bishie ball go! (Trowa pops out) Amiko: Trowa speech attack! [Trowa starts talking about how fragile a woman’s feelings are(think episode 47 on Peacemillion)] Amiko: Will you calm down? TM:YYYYYYYYYEEEEESSSS! ANYTHING TO SHUT TROWA UP!!!!!! Trowa: (Sad look, some font has a happy face for L but notepad has only I font...) Amiko: Trowa return. (Trowa disappears) (Due to TM screaming tons a soldiers start shooting at Amiko and co.) TM: HEY WHY IS IT ‘AMIKO AND CO.’ AND NOT TM AND CO. Amiko: BECAUSE I’M WRITING THIS! Soldier #195:STOP OUTLAWS!!! SSJ (thinking ):Finally I’m getting a line. SSJ: Whoa we’re famous. SSJ(muttering):What a stupid line. -_-‘ Amiko: I….HEARD….THAT!!! (SSJ starts whistling innocently) SSJ: I swear it wasn’t me (The soldiers start shooting at SSJ) SSJ: Bishie ball go! (Catherine pops out) SSJ: Catherine Knife throw! (Catherine kills all of them except 1) Kiyone (Tenchi Muyo): STOP THIS IS KIYONE OF THE GALAXY POLICE YOUR UNDER… (TM catches her in a bishie ball he pick-pocketed from Amiko) TM: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH YYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I finally caught a something and I caught it without Pikachu’s help!!!!! SSJ: Who’s Pikachu? TM: AMIKO OF COURSE!! SHE DOES ALL THE WORK AND YOU CATCH THEM!!! TM (thinking): Uh oh did I say that out loud? (Amiko starts turning red) Amiko: I’M NOT A STUPID YELLOW RAT! Amiko gets a hammer out of HS (hammer space) and whacks TM TM: X_X SSJ: MAX REVIVE! TM: *_* SSJ(to TM): You knew her before I did. TM(to SSJ): But you don’t lose all your money because of her. SSJ: Touché’ (Amiko sees Zechs and is oblivious to SSJ and TM) Amiko: Zechs-kun!!!!!! (Glomps Zechs) Zechs: AAAAAAHHHHHH!! KAPPA!!!! Amiko: Wha? ::cries:: You…You think I’m a kappa? Zechs-kun? SSJ and TM: WHAT’S A KAPPA? Zechs: AAAAAHHHHH!! KAPPA SLAVES!!!! (Zechs runs around screaming about kappas and kappa slaves until Noin comes.) Zechs: NOIN! THEY’RE GONNA GET ME!! Amiko: ::sniffs (pissed off style):: YOU CALL ME A KAPPA AND GO TO NOIN FOR HELP!!!!!! (Amiko starts to turn a goldish color) SSJ: Sh*! TM: RUN FOR THE HILLS!!! (As TM is running a bishie ball falls out of his pocket and catches Noin.) Amiko: I’VE BEEN CALLED A BITCH, WHORE, SCHOOLGIRL AND PSYCHO. BUT CALLING ME A KAPPA IS TOO FAR! (Amiko transforms into a plasma dragon and blasts Zechs to kingdom come and destroys Libra and Colony L2-Z24511.) (Everyone blacks out.) TO……………………bang…………………………………….BE…………..bang…………..CONTINUED………….bam Insert Hiro no Tsuki (Outlaw Star end song) --------------------------------------PREVIEW--------------------------------------------- Heero: Since Amiko transformed and destroyed Libra and L2-Z24511, where’s their ship? Where are they? HEY WHERE AM I?! Stay tuned to the next episode of Outlaw…..oops….Ginga GIRI GIRI! Amiko: Going…..Going….Gone?! SSj Heero's Note: Plasma Dragon? Where DOES she get these ideas?