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  This is just a basic list of Japanese words. Not any REAL japanese lesson. But if you want a real japanese lesson click here. Anyway here is the basic list.
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Baka: Idiot, stupid
Bishounen: pretty boys (that don't exist in the real world)
Bishoujo: pretty girls (that don't exist in real life)
Hentai: pervert, adult content
Yaoi: guy/guy pairings
Yuri: girl/girl pairing
Nani: What
Boku: I (Masculine)
Watashi: I (Feminine)
no: possession (SSj Heero no Site = SSj Heero's Site)
(Country)-jin: Nationality
(Name)-san: Honorable (Name)
(Name)-sama: Lord (Name)
Chibi: Super deformed, little
(Name)-chan: Little (Name) or a polite way to address a girl.
(Name)-kun: I dunno... I think -kun represents familiarity...
Kawaii: Cute, cool
Manga: comic
Yen: Japanese Currency
Arigato: Thank You
Gomen (Nasai): Sorry
Hai: Yes
Iie (Pronounced EE-eh): No
Yokai (I think...): Roger (as in acknowledging an order, not as a name)
Kisama: Bitch
Kutso: Damn
Yaoru: Bastard
Kami: God, Godly, Divine
Kaze: Wind
Aoi: Blue
Mune: Heart
Zankoku: Cruel
Tenshi: Angel

- Fanfic Terms -
Death: Some major character dies
Humor: I wonder what that means...
Anguish: Character in emotional trauma
Yaoi: See Jap words
Yuri: See Jap words
OOC: Out of character (Like Pacifist Heero... ::shudders at the thought::)
Orange: Little kissing in the fanfics
Lime/Ecchi: Plenty of adult content (Not allowed on site)
Lemon/Hentai: Nothing but adult content (Not allowed on site)
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