Darwin's Rejects
doomed by genetics

So, I'm good with HTML. I'm good with CSS, PHP, Dreamwaver, Java, Flash, Photoshop, what have you. And frankly, right now I'm too lazy to care. So just pretend you see lots of pretty collages of attractive men from sci-fi TV shows.

And no, I don't have a life.

Food Under renovation

Desktops, backgrounds, wallpapers, whatever you want to call them

Icons Under even more renovation than the recipes section

Music Videos
Clips from various TV series (okay, Stargate and Farscape) set to music

Epilepsy Humor
Seizures can be funny...um, right?

The Ubiquitous Links Page
They show up everywhere...it's what the cool kids are doing these days

Contact Me
[email protected]

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