Geekiness Set to Music
Fandom Music Videos

These videos are simply another way to express my undying love for the Sci-Fi Channel. I do not own the copyrights to Farscape, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, and any shows I, the future. I make the videos for fun and procrastination. My main motivation is to see the look on my friends' faces when they watch each video for the first time.

The videos here are more or less the same ones I have on my YouTube site. Sometimes one gets updated significantly before the other, but for the most part, you'll find the same movies.

All the videos are in Quicktime ( .mov ) format. Your computer *should* have Quicktime already installed; otherwise, it is available free for Mac and PC from just about any download location you want. Right-click and save-as, unless you like to watch that little Quicktime "Q" fill your browser window.

The videos (anyone have a good synonym for the word 'video'?) are hosted by FileDen, which is a wonderful, AD-FREE site. I know the downloads can be slow...I beg your patience.

I'm sorry if you like Star Trek, because you will probably be slightly offended during some of my SG-1 videos. Ah, Episode "200," how I love thee...

[email protected]


    Farscape Cantina
    Music: Mark Davis, "Star Wars Cantina Song"
    Spoilers: Uses clips from Seasons 1 & 2

    Farscape YMCA
    Music: Village People, "YMCA" (yes, really)
    Spoilers: Uses clips from Seasons 1 & 2

    Farscape: Smooth Criminal (Alien Ant Farm cover)
    Music: Alien Ant Farm, "Smooth Criminal"
    Spoilers: Uses clips from (what else) Seasons 1 & 2.
    Note: This one uses a LOT of flashing--a LOT. If you are photosensitive, please, please skip this one.

Stargate SG-1

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