Title: All In Love Is Fair

Author: Braz T

Rating: PG13

Keywords: angst, romance

Disclaimer: ok! Well the only thing in this story I don't own is the s club. Everything else is my own material from my own head!

Spoilers: For story writing purposes I have added another member to the band S Club 7. In this fanfic I will refer to the band as S Club. One of S Club will come out as a bad guy in this story and looking around on the net, it is probably a one of the more popular members. I have added the enrolment of the 8th Member before I begin the actual fanfic.

::Jon and Stacey::

They lay together on a sun bed out on their balcony looking out on The River Thames in front of them. They had spent all of an hour together in this state. If it weren’t for the lads letting Jon sort out his clothes before them he would still be waiting. Instead Johnny was last. Jon could see him sitting on the rest of S Club’s balcony looking out on the river. Johnny had not noticed them and he seemed to be in very deep thought. Then again Johnny hadn’t been the same since coming back from Go Wild. However until now he had been to wrap up in his world with Stacey to notice until now.

Stacey looked up at Jon, noticing he seemed to be focusing on something. She followed his line of sight straight to Johnny. It’s funny how it seemed to her that this Johnny, the only Johnny she had known seemed not to be himself. From what she had heard and what she was seeing they seemed to be different people. It also seemed everyone else in the band seemed to think something was wrong.

Stacey: Is there something wrong with Johnny?

Jon: I believe there is honey, but I don’t know what.

Stacey: Why doesn’t someone talk to him?

Jon: Johnny is the kind of person that will refuse help unless he asks for it. If he wants your help he will let you know.

Stacey: Why is he like that?

Jon: He doesn’t like bothering other people with his problems.

Stacey: So there is nothing we can do?

Jon: Not really!

Stacey: Well in that case for now lets not worry about it, as we can’t do anything.

Stacey gives Jon that kind of look and Jon gets the message loud and clear as they move closer into each other and share a soft gently kiss. Jon found it unbelievable how he could forget everything when he was with her, sharing a moment like this. All that matter was he was with her. It was all happening so fast, that is how it seemed to everyone else. But for them it seemed perfect, as perfect as it could be. Still each day just got better and better!

Johnny looked around London in front of him. It was pointless, what was the point! He wasn’t actually taking anything in. He was just thinking over and over how he managed to get into this mess. It was all so simple at first. He wanted to be with Tina and Tina wanted to be with him. Paul and Hannah felt the same way about each other. He didn’t feel the same way anymore and neither did any out of the four of them. His relationship with Tina wasn’t working! He could see that. He didn’t expect his and her relationship to continue much longer and if the person he wanted to be with weren’t involved with someone then he would be happy because of it. However he knew what might happen to the band if Hannah found out the truth. That is all he needed to tell her to get his chance to be with her. But that might hurt the band, and it had always been his dream to be in a band. He was Hannah’s friend though before anything else. He had to tell her, it was just whether or not he had the guts to do it.

Brad: Are you all right mate?

Johnny: Not really!

Brad: Anything you can talk about with me.

Johnny: I wish it were, it would make it so much easier for me.

Brad: Do you need to be alone?

Johnny: Yeah, but before you go. You do know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt this band or any single member in it?

Brad: Of course I know that. None of us would!

Bradley left him alone. If only he actually knew. He looked around some more and eventually his eyes fell upon Jon and Stacey lying together enjoying each other’s company. Immediately the image of himself lying alongside someone getting up to the things Stacey and Jon were doing came to his head. It was the wrong person, not Tina but the Hannah. He looked away not wanting to invade the couple’s privacy. He wished it could be that simple for him.

Jo: It’s your turn Johnny.

Johnny: Coming!

Then it suddenly hit him, how he could tell Hannah and how he could get the courage. Not the most brilliant plan but if it worked he would feel so much better. He smiled his first meaningful smile in a while and walked back into the apartment. His smile soon faded as he looked at Tina and she looked back. She had the same look on her face, a look of guilt. Johnny walked by them all and into his room where Mandi was waiting.

Jon saw Johnny suddenly perk up before going in, as if he had the solution to his problems. He also saw Johnny looking at them for a while.

Jon: Hey, I think Johnny’s problem has to do with Tina.

Stacey: Why do you think that?

Jon: Just the way he looked over at us for a second. It’s something to do with relationships.

Stacey: It might not be about his relationship.

It suddenly dawned on Stacey; it could be about the conversation she had with Johnny when she first met him.

Stacey: You know when you asked me to meet you at the studios when you were recording?

Jon: yeah!

Stacey: I bumped into Johnny and we talked and I found out he had a problem. He said, “I have a friend and I know for certain that her boyfriend isn’t having faithful thoughts and might have been unfaithful.” Maybe that is what is bothering him.

Jon: Do you think it could be someone in the band?

Stacey: Don’t know, but that would mean either you or Paul are having unfaithful feelings.

Jon: Well I know I am not and your also forgetting Johnny could have been referring to himself.

Stacey: Would Johnny do that?

Jon: I don’t know but if he were, he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to tell you.

Stacey: Paul then?

Jon: Could be! Anyway he could have been talking about anyone.

Stacey: Yeah, lets just forget it and ........................

Jon: Get back to what we were doing!

Jon finished her sentence as they embraced with each other again.

Chapter 5>>>

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