Title: All In Love Is Fair

Author: Braz T

Rating: R

Keywords: angst, romance

Disclaimer: ok! Well the only thing in this story I don't own is the s club and a lot of songs will be taken from other artists because I like them. Everything else is my own material from my own head!

Spoilers: For story writing purposes I have added another member to the band S Club 7. In this fanfic I will refer to the band as S Club. One of S Club will come out as a bad guy in this story and looking around on the net, it is probably a one of the more popular members. I have added the enrolment of the 8th Member before I begin the actual fanfic. The timeline will be changed to suit the story at certain times. I am thinking about raising the rating on this fic because the original plan and this plan that I have now would both be better if they were a bit more graphic and had use of swear words. Leave what you think on reviews.

::Next Morning::

He stretched his arms as he blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust his eyes to the light. He hadn't had the best night sleep. He had stayed up half the night waiting for her to join him but she hadn't. He figured she was still angry but she was going to have to listen to him today. He looked over to his side but Rachel wasn't there. The bed was untouched but he could say the same for their room. The room looked like it had been ransacked. Draws were open and clothes were on the floor.

Paul: What the hell's going on!

He quickly jumped out of bed, his feet landing on even more clothes. He wouldn't have felt so bad if he didn't have the suspicious feeling that a lot of Rachel's clothes were missing. He ran to the door and swung it open. He then ran towards the stairs only in boxers, reaching the bottom of the stairs within seconds. Sitting at the table was Hannah, eating a bowl of cornflakes.

Paul: Where's Rachel?

Hannah: I don't know but she left you a note, and it says for Paul only so I didn't open it.

Paul run over to the table and virtually ripped the letter up along with the envelope it was in. For some reason he felt like something was really wrong. He unfolded the note and read it out allowed for some reason. Hannah wasn't complaining or stopping him.

Dear Paul, I've had enough! I've had enough of the fights and how you treat me, the one you apparently love. There is no point in looking for me, because I'll be on the plane to Barbados when you read this letter. And also, as you seemingly deny this is your child I've decided to have an abortion. No point in bringing a child into this world if it's not wanted. Tell Simon I'm sorry for running off like this, and I'll get in touch on my future in S Club. For now this is goodbye Paul!

Love from Rachel!

Paul's mouth dropped completely, his eyes wide open. Hannah had pretty much the same reaction. Paul never thought it had gotten this bad, that Rachel would run away and it seemed like she was also considering leaving the band. He dropped the note and then looked at Hannah.

Paul: Where is Johnny?

Hannah: What's he got to do with this?

Paul: Just tell me!

Hannah: Don't start accusing Johnny again; you know he has nothing to do with this. Anyway he isn't here!

Paul: I knew it, don't you see! He's run off with Rachel!

Hannah: Don't be stupid! I've been with him allnight and I saw him leave this morning on his own. He went to meet some friends who have flown over from the US for a while.

Paul: I haven't got time for this; I'm going to Barbados to find her!

Paul run up the stairs to quickly pack before going to the airport and didn't hear Hannah shouting after him.

Hannah: But she doesn't want to be found!

::Café United::

The whirling of the coffee machine was a sound in the distant. Sitting at the table furthest away from the window and everyone else was a man in a black hat, covering the rest of his face. He sat there as if waiting for someone. The bell above the door rung as he looked up and saw the man he was waiting for. However his friend had taken no such precautions to make sure he wasn't noticed. He just marched to the back, getting many stares of which he didn't notice. He finally reached the table as the man with the hat finally revealed his face.

P.Diddy: Playboy!

Johnny: Sean!

P.Diddy got up from his seat and the two linked their right hands and quickly hugged, their usual greeting. P.Diddy sat back at his place as Johnny took the seat opposite from him.

P.Diddy: So how you been?

Johnny: Busy man, with this tour coming up. And you?

P.Diddy: I'm always busy man. Now that I'm running Bad Boy Entertainment as well!

Johnny: So what was it you wanted to see me about? I'm supposed to be at rehearsals in an hour!

P.Diddy: Got some future offers for ya! In fact I've got quite a few. Everyone in Bad Boy Entertainment and other names want to work with you. You've left a bigger mark on America than you probably know.

Johnny: That's really nice to hear. So who's on the list?

P.Diddy: Whole range of people starting with me! Got a few songs I'd like to do with you included. Remember I showed you I Need a Girl (To Bella)?

Johnny: Yeah, I remember and we agreed that we could do a good remix of that.

P.Diddy: Well I thought you could do a remix version and I'd do one too. How about it?

Johnny: Sure, you've got a deal there!

P.Diddy: Now we've sorted the best, we'll deal with the rest. We've got 112 who you've already done some songs for right?

Johnny: Yeah! I've got 7 songs that would work with them.

P.Diddy: Cool! Well they want to include you in a song or two. G.Dep wants you again in a song called Blast Off. Also G.Dep suggested you work with us on The Saga Continues. And the last Bad Boy members who want to work with ya are Dream. A girl band I've got coming through.

Johnny: That's a big list, not sure I can do them all?

P.Diddy: The list gets longer my friend. DMX wants to work with you as well. And J'Lo wants a bit of a change from Ja Rule and choose you. And last by not least we have Britney Spears who wants you for a total of like 4 to 5 future songs.

Johnny: 4 to 5? That's a damn lot to ask of someone. Why me?

P.Diddy: She said something along the lines of how great a performer you are and how great some of the dance routines you do are and that a few of her fans have wanted to see you two hook up and I mean more than just do a single together. She didn't seem to hate the idea either if you know what I'm saying.

Johnny: She's got Justin though and it never looks like they are breaking up. I don't plan on breaking up with Han! You should know that Sean!

P.Diddy: I did dude, just telling you all the info. So do you think you'll be able to do any of them?

Johnny: Don't know, that's an awful lot and I've got to keep S Club as my main priority all though the sound of working with these lot is very attractive. I could make it big in US with some of these.

P.Diddy: I know dude and it's nothing more than you deserve.

Johnny: I think I'll have to think it over. You can tell them all though that I'd love to work with them............

Johnny was interrupted by his mobile, which began ringing the tune Special Delivery. P.Diddy and Johnny smiled at each other before Johnny took it out of his pocket and answered after seeing it was Han.

Johnny: Hey Baby!

Hannah: Where are you?

Johnny: I'm on the other side of London at the Café United with P.Diddy, why?

Hannah: It's not important is it?

Johnny: Kinda! Why babe, something wrong?

Hannah: Yeah, Rachel has left and run off to Barbados and Paul is going to chase her. I'm afraid he'll do something stupid.

Johnny: All right babe, I'll try and sort it.

Hannah: Don't do anything stupid, remember your better than Paul!

Johnny: Sure thing, catch ya later Han.

Johnny hangs up and places his phone back in his pocket.

P.Diddy: Something wrong Playboy?

Johnny: Yeah, and I've got to get to Barbados as quick as I can! P.Diddy: Your not in luck then because the last flight to Barbados left early this morning. There isn't another one until Thursday and today is Tuesday!

Johnny: Great!

P.Diddy: Don't worry Playboy! I got an extra ticket to the US and you can get to Barbados from there. It will be quicker than waiting here.

Johnny: Sean, you are a lifesaver but I don't have money for the plane to Barbados from the US!

P.Diddy: I'll sort it dude! Ushers getting a plane to Barbados for a vacation anyway so you can catch his flight.

Johnny: Again, you're a real lifesaver.

P.Diddy: Let's go then baby!

The two quickly exited the café and headed for their cars to drive to the airport.


Paul: Look, I need a ticket to Barbados and I need it now?

Employee: There isn't a plan to Barbados until Thursday sir!

Paul: Well how the fuck do I get there now!

Employee: The quickest way would be to get the plan from here to New York and then get a plan there to Barbados.

Paul: When does the New York plan leave?

Employee: In an hour! Boarding in 30 minutes.

Paul: That will do!

Paul quickly paid the money and handed over his luggage before running off with his ticket to get through customs. Almost as soon as he left, P.Diddy and Johnny walked in.

Johnny: What am I going to do for clothes and shit?

P.Diddy: I'll lend you some or you can borrow some from Usher. No biggie!

Johnny: Cool, so you check your luggage in and were off.

They look over to the luggage check in desk. Then their eyes follow the queue back.

Johnny: Damn, look at that cue! What time does your plan leave?

P.Diddy: Two hours!

Johnny: It will have to do!

P.Diddy: I'm sorry but it's the best I can do. Anyway, what's the rush?

Johnny: One day I might tell ya! If things go wrong you might find out sooner than later.

P.Diddy: I guess this is none of my business.

Johnny: I don't like not telling you man, but it's personal and people wouldn't be happy at me if I told anyone.

P.Diddy: I understand man. Sometimes it's hard to believe but us famous people have problems and our life just makes them that much bigger.

Johnny: You got that right!

Summary: Hey, I thought I would start adding summaries to the end. Well this is the first one and not only that but you've been treated to two chapters in one day. I'm proud of myself. So, what's going to happen next? Is Paul going to catch up with Rachel or will Johnny get there first? The race is on! That sounded a bit cheesy lol! Here's an idea, what if Rachel didn't even go Barbados, they guys faces would be red then. And how will the other guys react when they wake up, lazy heads they are. And is the limelight of Hollywood and bigger fame going to pull Johnny away from S Club? All these will be answered, when I don't know but they will be. And more twisting developments are guaranteed.

Chapter 5>>>

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