Title: All In Love Is Fair
Author: Braz T
Rating: PG13
Keywords: angst, romance
Disclaimer: ok! Well the only thing in this story I don't own is the s club. Everything else is my own material from my own head!
Spoilers: For story writing purposes I have added another member to the band S Club 7. In this fanfic I will refer to the band as S Club. One of S Club will come out as a bad guy in this story and looking around on the net, it is probably a one of the more popular members. I have added the enrolment of the 8th Member before I begin the actual fanfic.

::Paul and Rachel in Nairobi::

Paul and Rachel finished filming for that day; they have unpacked their stuff and have ordered room service and are now sitting and eating while watching the TV. They are watching a video of S Club's life up until now. It's called S Club: Past and Present! They have been laughing so far watching Bradley's part of the tape.

Rachel: Bradley looks so different nowadays.

Paul: But he is still the same guy. Still chasing all the ladies.

Rachel: Something's never change.

Paul: Yeah, like your still as beautiful as they day I met you.

Paul immediately regrets saying that as he turns away from Rachel. She is surprised and happy. Could it be a sign that Paul likes her? She had kept the fact that she actually fancied Paul hidden, even from Jo. Probably also because she didn't just like him! Also at the time she was involved with someone else. And anyway, it was common knowledge within the band that Hannah and Paul liked each other. She forgot about it.

Rachel: Thanks. Cool, it's my part next.

Paul: Wake me when it's over.

Rachel picks up a pillow and throws it at Paul.

Rachel: Probably more interesting than your part!

Paul and Rachel watch it in silence as Rachel goes through each member and her first thoughts of them.

"When I first met Jon, I thought he was a bit shy. He soon showed me that he wasn't though. Jon is a great guy, sensitive and understanding. He is one of the few guys I know who I can sit down and talk to about anything. Performance wise, he has a great voice, I just feel he needed more confidence in it and that is beginning to show. His stage presence is great though and he can act."

Paul: Am I one of those guys you can talk to about anything.

Rachel: Nope, your not.

Paul: Who are they then?

Rachel: There is only one other guy. Just wait and you'll see who it is.

"Tina was also a bit shy at the beginning. She and Jon were very close and at first they stuck around together a lot. Tina isn't as bossy as Miami 7 suggests although she can be very bossy. At times she is the leader of the group. Her choreography skills are super and she is the one that helps us with all are dance routines when one of us can't get it as quickly."

Paul: Tina is even bossier in real life!

Rachel: Just for you, not the rest of us.

Paul: Well why is she bossy to me.

Rachel: Because you always call her the bossy one.

Paul: Fair Play!

"Hannah was one of the most confident when the group first got together. She already knew Paul really well. Hannah is really outgoing and really fun to be around. She is a bit mad and that is one reason why she is so great. Her acting experience helped those of us who hadn't done it before and she catches onto dance routines quickly."

"Bradley was also shy at first which is really weird now that I know him. It wasn't exactly a normal situation to meet people in but now that I know Bradley I would expect him to be a lot less shy. Bradley is a funny guy, sometimes though he can be a bit silly. Not as much as in Miami 7 though. He is a great individual dancer, but sometimes takes time to learn the dance moves."

"Jo, I never thought at the beginning that I would become such great friends with her. She kind of stuck with Bradley as they were introduced a bit later than the rest of us. She is one of the best friends I have and has a fantastic voice. She can be tough which I like about her and is also someone who can lead the band."

"Paul. He's just crazy! Even at the beginning him and Hannah were mad and now they have gotten worse. Paul is a really funny guy and is a great actor. At the time I thought it was a bit strange that he wasn't being pushed for something bigger. But then again at the time I didn't realize S Club was going to be as big as it is."

Paul: Ahh, that was kind of you to say. Did you mean it all?

Rachel: I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. When I first saw you, I thought you had great looks, a great voice and a great actor. I thought you would be worthy of something bigger than S Club.

Paul: Thanks, that means a lot!

"Last but not least is Johnny. It should have been really hard for him as he came into a group, which had just got to know each other really well. Well he fit in with the rest of us straight away. He is one of the most talented people I know. He can do all three of the major things. Dancing is like second nature to him and he gets the routines in no time. His voice is clearly brilliant as Back To You showed. And his acting is top notch. You can always rely on him and is the only other guy I know who I can talk about anything with. He also writes great songs and it doesn't hurt that he is so good looking. There is no doubt in my mind that he could make it with a solo career."

Paul: Someone likes Johnny!

Rachel: And how do you figure that out then?

Paul: It's obvious; you spoke of him like a pop god.

Rachel: You know everything I said about him was true. I reckon you're jealous of him.

Paul: I am not!

Rachel: It's nothing to be ashamed about. He is someone many people are probably jealous of.

Paul: What happened to me deserving to be something bigger.

Rachel: Nothing, just Johnny is probably bigger than you.

Paul: Yeah, if you say so!

::Jon and Tina in a hotel::

Jon is getting ready to meet Stacey as Tina watches TV in his room. Jon walks out with a black silk shirt and black jeans on. Tina looks at him and smiles.

Jon: How do I look?

Tina: I think you should go change?

Jon: Why? What's wrong with what I am wearing?

Tina: Calm down, you like great! By the way, are you planning to be casually late cause it is five past.

Jon looks at the clock and then runs to the door.

Jon: Go to go, see ya later!

Tina: Aren't you forgetting something?

Jon: What?

Tina: Your wallet!

Jon walks back in and grabs it off a desk. He smiles at Tina.

Jon: Thanks!

He runs back out as Tina smiles as he exits. Jon doesn't have to go to far until he gets to Stacey's room. He knocks and waits. The door opens and standing in front of him is Stacey in a fabulous red dress. She looked stunning, so stunning Jon lost his power of speech.

Stacey: You look great Jon.

Jon: Yeah! Yyyou ...look great. Better than great!

Stacey: Thanks, so are you ready to go?

Jon: Yeah!

They link elbows as they walk down to the hotel restaurant. Later on in the night after they have eaten, they are talking at their table.

Jon: You know, I'm really glad I met you.

Stacey: Same here, I didn't come out here thinking that I would meet Jon from S Club. Are any of the other guys here apart from Tina?

Jon: Just Jo, the rest are elsewhere.

Stacey: That's a shame, cause I have a friend who is a great fan of Johnny's. I always thought you were the best guy in S Club though.

Jon: Thanks. You know I wish I could re-start this whole evening. I can't remember ever having such a great time. I feel so comfortable with you.

Stacey: I know, I don't want tonight to end either. Then again, who says it has to?

Jon and Stacey smile at each other as Jon gets up from the table.

Jon: Well in that case, lets go to your room and enjoy the rest of tonight.

Stacey: I would love to.

Jon gets up and kind of wobbles over and takes Stacey's arm. Neither seems to be sober as they head up to Stacey's room.

::Hannah and Johnny before dinner::

Hannah is ready for her friendly meal with Johnny. Nothing more than that! Not at all a date. At least that is what she has been repeating to herself. She has put on a fantastic black dress, as she looks in the mirror. She doesn't remember being so nervous. Its just Johnny! She sorts out a misplaced hair and then walks out of her room and locks the door. She heads off to Johnny's apartment right next to hers and knocks. There is no answer so she knocks again and the apartment door opens. Johnny must have not shut it properly. She walks in and is about to call Johnny's name when he walks into the room, with out anything on apart from his boxer shorts. Hannah freezes and stares while Johnny hasn't even noticed her yet. Hannah knew she was early but thought he would be ready by now. She can't help but stare until finally Johnny notices her presence.

Johnny: Hi Hannah! Sorry about not being ready yet but you're a bit early. I kind of feel asleep and lost track of time! Just wait a sec and I'll be with ya.

Johnny walks calmly back into another room as Hannah still stands on the spot she froze on. She had never seen that much of a date before, at least not until after the date. No, it wasn't a date! She liked Paul, not Johnny. Tina, one of her best friends likes Johnny. She composed herself and sat down on a chair. She waited awhile until Johnny came out with a red silk shirt and black trousers.

Johnny: So, shall we go?

Hannah: Yeah, let's go.

Hannah walks out of the door first and begins to head down the hall. Johnny locks his room and then looks down the hallway. He had always like Hannah. They where getting closer and closer everyday. They had become great friends but every once and awhile he would wonder what it would be like to be more than that. He dismissed the idea and caught up with her. They walked down to the restaurant. Later that night, they had finished their meals and where just talking to each other.

Hannah: I wonder how Bradley is doing?

Johnny: Probably trying to hook up with someone by now. Whatever he is doing, I bet he is having fun. Not as much fun as I am having though.

Hannah: Yeah, it's been a blast just talking with you. When I first saw you, I didn't think you would be this easy to talk to.

Johnny: Why was that?

Hannah: You where so good looking. I had a massive crush on you when you first arrived. Tina's was bigger and that is why I didn't try and get you myself. Now though we are just great mates.

Johnny: You probably would have had a good chance back then, but yeah you're a great mate.

Hannah smiles at Johnny. She didn't know why, it just happened. She couldn't understand why he was so easy to talk to and so sensitive at times as well. He was probably perfect boyfriend material. Problem was she couldn't do anything about it cause of Tina. She thought she had gotten over her crush but since arriving in Brazil it just returned.

Johnny: Are you okay?

Hannah: Yeah, I'm fine.

Johnny: You seem to be thinking about someone, maybe Paul.

Hannah: Yeah, that's it.

Johnny: If you don't feel comfortable with this all then tell me. I know you care about Paul and I wouldn't want you to think ............

Hannah: I know that. How about we go back to your room and finish our conversation.

Johnny: Sure, whatever you want.

Johnny smiles, that heart-warming smile. Hannah hated the fact that she felt this way but couldn't do anything. Maybe it would be easier once they got back. She got out of her chair as Johnny and Hannah walked back up to his room.

Chapter 5>>>

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