Bill Summary & Status for the 100th Congress
Item 4 of 31

SPONSOR: Rep Wolf (introduced 05/17/88)
Jump to: Titles, Status, Abstracts, Committees, Amendments, Cosponsors, Summary

STATUS: Floor Actions
10/12/88 Measure passed Senate
10/12/88 Measure considered in Senate
10/12/88 Measure called up by unanimous consent in Senate
10/06/88 Measure passed House, amended
10/06/88 Measure considered in House
10/06/88 Measure called up under motion to suspend rules and pass in House
STATUS: Detailed Legislative Status

House Actions

May 17, 88:
Referred to House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
May 31, 88:
Referred to Subcommittee on International Operations.
May 31, 88:
Referred to Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Sep 23, 88:
Subcommittee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Sep 23, 88:
Forwarded by Subcommittee to Full Committee (Amended).
Jun 6, 88:
Executive Comment Requested from State.
Sep 23, 88:
Favorable Executive Comment Received From State.
Oct 4, 88:
Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.
Oct 4, 88:
Ordered to be Reported (Amended).
Oct 6, 88:
Called up by House Under Suspension of Rules.
Resolution Agreed to in House (Amended) by Voice Vote.

Senate Actions

Oct 6, 88:
Received in the Senate.
Oct 12, 88:
Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Voice Vote.
Oct 13, 88:
Message on Senate action sent to the House.




Rep Dornan - 05/17/88 Rep Bateman - 06/08/88
Rep Ritter - 06/08/88 Rep Regula - 06/08/88
Rep Badham - 06/08/88 Rep Gunderson - 06/08/88
Rep Porter - 06/08/88 Rep Boulter - 06/08/88
Rep Fuster - 06/14/88 Rep Neal - 06/14/88
Rep Owens, M. - 06/14/88 Rep Inhofe - 06/14/88
Rep Wortley - 06/14/88 Rep Jeffords - 06/14/88
Rep Borski - 06/14/88 Rep Waxman - 06/14/88
Rep Collins, C. - 06/14/88 Rep Barton - 06/21/88
Rep Packard - 06/21/88 Rep Weber, V. - 06/21/88
Rep Bereuter - 06/21/88 Rep Bustamante - 06/21/88
Rep Morella - 06/21/88 Rep Smith, C. - 06/29/88
Rep Daub - 06/29/88 Rep Towns - 06/29/88
Rep Martinez - 06/29/88 Rep Conte - 06/29/88
Rep Blaz - 06/29/88 Rep Lantos - 06/29/88
Rep Herger - 07/12/88 Rep Nielson - 07/12/88
Rep DeWine - 07/12/88 Rep Cardin - 07/12/88


(REVISED AS OF 10/06/88 -- Measure passed House, amended)

Jump to Search Words/Phrases

Commends: (1) the Governments of Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia for their history of humanitarian treatment of refugees; (2) the Government of Hong Kong for agreeing to set up a screening process to identify internationally acceptable refugees jointly with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees; and (3) the President for his decision in FY 1988 to increase the overall number of refugees to be admitted to the United States and for proposing for FY 1989 an admission policy which reflects the special issues involved in refugee policy in Southeast Asia.

Urges the Government of Thailand to reinstitute its former policy of first asylum and officially end its policy of interdiction of arriving refugee boats. Urges the United States and other western nations to maintain their policies of resettlement. Urges the Government of Hong Kong and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to maintain their policies of first asylum. Urges the Department of State to continue working with ASEAN and other governments to meet security concerns while responding to the humanitarian needs of Southeast Asian refugees. Urges the President and the Department of State to admit the full number of Southeast Asian refugees that is fixed each year.

Urges the Government of Vietnam to: (1) issue exit permits to Vietnamese who have letters of introduction from the United States or are former reeducation camp members and expand the Orderly Departure Program to stem the movement of refugees out of Vietnam; and (2) cease its occupation of Cambodia<-.

Urges the governments of Indochinese countries to cease their policies of repression.

Urges the United States to participate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and ASEAN in preparing an international conference on Indochinese refugees which seeks to adopt a program to deal with the Vietnamese boat people.

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