Refugees & their wretched life!

Ever since America had announced to attack Afghanistan to capture Mr. bin Laden -- because of his alleged role in masterminding the recent attack of September 11 -- a huge number of Afghani men, women, and children have moved to Pakistan, Tajikistan, and to other neighboring countries to the north.  To show how innocent people are paying for the follies of a few, we are reproducing some images that are now available from International news organizations.

The Jalozai Camp is not a new one that is located in Pashto speaking NWFP, Pakistan.  The ongoing draught in Afghanistan has already dislodged many Afghan families to move south to Pakistan.  The United nation Highcommission for Refugees (UNHCR) runs this refugee camp.  Recently, after the terrorists attack in America, more Afghan people have moved to various places in Pakistan such as Quetta in Balochistan (Southeastern Pakistan).  Pakistan does not have adequate resources to provide shelter and food for these incoming refugees. The recent action of few Arab terrorists has only exacerbated their woes.  The following photos will illustrate the misery and wretchedness these people are now going through.  To bring global awareness to this endemic problem please tell others to view these images of deprivation.

Children peer from the camp sites at Jalozai, Northwest Frontier province in Pakistan

In just one week time after America said there'll be a war in Afghanistan, about 80,000 Afghanis moved into Pakistan.  The UNHCR (UN High Commission for Refugees) erected a tent city in Jalozai, Pakistan.  On the left is the tent city; on right a lonely Afghan boy leans against the UNHCR sign.  The boy's face tells the whole story!

Women and kids in Jalozai tent city.  Not a pretty picture!!!                                    More photo of suffering in the tent city

             A family is fleeing Kabul while a lonely boy sits atop a cart             Some Afghani refugees still chanting for bin Laden

          These Afghan refugees came to Quetta, Pakistan (Sep. 18, 2001)        A handicapped Afghan refugee is shown in Jalozai camp

                      Afghan elders milling around in Jalozai camp            Many Afghan refugees have also moved to neighboring Tajikistan

                       At Jalozai camp women and children are lining up for a meal       A crowded mini-truck heading for Jalozai refugee camp

                Fresh Afghan refugees pour into Quetta, Pakistan       Burqa clad Afghani women and their chidren arriving at Quetta, Pakistan

 Left: A frightened Afghan boy pleading to a Pakistani border guard in Quetta, Pakistan, to let him go inside Pakistan to look for his mother and sister.  The mother became sick and was taken to a makeshift hospital inside Pakistan.  Right: Afghans from Kabul are fleeing.  These pictures were published on September 18, 2001.

Left: A camp official with a big stick maintaining law and order in the camp.  Right:Afghan women with their babies waiting for a meal in Jalozai camp site

                At meal time, refugees are lining up in Jalozai camp        Afghanis are gathering near the gate waiting for their next meal

An Afghani girl patiently waits for a meal.  She is seen here chewing a plastic bag!

Afghan people are hurting real bad because of both darought condition and chaos in their primitive society brought on by fundamentalist Talibans.  Now the impending threats of a war is causing panic.  Therefore, more Afghanis are fleeing to neighboring countries.  We want everyone to know what is really going on in that part of the world.  American government should apply pressure to Taliban government through Pakistan so that Osama bin Laden could leave Afghanistan and thereby spare the lives of Afghani people who are a battered bunch.

(This site was created on September 21, 2001)

To help Afghan refugees visit The Afghan Women's Mission

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