Images of World Trade Ccenter Buildings after ramming of airplanes by theArab Terrorists

On September 11, 2001, some dozen and a half Arab Muslim terrorists who are supposedly members of Al- Qaeda (The Base) run by Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden hijacked four U.S. commercial airlines from Boston, Newark, and Dulles Internation Airport in Washington D.C.  They slammed three planes -- two against World Trade Center's Twin Tower and one against a portion of Pentagon Building in Virginia suburb of D.C.   The fourth plane crashed down in rural western Pennsylvania.   The loss of innocent lives and damage to property was horrendous.  An estimated over 6,000 lives were lost in the terrorists attack in New York City alone.  All 19 terrorists were Muslims from several Arab nations.

The following images show the extent of destruction in which more than 6,000 lives were perished.

The above photos tell it all.  You won't find the familiar Twin Tower in the bottom photo

On left: From Staten Island Ferry people are watching the fire raging on World Trade Center (WTC) site on September 17; On right, a close-up view of fire burning on crash site, that is Twin Tower on September 20



Left: A worker amidst the rubbles of Twin Tower on Sep 18.  Right: Smoke still coming from the rubbles on Sep 19



These two pictures were taken on September 18 a week after the destruction of WTC building.  Some heavy duty construction equipments and rescue workers are seen at the wreckage site



Two resque workers seen on the left photo amidst wreckage.  On right, heavy-duty construction equipments removing large debris.  the photos were taken on Sep 20

Inspired byJihad, some Arab Muslim terrorists have caused the death of six thousand plus innocent people in New York and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001.  Unless and until Jihad is rooted out from Islam the world will remain unsafe.  Islam is not the religion of Peace as proclaimed falsely by many ill informed Mullahs.  This myth should be exposed and crushed.  Islam's three of the four Khalifahs (leaders) were brutally murdered within the first 29 years after the death of Muhammad in 632 AD.  Muhammad's two grandsons were killed -- one by poisoning and the other by swoord -- because of political infighting. Muhammad himself ordered killing of tens and thousands of Jews in Medina in the aftermath of war.  Still then, the Mullahs tell the world that Islam is the religion of Peace.

The young Arab Muslim terrorists who hijacked 4 planes on September 11, 2001, were brainwashed and propagandized by some Jihadists only beacuse participation in Holy War is mandated by both Koran and Hadith.  The sooner Islam's poison is neutrilized and destroyed, the better it would be for the world.  We have just seen what Jihad could do to destabilize our world.  This is just a tip of the iceberg.  The demolition of New York's WTC building should serve as a wake up call for everyone one of us.

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