
David Feiss

Heres a great bio from David Feiss' personal info from his site written by his friend/webmaster Kurt Willmon.

David Feiss was born in April, 1959 and raised in Citrus Heights in Northern California near Sacramento where he attended Oak Avenue Elementary school (It is now called Sunrise Elementary School). When I first met him in kindergarten he had a pencil in his hand although, it was used to draw blood from me rather than to draw pictures during our make-believe sword fight. He continued to wield a pencil since then for more productive reasons. In the sixth grade our teacher, Carl Cousineau allowed David to cover two full chalkboards with his drawings. He then called the local newspaper reporter who took a picture of it and put it in the paper. David had another picture in the paper in the eighth grade for a chalkboard drawing he did at Louis Pasteur Junior High School in Orangevale, CA. After that he attended Casa Robles High School in Orangevale where he took several art classes.

His first job was picking worms for fishermen at a worm farm in Orangevale during summer break from high school. I worked there with him too. Please don't ask what they raise worms in! We also did some animation and claymation during our spare time after school. Many times David's cousin Sam Keith would come over and visit and got interested in drawing from watching. Interestingly enough, Sam became rather famous in the comic book crowd for drawing The Incredible Hulk among other comics and then later on he got his own comic book called The Maxx.

After high school, David worked for several different animation studios, first in Southern California where he started a long time friendship with Bill Hanna, of Hanna-Barbera, then in Taiwan, Canada, and Spain where he met his wife Pilar in Madrid at a studio there. (She is an avid painter and sculpturer who has had works displayed in paris and is currently pursuing an art degree at the University of California at Davis). They now live in Northern California near where he grew up with their two children Sara (Sarah?) and David. His studio is in an old Victorian style house in Orangevale.

Cow and Chicken came into being when David drew a story book for his daughter Sara. When he showed the book to Bill Hanna, Bill suggested that David develop it into a cartoon so he did. As you can tell everyone loved the cartoon so it was made into a series. The Cartoon Network asked that David come up with another cartoon to put between episodes of Cow and Chicken so that's where I Am Weasel came from. I Am Weasel is now a stand alone series. He has several projects in the works. The show is most popular in the USA, The Netherlands, and England and has alot fans in many other countries.

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