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What is blood pressure ? What is high blood pressure ?  |  What causes high blood presssure ?
How do you know if you have high blood pressure ?  |  Why is it important to control high blood pressure ?
How are high blood pressure and kidney disease related ?  |  What can you do about high blood pressure ?
Will I need to take medication ?



Blood pressure measures the force of your blood on the walls of your arteries in two ways.

  1. Right after your heart beats (systolic blood pressure)
  2. In between heartbeats (diastolic blood pressure)

That is why blood pressure readings are given as two numbers. For example, with a blood pressure of 
130/85 mm Hg, the systolic pressure is 130 and the diastolic pressure is 85.

These two numbers show how hard your heart is working and the condition of your blood vessels. The harder it is for the blood to flow through your arteries, the higher the blood pressure will be.



High blood pressure is also called hypertension. It is defined as blood pressure readings greater than 140/90 mm Hg*. The incidence of this disease increases with age.

*The medical guidelines for what is considered "high blood pressure" change from time to time. Please consult your doctor.



The causes of high blood pressure are not fully understood. The risk factors which can lead to high blood pressure include:

·  Family history of high blood pressure

·  Obesity

·  Age-people over 50 years old have a greater chance of high blood pressure, but it can occur at any age

·  Too much salt in the diet

·  Cigarette smoking

·  Too much alcohol (more than two standard drinks per day)

·  Lack of physical activity

·  Stress



High blood pressure is a silent disease. There are no clear signs or warning signals. Usually, the only way you can tell if your blood pressure is high is to have it checked by a healthcare professional. Blood pressure readings can vary quite a lot so a single abnormal or high reading does not always mean you have high blood pressure. If your first blood pressure reading is more than 140/90 mm Hg, you should have it checked on two more occasions to confirm that you have high blood pressure. Of course, if your blood pressure is very high, your doctor may start treatment right away.

You should have your blood pressure measured at least once a year.




Proper control of high blood pressure can prevent many of its complications. If high blood pressure is not well-controlled, it can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure (also called chronic renal insufficiency), and damage to the blood vessels of the legs leading to amputation.

If you have diabetes as well as high blood pressure, you must be especially careful about good blood pressure control. For people with kidney disease, good blood pressure control can slow down the decrease in kidney function.



Some people who already have kidney disease can develop high blood pressure. The opposite is also true: people with high blood pressure can develop kidney disease. In fact, high blood pressure is the cause of kidney failure in about 10% of new patients. High blood pressure damages the blood vessels of the kidneys. This reduces the blood supply to the kidneys so they are unable to remove fluids and waste products from the blood. This can lead to kidney failure. When the kidneys fail, dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant is needed.



At present there is no cure for high blood pressure. However, it can be treated and controlled to reduce the chances of developing problems.

If you have high blood pressure or wish to prevent it, you may have to make some changes in your lifestyle including:

·  Eating healthy foods (low in fat and salt)

·  Quitting smoking

·  Keeping a healthy body weight

·  Getting regular exercise

·  Cutting down on alcohol

·  Learning to relax and take time to do the things you enjoy



You will need to take medication if your blood pressure is very high or if lifestyle changes do not lower your blood pressure to normal. In most cases, you will need to take medication for the rest of your life. There are many types of blood pressure medication and, since everyone's needs are different, your doctor will decide which medication is best for you.

Controlling high blood pressure takes a team effort and you are the most important person of the team. Be sure to see your doctor regularly. Do not stop taking your blood pressure medication without talking to your doctor.

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