The Origin of Corn

by Winston

Once there was a man who was terrible at hunting so he was unable to provide enough food for his family. But he was a kind-hearted man and always thanked the Great Spirit for anything he received. His eldest son Wunzh had inherited the kind heart from his father. When Wunzh was going to turn into a man he had to go on his vision quest, hoping he would see the guardian spirit that would guide him through his life.

Wunzh secluded himself in a lodge, where he fasted for several days. While he fasted, he wished that the Great Spirit would make it easier for his family to get food. One day a man dressed in bright colors came and said to Wunzh, “ The Great Spirit sent me to instruct you.”

He told Wunzh to rise and wrestle with him. Although weak with hunger, Wunzh stood up and wrestled with the man. As he was about to collapse from exhaustion, the man said that they had wrestled enough for one day. The man was a spirit so he ascended to the sky.

The next day, the man returned and wrestled with Wunzh again. This time Wunzh wrestled valiantly. When the match ended, the man told him to wrestle as well as he could in the next match for that was the only way he could win and have his wish granted. The following day he wrestled manfully until the man broke away and declared that Wunzh won.

He gave Wunzh the following orders: Tomorrow will be the seventh day of his fast. Wunzh’s father would give him food to strengthen him; then he will wrestle with Wunzh one more time. As soon as he prevailed over him, he must strip off his clothes and throw him on the ground. After that, Wunzh must bury the man and cover him with fresh earth once a month.

Wunzh followed those directions and finally a plant grew on the place where the man was buried. The plant was named by Wunzh mandamin or corn for all Indians. Now his father was able to provide enough food for his family.

Ulysses S. Grant

April 17, 2002

by Winston

Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27, 1822. He started school when he was five years old. Grant liked math the best. He attended a one-room schoolhouse. Grant had a job when he was eight years old. He hauled wood with a horse and cart. He went to the U.S. Military Academy. He fought in the Mexican and Civil Wars. He became a lieutenant general after the two wars. He became the eighteenth President of the United States. He served eight years. He left the White House in 1877. But his second term was difficult. Many people took part in scandals. His personal secretary was involved in the Whiskey Ring. Two months after he left the White House The Grants took a trip around the world. After his travels the Grants had little money. Then they went broke. Mark Twain offered him lots of money for his autobiography. His book was published after his death on July 23, 1885. He died of throat cancer. He was 63 years old.

The End

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