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Aikibudo is a combination of three different parts:

  • daito ryu aiki ju jitsu
  • aikido yoseikan
  • kobudo

These are old samurai techniques that are applied with or without traditional Japanese weapons. Master A. Floquet is the worldwide responsible to spread these techniques. While P.P. Harmant is the responsible for Belgium.

More information about this style can be found at the website or on the international site

Trainings information:
Wednesday: 20h30 - 22h00
Friday : 20h30 - 22h00
Club Teacher
Peter Hasendonckx Tel 0474/81.28.06
A. Floquet toont een techniek met PP Hart,ant Kobudo Peter en Charly
groepsfoto aikibudo avondmarkt 24 juni 2006
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