What a camp, what leaders & coaches, what a great bunch of kids! ....
The second week of the third term holidays saw us run our first soccer camp outside Auckland, "one small step for
SoccerPlus NZ..."
35 kids, a dozen coaches and leaders, a school gym with facilities and an awesome God all made for an excellent three day camp.
Again, the opportunity to mix coaching, small sided games and gospel together shows what a vital mission field this really is.
Feedback from parents was encouraging with comments about how enthusiastic the leaders were, the skills learnt and kids being home an hour saying, "I want to go back to camp."
We were able to run 3 Bible hours and share 6 testimonies during our time with kids!
One boy confessed to us, "I don't know anything about God - who is he? - (great question to ask).. showing us again how many young people have no idea about God and his great love for them.
Kim has developed a kids soccer newsletter called "
SOCCER ENERGIZER".  This will be a further point of contact with the kids from camps, creating more opportunity to share Christ's love.  The newsletter has a heap of fun soccer based info, camp highlights, competitions and feedback from kids.  Within the magazine is also an invitation to become part of a follow-up programme.
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