We arrived in Munich, not to the tropical heat of a European summer, but to the crisp early morning like an Auckland spring.
The flight had been very long and tiring.  Because the first flight was late our stopovers were brief.  We had just three quarters of an hour in Sydney and the same in Bangkok as small breaks on the 26 hour trip.
We were met at the airport by Dirk, Freidhart and Markus.  They were strangers to us, but would become brothers very quickly.  They are part of the team that works for the CVJM (YMCA) in Munich.  Unlike our YMCAs they are evangelistic and were excited about the possibilities that lay ahead.  We settled in with a restful day just days out from the camp.
As mentioned, the CVJM is an evangelistic YMCA.  They have a very large crew of people we bonded with very quickly.  Special thanks go to Dirk, Andreas, Markus, Freidhardt (Sweetheart) and the rest of the team as they follow up the work with the youth in Munich and wherever the Lord may lead them.
In Stuttgart we worked with
Oliver Page.  Oliver is a wonderful compassionate man with a great sense of humour and love for the lost.  His work amongst soccer players in Stuttgart will surely continue to be blessed by God.
In Altenkirchen we worked with
Sportler ruft Sportler. Deitmar,Yohannas and the rest of the staff work mainly with elite sportsmen and women in Germany.  We had a great opportunity to taste some of their ministry as well as participate ourselves.  The size of this operation is mindboggling.
It was also good to spend time with
Dennis Ibrahim and Andreas Bluhm (former Football Kingz players).
Because we took a youth team over our games were against youth teams.
In Munich we came up first against a team from a club boasting the third largest youth development programme in Munich.  We were expected to get a bit of a pasting from them, but came out well on top with a 5-2 (Joe 4, Roly) victory.  We were as surprised as they were.
Our next game was against lesser opposition and we triumphed 7-1 (Isaac 3, Joe 2, Amos 2 stunners).  We gave Wynton a bit of a run in this game, but he wasn't able to find the back of the net.
Up in Stuttgart we played Oliver's team mixed with Christian and non-Christian players and won 3-1 (Manton, Roly, Bevan).
In Altenkirchen the first of our two games was against a team we were told we should beat easily.  We were down 0-2 early on before triumphing 6-4 (Manton 3, Joe 2, Roly).
Our last game was to be our hardest of all.  We played the team that won the second division of the German youth league.  After a 0-0 halftime  we conceded three quick goals, but managed to pull the score back to 2-3 (Joe 2).  This was a very satisfying performance.  The toughest game matched by our best performance.
Generally we were very happy with the football and came about feeling we'd given a good account of ourselves and represented ourselves, SoccerPlus and our Lord as well as could be expected.
Thanks guys (a unisex term).
The best way to describe the mission is to say `God surprises'.
We were part of an eight day soccer camp with the CVJM involving 44 boys aged from 12-17.  We trained them in the morning, played a tournament with them in the afternoon and took part in an evening evangelistic programme.  Over the time we were there we got to know the boys really well.  Our guys mixed with them exceptionally well and this played a big part in what happened on the Thursday night.
We had planned right from day one that the Thursday would be the night we would call for a response.  Kim was to preach a message on the cross (each night had built to this).  At the end of the message boys started to come forward, slowly.  The appeal was no more than thirty seconds, but ten responded.  Those who had responded and any others interested were then asked to go into the dining room.  By the time we got to the dining room the number had swelled to 22.  This was one special night.  The testimonies from some of the boys left you praising God for touching all of us.
After our game in Stuttgart we took part in a Church service at the match venue.  Apparantly it hadn't been received with initial enthusiasm by the Church involved.  However, come the night, come the Lord.  The room was packed as the team shared a testimony and a song and Wynton shared his testimony.  That night a number gave their hearts to the Lord and the sceptics were very encouraged.
On to Altenkirchen and into the business end of the tour.
We visited two schools where we shared messages, dramas, a haka and songs.  The response from the schools and the kids was tremendous.
Also while in Altenkirchen Kim and Claudia were invited to a Bible study group in Koln (1 hour drive).
We left at 8pm, arrived at 9pm, the study started at 10 pm, finished at 12pm and we got home at 1am.
The Bible study was attended by 22 elite sportspeople and the like.  After spending a time in worship Claudia shared her testimony and then Kim shared a brief message from Psalm 73.
Those at the homegroup included footballers, volleyballers, athletes, judo wrestlers, ice hockey players, basketballers, coaches and physios.  Some international and some from other countries.
After the evening we discovered that a female basketballer who wasn't a Christian gave her heart to the Lord that very night.  Long trips and late nights are worthwhile for the sake of the Kingdom.
Check out some photos!!
When you take Wynton Rufer with you to Germany, then expect there to be interest from the media.  I say this because there was.
We featured in a number on newspapers, both local and national.  Some features were predominantly concerning Wynton, but not all.  We even had a photo session with the Mayor of Altenkirchen without Wynton.
Both Bevan and Kim participated in press conferences (sounds impressive).  Really it gave a great opportunity for the ministry to get some exposure in another country (more than in our own) and for Kim and Bevan to brush their hair.
The highlight of all would have to be the night we featured for two and a half minutes on the sports section of the six o'clock news.  Our haka didn't look that bad either.
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