JUNE 3 - Farewell dinner at Titirangi Baptist 6:30pm.  Family and friends welcome.
                                                                          (ring Kim to confirm by May 20)
4 - Depart NZ 1:45pm
5 - Arrive Munich
              we will be staying at the youth centre YMCA/CVJMJugendzentrumSchwabing West
              sleep!!  Meet the German camp leaders
6 - history, prayer, visit Bayern Munich Football Club, visit Dachau Concentration Camp, train.
7 - street soccer / evangelism, meet the people
8 - street soccer / evangelism, meet the people,
9-16 - Youth Soccer Camp - DAILY FORMAT  8-10am breakfast, team meeting, prayer
                                                                             10-12am coaching clinics
                                                                             12-1:30pm lunch & break
                                                                             1:30-3pm coaching, competitions, tournaments
                                                                             3:30-5:30pm back to youth centre - mix with                                                                                                        youth - build relationships
                                                                              7pm - evening evangelistic programme
               (Sat 16th ends camp with BBQ with parents and young people)
12 - GAME
14 - GAME
17 - Leave Munich for Stuttgart
               Church service, GAME against invitation team, youth service
18 - leave Stuttgart for Altenkirchen
22 - Depart Frankfurt 3:05pm
23 - Arrive Bangkok 12 hour stopover
24 - Arrive Auckland 12:30pm
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