Title: Candy Hearts Author: Lovesfox E-Mail: lovesfox@rogers.com Website: www.geocities.com/fanficcorner Rating: R Category: MSR, PWP Keywords: MSR Spoilers: None Summary: It's February 13th, 2004 and they celebrate Valentine's Day early. Archive: Ephemeral, Gossamer, yes. Others please ask Disclaimer: I do not own Mulder or Scully, that privilege belongs to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions. I mean no harm. Thanks: To Nancy, as always Note: This story is set in The Eyes of a Child universe, but you do not have to have read the other stories to read this one. Would love it if you did, however! Just know that Mulder and Scully are together with their son William. *** Candy Hearts by Lovesfox *** Friday, February 13, 2004 7:30 AM BE MINE. Scully found the first candy on the dashboard of the Jeep. A pale pink heart with dark red writing, it was placed dead-center, impossible for her to miss on the black leather. Her own heart skipped a beat, and her lips curved into a smile as a tiny sigh escaped. After popping the candy into her mouth and crunching down on its sweetness, she looked towards the house. Mulder was not there at the door, though she would swear she saw the curtain twitch at their bedroom window. If only she didn't have any classes today, and if their son were already at daycare, she would have gone back inside and shown him how much she was indeed his, and he in turn, hers. A smile remained on her face all the way to work, despite the usual morning snarl of rush-hour traffic. *** 8:30 AM MISS YOU. The second heart was in her briefcase, tucked in between the files she had brought home the night before, although it took her longer to find it. With her mug of freshly brewed coffee on-hand, she made to open the briefcase, only to be interrupted by the ringing of her office phone. There were two more calls she had to deal with before she finally got back to settling in for the morning. Settling in until it was time for her first class, that is. A typical workday at Quantico, really. She took a much needed sip of her already cooled coffee and then booted up her computer before pulling her briefcase closer and opening it. Thus discovering the yellow candy heart. It wasn't until one of her students asked her what was so funny that she realized she was smiling again. *** 11:00 AM CLASS ACT. Dressed in green scrubs and with protective hat already in place, Scully slipped on her lab coat and strode into the autopsy bay. Her similarly gowned and capped students were already in place around the autopsy table, some appearing eager, and others less so. Before putting her latex gloves on, she put her clipboard down on a small table and tucked the pen she had been carrying into her pocket. Encountering something else there as well. Turning partially to one side to block the view of her students, she pulled the small item out, cupped in her palm. Heart number three was purple, and its sentiment touched her and amused her yet again. The fact that Mulder had put such effort into the time and choosing of each slogan left her breathless. It was a challenge for her to stifle the smile that kept trying to blossom. *** 1:00 PM E-MAIL ME. Another heart, the fourth thus far, was on her computer keyboard when she returned to her office after her morning classes. Propped up smack dab in the middle between H and J, the green candy's innocent placing had her marveling at Mulder's daring and stealth. How had he gotten into her office? He'd no doubt waggle his eyebrows and state that despite the fact he was no longer an FBI agent he still retained the skills he had acquired. True enough. Shrugging mentally, she nudged her mouse to clear her screen saver and entered her password to access her e-mail. She was guessing there was a reason he had chosen that particular slogan for this heart. Her guess was correct. There was one e-mail from Mulder in her in-box, amusingly entitled "READ ME". Opening it, she found a picture of a red rose filling her page, with a poem written across it. >> Roses are Red Violets are Blue Mulder is HORNY Hopes Scully is too P.S. William is at Grandma's for the night << This time she laughed out loud. *** 1:45 PM I LOVE YOU. After a short lunch in the cafeteria, Scully returned to her office to finalize a report before heading over to the Hoover Building for a meeting with Skinner, Doggett and Reyes. She had only a few paragraphs to complete, and then to print it off, sign and deliver it. The writing and printing were done quickly. Her desk pen was not in its usual spot, and with a muttered curse, she shoved papers and files around trying to locate it. To no avail. Opening her left-hand drawer, she found the missing pen, where she knew she had not put it. And the fifth heart, orange this time. Much more personal, this sentiment, she wished Mulder was there with her, so she could show him she felt the same. An anticipatory smile curved her lips as she vowed she would show him later that night. *** 5:30 PM The house was quiet when Scully walked in, suspiciously quiet. The return of the anticipatory smile quirking her lips, Scully hung up her coat on the coat rack and removed her boots, placing them neatly on the mat. After putting her briefcase down, she dropped her keys on the dish in the tiny entryway table. And spied a candy heart next to the dish. It was a little different than the others, she noted even before she picked it up. Thicker, and a glossy, hard- shelled candy as opposed to the unadorned version. She realized why once she read its slogan. FORE PLAY Trust Mulder to find x-rated candy hearts. She'd have to ask him exactly where. Popping the naughty treat into her mouth, she set off to find the man in question. The den was dark and empty, and the kitchen, although low- lit, was also empty. Or empty of Mulder, anyway. But there was yet another sign he knew her well -- another candy heart on the kitchen table, beside a crystal vase containing a single red rose. GET NAKED Her eyebrow lifted and her lips pursed. Did he mean right there, right then? A tiny thrill of excitement chased through her and she decided even if he hadn't, she was going to do it. Slipping her blazer off, she hung it on the back on one of the chairs. Her skirt was next, laid on top of the blazer over the chair's back, followed by her nylons. She made short work of her blouse and then unhooked her bra, both joining the other garments. But her fingers hesitated at the waistband of her panties, and after a second's deliberation, she decided to leave them on. Maybe they would make Mulder smile -- they were white satin, with a tiny red heart dead-center. Running her hands through her hair, she messed the tresses slightly, and then made her way through the kitchen and up the stairs. Their bedroom door was open, and Scully could see candle light flickering against the walls. Her feeling of excitement grew, and her breath grew short. Already her nipples had tightened in anticipation and her pulse was pounding through her veins. Mulder was lying in the middle of their bed, naked except for a pair of boxers. She had to grin, they had both kept on the same item of clothing. As he took in her attire, or almost lack thereof, he returned her grin. "I see we both had similar ideas," he said in his low, gravelly bedroom voice as he gestured at his boxers. She could see there was a design of some sort on them, but couldn't quite make it out. Something told her though, from his words, that they were hearts. She moved closer, throwing a sexy hip sway into her walk, one appreciated by Mulder as he gifted her with a wolf whistle, and checked them out. And indeed they were. Candy hearts, in fact. "Mulder, those are priceless!" His grin widened. "If you like these, how about this candy heart?" With that, he placed one on his stomach. She had to rest one knee on the bed and lean in close to read it. WANNA SCREW? "Scully is horny," she told him as she met his gaze, "and hopes Mulder is too." *** THE END - Happy Valentines Day feedback appreciated at lovesfox@rogers.com