Title: One Author: lovesfox E-mail: lovesfox@rogers.com Rating: PG-13 (some sexual thoughts, nothing graphic) Category: MSR, Fluff, Kidfic Spoilers: None Summary: It's William's 1st birthday, which happened to fall on Mother's Day Archive: I'd be honored, but please let me know Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully, William and all other recognizable X-Files characters are not mine. I am just borrowing them. Thanks: Nancy and Mortis, as always Note: This is set in The Eyes of a Child universe. You do not have to read that story to enjoy this, but I'd love it if you did, and let me know what you thought. One by Lovesfox Mulder/Scully Residence May 12, 2002 7:40 AM Lazily scratching his bare stomach, pajama pants riding low on his hips, Mulder meandered into their bedroom, wondering if Scully was still lolling about in naked and sated splendor. He grinned to himself as he recalled how he had woken her not too long ago, and the mutually satisfying, sleepy love-making that had resulted. She wasn't there, and he wondered where she had gone to - he had promised her breakfast in bed for Mother's Day and was coming in to check on whether she would prefer pancakes or scrambled eggs and toast, the coffee already brewing. He heard her voice then, and looked around in surprise. The sound had been tinny however, and it took him a moment to realize the words had come through the baby monitor. She was talking to William. she said, and Mulder imagined her walking over to William's crib, her eyes soft and loving, hands reaching to lift their son out. was William's excited response, and Mulder pictured him standing up and holding the bars, bouncing on his sleeper-clad feet, his Scully-blue eyes wide and happy. Their son was a sound sleeper, rarely waking up cranky or out-of-sorts, and he greeted the first person through the door with glee, ready to start his day. Rustling sounds, a baby giggle and Scully's answering sigh of happiness came next, and he knew she was hugging William to her, their son's arms wrapped around her neck. He moved to the very rumpled bed and sat down on the end to listen. It was not eavesdropping - Scully was fully aware that the monitor, which had two receivers, one in their bedroom and one in the kitchen, was on - and she knew he loved to listen to her and William's patter. she murmured, and the shuffling sounds that followed told him she was probably dancing their son around his room in a slow, exaggerated waltz. A familiar creak told him she had lain William down on the changing table. Tiny snapping sounds confirmed this, and he could see in his mind as she slowly undid William's terrycloth blue and white striped footsie sleeper. She blew a noisy raspberry then, most likely into William's bare tummy, and their son squealed with laughter. When the giggles subsided, Scully spoke again. Her voice sounded awed and proud, and just a little bit sad - her baby wasn't a baby anymore. Mulder had held her in his arms last night as she woefully made that statement, and had done his very best to chase the unshed tears away. Twice, actually. That had been William, possibly attempting a new word, and a smile broke out on Mulder's face. Probably an extremely sappy smile too, he thought, and didn't care. Scully's excited inhalation was clear through the monitor, and her voice was slightly higher than normal when she spoke. One. For some slightly chilling and unknown reason, his mind flashbacked to Casey's Bar, to a drunken conversation with a bartender. He heard himself saying, "You know, one is the loneliest number." But it wasn't. Not anymore. Scully's next words pulled him from his reverie, and he looked to the doorway just as Scully walked in, carrying William. Her hair was sexily tousled, and as far as he could tell, she wore only a long, champagne-colored silk robe. His gift to her for Mother's Day, along with a dozen, long-stemmed roses in a vase awaiting her on the kitchen table. "DA!" William chortled and bounced in Scully's hold, and she stopped, bending to set their son on his feet. Clad only in a diaper, he toddled slowly forward, weaving like a drunkard, arms extended toward his father. As his momentum gathered, it seemed as if he ran his last few steps, and Mulder leaned down to grab him just as William fell into his hands. Mulder lifted William up, and let himself fall backwards onto the bed, giving the boy an impromptu airplane ride. Which William loved, kicking his legs energetically and making 'rrrrr' sounds in imitation of a plane. "Hey, birthday boy," he said softly, studying his son's features with a never-ending awe. Reddish-blonde hair just starting to curl, those big blue eyes, cute button nose - not his, thankfully - and stubborn chin. The big, toothy grin, his rosebud lips. Their son was beautiful. His arms grew tired of holding William aloft, so he sat their son down on his stomach, turning his head a little to watch Scully approach. Admiring the way the silk alternately clung and slid sensuously over her body, confirming his thought that she might be nude beneath it. One side of the robe had slipped, revealing the delicate wing of her collarbone and a not-so delicate love bite just below. He was unable to remember if he'd bestowed it upon her that morning, or the night before. Felt a tiny surge of lust at the sight of it. Scully must have seen something in his eyes, for she blushed before chidingly saying his name. He winked, unabashed, and beckoned her to join them on the bed. Adjusting her robe, she sank down beside him and lifting her legs, curled up next to him, her head on his shoulder. One hand came up and stroked William's bare leg, tickled his toes. William giggled and bounced on Mulder's stomach, drawing an 'oof' of surprise from him, and choked laughter from Scully. "Easy there, buddy," he told their son, and shifted William just a bit. They lay there quietly, watching William play with his own toes, before a sudden thought disturbed the idyllic moment. In less than eight hours, he would be face-to- face with Clan Scully. Including big brother Bill. In all honesty though, he had to admit that Bill Scully was not the man he had once been. The two of them had a truce, if a somewhat uneasy one, and had quietly resolved to do their best to be civil to each other. So far it was working. Of course, they had only seen each other twice since starting said truce. The addition of the three Gunmen, Skinner and Doggett and Reyes made a great buffer as well. "What are you thinking about?" Scully asked then, her voice low. "Hmmm?" he mumbled, blinking in startlement. Turning his head a little, he saw that she was regarding him solemnly. "I can tell when you're thinking too hard," she told him, her hand coming up, index finger stroking the spot between his eyes. "You get a crease, right here." Rubbing there briefly, her finger then traced feather- light down his nose, thumb swiping over his lips as she pulled her hand away. "Oh." He hadn't known that. Smiling at her, and from her gentle caress, he said, "Was just thinking about this afternoon. Big crowd coming." "You're not worried about Bill, are you?" she astutely asked, one eyebrow rising slightly. "I thought you two were-" He interrupted with, "We're fine, Scully." At her skeptical look, he held up one hand. "Scout's honor." "My mom can always referee," she quipped, and gasped when he flicked her nose. Mulder remembered the reason he had come upstairs then. "I've got the coffee on," he murmured. "Came up to take your breakfast order. Pancakes or scrambled eggs?" Scully pressed her lips to his shoulder and then shifted up onto her elbow. "Pancakes sound great." Sitting all the way up, she lifted William into her arms. "Let me get myself and the King dressed, and we'll be right down." Smiling at the Elvis reference, one of his nicknames for William, he snagged her sleeve before she could rise completely. "Don't get dressed on my account," he told her, winking. Pulling free, she pointed in the direction of the door. "Go flip some pancakes, Mulder." With that, she sashayed out said door. Grumbling, he rolled out of the bed and grabbed his tee shirt off the dresser. Which is where Scully had flung it after ripping it off his body earlier. That thought had him strutting down to the kitchen to make his woman her pancakes. *** Mulder/Scully Residence 3:30 PM Hands full of refills, Mulder happened to glance out the large window over the kitchen sink as he passed it on his way to the back door. Pausing, he watched the proceedings with an amused smile slowly curving his lips upward. William was holding court in the backyard. Their son was the center of attention, sitting on a blanket amidst his grandmother, aunt and uncle and cousin Matthew, and Scully's colleagues from the FBI. Once his colleagues as well. And the three Gunmen, of course. Bright-colored wrapping paper and bows littered the ground around them all, as did more toys than William would know what to do with. "Hey, lover," Scully's soft voice said in his ear, startling him from his reverie, and sending a thrill throughout his body. Her hands encircled his waist a moment later, thumbs hooking into the band of his jeans, and he felt the enticing press of her soft breasts against his lower back - she was without heels today, wearing sandals. Sandals that showcased her painted toe nails and cute ankles, he remembered with another smile. A long, flowing skirt and a fitted tank top completed the picture of casual grace. *Sexy* casual grace. "Mmmmm," he murmured back, wishing he could return her embrace. He was tempted to put the beverages down on the counter to do just that. Maybe their guests wouldn't notice he and Scully's absence for a while, he jokingly thought to himself. "What are you doing?" Scully asked then, rubbing her cheek cat-like against his tee shirt-covered back. "Just watching," he replied, foregoing his half-hearted plans for some kitchen-loving. Jutting his chin at the view through the window, he amended, "Watching William." Gaze running over all the toys again, he remarked, "Kid made out like a bandit." Scully laughed, the motion vibrating along his spine, making him squirm. "Even more so than Christmas," she agreed, her voice full of fond remembrance and nostalgia. "Remember?" "Do I remember Christmas?" he asked with teasing intonation, moving his hips a little, setting their bodies to swaying. "How could I forget...Mrs. Claus?" The memory of Scully in the Christmas negligee he had bought her was one he would never forget. Her fingers pinched before sliding away, and he squirmed again. "Hold that thought for later," she told him, moving towards the door. "We have guests waiting." Later? He'd much prefer now, but he could do later. The depth and intensity of his desire for her still amazed him - he wanted her all the time. "Yes, dear," was his only response though as he followed after her. Holding the screen door open for him, she gave his butt a gentle pat once he had gone through. That small touch lingered for a good while, as did the smile it had wrought from him. So much so that when he handed Frohike his fresh glass of iced tea, the little man nudged him and smarmily queried, "Little action in the kitchen there, man?" "Now Frohike," Mulder replied, "you know a gentleman never tells." He flashed his friend a grin and added, "Besides, Scully still has her gun." "Yeahhh..." Frohike agreed enviously, his attention mostly on Scully as she sat down next to William on the blanket, smoothing her skirt beneath her legs. The Gunman signed and then looked back at Mulder. His tone was sober as he said, "You're a lucky man, Mulder." Mulder nodded almost absently. He was watching Scully with their son. She touched William's cheek, and William smiled toothily in response, arms waving exuberantly. Seeing this sent a tremendous surge of love soaring through him. "Believe me, Frohike, I know," he told the little man, gaze locked on his family. "I know." Frohike nudged him again, seeming slightly uncomfortable with how serious the conversation had turned, and gave him a bemused smirk. "Took you long enough, Mulder." Blinking in surprise, he turned back to face the Gunman, who had been joined by Byers and Langly. All three men were eying him with knowing looks. "Yeah, dude," Langly said, arms crossed over his Ramones tee shirt. "We thought you'd never make a move on Scully." Byers nodded his head in agreement. In deference to the warm day, the dapper Gunman had not worn a suit; he was instead dressed in a casual sport shirt and chinos. Mulder had done a double-take when he had first seen Byers, so used to the man's everyday attire of suits. Mulder merely shrugged in response, smiling wryly. How could he explain he and Scully's courtship? It had been a slow progression, gradual. He knew he could not pinpoint exactly when he had fallen in love with her. The physical consummation of their already emotionally- invested relationship had been gradual as well. From a brief but intense kiss one New Year's Eve, to spending more and more personal time together without the interference of work, to finally taking that last step. Bright laughter from Scully drew all of their attention to the group of people gathered around William. A new, fond smile creasing his face at the joyous sound, Mulder moved to join them, curious as to the reason. The Gunmen followed, quietly bickering amongst themselves about which one of them had predicted Scully and him would get together. William was standing, both hands gleefully patting Walter Skinner's bald head. As if it were a drum. Mulder barked out a loud laugh, meeting Scully's amused eyes. He was at long last used to the sight of his normally staid and stern former boss relaxed and at ease, comfortable being their friend. At home in their home. The man's patience and demeanor when with William was truly something as well. As evidenced right that moment. Skinner managed to shoot him a mock-glare without disturbing William, who was now investigating the man's ears, apparently fascinated with Skinner's glasses. He remarked, "You teaching him your bad manners, Mulder?" "Kid comes by it naturally," he tossed back, walking over to sit down beside Scully. His upper thigh pressed against her side, and she leaned against him easily, one arm coming up to drape over his leg. Her displays of public affection towards him came more easily to her now, as did his to her. "I'm just nurturing those innate talents." Bill Scully guffawed loudly and interjected, "Must come from both sides then. Dana was such a little bug-" His wife nudged him in the ribs, cutting him off mid-word, and laughingly scolded, "Bill! Not in front of the children." Scully shot her brother a glare, the smile that accompanied it showing that she was only kidding. In a haughty tone Mulder knew was put on, she said, "I was a model child, wasn't I, Mom?" "More like a model brat," Bill teased. He too sat on the grass, with Tara leaning into him, his arm around her middle. Easy-going and relaxed, he shot a conspiratorial smile towards Mulder. Apparently he and Bill's truce was holding up well, Mulder mused. Scully's brother wasn't so bad after all. Though he wasn't quite ready for monthly visits with the man yet. Or even bi-monthly. Small doses were just fine with him. Smiling back at Bill, he looked to Scully's mother, who was watching her children with an amused expression on her face. "What do you say, Maggie?" Mulder asked. Across from he and Scully on the blanket, she was seated in a lawn chair with her other grandson Matthew sitting in her lap. The young boy's attention was focused entirely on the toy spaceship he held, one of the gifts to William from the Gunmen. One that had brought about much laughter and teasing comments. Mulder had taken them all in stride, and given some back with flippant ease. Maggie laughed softly. "All four of my children were a handful," she answered diplomatically, her eyes twinkling. One hand lifted to smooth William's hair - he had toddled over to her at the sound of her voice, murmuring his sound for grandma, which was 'Ga'. "This one's a precious handful," she cooed. Monica Reyes spoke up then, her tone curious. "Do you see a lot of Dana in William, Mrs. Scully?" In a sleeveless tee shirt and capri pants, dark sunglasses shading her eyes, and sitting on the ground with her legs tucked to one side, she looked far younger than her years. Beside her in jeans and a polo shirt, John Doggett was watching with an amused smile. Just behind Scully's former partner was Kimberley, who had arrived with Skinner. She sat in another one of their lawn chairs, dressed in a skirt similar to Scully's, sunglasses shading her eyes. It had surprised Mulder when he had opened the door to see the two standing on the porch together. He had plans to query Scully as to whether there was something going on with the AD and his assistant, once the guests were gone. "Mmmmm, yes," Maggie replied after a moment, head tilted to one side as she studied her grandson. "Willful, stubborn-" It was Scully's turn to interrupt, with an indignant, "Mom! Those were the traits Mulder graced him with." William fell on his rear then, squawking with equal indignity. At that, Scully quickly added, "Along with a propensity for falling and injuring himself frequently." Scully liked to tease him about how he and William were very alike in that both of them were clumsy in their exuberance. Though she said William had a better excuse, he wasn't quite as experienced at walking yet. All assembled shared a laugh. Mulder tickled Scully's ribs and murmured in her ear, "I'll get you for that later." "Promise?" she husked back, turning her head and craning her neck a little to meet his gaze. He was unable to resist the urge to kiss her after she winked at him, darting in to press a hard, fast one on her lips. "Guaranteed," he told her with a grin. Frohike piped up once again. "Hey, I heard a rumor about cake. What are we waiting for?" "Those two lovebirds to stop making kissy-face and go get it," was Skinner's response, bringing about another round of laughter. William had gotten excited at the noisy merriment, drawn by the activity and sounds. He was now standing in the middle of the blanket, bouncing on his feet, hands waving. Giggling his high, sweet baby laugh. Clambering to his feet, Mulder extended his hand to Scully and helped her up. "I think that was a hint they want cake," he said with a grin. "I'd say it was more of a demand myself," she responded with a smile of her own curving her lips. "Mom?" she called then as he headed towards the house. "Can you set William up in his highchair while we get the cake?" The highchair was by the picnic table on their small wooden deck. The table was already decorated with a bright-colored table cloth, and surrounded by extra chairs. Crepe-paper streamers had been hung, out of reach of little hands, to add a splash of festivity to the scene. "Certainly, dear," he heard her mother respond, and glancing back he saw that Maggie had helped Matthew out of her lap and was in the process of chasing down William. Who had apparently decided it was a game to run from Grandma. Mulder paused with the screen door held open wide, watching as their son attempted to speed away on his chubby little legs, his giggles floating in the air. Scully was watching too, having stopped halfway towards the house, her head tilted to one side. William let out a shriek of laughter when his grandmother caught up to him, and promptly fell on his diapered, little Levi's-clad butt. No tears however, he immediately got back up and tried to run away again. Scully turned again and started towards him, a tender smile on her lips. It widened when she saw him watching. "Are you going to let me see the cake now?" she asked, hands going to her hips, pouty lips in full play. He had volunteered - strongly - to be the one to handle the details on the cake, and he had kept her completely in the dark about it. Driving her nuts, of course. He had reaped the benefits of her every effort to force, cajole, wheedle, whine or otherwise tempt the details out of him. Without success. Grinning, he shook his head in the negative. "Nope," he told her. "You can see the unveiling with everybody else." Letting her pass him through the opened door, he added, "You've got plate and napkin duty." Her hands were quick - she pinched his ass in retaliation for his teasing, making him jump. "What are you up to, Mulder?" she asked suspiciously, her eyes narrowed as she studied his face. Plastering on his best innocent look, he shrugged. "Scully you wound me," he replied with mock reproach, poking his lips out in a pout of his own. "Trust me." "You're not making it easy," was the complaint she tossed over her shoulder as she reached into the cupboard he'd seen her place the napkins and paper plates in the day before. "Not easy at all." "Oh, baby, I can be easy," he crooned, making a come-hither gesture with both hands now that she had closed the cupboard door and was facing him. "Come over here and let me show you just how easy." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head a little as she headed to the back door once more. "You're incorrigible!" "You love it!" he called to her, hearing the screen door bang shut. Still, he was able to hear her responding snort. Grinning, he went to get the cake. It hadn't been easy hiding it from her after he had picked it up early that morning. After carefully removing it from the baker's box, Mulder slid the large slab of cake onto a just slightly larger platter. He then checked to make sure the icing had not been disturbed, knowing it was all in the presentation. Satisfied, he found the number One candle he had gotten at the bakery when he had picked up the cake and stuck it in one corner near William's name. Though technically, this cake had no corners. His grin widened; he couldn't wait to see Scully's face, and the others. Finding a book of matches up high on another cupboard shelf, he lit the candle, thankful it was a windless day. Lifting the platter up, Mulder slowly crossed the floor, his eyes flicking from the cake to the path before him. Using his butt, he backed the door open, exiting only partway, checking to see that Scully was with the others. She was, so he continued, safely exiting without mishap. To a hungry and avidly waiting crowd. Among them Scully, who was doing her best to try and sneak a peek. Sending her a smirk, he held the platter up higher. Catching Maggie's eye, he nodded, and she said, "Everyone ready to sing to our birthday boy?" A pause, and then she started them off. William squealed and ba'd his way through the song, banging his hands on the highchair tray, much as he had on Skinner's head none too long ago. As the song neared its end, Mulder brought the cake to their son, slowly lowering it until all could see. There were gasps and choked laughs, as he had expected, and a loud, "Mulder!" from Scully. He had gotten a cake shaped and decorated like ET. Like father, like son. William had shown a distinct interest in space, and things alien. The two of them had watched the movie 'ET the Extraterrestrial' a month or so ago, and William had been fascinated by the little brown alien with the big eyes. Of course, he had been equally fascinated with the remote for the TV, and yanking on his father's hair, but he preferred to think that he and William had a mutual 'hobby' as it were. Frohike and Langly started a friendly argument about the inaccuracies of movies about aliens, a long-standing discussion among the Gunmen. Bill lifted Matthew up to give him a better view of the cake, while Skinner merely chuckled, shaking his head. Maggie had the camera, and was happily snapping pictures. Scully helped William blow out his candle, and everyone cheered. She also kept his hands from grabbing at the cake, something he was clearly interested in doing. Her mother distracted her though, by asking if they had brought out a knife to cut the cake. Scully straightened up to look around, releasing their son's hands. William promptly dove face-first into the cake. *** Several Hours After... Mulder checked on William one last time - the boy was sound asleep in his crib, exhausted from his birthday party - and headed into the master bedroom in search of Scully. He wanted to remind her that it was later now. THE END feedback gratefully accepted at lovesfox@rogers.com