For hundreds of years, Kenya has hosted visitors from all over the world. The country is endowed with a large variety of attractions.

Click on the History tab to read about the political history of Kenya, right from early colonialism to the present day.  Also find out more on Kenya's presidents.

The media in Kenya has surmounted many obstacles in fulfilling its obligations of entertaining, informing and educating. Find reports on Kenyan media.

The people of Kenya face several economic, social and cultural challenges amidst a globalizing world. Find out how they are coping.


Approx 34 million (2007)

Head of State:
President Mwai Kibaki

Capital City:
Nairobi (Pop: 3 million)

Surface Area:
584,000 km sq

Kenya Shilling

Date of Independence:
12th December 1963

Country Code:

©2007 Godfrey M. Kimega
Crystal Images Kenya, Email: [email protected]

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