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Pictures from my assignment to A co. 2/327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division.
This picture is of Cpl. Roger Ordish and my SAW gunner Private Nelly Cordona prior to training for live fire shoothouse exercises.
2nd Squad "Renegades" of 3rd Platoon Alpha company 2/327INF. Clockwise from top left are Cpl. Roger K. Ordish(MI), Cpl. Carlos Sanchez(CA), SSgt. Brad Allen(MD),  Pvt. Josh Arnold(TN), Pvt. Nelly Cordona(NYC), PFC "Tex" Rorex(TX)
Here is a picture of Private Derrick Duran(CO) and Cpl. Roger K. Ordish II(MI), relaxing during iterations.
This picture shows a reflexive fire drill with PFC. Mike Gillis(OH), and Cpl. Roger K. Ordish II
Cpl. Roger Ordish and Cpl. Carlos Sanches detain a North Korean communist soldier, despite his pleas for mercy, none was given and the takedown went smoothly!
Cpl. Roger K. Ordish II prior to Air Assualt Operations in March 2002
Twilight Air Assault into a hot LZ during training at Fort Campbell
Still the best way to get from Point A to Point B is by foot.  Trucks we don't need no stinking trucks on this 25 Mile March.
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