101st Airborne 2/187 Infantry Gulf War Photos <BGSOUND SRC="Kwai.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Here are a few of my pictures of the Gulf War from my perspective on the ground.
This is 3rd Platoon, Delta Company, 2/187th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division in Saudi Arabia in October of 1990.
Here I am in front of a captured  Iraqi Mi-24(Hind-D).
From left to right, Roger K. Ordish II, Spc. Mohler(Leo Getz, get it), and Thomas Winthrow.
2nd Battalion, 187th Infantry Regiment(Rakkasans), conducts air assault operations in late February in the Euphrates River Vally in Iraq. Note the Blackhawk helicopters approaching.  The battalion would conduct a tactical move trying to lure Iraqi Republican Guards into a fight.
Staff Sergeant Anthony Sheffield in front of a captured Iraqi Hip Cargo Helicopter. "Hooah Stud"
We Were young And We Were Willing
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