About Karin

I must confess - I'm a touch annoyed with this whole Internet thing. While I have met some wonderful people through this medium, I have also received so much rude mail that I wonder whether it's worth it. The answer is of course, yes - it is worth it. The other thing which annoyed me is that Freeservers deleted my website and then did not even have the grace to respond to my e-mails - b@$(*%!s.

Apart from that little rant - welcome to my webpage - and a special thanks for stopping in to find out a little about me. If you sign the guestbook, (nicely), I'll e-mail you, and maybe we can get to know one another a little more closely.

So, on to the basics. My name is Karin, and I now live in Russia. I had a stable family upbringing, but we travelled a lot due to my father's work, so I now speak a couple of languages fluently and get by in a lot. If you want to write to me in French, German, Czech, Russian, Swedish or Dutch, please feel free - just don't expect me to be fluent when I write back!

My job involves a lot of travel, which annoys me at times now - I used to think it was sooooo glamourous, but now all I do is collect airmiles and duty-free perfume. It does have the negative effect of not allowing me to see friends as often as possible, or to go out dressed as much as I want. I think my favourite cities are London and Amsterdam, as they both have a thriving fetish scene, which I prefer to the normal tranny scene.

I have a strong personality, which is why I am usually dominant, although I have served people in the past to gain experience. I still relish the feel of a short French maids uniform accentuating my curves, and being totally humble, desiring only to make someone else happy. Let's face it, if more of us tried to do that in our daily lives, the world might be a better place! That said, I like to get my own way, and most of the contacts I have are from a devoted band of slaves. If you want to serve me, send me an e-mail telling me how you would make me happy. (A few hints: I love red wine, I hate shaving, like massage, hate ironing, like cooking and hate cleaning.)

That's a little ramble about me - if you have any further questions, drop me a line and ask them. If they are too rude, I might decline to answer them until I get to know you a little bit better. Then again, you might be lucky.

One last thing - guys, unless you are really good-looking, forget it! I seldom go for guys, usually other T*Girls or gg's. But if you are a chiselled Adonis, I would probably make an exception.

Love, Karin xxx

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