-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F I N A L F A N T A S Y I X -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough and FAQ (Final Version) (Part 2 of 2) For Playstation(tm) (US version) By: “A” Tadeo Created: November 12, 2000 Date last Updated: May 13, 2001 Mail me at: ff9@edsamail.com.ph Home Page: http://surf.to/aaronph *=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= T H A N K Y O U E V E R Y O N E ! ! ! Thank you to everyone who read my guide. Thanks for your support and all of your compliments. You don’t know how happy I am. But, most especially to our big boss, Mr. Jeff Veasey (CjayC). Without him and GameFAQs, I wouldn’t be able to bring you this guide. He gave me (as well as all the other authors at GameFAQs) the chance to help you out in your time of need and curiosity. =) During the past few months, I tried my best to give everyone what they need about this fabulous game. I’m happy that my efforts aren’t put in vain and that I’m able to help a lot of gamers out there. Sorry for those who e-mailed me and received no response. I have a tight schedule and I’m following my e- mail policy (rarely, I answer some of them). Now, that I have a PS2, I’ll bring you even more of what I can do with one of the most anticipated games ever. The next Final Fantasy In-line for release. I’ll definitely go along with you once more through Final Fantasy X. That’s all for now. Again, thank you very much. Have a nice day. -=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*--=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-=*-= NOTE: As this will be the final version of the guide, I won’t accept any e- mails regarding contributions and suggestions anymore. But I’m welcoming questions if you have any. Thank you. And please read the E-mail policy. Now, for the walkthrough, if you want a walkthrough, which will guide you directly in finishing the game only, use Elranzer’s quick walkthrough at GameFAQs. A lot of people just wants to finish the game and doesn’t care about other things. So, I’ll refer you to Elranzer’s Guide. His guide is one of the best and easiest to follow. I also want to commend 2 nice persons for their perseverance and dedication to their sites. Jeff (CjayC) for GameFAQs.com and Al Amaloo of VGStrategies. They are very responsible and I admire their efforts. Keep up the good work guys! I would also like to commend the great Kao Megura for his excellent guides! As a matter of fact, he is the one who inspired me to create guides. Thanks a lot. BTW, I really hate those thieves who stole his works. Very Special thanks also to another one of the best guide writers ever to appear in gaming history. None other than, Dingo Jellybean. His guides are fantastic, you’ll definitely get what you need and that’s an example of how a true guide writer should be. Thanks Dingo! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DISCLAIMER =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, Commercial Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is guilty of “plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and words of another as one’s own without crediting the source. You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can copy the layout though. You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hello everyone! To those of you who know me, welcome back! :) This is my fourth project at GameFAQs. Seeing that this game will be the last among the Final Fantasy series that will grace the Sony Playstation console, I decided to create one too :) As with the objectives of other guides, I too would like to help out gamers out there who wants to know various infos about the game. I’m not finished with my guides, but I’m sure that I can manage. I’m a die hard RPG fan and I’ll do my best to make this guide as helpful as possible. Now, let’s talk about the game itself. The 9th installment in the Final Fantasy series is really, IMHO, the best Final Fantasy ever! (It’s second best RPG to me because I like Chrono Cross more). Final Fantasy IX is a whole new world and is not a sequel of any of the previous Final Fantasies. The hero is the game is Zidane, a member of a band of bandits called Tantalus. It was then that fate led them to meet the princess of Alexandria, Garnet. Princess Garnet is really not happy about everything around her inside the castle at Alexandria. She then decided to leave the castle for good and that led her to meet Zidane. I won’t spoil you anymore so let’s start the guide! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CONTENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----- Part I ----- i. E-Mail Policy I. Updates/Revisions II. Game Information A. Game Controls B. Game Menus C. Game Basics - Moving About - Attacking and Battle system - The elements - Active Time Events - Trance System - Abilities - Leveling Up - Moogle Info - Game Over D. Character Stats E. Good/Bad Status Effects III. Character Information A. Main Characters B. Supporting Characters C. Arch-Enemies IV. Walkthrough A. Disk 1 Walkthrough B. Disk 2 Walkthrough C. Disk 3 Walkthrough D. Disk 4 Walkthrough Side Quests and Secrets 1. Chocobo Mini-Guide and Paradise Treasures 2. Madain Sari 3. Mognet Central 4. Quan’s Dwelling 5. Treno a. The Stellazzios b. Treno Knight’s House c. Card Stadium d. Auction House e. Excalibur 6. Excalibur 2 7. Qu’s Marshes 8. Ozma 9. Ragtime Mouse (Pop Quiz) 10. Special Battles 11. Character Renaming 12. Gaining EXP, AP, and Money 13. The 4-armed Man at Daguerreo 14. Mr. Morrid’s Coffee 15. Carbuncle’s Secrets 16. Final Fantasy III OST 17. Beating the Yans V. Tetra Master A. Rules B. Card List C. Friendly Monsters/Weapon/ Rare Cards Location D. Card Game Strategies VI. All about Chocobos A. Chocobos B. Chocobo Forest C. Chocobo Lagoon D. Chocobo Air Garden E. Chocobo’s Paradise F. Chocobo Treasure Hunting G. Abilities Guide 1. Ability List 2. Dead Pepper Abilities H. Chocograph Pieces ----- Part II ----- ii. E-mail Policy VII. Ability List A. Character Specific Abilities VIII. Summon Magic IX. Blue Magic X. Items XI. Key Items XII. Maps XIII. Active Time Events (ATE) List XIV. Moogle Locations XV. Equipments A. Weapons B. Helmets C. Armor D. Wrist Band E. Accessories XVI. Shops XVII. FAQs XVIII. Enemy List XIX. Gameplay Tips XX. Fantasy Trivia XXI. Melodies of Life XXII. Soundtrack Song List XXIII. Other Stuff A. Words of Wisdom B. Scenes of Humor C. Sad Moments D. Screw Ups XXIV. Guide Translations XXV. Credits -=-=-=-=-=-=- E-MAIL POLICY =-=-=-=-=-=-= For the past few months, I’ve been receiving such a great number e-mails and some of them are quite annoying (just 2 of them though). So, I decided to put up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to me. Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail regarding this guide and any of my other guides: Do’s ---- 1. Send me a question, which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that happy to help you. 2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what you’re trying to ask me. 3. You can send in your questions/other e-mails in text or HTML format. No executables. 4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions, contributions, etc. If you use later versions, the answer/s to your questions might have been answered already and will be most likely to be ignored. 5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll respond to you ASAP. Don’ts ------ 1. Don’t send any questions that can be answered from my guide. And don’t be persistent in doing so. 2. Don’t send nonsense e-mails like “I want to marry you!” “Can you buy me this or that?” etc. 3. Don’t say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes. 4. And, don’t send Chain letters! Please! 5. Don’t send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I don’t want any Trojans wandering around. 6. No spamming (repeated messages). If you do any one of the “Don’ts”, your e-mail will be ignored then deleted. Period. Virus Info ---------- There are still some people who are infected with the Snow White virus. You may receive an e-mail that is from hahaha@sexyfun.net that’s all about Snow White and the seven dwarves. Here’s what you can do to check if you are infected or not. Now, send a mail to yourself. This may sound crazy, but it works. If you receive another e-mail, which has the snow White virus, at the same time or a little later than the ones you send to yourself, it means that you are probably infected with the virus. To confirm this, check the IP Address and the STMP server indicated in the virus e-mail. Don’t worry about infection, as long as you DON’T open the attachment, you’re safe. But, if the IP Address and the STMP server in the virus e-mail is the same as the ones in your e-mail, you are 100% infected. So, run a virus scanner. To prevent any virus from infiltrating, DO NOT open executable file such as (*.exe, *.com, *.scr, *.pif, *.bat) even if they’re from a trusted friend or a family member. They may not know that they are infected. JPEGs and TXT files are safe. :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- UPDATES/REVISIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final Version ------------- A Momentous Occasion! My Final Update on my 21st birthday! It’s sad to say but this will be the last update I’ll make for the guide. I certainly hope you enjoyed the game as well as the guide. Thank you again for your support. (PS: That enemy list sure is a hard thing to complete) - Ability List Complete! - Key Items finished! - Blue Magic Complete! - Equipment Info Complete! - Enemy List finished! - FAQ #1 final update (sites) - Sad Moments Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.43 (Started: April 7, 2001) -------------------------------------- - Ability List correction - Blue Magic Update (some tips in learning Blue Magic) - Weapon List correction - Italian Translation on the go! - FAQ #1 update (new sites again) - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.42 (Started: January 31, 2001) ----------------------------------------- - Major Spelling/Grammar check - Blue Magic List Update - Equipment List fixed - FAQ #1 update (new sites) - Soundtrack Songs list - Guide Translations Section (new) - Credits Section Update Version 1.41 (Started: January 16, 2001) ----------------------------------------- - FAQ #1 Update (new sites, again!) - Moogle Locations Update - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.40 (Started: January 13, 2001) ----------------------------------------- - Contact Info Update - More Detailed Table of Contents - Summon Magic information - Key Items Update - Shop List Update - FAQ #1 Update (new sites) - Credits Section Update Version 1.39 (Started: January 11, 2001) ----------------------------------------- - ATE List Update - Enemy List Update - Words of Wisdom Update - FAQ #1 Update (new site) - Credits Section Update Version 1.38 (Started: January 8, 2001) --------------------------------------- - Blue Magic List Revision - New Words of Wisdom - FAQ #1 Update (new site) - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.37 (Started: January 5, 2001) --------------------------------------- - Major Ability List Update - FAQ #1 Update (new site) - new FAQ (about Phoenix Pinion) - Fantasy Trivia update - Words of Wisdom Update - Screw Up Section Update - Sad Moments Section (New) - Credits Section Update Version 1.36 (Started: January 4, 2001) --------------------------------------- - Individual Ability List finished1 - Key Items Update - FAQ Section Update - Enemy List Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.35 (Started: January 2, 2001) --------------------------------------- - Ability List Update - Weapon List Update - Shop List Update Version 1.34 (Started: December 31, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Ability List Update - Key Items Update - Enemy List Update - Screw Up Section Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.33 (Started: December 29, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Ability List Update - Summon Magic info finished - Moogle Locations Update (New Moogles and Alphabetically Arranged) - ATE List Update - Key Items Update - Enemy List Update - Shop List Update - FAQ #1 Update (New Site) - Melodies of Life Lyrics - Fantasy Trivia Update - Words of Wisdom Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.32 (Started: December 24, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Blue Magic List Finished - I’ll revise this list in the next update - ATE List Update - Key Items Update - Enemy List Update - Screw-Up Section Update - FAQ #1 Update (New Sites) - FAQ #7 Update (New Strategy) - Fantasy Trivia Update - Gameplay Tips Update (Important) - Credits Section Update Version 1.31 (Started: December 19, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Ability List Update - Key Items Update - Maps Section Update - FAQ #1 Update (New Sites once more) - Enemy List Update - Fantasy Trivia Update - Words of Wisdom Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.30 (Started: December 18, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Ability List Update - Blue Magic List Update - Key Items Update - FAQ #1 Update (New Sites) - Fantasy Trivia Update - Scenes of Humor Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.29 (Started: December 15, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - e-mail policy revised - New Sections Character specific abilities (includes update) Words of Wisdom, Scenes of Humor and Screw Ups - Ability List Update - Map Section Finished! - Ability List Update - Equipment List Update - Enemy List Update - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.28 (Started: December 14, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Equipment List Update Version 1.27 (Started: December 13, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Transferred Special Battles and Pop Quiz to Side Quests at Part 1 - Blue Magic Section Update - Map Section Update (new Chocobo Air Garden location) - New Gameplay Tip - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.26 (Started: December 11, 2000) ------------------------------------------ - Ability List Update - Maps Section Update - Equipment List Update (Freya and Amarant’s Weapons, Hats/Helms, Armlets/Wristbands, Excalibur) - FAQ Section Update (new ones plus, corrections for the old ones) - Shop List Update - Enemy List Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.25 (Started: December 10, 2000) ------------------------------------------- - Transferred Stellazzio, Treno Auction House to Side Quest, Qu’s Marshes, to Side Quests Section in Part 1. - Summon Magic Complete - Fantasy Trivia Section Update - Enemy List Update - FAQ #1 Update (new sites) - Credits Section Update Version 1.24 (Started: December 9, 2000) ----------------------------------------- - Ability List Update - Summon Magic Update - Maps Section Update (Outer Continent) - Accessory List Update - Enemy List Update Version 1.23 (Started: December 7, 2000) ----------------------------------------- For those of you who are asking why are the EXPs in my monster list is different from what you got, I have an explanation at the Enemy List Section. - Ability List Update - Blue Magic List Update - Weapon List Update - Steiner’s Swords - Quina’s Forks - Treno Auction House Update - Moogle Locations Update - World Map Update (Qu’s Marshes) - Enemy List Update - Shop List Update - Black Mage Village at Disc 4 - FAQ #12 (About Stealing) It’s easy to steal now! - New FAQs - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Happy Birthday to my favorite singer! Ms. Olivia Lufkin from Japan. Omedetou Gozaimasu! Version 1.22 (Started: December 6, 2000) ----------------------------------------- - New Gameplay Tip - FAQ #1 Update (new sites) - New FAQ - Credits Section Updated (a lot) Version 1.21 (Started: December 5, 2000) ----------------------------------------- I’ve started on the maps. It’s hard but I’m having fun. Please tell me your comments about my ASCII art of the map. Thanks in advance. :) - Ability List Update - Started the Maps Section - Qu Marshes (New Section) - Weapon Section Update (Zidane, Dagger, and Vivi) - Shop List Update Version 1.20 (Started: December 4, 2000) ----------------------------------------- - Stellazzio Complete List - Blue Magic List Update - Treno Auction House Update - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.19 (Started: December 3, 2000) ----------------------------------------- I’ll be concentrating on the maps now. :) For the contributors, don’t worry I have your contributions in a single file and I’m ready to include them. Thank you very much for your efforts. - Ability List Update - Stellazzio Update - Treno Auction House Update - Shop List Update (Legendary Synthesist) - FAQ #11 update (about stealing) - Credits Section Update Version 1.18 (Started: December 3, 2000) ----------------------------------------- - Mognet Central (new section) - Equipments for Dagger - Credits Section Update Version 1.17a (Started: December 2, 2000) ----------------------------------------- From here on, I decided to update both parts at the same time. I got confused when I tried to update one part only. This also to the benefit of the Webmasters who have my guide and also to everyone. - Fantasy Trivia Update - Credits Section Update Version 1.16 (Started: December 1, 2000) ----------------------------------------- Ok. It seems that the file will be a lot bigger than I thought. So, I decided to split the guide into 2. This is for consideration to those who have Dial- Up Connections (like me). People are starting to e-mail me about the size of the file. So, here it is. For any suggestions/comments/contributions, just e- mail me at my address at the top of this document. Thank you. NOTE: The previous Revision Histories are in the First Part. I’ll be separating the Revision histories from now on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ABILITY LIST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here’s the list of the different abilities that your character can learn. Here’s a sample: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITY NAME Type: Support or Action Description: I’ll explain what the ability actually do when equipped/used. Learned from: - AP Needed: - Magic Stones needed: - Elemental: Fire, Ice, etc. (if applicable) Character: characters that can use the ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the abilities listed in alphabetical order: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITY UP Type: Support Description: When equipped, you can learn your abilities faster. Learned from: Stardust Rod, Brigandine, Diamond Gloves, Green Beret, Silk Robe, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon AP Needed: 60 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCURACY + Type: Support Description: Increases you chances in hitting the opponent using physical attacks. Learned from: Black Hood, Power Vest, Lapis Lazuli, Genji Armor, Power Wrist AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 2 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Steiner, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADD STATUS Type: Support Description: This will enable the Status added to your weapons. Learned from: Feather Hat, Bone Wrist, Thunder Gloves, Twist Headband, Bracer, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Freya, Steiner, Vivi, Quina, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALERT Type: Support Description: This will prevent back attacks at your party. Learned from: Barbut, Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots AP Needed: 60 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Amarant, Steiner, Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANNOY Type: Action (Skill) Description: Inflicts the ‘Trouble’ Status Effect Learned from: Sargatanas, Gladius AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARMOR BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will destroy the armor of your enemies. Not all armor can be broken though. Learned from: Mythril Sword AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AURA Type: Action (Skill) Description: Casts Auto-Life and Regen on one party member Learned from: Duel Claws AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-FLOAT Type: Support Description: Automatically casts Float at the party member at the start of the battle and until the battle’s duration. Learned from: Feather Boots AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 6 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-HASTE Type: Support Description: When a Battle begins, the character that is equipped with this ability will be in Haste Status. Learned from: Running Shoes AP Needed: 65 Magic Stones needed: 9 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-LIFE Type: Support Description: When equipped, that character will automatically use Phoenix Down (or magic if she has a Life spell), to revive himself/herself if he/she gets KO’d. Learned from: Rebirth Ring AP Needed: 130 Magic Stones needed: 12 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-POTION Type: Support Description: When equipped, that character will automatically use Potions when (If you have Potions, he/she will use Potion, if not, he/she will use Hi Potions) he/she received damage directly (not damage due to another character who has the Trouble Status). Learned from: Mythril Vest, Demon’s Vest, Running Shoes, Magician Robe, White Robe, Extension AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-REFLECT Type: Support Description: When a Battle begins, the character that is equipped with this ability will be equipped with Reflect. Learned from: Reflect Ring AP Needed: 75 Magic Stones needed: 15 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO-REGEN Type: Support Description: When a Battle begins, the character that is equipped with this ability will be in Regen. He/she will regenerate from time to time until the end of the battle. Learned from: Golem’s Flute, Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit, Light Robe, Angel Earrings, Maiden Prayer, Carabini Mail, Glutton’s Robe AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 10 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEAST KILLER Type: Support Description: Your attacks will deal more damage to beasts/animals. Learned from: Broad Sword, Egoist’s Armlet, Flash Hat, Leather Wrist, Black Belt, Moonstone, Bronze Sword, Platina Armor AP Needed: 55 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIO Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic is Poison-based and will sometimes inflict the Poison Status to the target. Learned from: Oak Staff AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIRD KILLER Type: Support Description: Your attacks will deal more damage to bird/flying enemies. Learned from: Bronze Armor, Chain Mail, Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLIND Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will blind your character thus the accuracy of his/her/its attack will be greatly lowered. Learned from: Multina Racket, Magician Shoes AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLIZZARA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 2 Ice Attack magic. Learned from: Ice Staff, Opal AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Ice Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLIZZAGA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 3 Ice attack magic. Learned from: Octagon Rod AP Needed: 85 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Ice Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLIZZARD Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 1 Ice Attack magic. Learned from: Leather Wrist AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Ice Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BODY TEMP Type: Support Description: Protects against the Heat and Freeze Status Effects. Learned from: Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring, Holy Miter, Genji Armor, Obelisk, Glutton’s Robe AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOST Type: Support Description: Raises the Strength of Eidolons Learned from: Pumice Piece AP Needed: 190 Magic Stones needed: 12 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Does Earth Damage and sometimes causes Petrify. Learned from: Cypress Pile AP Needed: 55 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Earth Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIGHT EYES Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will be immune to the Darkness/Blindness Status Effect. Learned from: Iron Helm, Ritual Hat, Feather Hat AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUG KILLER Type: Support Description: Your attacks will deal more damage to bugs/insects. Learned from: Bronze Helmet, Mythril Gloves, Mythril Armlet AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAKRA Type: Action (Skill) Description: Restore a small amount of HP and MP of a party member. Learned from: Cat’s Claws, Leather Plate AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHARGE! Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will let your endangered party members (near death) attack the enemy. Learned from: Coral Sword, Aegis Gloves AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHEMIST Type: Support Description: When enabled, it doubles the potency or healing items such as Potions, etc. Learned from: Cotton Robe, Barette, Madain’s Ring, Grand Armor AP Needed: 15 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Steiner, Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHERRY BLOSSOM Type: Action (Skill) Description: Deals non-elemental damage to all enemies. Learned from: Kain’s Lance AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEAR-HEADED Type: Support Description: The character with this ability cannot be afflicted with the “Confused” Status. Learned from: Magician Shoes, Lamia’s Tiara, Magic Armlet, Circlet, Green Beret, Dark Gear, Gold Helm AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIMHAZZARD Type: Action (Skill) Description: Deals non-elemental damage to enemies. Learned from: Excalibur AP Needed: 70 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: non-elemental Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMET Type: Action (Skill) Description: Hurl Comet at the opponent. Learned from: Cypress Pile AP Needed: 55 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: non-elemental Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCENTRATE Type: Support Description: Increase Damage of Magic Attacks Learned from: Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring AP Needed: 80 Magic Stones needed: 10 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFUSE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will make your enemies Confused. They attack ANYONE randomly. Learned from: Lamia’s Tiara, Asura’s Rod AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COUNTER Type: Support Description: When equipped, that character will counter attack after receiving damage. That character doesn’t Counter every time though. Learned from: Power Belt, Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Venetia Shield, Cat’s Claws, Poison Knuckles, Mythril Claws, Dragon Claws, Avenger, Kaiser Knuckles, Duel Claws, Rune Claw, Red Hat AP Needed: 70 Magic Stones needed: 8 Elemental: none Character: Freya, Steiner, Zidane, Amarant, Quina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COUNTDOWN Type: Action (Skill) Description: Casts doom on the enemy Learned from: Kaiser Knuckles AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COVER Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will take damage done by the enemies to another member of the party. Learned from: Linen Cuirass, Mythril Armor, Gauntlets, Red Hat AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 6 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use the Level 2 Curative Magic that will restore more HPs. Learned from: Golem’s Flute, Healing Rod, Barette AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko, Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURAGA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use the Level 3 Curative Magic that will restore more HPs. Learned from: Whale Whisker, Wizard Rod, Angel’s Flute AP Needed: 155 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko, Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use the Level 1 Curative Magic that will restore your characters’ HP. Learned from: Silk Shirt, Rod, Magic Racket AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko, Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARKSIDE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Reduces HP to cause Shadow Damage to enemies. Learned from: Blood Sword AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEATH Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes instant Death on opponents. Learned from: Black Hood AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMI Type: Action (Skill) Description: Does Gravity damage to opponent Learned from: Cypress Pile, Amethyst, Black Belt AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEMI SHOCK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Damages the enemy depending on its HP Learned from: Avenger AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETECT Type: Action (Skill) Description: This skill determines the items/equipments that you can steal from an enemy. Learned from: Mage Masher, Orichalcon AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEVIL KILLER Type: Support Description: The character with this ability deals more damage to Evil/Dark Enemies Learned from: Chain Plate, Thunder Gloves, Demon’s Vest, Cross Helm AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 2 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISPEL Type: Action (Skill) Description: Removes the effect of a status effect magic. Doesn’t work on Negative Status Effects. Learned from: Tiger Racket, Siren’s Flute AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRACT Type: Support Description: Decreases the physical attack accuracy of the opponent Learned from: Shield Armor, Judo Uniform, Diamond, Reflect Ring AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Freya, Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOMSDAY Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes Shadow damage to all targets. Learned from: Mace of Zeus AP Needed: 150 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAGON BREATH Type: Action (Skill) Description: Reduces the HP of all enemies Learned from: Dragon’s Hair AP Needed: 205 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAGON KILLER Type: Support Description: The character with this ability deals more damage to Dragon-Type enemies. Learned from: Javelin, Barbut AP Needed: 70 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAGON’S CREST Type: Action Description: Deals Physical Damage to enemies Learned from: Holy Lance, Kain’s Lance AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAIN Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will Drain the HP of the Target and total HP drained will be added to the caster’s HP. Learned from: Oak Staff AP Needed: 60 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ESUNA Type: Action (Skill) Description: Removes various status effects. Learned from: Siren’s Flute, Angel Flute, Rubber Suit AP Needed: 80 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EYE 4 EYE Type: Support Description: Raises the Counter Attack activation Rate. Learned from: Flash Hat, Ninja Gear, Kaiser Helm, Rubber Suit AP Needed: 60 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 2 Fire Attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Flame Staff, Mage’s Hat, Power Belt, Topaz AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Fire Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRAGA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 3 Fire attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Octagon Rod AP Needed: 75 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Fire Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use basic Fire Attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Mage Staff, Leather Hat AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Fire Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLARE Type: Action (Skill) Description: The ultimate Fire Attack Magic Learned from: Black Robe AP Needed: 95 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: Fire Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLEE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will let your party escape from the battle but you’ll drop some of your Gil. Learned from: Dagger, Ultima Weapon AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLEE-GIL Type: Support Description: This will let your party escape from the battle and you’ll still receive Gil after escaping. Learned from: Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLOAT Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will literally make the character float. Earth-based attacks will be useless against a FLOATed character. Learned from: Stardust Rod, Lamia’s Tiara, Lamia’s Flute, Feather Boots AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FULL-LIFE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Revives a KO’d Party member and restores his/her entire HP. Learned from: Siren’s Flute, Light Robe AP Needed: 90 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GAMBLE DEFENSE Type: Support Description: Increases/Raises defenses occasionally. Learned from: Power Vest, Adaman Hat, Twist Headband, Barette AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 1 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Freya, Quina, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUARDIAN MOG Type: Support Description: Protects with unseen Force Learned from: Ribbon, Madain’s Ring AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HALF MP Type: Support Description: MP usage will be cut by half. Learned from: Protect Ring, Light Robe AP Needed: 140 Magic Stones needed: 11 Elemental: none Character: Vivi, Dagger, Eiko, Quina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HASTE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Reduces the time for the ATB to fill up. In short, increases Speed. Learned from: Emerald, Running Shoes AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALER Type: Support Description: Restore target’s HP. When the character with the Healer Support Ability attacks anyone, he/she will regain a small amount of HP depending of the Attack Power of the attacker. Learned from: Healing Rod, Garnet AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIGH JUMP Type: Action (Skill) Description: Jump higher to gain more jump attack power. Learned from: Dragon Mail AP Needed: 75 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HIGH TIDE Type: Support Description: When equipped, this will enable you to Trance faster Learned from: Needle Fork, Sapphire Gem, Jade Armlet, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Magician Cloak, Grand Helm, Demon’s Mail, Ganji Gloves, Partisan, Minerva’s Plate, all Forks AP Needed: 35 (Forks need 250) Magic Stones needed: 8 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLY Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes Holy Damage to enemies Learned from: White Robe, Angel’s Flute AP Needed: 11 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP + 10% Type: Support Description: Increases the MAX HP by 10%. Learned from: Chain Mail, Aquamarine, Germinas Boots, Judo Uniform AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP + 20% Type: Support Description: Increases the MAX HP by 20%. Learned from: Mantra Band, Adaman Hat, Battle Boots, Black Belt, Genji Helmet, Maximillian, Defense Gloves AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 8 Elemental: none Character: Amarant, Freya, Zidane, Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INITIATIVE Type: Support Description: Increases the chance of a first strike, or a pre-emptive attack. Learned from: Battle Boots, Obelisk AP Needed: 95 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSOMNIAC Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will be immune to the Sleep Status Effect. Learned from: Coral Ring, Bandana, Magician’s Cloak, Gaia Gear, Holy Miter, Mythril Helm AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JELLY Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will be immune to petrification. Learned from: Bronze Vest, Bronze Gloves, Circlet, Dark Hat, Dark Gear, Mythril Armor, Diamond Gloves AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Everyone (except Steiner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JEWEL Type: Action (Skill) Description: Extracts Ore from a target. Learned from: Hamelin AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAI STRIKE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Knocks out the target. Learned from: Rune Blade AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LANCER Type: Action (Skill) Description: Freya will attack the enemy at the same time chop off a few MPs of the enemy. Learned from: Coral Ring, Partisan AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL UP Type: Support Description: When equipped, the character will receive 50% more EXP thus he/she will level up faster. Learned from: Iron Helm, Egoist’s Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring, Extension, Pearl Rouge AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 7 Elemental: none Character: Everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIFE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will revive a KO’d party member and restores 1/10 of his/her total HP. Learned from: Mythril Rod, Golem’s Flute, Healing Rod, Whale Whisker, Rebirth Ring AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCOMOTION Type: Support Description: This will prevent the ‘Stop’ Status Effect Learned from: Survival Vest, Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Ninja Gear, Plate Mail AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Everyone (except Steiner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LONG REACH Type: Support Description: Back Row deals the same damage with the Back row using normal physical attacks Learned from: Protect Ring, Thief Hat AP Needed: 170 Magic Stones needed: 16 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOUDMOUTH Type: Support Description: The character with this ability cannot be silenced. Learned from: Mage’s Hat, Golden Hairpin, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl Rogue AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Vivi, Dagger, Eiko, Quina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LUCKY SEVEN Type: Action (Skill) Description: Physical attack based on luck. High damage if successful Learned from: Exploda, Gladius, Rune Tooth, The Tower, Thief Hat AP Needed: 85 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LUNA Type: Action (Skill) Description: Casts Berserk on everyone in the party. Learned from: Trident AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGIC BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Decreases the magic power of your opponent. Learned from: Flame Saber AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGIC ELEM NULL Type: Support Description: Nullifies a certain Elemental type Learned from: Protect Ring AP Needed: 115 Magic Stones needed: 13 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAN EATER Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will deal more damage to Human enemies. Learned from: Coral Ring, Mythril Gloves, Bandana, Coronet AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 2 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Freya, Steiner, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASTER THIEF Type: Support Description: Enables you to steal rare items from enemies. Learned from: Thief Gloves AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MENTAL BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: this will lower the Magic Defense of your enemy Learned from: Ice Brand, Gold Helm AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ METEOR Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes Non-elemental damage to the enemy Learned from: High Mage Staff AP Needed: 95 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: non-elemental Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIGHT Type: Action (Skill) Description: Temporarily increases the power of Physical attacks of the target. Learned from: Priest’s Racket AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MILLIONAIRE Type: Support Description: Increases the amount of Gil you get after battles. Learned from: Yellow Scarf AP Needed: 100 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Quina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINI Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will inflict the Mini Status effect on your enemies. Learned from: Magic Racket, Asura’s Rod, Feather Boots AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Eiko, Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINUS STRIKE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Deals physical damage to enemies. Damage depends on the difference of the HP and MP of Steiner. Learned from: Rubber Helm, Iron Sword AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP + 10% Type: Support Description: Increase the Maximum MP by 10%. Learned from: Magician Cloak, Emerald, Extension, Magician Shoes AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Quina, Freya, Eiko, Quina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP + 20% Type: Support Description: Increase the Maximum MP by 20%. Learned from: Black Robe, Angel Earrings AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 8 Elemental: none Character: Vivi, Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MP ATTACK Type: Support Description: When equipped, this will use 5 MPs to increase the damage you deal with your physical attack. Learned from: Power Belt, Red Hat, Battle Boots, Cross Helm AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUG Type: Support Description: Automatically attack while stealing. Learned from: Survival Vest, Chimera Armlet, Thief Hat AP Needed: 65 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NO MERCY Type: Action (Skill) Description: Deals non-elemental damage to enemy. Learned from: Dragon’s Claws, Duel Claws AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ODIN’S SWORD Type: Support Description: Attack with the Eidolon Odin Learned from: Ancient Aroma AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Dagger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OSMOSE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Drains MPs from the enemy and amount of MP drained will be added to the caster’s MP. Learned from: Gaia Gear, High Mage Staff AP Needed: 70 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POISON Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will inflict the Poison Status effect on your enemies. Learned from: Lightning Staff AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Decreases the power of your opponent. Learned from: Diamond Sword AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER THROW Type: Action (Skill) Description: Decreases the power of the throw ability. Learned from: Bracer AP Needed: 125 Magic Stones needed: 19 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POWER UP Type: Support Description: Raises the strength of the Chakra Ability. Learned from: Golden Skullcap AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 3 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROTECT GIRLS Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will take damage done by the enemies to the girls in you party. Learned from: Leather Shirt, Butterfly Sword AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFLECT Type: Action (Skill) Description: When you cast Reflect on a party member, Magic attacks doe to him/her will bounce back at the enemy. Some magic can’t be reflected. Learned from: Stardust Rod, Mythril Racket, Reflect Ring, Ruby AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFLECT X2 Type: Support Description: Doubles the Effect of Reflect Learned from: Black Robe, Rosetta Ring AP Needed: 110 Magic Stones needed: 17 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFLECT-NULL Type: Support Description: Nullifies reflect and attacks Learned from: Robe of Lords, Pearl Rouge AP Needed: 45 Magic Stones needed: 7 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REI’S WIND Type: Action (Skill) Description: Casts Regen on all party members. Learned from: Mythril Spear, Gold Helm, Angel Earrings AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESTORE HP Type: Support Description: Automatically restores HP when near death. Learned from: Platinum Helm, Grand Armor, Promist Ring, Minerva’s Plate, Brave Suit AP Needed: 100 Magic Stones needed: 8 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETURN MAGIC Type: Support Description: Returns any Magic to the Spell Caster. Learned from: Brigandine, Coronet AP Needed: 170 Magic Stones needed: 9 Elemental: Any Character: Amarant, Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REVIVE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Revives a KO’d party member Learned from: Rebirth Ring AP Needed: 55 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SACRIFICE Type: Action (Skill) Description: When used, the one with the Ability will lose HP to recover another party member’s HP Learned from: Exploda, Masamune AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SILENCE Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will silence your enemies therefore making them unable to use Magic. Learned from: Mythril Rod, Magic Armlet, Asura’s Rod, Priest’s Racket, Lamia’s Flute AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIX DRAGONS Type: Action (Skill) Description: I don’t know the exact effect yet. Learned from: Heavy Lance AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHELL Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will increase the SHELLed character’s Magic Defense. Learned from: Mythril Rod, Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Wizard Rod, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHOCK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes Physical Damage to enemy. Learned from: Ragnarok AP Needed: 60 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Beatrix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLEEP Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will put enemies into sleep. If you attack a sleeping enemy with physical attacks, it will awaken. Use Magic if you don’t want the enemy to wake up. Learned from: Flame Staff AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOW Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Black Magic will slow down your opponents ATB. Learned from: Magus Hat, Ice Staff AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARE CHANGE Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes non-elemental damage to enemies using Gil. Learned from: Poison Knuckles AP Needed: 90 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STEAL GIL Type: Action Description: Allows you to steal Gil from enemies Learned from: Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf AP Needed: 40 Magic Stones needed: 5 Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STOCK BREAK Type: Action (Skill) Description: Causes non-elemental damage to enemies Learned from: Ultima Sword AP Needed: 35 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STONA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This Magic will heal the Petrify or Gradual Petrify status effect. Learned from: Multina Racket, Lamia’s Flute AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Dagger, Eiko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STOP Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will temporarily halt the opponent’s ATB. Learned from: Oak Staff AP Needed: 25 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STONE KILLER Type: Support Description: When equipped, that character will deal more damage to earth- based/stone-based enemies. Learned from: Adaman Vest, Power Vest, Platinum Helm, Gold Armor AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: 4 Elemental: none Character: Zidane, Steiner, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIEVERY Type: Action (Skill) Description: Damages the enemy while stealing. Learned from: Angel Bless, The Tower AP Needed: 100 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: none Character: Zidane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THUNDAGA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 3 Thunder attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Octagon Rod AP Needed: 80 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Thunder Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THUNDARA Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use Level 2 Thunder attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Lightning Staff, Peridot AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Thunder Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THUNDER Type: Action (Skill) Description: This will use basic Thunder attack magic on a Single enemy. Learned from: Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle AP Needed: 50 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Thunder Character: Vivi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THUNDER SLASH Type: Action (Skill) Description: Deals Thunder Damage to enemy Learned from: Defender, Ragnarok AP Needed: 30 Magic Stones needed: None Elemental: Thunder Character: Steiner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNDEAD KILLER Type: Support Description: The character with this ability will deal a bigger damage to Undead Monsters. Learned from: Silver Gloves, Ritual Hat, Headgear, N-Kai Armlet, Plate Mail AP Needed: 20 Magic Stones needed: 2 Elemental: none Character: Steiner, Zidane, Freya, Amarant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHITE DRAW Type: Action (Skill) Description: Restores MP of all party members by drawing them from the enemy. Learned from: Emerald, Ice Lance, Kain’s Lance AP Needed: 90 Magic Stones needed: 0 Elemental: none Character: Freya ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- A. CHARACTER SPECIFIC ABILITIES ------------------------------- For the Normal Abilities of the characters, please check the abilities list for more info. ========= 1. ZIDANE ========= SKILLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Description | Learned From ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flee 0 Escape from the Battles Dagger/ Ultima Weapon Detect 0 See what items/equipments you can Mage Masher/ steal from the enemy Orichalcon What’s That!? 2 Gives you a chance for a first Butterfly strike. The enemy will face away Sword from your party. Soul Blade 6 Inflicts the Status that is added The Ogre to your sword even without the Add Status Ability equipped. Annoy 4 Inflicts Trouble on your enemy. Gladius/ Sargatanas Sacrifice 32 Sacrifices self for other Exploda/ party members. Masamune Lucky Seven 6 Physical attack that depends on Gladius/ luck. Huge damage when successful. Exploda/ Rune Tooth/The Tower/Thief Hat Thievery 8 Attacks your enemy physically. Angel Bless/ The Tower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DYNE ABILITIES (Trance) * All of them are non-elemental attacks based from the in-game description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Energy 10 MP Tidal Flame 12 MP Scoop Art 14 MP Shift Break 16 MP Stellar Circle 5 24 MP Meo Twister 32 MP Solution 9 48 MP Grand Lethal 60 MP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit Auto-Life Rebirth Ring HP+20% Adaman Hat, Mantra Band, Battle Boots, Black Belt Accuracy+ Black Hood, Power Vest, Lapis Lazuli Distract Judo Uniform, Diamond, Reflect Ring Long Reach Thief Hat, Protect Ring MP Attack Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt Bird Killer Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf Bug Killer Mythril Armlet Stone Killer Adaman Vest, Power Vest Undead Killer Headgear, N-Kai Armlet Devil Killer Chain Plate, Demon’s Vest Beast Killer Flash Hat, Egoist’s Armlet, Leather Wrist, Black Belt, Moonstone Man Eater Bandana, Coronet Master Thief Thief Gloves Steal Gil Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf Add Status Feather Hat, Twist Headband, Bone Wrist, Bracer, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle Gamble Defense Adaman Hat, Twist Headband, Power Vest High Tide Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Counter Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt Protect Girls Butterfly Sword, Leather Shirt Eye 4 Eye Flash Hat, Ninja Gear Body Temp Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Alert Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Green Beret, Brigandine, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Flee-Gil Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker Insomniac Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Bright Eyes Feather Hat, Ritual Hat Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Mythril Vest, Running Shoes Locomotion Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Ninja Gear, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes Mug Thief Hat, Survival Vest, Chimera Armlet Bandit Mythril Dagger, N-Kai Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========= 2. DAGGER ========= * For the description of the White Magic, check the abilities list. For the eidolons, check the Summons Magic section below. SUMMONS/EIDOLONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shiva 24 Opal Ifrit 26 Topaz Ramuh 22 Peridot Atomos 32 Amethyst Odin 28 Dark Matter Leviathan 42 Aquamarine Bahamut 36 Garnet Ark 80 Pumice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHITE MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cure 6 Rod, Magic Racket, Silk Shirt Cura 10 Healing Rod, Golem’s Flute, Barette Curaga 22 Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker, Angel Flute Life 8 Mythril Rod, Healing Rod, Whale Whisker, Golem’s Flute, Rebirth Ring Panacea 8 Rod, Air Racket Scan 4 Air Racket, Desert Boots Stona 8 Multina Racket, Lamia’s Flute Shell 6 Mythril Rod, Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Wizard Rod, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone Protect 6 Rod, Mythril Racket, Wizard Rod, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots Silence 8 Mythril Rod, Asura’s Rod, Priest’s Racket, Lamia’s Flute, Magic Armlet Mini 8 Magic Racket, Asura’s Rod, Feather Boots Reflect 6 Stardust Rod, Mythril Racket, Reflect Ring, Ruby Confuse 8 Asura’s Rod, Lamia’s Tiara Berserk 6 Magic Racket Blind 6 Multina Racket, Magician Shoes Float 6 Stardust Rod, Lamia’s Flute, Lamia’s Tiara, Feather Boots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golden Hairpin, Light Robe, Angel Earrings, Maiden Prayer Auto-Life Rebirth Ring MP+20% Angel Earrings Healer Healing Rod, Garnet Chemist Cotton Robe, Barette, Madain’s Ring Reflect-Null Robe of Lords, Pearl Rouge Concentrate Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring Half MP Protect Ring, Light Robe High Tide Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Magician Cloak, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Body Temp Holy Miter, Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Extension, Fairy Earrings, Pearl Rouge, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Stardust Rod, Green Beret, Silk Robe, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Insomniac Bandana, Holy Miter, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Loudmouth Golden Hairpin, Mage’s Hat, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl Rouge Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Magician Robe, Mythril Vest, White Robe, Extension, Running Shoes Locomotion Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Lamia’s Tiara, Dark Gear, Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes Boost Pumice Piece Odin’s Sword Ancient Aroma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======= 3. VIVI ======= * For the description of the Black Magic, check the abilities list. BLACK MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire 6 Mage Staff, Leather Hat Fira 12 Flame Staff, Mage’s Hat, Power Belt, Topaz Firaga 24 Octagon Rod Sleep 10 Flame Staff Blizzard 6 Leather Wrist Blizzara 12 Ice Staff, Opal Blizzaga 24 Octagon Rod Slow 6 Ice Staff, Magus Hat Thunder 6 Silk Shirt, Glass Buckle Thundara 12 Lightning Staff, Peridot Thundaga 24 Octagon Rod Stop 8 Oak Staff Poison 8 Lightning Staff Bio 18 Oak Staff Osmose 2 High Mage Staff, Gaia Gear Drain 14 Oak Staff Demi 18 Cypress Pile, Amethyst, Black Belt Comet 18 Cypress Pile Death 20 Black Hood Break 18 Cypress Pile Water 22 N-Kai Armlet Meteor 42 High Mage Staff Flare 40 Black Robe Doomsday 56 Mace of Zeus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golden Hairpin, Light Robe Auto-Life Rebirth Ring MP+20% Black Robe Healer Garnet Add Status Feather Hat, Twist Headband, Bone Wrist, Bracer, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle Reflect-Null Robe of Lords Reflectx2 Black Robe, Rosetta Ring Magic Elem Null Protect Ring Half MP Protect Ring, Light Robe High Tide Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Magician Cloak, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Body Temp Holy Miter, Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Green Beret, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Insomniac Bandana, Holy Miter, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Loudmouth Golden Hairpin, Mage’s Hat Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Return Magic Coronet, Brigandine Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Magician Robe, Mythril Vest, Running Shoes Locomotion Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Lamia’s Tiara, Dark Gear, Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== 4. STEINER ========== SWORD ARTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Darkside 0 Blood Sword Minus Strike 8 Iron Sword, Rubber Helm Lai Strike 16 Rune Blade Power Break 8 Diamond Sword Armor Break 4 Mythril Sword Mental Break 8 Ice Brand, Gold Helm Magic Break 4 Flame Saber Charge! 10 Coral Sword, Aegis Gloves Thunder Slash 24 Defender, Ragnarok Stock Break 26 Ultima Sword Climhazzard 32 Excalibur Shock 46 Ragnarok ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SWORD MAGIC * Depends on the Black Magic Vivi has learned ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fire 6 Fira 12 Firaga 30 Blizzard 6 Blizzara 12 Blizzaga 30 Thunder 6 Thundara 12 Thundaga 30 Bio 20 Water 26 Flare 60 Doomsday 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Carabini Mail Auto-Life Rebirth Ring HP+10% Chain Mail, Aquamarine, Germinas Boots HP+20% Genji Helmet, Maximillian, Defense Gloves, Battle Boots, Black Belt Accuracy+ Genji Armor, Lapis Lazuli Distract Shield Armor, Diamond, Reflect Ring Long Reach Protect Ring MP Attack Cross Helm, Battle Boots, Power Belt Bird Killer Bronze Armor, Chain Mail, Yellow Scarf Bug Killer Bronze Helm, Mythril Gloves Stone Killer Platinum Helm, Gold Armor Undead Killer Plate Mail, Silver Gloves Devil Killer Cross Helm, Thunder Gloves Beast Killer Bronze Sword, Broad Sword, Platina Armor, Black Belt, Moonstone Man Eater Mythril Gloves Add Status Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle Chemist Grand Armor, Madain’s Ring High Tide Grand Helm, Demon’s Mail, Genji Gloves, Sapphire Counter Venetia Shield, Power Belt Cover Linen Cuirass, Mythril Armor, Gauntlets Eye 4 Eye Kaiser Helm Body Temp Genji Armor, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Alert Barbut, Germinas Boots Level Up Iron Helm, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Diamond Gloves, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Insomniac Mythril Helm, Coral Ring Antibody Mythril Helm, Bronze Gloves, Glass Buckle Bright Eyes Iron Helm Restore HP Platinum Helm, Grand Armor, Promist Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======== 5. FREYA ======== * For the description of the Dragon Ability, check the abilities list. DRAGON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lancer 10 Partisan, Coral Ring Rei’s Wind 12 Mythril Spear, Gold Helm, Angel Earrings Dragon Breath 78 Dragon’s Hair White Draw 36 Ice Lance, Kain’s Lance, Emerald Luna 12 Trident Six Dragons 28 Heavy Lance Cherry Blossom 46 Kain’s Lance Dragon’s Crest 16 Holy Lance, Kain’s Lance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Carabini Mail Auto-Life Rebirth Ring HP+10% Chain Mail, Aquamarine, Germinas Boots HP+20% Genji Helmet, Defense Gloves, Battle Boots, Black Belt MP+10% Emerald, Extension, Magician Shoes Accuracy+ Genji Armor, Lapis Lazuli Distract Shield Armor, Diamond, Reflect Ring Long Reach Protect Ring MP Attack Cross Helm, Battle Boots, Power Belt Bird Killer Bronze Armor, Chain Mail, Yellow Scarf Bug Killer Bronze Helm, Mythril Gloves Stone Killer Platinum Helm, Gold Armor Undead Killer Plate Mail, Silver Gloves Dragon Killer Javelin, Barbut Devil Killer Cross Helm, Thunder Gloves Beast Killer Platina Armor, Black Belt, Moonstone Man Eater Mythril Gloves High Jump Dragon Mail Add Status Thunder Gloves, Glass Buckle Gamble Defense Barette Chemist Grand Armor, Barette, Madain’s Ring High Tide Partisan, Grand Helm, Demon’s Mail, Minerva’s Plate, Genji Gloves, Sapphire Counter Venetia Shield, Power Belt Cover Linen Cuirass, Mythril Armor, Gauntlets Eye 4 Eye Kaiser Helm, Rubber Suit Body Temp Genji Armor, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Initiative Obelisk, Battle Boots Level Up Iron Helm, Extension, Fairy Earrings, Pearl Rouge, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Diamond Gloves, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Insomniac Mythril Helm, Coral Ring Antibody Mythril Helm, Bronze Gloves, Glass Buckle Bright Eyes Iron Helm Restore HP Platinum Helm, Grand Armor, Minerva’s Plate, Promist Ring Jelly Mythril Armor, Diamond Gloves Auto-Potion Extension, Running Shoes Locomotion Plate Mail Clear Headed Gold Helm, Magician Shoes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======= 6. EIKO ======= * For the description of the Eidolons and White Magic, check the abilities list. SUMMONS/EIDOLONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carbuncle 24 Ruby Stone Fenrir 30 Sapphire Stone Phoenix 32 Phoenix Pinion Madeen 54 Ribbon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHITE MAGIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cure 6 Rod, Magic Racket, Silk Shirt Cura 10 Golem’s Flute, Barette Curaga 22 Angel Flute Regen 14 Fairy Earrings Life 8 Golem’s Flute, Rebirth Ring Full-Life 24 Siren’s Flute, Light Robe Panacea 8 Air Racket Stona 8 Lamia’s Flute Esuna 20 Siren’s Flute, Angel Flute, Rubber Suit Shell 6 Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Cotton Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone Protect 6 Mythril Racket, Steepled Hat, Desert Boots Haste 8 Emerald, Running Shoes Silence 8 Priest’s Racket, Lamia’s Flute, Magic Armlet Mini 8 Magic Racket, Feather Boots Reflect 6 Mythril Racket, Reflect Ring, Ruby Float 6 Lamia’s Flute, Lamia’s Tiara, Feather Boots Dispel 16 Tiger Racket, Siren’s Flute Might 14 Priest’s Racket Jewel 4 Hamelin Holy 16 Angel Flute, White Robe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golem’s Flute, Golden Hairpin, Light Robe Angel Earrings, Maiden Prayer Auto-Life Rebirth Ring MP+10% Magician Robe, Emerald, Extension, Magician Shoes MP+20% Angel Earrings Healer Garnet Reflect-Null Robe of Lords, Pearl Rouge Concentrate Robe of Lords, Rosetta Ring Half MP Light Robe, Protect Ring High Tide Magician Cloak, Minerva’s Plate, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Body Temp Holy Miter, Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Extension, Fairy Earrings, Pearl Rouge , Rosetta Ring Ability Up Green Beret, Silk Robe, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Guardian Mog Madain’s Ring, Ribbon Insomniac Bandana, Holy Miter, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Loudmouth Golden Hairpin, Mage’s Hat, Silk Robe, White Robe, Pearl Rouge Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Magician Robe, Mythril Vest, White Robe, Extension, Running Shoes Locomotion Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Lamia’s Tiara, Dark Gear, Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes Boost Pumice Piece ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======== 7. QUINA ======== For the Blue Magic, check it’s own Section in this guide. ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golden Hairpin, Glutton’s Robe, Light Robe Auto-Life Rebirth Ring MP+10% Magician Robe, Emerald, Magician Shoes Healer Garnet Add Status Feather Hat, Twist Headband, Bone Wrist, Bracer, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle Gamble Defense Adaman Hat, Twist Headband, Power Vest Half MP Light Robe, Protect Ring High Tide All Forks, Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Magician Cloak, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Counter Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt Body Temp Holy Miter, Glutton’s Robe, Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Green Beret, Silk Robe, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Millionaire Yellow Scarf Insomniac Bandana, Holy Miter, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Glutton’s Robe, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Loudmouth Golden Hairpin, Mage’s Hat, Silk Robe Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Absorb MP Promist Ring Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Magician Robe, Mythril Vest, Running Shoes Locomotion Black Hood, Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Lamia’s Tiara, Dark Gear, Magic Armlet, Magician Shoes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========== 8. AMARANT ========== * For the description of the Flair abilities, check the abilities list. FLAIR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | MP Usage | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chakra 4 Cat’s Claws, Leather Plate Spare Change 6 Poison Knuckles No Mercy 12 Dragon’s Claws, Duel Claws Aura 12 Duel Claws Curse 12 Mythril Claws, Kaiser Knuckles, Rune Claws Revive 20 Rebirth Ring Demi Shock 20 Avenger Countdown 16 Kaiser Knuckles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABILITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name | Learned from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring Auto-Float Feather Boots Auto-Haste Running Shoes Auto-Regen Golden Hairpin, Brave Suit Auto-Life Rebirth Ring HP+10% Judo Uniform, Aquamarine, Germinas Boots HP+20% Adaman Hat, Mantra Band, Battle Boots, Black Belt Accuracy+ Power Wrist, Lapis Lazuli Long Reach Protect Ring MP Attack Red Hat, Battle Boots, Power Belt Bird Killer Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf Bug Killer Mythril Armlet Stone Killer Adaman Vest, Power Vest Undead Killer Headgear, N-Kai Armlet Devil Killer Chain Plate, Demon’s Vest Beast Killer Flash Hat, Egoist’s Armlet, Leather Wrist, Black Belt, Moonstone Man Eater Bandana, Coronet Healer Garnet Add Status Twist Headband, Bone Wrist, Bracer, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle Gamble Defense Adaman Hat, Twist Headband, Power Vest Power Throw Bracer Power Up Golden Skullcap High Tide Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet, Sapphire Counter Cat’s Claws, Poison Knuckles, Mythril Claws, Dragon’s Claws, Avenger, Kaiser Knuckles, Duel Claws, Rune Claws, Ritual Hat, Power Vest, Power Belt Cover Red Hat Eye 4 Eye Flash Hat, Ninja Gear Body Temp Jade Armlet, Diamond, Fairy Earrings, Madain’s Ring Alert Ninja Gear, Germinas Boots Level Up Egoist’s Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring Ability Up Green Beret, Brigandine, Lapis Lazuli, Ribbon Flee-Gil Wrist, Desert Boots, Gold Choker Insomniac Bandana, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring Antibody Mantra Band, Survival Vest, Dragon Wrist, Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle Bright Eyes Ritual Hat Restore HP Brave Suit, Promist Ring Jelly Circlet, Dark Hat, Bronze Vest, Dark Gear Return Magic Coronet, Brigandine Auto-Potion Demon’s Vest, Mythril Vest, Running Shoes Locomotion Golden Skullcap, Demon’s Vest, Ninja Gear, Survival Vest Clear Headed Circlet, Green Beret, Dark Gear, Magician Shoes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUMMON MAGIC -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As with the previous Final Fantasies, the 9th installment has summons too. But, not every character can summon. Only Garnet/Dagger and Eiko. Here is the complete list of the Eidolons in the game. You’ll see here the requirements in learning how to use them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARK Elemental: Shadow Description: Ark will come in from space and will transform into a robot. It will hurl beams at the opponent then finally unleashes a big beam of light to the enemy and boom! Attack: Eternal Darkness Character: Garnet Learned From: Pumice AP needed: 100 MP Usage: 80 MP Where to get: Synthesize 2 Pumice Pieces at HADES in Memoria. He’ll make the Pumice Stone out of it and Dagger can use that to summon Ark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATOMOS Elemental: Shadow Description: Amethyst will come out sucking everything including the enemies and except your party. It will do a Demi-like damage to all enemies. Attack: G-Force 199 Character: Garnet Learned From: Amethyst Gem AP needed: 30 MP Usage: 32 MP Where to get: Doctor Tot will give it to Garnet in the castle after Brahne’s tragedy. (I won’t spoil it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAHAMUT Elemental: Non-elemental Description: Bahamut will come down from the sky and blasts the enemies with a non-elemental Beam attack. Attack: Mega Flare Character: Garnet Learned From: Garnet Gem AP needed: 80 MP Usage: 56 MP Where to get: Beatrix will give it to you after you return to Alexandria castle in Disc 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CARBUNCLE Elemental: Non-elemental Description: Carbuncle will come out of the grounds and flies upward. Then shoots a ruby light at your party casting Reflect on everyone. Attack: Ruby Light Character: Eiko Learned From: Ruby Gem AP needed: 35 MP Usage: 24 MP Where to get: When Eiko removes the Eidolon at Iifa Tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FENRIR Elemental: Earth Description: Fenrir’s head will appear. Then, Fenrir will punch the enemy from underground sending the enemy high up in the sky. Attack: Terestrial Rage Character: Eiko Learned From: Sapphire Gem AP needed: 55 MP Usage: 30 Where to get: Eiko has the Sapphire Gem when she joins your party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IFRIT Elemental: Fire Description: Ifrit will come out then, a massive fire blasts from the ground. Attack: Flame of Hell Character: Garnet Learned From: Topaz Gem AP needed: 35 MP Usage: 26 Where to get: Doctor Tot will give it to Garnet in the castle after Brahne’s tragedy. (I won’t spoil it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVIATHAN Elemental: Water Description: Leviathan will appear then he will move away. Then, he’ll charge to the enemy while a big tidal wave follows behind. Attack: Tsunami Character: Garnet Learned From: Aquamarine Gem AP needed: 40 MP Usage: 42 Where to get: Dagger will receive the Aquamarine at the Iifa Tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MADEEN Elemental: Non-Elemental Description: Madeen will come out and blasts the enemy with non-elemental attacks Attack: Terra Homing Character: Eiko Learned From: Ribbon AP needed: 54 MP Usage: 120 Where to get: There are Ribbons at the Treno Auction House, Synthesize at Black Cat Synthesis Shop at Black Mage Village. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ODIN Elemental: Non-Elemental Description: Odin will come in and unleash a devastating slash of his Steel Bladed Sword! (ZanTetsuKen) Attack: Zantetsuken Character: Garnet Learned From: DarkMatter AP needed: 40 MP Usage: 28 Where to get: Win the DarkMatter item at the Treno Auction House. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PHOENIX Elemental: Fire Description: The Phoenix will come out of the ground and flies over to the enemies and burns it with the flame. He’ll revive all KO’d party member while doing this. Attack: Rebirth Flame Character: Eiko Learned From: Phoenix Pinion AP needed: 40 MP Usage: 32 Where to get: Phoenix Pinions are scattered around the world. I’ll include the exact location after writing the walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAMUH Elemental: Thunder Description: Ramuh will come down and hurl his staff to the ground creating a mass density of thunderbolts damaging ALL enemies on screen. Attack: Judgement Bolt Character: Garnet Learned From: Peridot Gem AP needed: 30 MP Usage: 22 MP Where to get: You’ll get the Peridot Gem if you found all 5 instances of Ramuh at Pinnacle Rock. You’ll also get Peridot Gems from the bird like monster near Black Mage Village (it looks like a Griffin, lion with head of a bird with wings). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHIVA Elemental: Ice Description: Shiva will come out of the ground and hurled Icicles at the enemy. Then, huge icicles will appear beneath the enemies. Attack: Diamond Dust Character: Garnet Learned From: Opal Gem AP needed: 20 MP Usage: 24 Where to get: Doctor Tot will give it to Garnet in the castle after Brahne’s tragedy. (I won’t spoil it) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to increase the Summon’s Damage: ------------------------------------ You can do 2 things in order for your summon to do more damage to the enemies. First, let Dagger and Eiko equip the Boost Ability. This will not only show the entire summon sequence, it also increases the damage. Second, the Summon’s power increases when you have lost of its gem in your inventory. Example, if you have 99 Peridots, Ramuh will do much more damage to the enemy than having 50 Peridots. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLUE MAGIC -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Blue Magic can be used by Quina alone. You can acquire these Blue Magic by using the EAT ability of Quina. To EAT effectively, only try to EAT the enemy if its HP is really low (critical). If successful, Quina will learn a blue Magic. If Quina however, EAT the same monster/enemy again, Quina will say “It tastes bad”. Here’s the complete list of Quina’s Blue Magic. To learn Blue Magic easily, use Quina to eat a Zaghnol at the Outer Continent. Quina will learn the Matra Magic right? Now, if you use it on the enemy, it will reduce its HP for which Quina may already eat the enemy. A good way to gain blue magic with Quina is to equip all members in the party with the insomniac ability. When you cast Night the only one sleeping is your enemy. Use Matra Magic. Then Eat them. It works on most weak enemies that you would have a hard time eating. (by SplendidGenesis@aol.com) For the locations, you can refer to the Map section below. *- listed in alphabetical order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,000 NEEDLES Description: Does a fixed damage of 1,000 Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 8 Learned from: Cactuar (Donna Plains) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANGEL’S SNACK Description: Uses Remedy on all party members (this actually uses 4 Remedies from your inventory) Area affected: Entire Party MP Usage: 4 Learned from: Ironite (Suburb-Burmecia), Mistodon (Quelmiera Shores), Epitaph (Oeilvert), Behemoth (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AQUA BREATH Description: Water Attack Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 14 Learned from: Clipper (Qu’s Marsh), Axolotl (Qu’s Marsh-Burmecia), Sahagin (Qu’s Marsh-Outer Continent), Vepal (Quelmiera Shores) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTO LIFE Description: Casts life when the party member is KO’d Area affected: Single Ally MP Usage: 14 Learned from: Carrion Worm (Cleyra’s Trunk), Gimme Cat (?), Cerberus (Ipsen’s Castle), Yan (Vile Island), Stilva (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAD BREATH Description: Causes various status effects like Mini, Berserk, Confuse, Slow, and Darkness Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 16 Learned from: Anemone (Qu’s Marsh), Worm Hydra (Norlich Heights-Dali), Malboro (forests around the world) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOOM Description: Starts a countdown from 10. When it reaches 0, the affected enemy will be KO’d. Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 12 Learned from: Veteran (Memoria), Ash (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EARTH SHAKE Description: Earth Attack Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 20 Learned from: Adamantoise (Uaho Island-Chocobo’s Paradise), Earth Guard (Earth Shrine), Shell Dragon (Pandemonium) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FROG DROP Description: Damage depends on the number of frogs captured in Qu Marshes Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 10 Learned from: Gigan Toad (Qu’s Marsh-Burmecia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FROST Description: Freezes the enemy Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 8 Learned from: Wraith (Mt. Gulug), Chimera (Memoria), Kraken (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOBLIN PUNCH Description: Causes Non-Elemental Attacks Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 4 Learned from: Goblin (Evil Forest), Goblin Mage (Lucid Plains-Madain Sari) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIMIT GLOVE Description: The lower the HP of Quina, the higher the damage Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 10 Learned from: Mu (Norlich Heights-Dali), Axe Beak (Lindblum Plateau), Mandragora (Treno Forest), Blazer Beetle (Lucid Plains-Madain Sari), Jabberwock (Daines-Horse Basin), Catoblepas (Seaways Canyon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LV3 DEF-LESS Description: Lowers the defense of enemies with levels divisible by 3 Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 12 Learned from: Carve Spider (Bentini Heights), Lamia (Gizamaluke’s Grotto), Lizard Man (Daines-Horse Basin), Sand Scorpion (Pinnacle Rocks), Ochu (Conde Petie Mt. Path), Grand Dragon (Sacrobless Island) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LV4 HOLY Description: Causes Holy damage to enemies with levels divisible by 4 Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 22 Learned from: Feather Circle (Fossil Roo), Torama (Desert Palace), Amdusias (Pandemonium) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LV5 DEATH Description: Causes death to enemies with levels divisible by 5 Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 20 Learned from: Stroper (Iifa Tree), Dracozombie (Lucid Plains-Madain Sari), Whale Zombie (Ryuki Shores-Outer Continent), Lich (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGIC HAMMER Description: Absorbs a random amount of MP from an enemy Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 2 Learned from: Magic Vice (Suburb-Burmecia), Ring Leader (Terra) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATRA MAGIC Description: Reduced enemy’s HP to 1 Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 8 Learned from: Trick Sparrow (Bentini Heights-Treno), Dragonfly (Gargan Roo), Zaghnol (Outer Continent), Ogre (Desert Palace), Land Worm (Kiera Desert), Armstrong (Seaways Canyon) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIGHTY GUARD Description: Casts Protect and Shell to all party members Area affected: Entire Party MP Usage: 64 Learned from: Serpion (Eunorus Plains), Myconid (Iifa Tree), Gigan Octopus (Ryuki Shores-Outer Continent), Antlion (Desert Palace), Gargoyle (Ipsen’s Castle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUSTARD BOMB Description: Causes Heat to the enemy Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 10 Learned from: Red Vepal (Mt. Gulus), Grenade (Mt. Gulug), Wraith (Mt. Gulug), Maliris (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NIGHT Description: Induces Sleep on everyone (party and enemies) Area affected: Everyone MP Usage: 14 Learned from: Nymph (Eesistern Coast), Abomination (Fossil Roo), Seeker Bat (Pinnacle Rocks), Grimlock (Desert Palace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUMPKIN HEAD Description: Damage will be the difference with the Maximum HP and the current HP of Quina. Area affected: Single Enemy MP Usage: 12 Learned from: Python (Norlich Heights-Dali), Hedgehog Pie (Eunorus Plains), Lady Bug (Eunorus Plains), Skeleton (Gizamaluke’s Grotto), , Basilisk (Suburb-Burmecia), Bandersnatch (Alexandria Castle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROULETTE Description: Randomly picks from anyone (party or enemies) and causes instant death. Area affected: Everyone MP Usage: 18 Learned from: Ghost (Dali Underground), Zombie (Gizamaluke’s Grotto), Hecteyes (any forest in the world map) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TWISTER Description: Wind Attack Area affected: All Enemies MP Usage: 22 Learned from: Red Dragon (Mt. Gulug), Abadon (Pandemonium), Tiamat (Memoria) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VANISH Description: Makes one party member invisible and impervious to physical attacks. Use Magic to cancel it. Area affected: Single Ally MP Usage: 8 Learned from: Drakan (Desert Palace), Gnoll (Conde Petie Mountain Path), Goblin Mage (Lucid Plains) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHITE WIND Description: Restores some HP of the party Area affected: Entire Party MP Usage: 14 Learned from: Zuu (Cleyra’s Trunk), Griffin (Kognish Shores), Zemzelett (Black Mage Village-entrance), Garuda (Esto Gaza) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The list of the Blue Magic was sent by Luis Alberto Cardenas and the Monsters where they can be learned from were sent by Kyle Miller. All other information (including the locations of the monsters) is from yours truly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ITEMS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These items heal your characters during and after battle. Items are consumable and cannot be used anymore if you don’t have any stock. Most of them can be bought from Shops and spoils from battles. Some are given to you by other people. Just always be sure that you have enough of the basic items such as Potions, Hi-Potions, Phoenix Downs and Ethers. Name Description Buy/Sell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Annoyntment Cures Trouble Status 150/ 75 Antidote Cures Poison or Venom Status 50/ 25 Dead Pepper Increases the ability of your Chocobo for a -/ - Short Period of time Echo Screen Cures Silence Status 50/ 25 Elixir Fully restores HP and MP -/ - Ether Restore 100 MPs -/ - Eye Drops Cures Darkness Status 50/ 25 Gysahl Greens Calls Chocobo at Tracks. Cures Berserk status 80/ 40 Hi Potion In battle: +450 HP, Out: +300 HP 200/ 100 Magic Tag Cures Zombie condition 100/ 50 Phoenix Down Revives a KO’d party member 150/ 75 Potion In battle: +150 HP, Out: +100 HP 50/ 25 Remedy Cure Various Status Effects 300/ 150 Soft Cure Petrify or Gradual Petrify status 100/ 100 Tent Enables you to rest with Moogles. Full HP and 800/ 400 100 MP are restored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KEY ITEMS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These Key Items are items that play an important and independent role in the game. Some of them affect the story directly or just a particular character. For the Stellazzio’s Descriptions, I’ll be putting up the Stellazzio story in the Stellazio section. in part 1 of the guide. * in alphabetical order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTOGRAPH Where to get: Get from Lowell at Lindblum when you go there for the first time. After leaving the theater as a moogle, follow him to the Painter’s house and talk to him. Description: Lowell Bridges -------------- Born in Treno, raises in Lindblum. Famous for his masculine charm. Starred in “Moogle wannabe 2”. Use: Nothing, as of now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEAUTIFUL POTION Where to get: Get it from the Woman who owns the Item shop in Lindblum. Description: “Color of water. Une’s Mirror... flower of light. Holy Thunder. Cast the spell in the full moon.” =Book of Matoya= Use: Known to be able to reverse physical change spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLANK’S MEDICINE Where to get: Receive from Blank before leaving the Theater Ship to search for Garnet. Description: “Your medicine’s always amazing! I only wish your Love Potion were as good.” =Marcus= Use: Remove seeds that are planted in the body by the plants in the Evil Forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLUE STONE Where to get: Found at Conde Petie Mountain Path Description: “Blue water flows with time. It streams and sings as it travels intae the ocean.” =David Heavenguard= Use: 1 of 4 stones needed to get Moonstone at Conde Petie Mountain Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BURMAN COFFEE Where to get: Dali Sub-quest in Disc 3 Description: "Each cup makes you forget the hustle and bustle of daily life. Come get the experience of a lifetime!" =Auctioneer= Use: Mr. Morrid’s coffee. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTINENTAL MAP Where to get: Blank will give it to Zidane before he petrifies at the Evil forest. Description: “the road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way.” =Iron-Tail Fratley= Use: Shows you the map of the entire Mist Continent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DESERT STAR Where to get: The Jewel that protects Cleyra by maintaining the Whirlwind around it. Description: One of the 4 Jewels. “Holy Wind that guides the sand, leads lost souls to heaven.” =Claire’s Prayer= Use: Maintains the whirlwind when played with the Harp at Cleyra. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOGA’S ARTIFACT Where to get: You can win it at Treno Auction House. Description: “We seek magic as a way of life. We create dreams after life.” =Words on the Artifact= Use: Enables you to get the Excalibur. Also, the soundtrack at Black Mage Inn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EARTH MIRROR Where to get: Ipsen’s Castle Description: >’Mirrors’ is the only way I can >describe these items. They >each have their own elemental >attributes. There is writing in >the back. What does it mean? =Terra’s Chronicles= Use: Remove the seal at Shimmering Island. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FALCON CLAW Where to get: Regent Cid of Lindblum has it and will be given to your party. Description: One of the 4 Jewels. “According to the high priest, the power of the holy jewel surpasses that of the dragons.” =Shaman Artania= Use: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIRE MIRROR Where to get: Ipsen’s Castle Description: >I learned that they hold >terrifying powers. How >were their powers used? >Perhaps it was used to seal >some other great power... =Terra’s Chronicles= Use: Remove the seal at Shimmering Island. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GATE PASS Where to get: Given to Steiner automatically at South Gate. Description: “Holder of this pass is hereby permitted entry to any territory in the regency of lindblum.” =Cid Fabool= Use: Allows you to pass through the South Gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GIZAMALUKE’S BELL Where to get: You can get it from different people at Gizamaluke’s Grotto and Burmecia. Description: “Cherish this moment, for happiness is elusive.” =Warning on the bell= Use: Open’s up doors with bells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GREEN STONE Where to get: Found at Conde Petie Mountain Path Description: “The tree nurtures all. It protects and gives birth the land. Let us pray tae it everyday.” =David Heavenguard= Use: 1 of 4 stones needed to get Moonstone at Conde Petie Mountain Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRIFFIN’S HEART Where to get: You can win it at Treno Auction House. Description: “Hear its soul, for it knows no terror.” =Beatrix= Use: Enables you to get the Excalibur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GULUG STONE Where to get: Found at Oeilvert Description: >It was hidden in a land where >magic cannot be used. >it must be a magic controlling >device, but the technology >is completely out of this world. =Terra’s Chronicles= Use: Kuja’s errand for you, for the safety of your other party members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOLY BELL Where to get: Given to you by Moguta inside Gizamaluke’s Grotto Description: “The angel is ready to fly. Follow your heart and fly away.” =Message on the bell= Use: opens up the doors to Gizamaluke’s Chamber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KIRMAN COFFEE Where to get: Found at the left area of Eiko’s Kitchen. Description: “Roasting coffee beans slowly enhances their rich flavor and aroma. Did you know that?” =Morrid of Dali Village= Use: Something to do with Morrid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KUPO NUT Where to get: You receive a free one from Vivi’s ATE at Lindblum and also from Atla (moogle) at Burmecia after delivering him his letter. Description: “Kupo, KupKup, Kupopo...po ... Kupo!? Kupopo!!! Kupooo.” =Moguta= Use: Frees Moguta from the large bell in Gizamaluke’s Grotto. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGICAL FINGERTIP Where to get: Win it at Treno Auction House (check Excalibur section in Treno Sub-Quest for more info). Description: “No one knows who this Gogo guy is. He just disappeared. Does he really exist or what?” =Lady Bandit Ruby= Use: Given to a man in Daguerreo in exchange for Steiner’s Excalibur sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MASTER HUNTER Where to get: You’ll receive it after the Lindblum’s Festival of the Hunt. Description: “I shall follow as the footsteps of Cid I, the explorer King. The true hunter must seek his targets in the sky.” =Previous Master= Use: Proof that you are the winner at the Festival. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAYOR’S KEY Where to get: Mayor’s Room in Dali (Side Quest during Card Tournament) Description: “Meow! I know where the mayor keeps his treasures! They’re very nice, meow!” =Village Cat= Use: Open the locked room in the windmill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINI-BRAHNE Where to get: It is found in Dali, in the Mayor's Room. Description: “Th-This is the fabled trio figurine made by Gogo godfingers! But why did he make a figure of Brah-“ =Shy Guy Laudo= Use: none as of now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINI-BURMECIA Where to get: Found in a bed inside the Tantalus’ Hideout in Lindblum. Description: “It’s the most coveted piece of the famous triptych! You’ll never see a rarer item!” =Auctioneer= Use: none, as of now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MINI-CID Where to get: You can win it at Treno Auction House. Description: “May this flesh turn into clay, may his blood turn into water. God of Chaos, trap this soul forever in this form.” =Runes on a figurine= Use: none, as of now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOCCHA COFFEE Where to get: You can get it from the North Gate. Description: “Sipping coffee at sunrise is the best thing life has to offer, y’all!” =Cinna, Closet Lover De Caffe= Use: Something to do with Morrid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOOGLE SUIT Where to get: Get from Lowell at Lindblum when you go there for the first time. After leaving the theater as a moogle, follow him to the Painter’s house and search inside the house for the suit. Description: “Oh, it’s so well made. The fabric is nice, too. Little Llia would love it. Eh? I can’t have it?” =Llia’s Gramdma= Use: none, as of now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOOGLES FLUTE Where to get: The moogle in the Evil Forest will give it to you right before you enter the World Map for the first time. Description: “Hey, let me touch that red... bonbon lookin’ thing on ‘ur head...zzz...” =Baku Sleeptalking= Use: Call on a moogle at the World Map to be able to use a Tent and Save the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROTECTION BELL Where to get: Burmecia (Residence Room) Description: “We seek the meaning of life because we are mortal.” =Philisopher Minu= Use: Open door to Burmecia Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RANK S MEDAL Where to get: Achieve a Class S rating from the 4-armed man at Daguerreo Description: "The owner of this medal is certified as a Rank S Treasure Hunter by the treasure hunter guild." =T.H. Guild= Use: Just a proof that you are a Rank S Treasure Hunter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RAT TAIL Where to get: You can win it at Treno Auction House. Description: “I almost ate this thing when I first found it. I thought it was a snack. Gwahahaha!” =Baku of Tantalus= Use: Enables you to get the Excalibur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED STONE Where to get: Found at Conde Petie Mountain Path Description: “Fire was a gift from the heavens. It must never be used fer evil.” =David Heavenguard= Use: 1 of 4 stones needed to get Moonstone at Conde Petie Mountain Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SILVER PENDANT Where to get: It is Dagger’s Pendant. You’ll automatically get it. Description: The national treasure of Alexandria. This pendant has a jewel in its center. Use: Just a momento pendant of Garnet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRANGE POTION Where to get: Get it from the pipe in the left portion of the Painter’s House. Description: “Root of mountain, source of sea... Sahagin’s blood. Head of a revived beast. Call a dragon. Chant a spell.” =Book of Matoya= Use: Known to be able to reverse physical change spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STRATEGY GUIDE Where to get: You’ll receive it after beating Ozma. Description: “You must collect cards with triangles pointing in different directions, or you can’t achieve the highest rank.” =Grand Master I= Use: Tell you how to achieve the highest Card Collector Level. Proof that you beat the hardest boss in the game and that you’re invincible! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPERSOFT Where to get: You’ll get it from Doctor Tot in Treno. Description: “Remember that candy guy who gave us this item? Or was he a horn? I forget. Gwahahaha!” =Baku of Tantalus= Use: Used to cure Blank of his petrification at Evil Forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TICKET Where to get: You’ll automatically receive it in the beginning of the game Description: Come see the all-time classic love story “I want to be your crow.” A tragic tale of destiny, cursed memories, dreams, life, and more. Use: A fake ticket, which Vivi tried to use at the Ticket Booth in Alexandria. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNE’S MIRROR Where to get: You can win it at Treno Auction House. Description: “The body may perish, but the spirit lives on.” =Words on the Artifact= Use: Enables you to get the Excalibur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UNUSUAL POTION Where to get: Get it from Cinna at the Tantalus’ Hideout. Description: “Sigh of whisper grass, light of dark... Antidote... Cast a spell in the northwest wind.” =Book of Matoya= Use: Known to be able to reverse physical change spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WATER MIRROR Where to get: Ipsen’s Castle Description: >I’ve linked these items with the >artifacts, bit I am not entirely >sure about it. The only conclusion >I’ve reached so far is that >they are not of this world. =Terra’s Chronicles= Use: Remove the seal at Shimmering Island. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WIND MIRROR Where to get: Ipsen’s Castle Description: >The mirrors were lost, >ending my research. All facts >about their origins have >vanished. All I’ve learned >is that I know very little. =Terra’s Chronicles= Use: Remove the seal at Shimmering Island. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORLD MAP Where to get: You can get it from Regent Cid before heading for the Outer Continent. Description: “Let fear propel you forward. Do not let failure stifle you.” =Iron-Tail Fratley= Use: Shows you the map of the entire world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YELLOW STONE Where to get: Found at Conde Petie Mountain Path Description: “Yellow Earth is sometimes harsh, sometime gentle. Travel the Earth tae see its heart.” =David Heavenguard= Use: 1 of 4 stones needed to get Moonstone at Conde Petie Mountain Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAPS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I’ll be including ALL locations in the world map for your convenience. :) I’ll include also the unique names of each (i.e. Gunitas Basin, SacroBless Island, etc.) ------------ I. WORLD MAP ------------ This map will contain the important locations in the world map as seen in the game. This is for your quick reference. :) Please bear with my ASCII Art. __ _____ 8 ___/ \ \__1 \ N / \ __ \_| | __ / q __/ |__/ __ ___ W-o-E / \_/ __/ ____ _ / \_/ | | | / __/ z \__/ \ / / S _/ o | Lost / j \_/ m \ / ____ | Continent | u j i 5 |\ \ / / \___/ /\ \___// __ r c __/\ n | \ | |__/ || __/ | /_/ \____/ \ / |e| 7 / ___\ \_| |/ _ | / Outer Continent _ // \_/ \_/ __ _ __ /\____ ___/ \__// / \ _/ \___ /_ v |_/ _| / \e / _ \ e _____ / b\_ || \ 5 \ ____/ \ | a \ || |Forgotten /e ___/ d |__/ p / | B|Continent \ / 2 | \ \ \_ h t \ || | | \ s l \ \\ \ 3 \ / Mist t / || \ / / s Continent / || | | \__ 5 9 A _ 6 | \_____C \__ \ 9 | \ / - \ \ | f | \ / |5| | / | _ / | / - \ | ___| x | \_____/\____/ /_/ \e\ \_/ / | |\__ \ y w 4 _| | k \ _\ __\ \__| \______/ \\ |\_ \g\ - Legend: Place #/Char Continent --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexandria a Mist Alexandria Harbor b Mist Black Mage Village c Outer Burmecia d Mist Chocobo’s Air Garden (5x) e Varies Chocobo’s Forest f Mist Chocobo’s Lagoon g Forgotten Chocobo’s Paradise 8 Lost (near) Cleyra h Mist Conde Petie i Outer Conde Petie Mountain Path (2x) j Outer Daguerreo k Forgotten Dali Village l Mist Desert Palace m Outer Earth Shrine n Outer Esto Gaza o Lost Evil Forest p Mist Fire Shrine q Lost Fossil Roo r Outer Gizamaluke’s Grotto (2x) s Mist Ice Cavern (2x) t Mist Iifa Tree u Outer Ipsen’s Castle v Forgotten Lindblum w Mist Lindblum Dragon’s Gate x Mist Lindblum Harbor y Mist Madain Sari z Outer Mognet Central 1 Outer North Gate 2 Mist Oeilvert 3 Forgotten Pinnacle Rocks 4 Mist Qu’s Marsh (4x) 5 All Quan’s Dwelling 6 Mist Shimmering Island 7 Lost South Gate 9 Mist Treno A Mist Water Shrine B Forgotten Wind Shrine C Forgotten --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- II. THE MIST CONTINENT ---------------------- ____ N / K \ | ____ _____ \___ \___ W-o-E ___/M \_/\ / | \___E \___ | ____/ \ melda |U \ | \_ B \ S ____/ C |plains | \____ 3/\ A \___ \ _/ / daines- \ ___\_/ \__/ |__ alex. |_\___ /L 6 | horse |___/ | \___plateau\ K\ \_ _/ plains /_ W | N \_ \_ | \/ |O | H P \ \__ \ \ _/ G | | gunitas P | zamo \ \ \_ /__ |Y | Basin | basin \ \_ \ \ ____/_ / / |______|_| | _____|____ D\_|_ | / | | |/ O \___ \ _____2/ _____/ \\ | \__\__ / \___ _______/ 1 | \ | Z \| F king ed\/ | | 5| | plains \ 4 bentini hts. | | _/ eunorus plains __/ T___ _|__ ___ | / / R / \__/ \ / \___ / \ / / /__ | \___/ \ J/ \\_/I/ \ V| \__/ \ / | _\ |/ / S Q | |___ X _\ \____________/ Legend: Place #/Char --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alexandria A Alexandria Harbor B Burmecia C Byan Heights D Chocobo’s Air Garden E Chocobo’s Forest F Cleyra G Dali H Deadly Cape I Derek Beach J Edgecry Coast K Eesistern Coast L Eleanor Coast M Evil Forest N Gizamaluke’s Grotto 2x O Ice Cavern 2x P Lindblum Q Lindblum Dragon’s Gate R Lindblum Harbor S Metalark Shores T Nolrich Heights U Nomarinia Beach V North Gate W Pinnacle Rocks X Popos Heights Y Qu’s Marsh Z Quan’s Dwelling 1 South Gate 2 Togull Beach 3 Treno 4 Tuhanda Shores 5 Vube Desert 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ III. THE OUTER CONTINENT ------------------------ _______ N \____CP\___ | \ 12 / W-o-E ___ \____\ | ____/ |_ ___ _____ S / 11 \ | \__ ___/ / \ Lucid | / \____/ __ | | Plains / / /__/ | \ ____/\3 _____/ | E 4 / _/ ______/ 3 \_/___ /\ I R \ \ ___/ |Dyshnose\ \________/13\_ K / \_ A | \ __/ Pualei | Plains | | \ | \_____/ | / Plains \ \ | \_ D| E S E\ R T | | 10 / | \ \__| \ \ |__ | | Donna \/\_ |\ | \___ / | Plains _/ \______ 5 | \ | / ____/ Moteore 2/ /\ / \ | | \ | /__/ \Peninsula | _/ \_/ 8/ \ \ \ 6| __/\ \___ / _/ 1 \ | 16/15\ \ | /14_/ \____/__/7 MF 9_/ \____/\__\ || |__/ \________/ || Legend: Place #/Char --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Mage Village 1 Cazedil Plains CP Chocobo’s Air Garden 15 Conde Petie 2 Conde Petie Mountain Path 3 Desert Palace 4 Earth Shrine 5 Falstead Coast 6 Fossil Roo 7 Golgrich Shores 8 Kognish Shores 9 Kuentis Peninsula 16 Iifa Tree 10 Madain Sari 11 Magdalene Forest MF Mognet Central 12 Qu’s Marsh 13 Vile Island 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- IV. THE LOST CONTINENT ---------------------- N ____ | __________ \ \_________ W-o-E / \___/ | 1 _| | \__ __Seatence Ice Field|__/ S \ \______3 _ ____/ ____/Mitmakis \| |_/ _/ \ Ice Field \__ /Gulug|____ ___|5 __/ Mts / \__4__/ / ___2___/ _ |_/ |_/6 __ \_\ Legend: Place #/Char --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canaramist Cape 1 Esto Gaza 2 Fire Shrine 3 Quelmiera Shores 4 Ryuki Shores 5 Shimmering Islands 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- V. THE FORGOTTEN CONTINENT -------------------------- __ ____ / _\ N _____/ \ |\/ | | __/5 / \___ \9 / W-o-E /D__ |Blairsurpass\ \/ | | / |/ Plains 0_| ____ S || \ /_____/ |_ || |__ ____/ _/ | B | \__/ / \ Seaways Canyon 1\ || | /|_| / | || \ 7 \ | \ |_ __ / \4| |_/ | ____/|__ \| /______/ | || | _/ | \ \ Gusty /___ \| | Valley __/ _ | C / /6/_ \__ / |0_| \ / |/ __ \ | |_ \___ |_/ | 3 \_ | A __/ _ \_/ _ |1| |_//_| /\__2 \8__\_ \_\ Legend: Place #/Char --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chocobo’s Air Garden (x2) 1 Chocobo’s Lagoon 2 Daguerreo 3 Everlang Island 4 Ipsen’s Castle 5 Lanar Island 6 Oeilvert 7 Palmnell Island 8 Pilkiras Island 9 Qu’s Marsh (x2) 0 Sacrobless Island A Water Shrine B Wind Shrine C Yuanshao Peninsula D --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ACTIVE TIME EVENTS (ATE) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here’s just a list of the ATEs in the game. They’re quite many but they’ll help and inform you about different events in the game. A.T.E. Location/Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Forest Keeper Prima Vista/Crash Site: You’ll see Garnet and Vivi In another part of the forest and they are in danger. Time to Escape Inside Prima Vista: You’ll see Steiner trying to Escape. He’s still weak and he can’t do so. Girl who was left Inside Prima Vista: You’ll see ruby at the bat in behind Alexandria. My Little Baby Inside Prima Vista: You’ll see Cinna looking for the Garnet doll. Gosh! He can’t sleep without it. Poor baby. :) Orchestra in the Forest Evil Forest: You’ll see the musicians of Tantalus Singing Rufus’ Welcoming Parade song. Do as I say, not as Evil Forest: You’ll see Baku and Blank planning on I do moving to Lindblum Teach me, Mogster! Evil Forest: You’ll see Mogster teach a moogle about Lesson 1 the basics of the game. Teach me, Mogster! Ice Cavern: You’ll learn about Status Effects, Lesson 2 Elemental properties and Card Games from Mogster. Vivi, confused Dali: The village children will stay away from Vivi. Dagger Tries Dali: Dagger will worry about Brahne and what happened in Alexandria. See an old lady and oglop too Dagger Tries Harder Dali: Dagger tries to involve herself in conversations to familiarize herself in casual talking. Cat’s Eye Dali: You’ll see the Innkeeper mumbling about your Group. Cat’s Eye 2 Dali: You’ll see the Innkeeper once again. He may may have an idea as to the whereabouts of Vivi Queen Brahne’s Steiner Dali: You’ll see Steiner help at the item shop. He wants to talk to adults but they are working. So, the girl will tell Steiner everything. Teach me, Mogster! Lindblum: You’ll see Mogster teaching another moogle (My first synthesis about the Synthesis shops. He’ll also tip you that lesson) there’s a legendary synthesist. Small-town knight in a Lindblum: You’ll see Steiner wandering around town Big City Vivi’s Shopping Lindblum: You’ll see Vivi in the item shop. He’ll notice the Kupo Nut. The shopkeeper will give to him for free as it is the last one. Also, about Hunt Festival. Steam Engine Lindblum: you’ll see Steiner. He is lost. The old man will tell Steiner more about Steam Engine. What can I do? Lindblum: You’ll see Dagger in the Guest Room. She wants to go out but is not permitted to do so. Baku and His Crew You’ll see Baku and co. They’ll talk about Blank and How to save him. They also plan to go to Lindblum. Treno Tradition Treno: You’ll see Dagger in the outskirts of Treno. She will be robbed of 1000 gil! Pursuit Treno: Dagger gives chase to the man who stole Her money Confusion Treno: Dagger will now concentrate on finding the Supersoft Unexpected Visitor Treno: You’ll see Dagger inside the Auction House Ambition Treno: You’ll see 2 kids who wish that one day, they will become nobles too. Crime and Punishment You’ll see Cinna miss another ride to Lindblum because of the Bundt Cake. Baku will come in and punishes Cinna. Don’t Hate Me Cleyra: You’ll see Vivi and Burmecians who hate him I-I Haven’t Hurt Anyone Cleyra: You’ll see Vivi again being ganged upon by the Burmecians. No Yummy-yummies! Cleyra: Quina will be disappointed about having no food in Cleyra and will get mad at the Maidens. There a Mushroom! Cleyra: Quina will finally see a Mushroom and tries to eat it. Friendship Alexandria: You’ll see Marcus do his best to save Blank. The Third Jewel Lindblum: you’ll see Alexandrian soldiers in Lindblum Brahne’s Fleet Arrives Lindblum: You’ll see Brahne’s fleet arrive at Alexandria. how Lindblum: You’ll see Alexandrian soldiers make fun of infuriating Cid. Then, they’ll search for him. Hungry Bryan Conde Petie: You’ll see Bryan ask for food and then a shadowy image will appear to the left. Vivi and the Couple Conde Petie: Vivi will see a couple but they aren’t afraid of Vivi Quina Accused Conde Petie: Quina learned that one must pay in order to eat. Quina will then be accused of stealing. Quina Can’t Communicate Conde Petie: Quina can communicate well with the villagers. Dagger and William Conde Petie: You’ll just see Dagger at the Inn. Life on the Run Black Mage Village: Vivi will just run after the Black Mages in the Village. Different Language Black Mage Village: Vivi and the black Mages will talk about stopping or Death. Visitor, Not Invader Black Mage Village: Here, Dagger will try to convince the Black Mages that they are here to correct what is wrong. And they’re not here to ruin the peace. Gourmand’s Nose Black Mage Village: Quina will be at the Chocobo Stable. Quina thinks that the egg can be eaten and the Black Mages try to protect the egg. Everyday Life Black Mage Village: The Shopkeeper is reading a book on how to sell. The Black Mage will also forget what Humans are and freaks out after remembering it. Nuptial Joy Conde Petie: You’ll see the Marriage of Vivi and Quina! Vivi’s Feelings Madain Sari: This will show you Vivi, thinking about dying and about the fear of it. Dagger’s Feelings Madain Sari: Dagger thinks about the Eidolon here at Madain Sari. The place will be familiar to her. Eiko’s Feelings Madain Sari: You’ll see Eiko while cooking. She orders the Moogles to help her cook. Eiko’s Kitchen Madain Sari: Eiko will plan on how many people she should serve. Eiko will also get Quina using the fishing pole Eiko’s Kitchen 2 Madain Sari: Eiko and Quina will work together for a better meal. You’ll know that Quina is a very good cook after all. Not just eating. Long time no see! Alexandria: See Zenero and Denero meet Genero! Geez! They talk in a funny manner. To Fly High Alexandria: Marcus and Blank will just talk about Zidane. Artemicion Alexandria: you’ll see a blue Moogle arrive at Alexandria. He’ll meet with Stiltzkin and Kupo. I Forgot! Alexandria: Baku realizes that he lost the letter of Eiko. Clowns on a Dark Night Alexandria: See Zorn and Thorn at Alexandria. Blank and Marcus do their rounds while Zorn and Thorn hides Eiko Talks Life Treno: Eiko and Vivi talks about Zidane and Dagger being insensitive about their feelings for each other How He Ended Up Here Treno: See Marco and Vivi talk about past times. You can choose to let Vivi stay in Treno or visit his house just outside Treno. Memories by the Water Treno: You’ll see Amarant near Stella’s house. The villagers will scared of him. City People Treno: Nobles talk about their statues. Eiko then realizes that even rich people have problems. Home Sweet Home Treno: If you let Vivi go home, you’ll see his house w/c is somewhere near Treno. Hallucination Treno: You’ll see Quina. She can’t believe that you need gil in order to eat. Good Old Days Treno: You’ll see Amarant at the Auction House. Freya will try to talk to him about his past. Lesson in Life Treno: You’ll see how Amarant and Zidane met for the first time. Amarant was wanted in Treno because of Zidane. He also attacks on impulse and that added to his bad image. Something Washed Ashore Lindblum: You’ll see Lindblum Guard and Quina! My Bad Lindblum: Blank forgot to tell Zidane to go to Cid. Self-reproach Lindblum: Dagger will thinking again about everybody. If she stayed in Alexandria in the first place, these Would have never happened. Deep Anger Lindblum: You’ll see Kuja aboard Hilda Garde #1. You will also see the Black Mages and Zorn and Thorn. My Hammer Lindblum: The Tantalus will be rebuilding their HQ. Marcus also tried to borrow Cinna’s Hammer. Cinna won’t lend it to him. The Rally Lindblum: The Burmecian Survivors and Freya talks about rebuilding Burmecia. No Free Lunch Lindblum: Quina will be trying the Gysahl Pickles for the first time. Team Lindblum: See Tantalus. Steiner will come in and ask for Dagger. Tantalus will help with the search. Recovery Lindblum: Cid, in human form, will go to the research center and prepare Hilda Garde 3 using parts from the Blue Narciss. Place to Call Home Bran Bal: See Quina and Zidane talk about the people here at Bran Bal Where the Heart Is Bran Bal: Vivi tries to talk to the people and realizes that they seem to be like the Black Mages. Came into this World Bran Bal: See Zidane and Amarant talk about their pasts. The Truth Bran Bal: Zidane will be lead by the Girl to Garland. The Elevator Pandemonium: Here, you’ll see the rest of the party at the elevator. You can now view it anytime until you’re able to reach the maze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MOOGLE LOCATIONS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Here’s the list of the moogles in the game. This contains their name and their location. This is mainly concerned about the Mognet. This will list will help you find a specific moogle. But, there are instances wherein you cannot reach one moogle because it is included in the story. Anyway, here’s the list. Legend: Services (S=Save, T=Tent, M=Mognet, Sh=Mogshop, P=Change Party members) * Alphabetical Order ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Location Letters Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atla Burmecia from Mogki, to Monev S,T,M,Sh from Kupo, to Kumool to Mogryo Chimomo Madain Sari none none Grimo South Gate Citadel to Nazna S,T,M Gumo Village of Dali from Mois S,T,M Kumool Ipsen’s Castle from Mogki, from Atla S,T,M,Sh to Mois, from Mogryo Kumop Dali Underground to Mogki S,T,M Kupo Alexandria Castle to Monty, to Atla S,T,M from Noggy Kuppo Fossil Roo to Kupo S,T,M,Sh Mene Chocobo’s Forest none All about Choco Mimoza Oeilvert to Mooel S,T,M,Sh Mocha Madain Sari none none Mocchi Iifa Tree from Mogryo, from Stiltzkin S,T,M Moco Madain Sari none none Mog With Eiko none Eidolon Mogki Lindblum Castle From Kumop, to Atla, S,T,M to Moodon Mogmi Gizamaluke’s Grotto from Moodon S,T,M Mogrich Treno from Stiltzkin S,T,M Moguo World Map none S,T Moguta Gizamaluke’s Grotto none none Mogmatt Conde Petie to Suzuna S,T,M Mogrika Esto Gaza from Artemicion, to Moolan S,T,M Mogryo Black Mage Village to Mocchi, to Kumool S,T,M Mogsam Desert Palace from Mojito S,T,M Mogtaka Mount Gulug from Moolan S,T,M,Sh Mois Ice Cavern to Gumo, to Noggy, S,T,M Fossil Roo (Disc 4) from Kumool Mojito Desert Palace to Mogsam S,T,M,Sh Momatose Madain Sari none Rest Monev Cleyra Trunk from Atla S,T,M Monty Evil Forest from Kupo, from Stiltzkin S,T,M Pinnacle Rocks Moodon Lindblum Inn Ruby to Zidane, from Mogki, S,T,M From Serino, Ruby to Zidane #2, to Moonte Mooel Oeilvert from Mimoza S,T,M Moolan Mount Gulug from Mogrika, to Mogtaka S,T,M Moonte Dragon’s Gate From Stiltzkin, from Moodon S,T,M Moorock Bran Bal/Pandemonium to Mozme S,T,M,Sh Mopli Cleyra Settlement Ruby to Zidane, to Serino S,T,M from Monev Morrison Madain Sari none none Mosco Prima Vista/Crash Site none S,T,M Mosh Alexandria Chapel from Kupo S,T,M Alexandria Knight’s Quarters Mozme Pandemonium from Moorock S,T,M,P Nazna Summit Station from Grimo, to Mochos S,T,M Noggy Daguerreo from Mois, to Kupo S,T,M Serino Red Rose from Mopli, to Moodon S,T,M Suzuna Mountain Path from Mogmatt S,T,M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Burmecia until the end of the game, when you see Stlitzkin, he’ll offer you a set of items for a very reasonable price. So, but these items from him. Here’s where you will meet Stiltzkin. Burmecia (First time): Ether, Hi-Potion, and Soft for 333 Gil Cleyra Settlement: Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Pinion for 444 Gil Fossil Roo: Phoenix Pinion, Remedy, and Ether for 555 Gil Mountain Path: Magic Tag, Tent, and Ether for 666 gil Alexandria (start of Disc 3): Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, and Elixir for 777 Oeilvert: Hi-Potion, Emerald, and Elixir for 888 gil Bran Bal: Diamond, Ether, Elixir for 2,222 gil Alexandria (Disc 4): Moonstone, Ruby, Elixir for 5,555 gil =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EQUIPMENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Equipments play an important part in the game. With out these you can’t fight and you can’t defend. So, whenever you arrive at a new town, try to buy new equipments. These equipments also contains abilities in which your character can learn and can contribute to your character’s fighting ability. ----------- Weapons ----------- * arranged alphabetically and by its type Daggers: ============================================================================= DAGGER Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Flee (Action) Attack: 12 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: With Zidane in the beginning of the game Buy at weapon shop in Dali Price (Buy/Sell): 320/160 ============================================================================= MAGE MASHER Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Detect (Action) Attack: 14 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Found in the Ice Cavern, Buy at weapon shop in Dali Price (Buy/Sell): 500/250 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL DAGGER Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Bandit (Support) Attack: 18 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at weapon shop in Treno Price (Buy/Sell): 950/475 ============================================================================= BUTTERFLY SWORD Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: What’s That!? (Action), Protect Girls (Support) Attack: 21 Added Status: Silence Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 300/150 (Dagger and Mage Masher) ============================================================================= THE OGRE Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Soul Blade (Action) Attack: 24 Added Status: Darkness Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 700/350 (2 Mage Mashers) ============================================================================= GLADIUS Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Annoy (Action), Lucky Seven (Action) Attack: 30 Added Status: Slow Where to get/buy: Buy at weapon shop in Alexandria/Treno Price (Buy/Sell): 2300/1150 ============================================================================= EXPLODA Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Sacrifice (Action), Lucky Seven (Action) Attack: 31 Added Status: Trouble Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops in Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 1000/500 (Mage Masher and Mythril Dagger) ============================================================================= RUNE TOOTH Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Lucky Seven (Action) Attack: 37 Added Status: Poison Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops in Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 2000/1000 (2 Mythril Daggers) ============================================================================= ANGEL BLESS Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Thievery (Action) Attack: 44 Added Status: Confuse Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops in Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 9000/4500 (Mythril Dagger and Gladius) ============================================================================= SARGATANAS Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Annoy (Action) Attack: 53 Added Status: Petrify Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shops in Daguerreo Price (Buy/Sell): 12000/6000 (Zorlin Shape and Gladius) ============================================================================= MASAMUNE Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Sacrifice (Action) Attack: 62 Added Status: Doom Where to get/buy: Steal from Maliris at Memoria Price (Buy/Sell): 16000/8000 (Zorlin Shape and Orichalcon) ============================================================================= ORICHALCON Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Detect (Action) Attack: 71 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy from Moogle at Bran Bal or Pandemonium Buy from Equipment shop at Daguerreo Price (Buy/Sell): 17000/8500 ============================================================================= THE TOWER Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Lucky Seven (Action), Thievery (Action) Attack: 86 Added Status: Mini Where to get/buy: Get it from a balcony at Memoria Price (Buy/Sell): -/15000 ============================================================================= ULTIMA WEAPON Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Flee (Action) Attack: 100 Added Status: Sleep Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #8 Price (Buy/Sell): -/20000 ============================================================================= Rods: ============================================================================= ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Cure (Action), Panacea (Action), Protect (Action) Attack: 11 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: With Garnet in the beginning of the game Buy at weapon shop in Dali Price (Buy/Sell): 260/130 ============================================================================= AIR RACKET Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Scan (Action), Panacea (Action) Attack: 13 Added Status: Wind Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Treno before Disc 3 Price (Buy/Sell): 400/200 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Life (Action), Silence (Action), Shell (Action) Attack: 14 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Treno/Cleyra before Disc 3 Price (Buy/Sell): 560/280 ============================================================================= STARDUST ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Reflect (Action), Float (Action) Attack: 16 (Spirit +2) Added Status: Shadow Damage reduced by 50% Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Treno and Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 760/380 ============================================================================= MULTINA RACKET Character/s: Dagger, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Blind (Action), Stona (Action), Shell (Action) Attack: 17 Added Status: Wind Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 750/375 ============================================================================= MAGIC RACKET Character/s: Dagger, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Berserk (Action), Mini (Action), Cure (Action) Attack: 23 (Magic Power +2) Added Status: Wind; Raises Holy Elemental Attack Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Lindblum Price (Buy/Sell): 1350/675 ============================================================================= HEALING ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Healer (Support), Cura (Action), Life (Action) Attack: 23 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria and Treno Price (Buy/Sell): 1770/885 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL RACKET Character/s: Dagger, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Reflect (Action), Shell (Action), Protect (Action) Attack: 27 Added Status: Wind Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Bran Bal Price (Buy/Sell): 2250/1125 ============================================================================= ASURA’S ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Mini (Action), Confuse (Action), Silence (Action) Attack: 27 Added Status: Holy Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Esto Gaza Before Disc 4 Price (Buy/Sell): 3180/1560 ============================================================================= WIZARD ROD Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Curaga (Action), Protect (Action), Shell (Action) Attack: 31 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Located near a ladder in Memoria. Buy at Black Mage Village Equipment shop in disc 4 Price (Buy/Sell): 3990/1995 ============================================================================= PRIEST’S RACKET Character/s: Dagger,Eiko Ability/ies learned: Silence (Action), Might (Action) Attack: 35 Added Status: Wind Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis shop Price (Buy/Sell): 11000/5500 (Air Racket/Cachusha) ============================================================================= WHALE WHISKER Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Curaga (Action), Life (Action) Attack: 36 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Locate the “Ocean” Chocograph Price (Buy/Sell): -/5140 ============================================================================= TIGER RACKET Character/s: Dagger Ability/ies learned: Dispel (Action) Attack: 45 Added Status: Wind Where to get/buy: Use Dead Pepper on Choco at Quan’s Dwelling Price (Buy/Sell): -/2900 ============================================================================= Swords: ============================================================================= BRONZE SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Beast Killer (Support) Attack: 12 Where to get/buy: With Steiner in the beginning of the game Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/165 ============================================================================= BROAD SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Beast Killer (Support) Attack: 12 Where to get/buy: Buy at Weapon shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 330/165 ============================================================================= IRON SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Minus Strike (Skill) Attack: 16 Where to get/buy: Steal from Baku at Prima Vista Crash Site Buy at Weapon shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 660/330 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Armor Break (Action) Attack: 20 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Treno before Disc 3 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1300/650 ============================================================================= BLOOD SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Darkside (Action) Attack: 24 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Treno before Disc 3 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1300/650 ============================================================================= ICE BRAND Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Mental Break (Action) Attack: 35 Where to get/buy: Steal from Beatrix. Buy at Alexandria/Lindblum Added Status: Ice, Freeze Price (Buy/Sell): 3780/1890 ============================================================================= CORAL SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Charge! (Action) Attack: 38 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Lindblum Added Status: Thunder Price (Buy/Sell): 4000/2000 ============================================================================= DIAMOND SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Power Break (Action) Attack: 42 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 4750/2375 ============================================================================= FLAME SABER Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Magic Break (Action) Attack: 46 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: Fire, Heat Price (Buy/Sell): 5190/2595 ============================================================================= RUNE BLADE Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Lai Strike (Action) Attack: 57 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo in Disc 3 Added Status: Darkness Price (Buy/Sell): 8900/4450 ============================================================================= DEFENDER Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Thunder Slash (Action) Attack: 65 (Spirit +3) Where to get/buy: Buy from Mogshop at Bran Bal Added Status: Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 9340/4670 ============================================================================= ULTIMA SWORD Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Stock Break (Action) Attack: 74 Where to get/buy: Steal from Maliris at Memoria Added Status: Sleep Price (Buy/Sell): -/7000 ============================================================================= EXCALIBUR Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Climhazzard (Action) Attack: 77 Where to get/buy: Complete Auction House Side Quest at Treno Added Status: Holy Price (Buy/Sell): -/9500 ============================================================================= RAGNAROK Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: Shock (Action), Thunder Slash (Action) Attack: 87 Where to get/buy: Locate “Outer Island” Chocograph Added Status: Slow Price (Buy/Sell): -/14500 ============================================================================= Staves: ============================================================================= MAGE STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Fire (Action) Attack: 12 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: With Vivi in the beginning of the game Buy at weapon shop in Dali Price (Buy/Sell): 320/160 ============================================================================= FLAME STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Fira (Action), Sleep (Action) Attack: 16 Added Status: Fire Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Mage Village Price (Buy/Sell): 1100/550 ============================================================================= ICE STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Blizzara (Action), Slow (Action) Attack: 16 Added Status: Ice Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Mage Village Price (Buy/Sell): 980/490 ============================================================================= LIGHTNING STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Thundara (Action), Poison (Action) Attack: 16 Added Status: Thunder Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Mage Village Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 ============================================================================= OAK STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Stop (Action), Bio (Action), Drain (Action) Attack: 23 Added Status: Slow Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Treno Price (Buy/Sell): 2400/1200 ============================================================================= CYPRESS PILE Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Demi (Action), Break (Action), Comet (Action) Attack: 27 Added Status: Confuse Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Lindblum or Esto Gaza Price (Buy/Sell): 3200/1600 ============================================================================= OCTAGON ROD Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Firaga (Action), Blizzaga (Action), Thundaga (Action) Attack: 29 Added Status: Absorbs Water/Wind; Trouble; Raises Water Elem. Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Esto Gaza once you’re there. Price (Buy/Sell): 4500/2250 ============================================================================= HIGH MAGE STAFF Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Meteor (Action), Osmose (Action) Attack: 32 Added Status: Silence Where to get/buy: Locate “Forbidden Forest” Chocograph Price (Buy/Sell): -/3000 ============================================================================= MACE OF ZEUS Character/s: Vivi Ability/ies learned: Doomsday (Action) Attack: 35 Added Status: Mini Where to get/buy: Found at Memoria (before gate to space) Price (Buy/Sell): -/5000 ============================================================================= Forks: ============================================================================= FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 21 Where to get/buy: When you get Quina Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/550 ============================================================================= NEEDLE FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 34 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Burmecia Added Status: Petrify Price (Buy/Sell): 3100/1550 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 42 Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon Shop in Lindblum Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 4700/2350 ============================================================================= SILVER FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 53 Where to get/buy: Get 23 Frogs from the Marshes Added Status: Slow Price (Buy/Sell): -/3700 ============================================================================= BISTRO FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 68 Where to get/buy: Get 33 Frogs from Qu Marshes Added Status: Sleep Price (Buy/Sell): -/5150 ============================================================================= GASTRO FORK Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Attack: 77 Where to get/buy: Get 99 Frogs from Qu Marshes and defeat Quale Added Status: Stop Price (Buy/Sell): -/6650 ============================================================================= Knuckles/Claws: ============================================================================= CAT’S CLAWS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Chakra (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 23 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Alexandria Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 4000/2000 ============================================================================= POISON KNUCKLES Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Spare Change (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 33 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Alexandria Added Status: Poison Price (Buy/Sell): 5000/2500 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL CLAWS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Curse (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 39 Where to get/buy: Steal from Taharka at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/3250 ============================================================================= SCISSOR FANGS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Aura (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 45 Where to get/buy: Buy at Esto Gaza Added Status: Venom Price (Buy/Sell): -/4000 ============================================================================= DRAGON’S CLAWS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: No Mercy (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 53 Where to get/buy: Locate Forgotten Lagoon Chocograph Added Status: Water Price (Buy/Sell): -/5180 ============================================================================= TIGER FANGS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Revive (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 62 Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Equipment Shop in Disc 3 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/6750 ============================================================================= AVENGER Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Demi Shock (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 70 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Daguerreo Added Status: Death Blow (instant death attack) Price (Buy/Sell): 16000/8000 ============================================================================= KAISER KNUCKLES Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Countdown (Action), Curse (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 75 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Daguerreo Added Status: Wind, Trouble Price (Buy/Sell): 18000/9000 ============================================================================= DUEL CLAWS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Aura (Action), No Mercy (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 79 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Berserk Price (Buy/Sell): 16000/8000 (Dragon’s Claws, Tiger Fangs) ============================================================================= RUNE CLAWS Character/s: Amarant Ability/ies learned: Space Change (Action), Curse (Action), Counter (Support) Attack: 83 Where to get/buy: Get it at Memoria (check part 1 for instructions) Added Status: Darkness Price (Buy/Sell): -/14400 ============================================================================= Spears: ============================================================================= JAVELIN Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Dragon Killer (Support) Attack: 18 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Lindblum before disc 3 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 880/440 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL SPEAR Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Rei’s Wind (Action) Attack: 20 Where to get/buy: Buy from Mogshop at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1100/550 ============================================================================= PARTISAN Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Lancer (Action), High Tide (Support) Attack: 25 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Alexandria/Lindblum Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1600/800 ============================================================================= ICE LANCE Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: White Draw (Action) Attack: 31 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: Ice, Freeze Price (Buy/Sell): 2430/1215 ============================================================================= TRIDENT Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Luna (Action) Attack: 37 Where to get/buy: Desert Palace Mogshop Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/1790 ============================================================================= HEAVY LANCE Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Six Dragons (Action) Attack: 42 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: Stop Price (Buy/Sell): 4700/2350 ============================================================================= OBELISK Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Cherry Blossom (Action), Initiative (Support) Attack: 52 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Daguerreo in Disc 3 Added Status: Petrify Price (Buy/Sell): 6000/3000 ============================================================================= HOLY LANCE Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Dragon’s Crest (Action) Attack: 62 Where to get/buy: Buy from Equipment Shop at Daguerreo Added Status: Holy Price (Buy/Sell): 11000/5500 ============================================================================= KAIN’S LANCE Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Dragon’s Crest (Action), Cherry Blossom (Action), White Draw (Action) Attack: 71 Where to get/buy: Found at Memoria near first save point Added Status: Confuse Price (Buy/Sell): -/7500 ============================================================================= DRAGON’S HAIR Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: Dragon Breath (Action) Attack: 77 Where to get/buy: Get Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #1 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/11750 ============================================================================= Flutes: ============================================================================= GOLEM’S FLUTE Character/s: Eiko Ability/ies learned: Auto-Regen (Support), Cura (Action), Life (Action) Attack: 17 Where to get/buy: When you get Eiko, Madain Sari Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 350/175 ============================================================================= LAMIA’S FLUTE Character/s: Eiko Ability/ies learned: Float (Action), Stona (Action), Silence (Action) Attack: 21 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 3800/1900 ============================================================================= HAMELIN Character/s: Eiko Ability/ies learned: Curaga, Might, Jewel Attack: 27 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo in Disc 3 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 5700/2850 ============================================================================= SIREN’S FLUTE Character/s: Eiko Ability/ies learned: Full-Life (Action), Dispel (Action), Esuna (Action) Attack: 30 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Black Mage Village (Disc 4) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 7000/3500 ============================================================================= ANGEL FLUTE Character/s: Eiko Ability/ies learned: Holy (Action), Esuna (Action), Curaga (Action) Attack: 33 Where to get/buy: Get near Second Save point in Memoria Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/4150 ============================================================================= -------------------- Helmets / Hats -------------------- * - Alphabetically Arranged ============================================================================= ADAMAN HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support), Gamble Defense (Support) Magic Defense: 33 (+3 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Thunder Damage Reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 6100/3050 ============================================================================= BANDANA Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Man Eater (Support), Insomniac (Support) Magic Defense: 12 (+1 Speed, +1 Spirit, +2 Evade) Where to get/buy: Buy at Dragon’s Gate (man selling equipments) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 500/250 ============================================================================= BARBUT Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Alert (Support), Dragon Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 9 (+2 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Mogshop at Burmecia Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 330/165 ============================================================================= BLACK HOOD Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Accuracy+ (Support), Locomotion (Support), Death (Action) Magic Defense: 27 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Get one at Desert Palace Added Status: Fire/Thunder/Water Damage Reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 2250/1125 ============================================================================= BRONZE HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Bug Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 6 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Dali Added Status: Water Damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 330/165 ============================================================================= CIRCLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Jelly (Support), Clear Headed (Support) Magic Defense: 51 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Earth Damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 20000/10000 (Coronet, Rosetta Ring) ============================================================================= CORONET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Man Eater (Support), Return Magic (Support) Magic Defense: 35 (+1 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo, Bran Bal Added Status: Wind Damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 4400/2200 ============================================================================= CROSS HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: MP Attack (Support), Devil Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 16 (+1 Strength) Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2200/1100 ============================================================================= DARK HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support), Jelly (Support) Magic Defense: 21 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Lindblum Added Status: Ice Damage Reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 1800/900 ============================================================================= FEATHER HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Bright Eyes (Support), Add Status (Support) Magic Defense: 7 (+1 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Buy from Weapon shop at Dali Added Status: Raises Wing Elem-Atk Price (Buy/Sell): 200/100 ============================================================================= FLASH HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Eye 4 Eye (Support), Beast Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 37 (+1 Speed, +2 Evade) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Raises Thunder/Holy Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 5200/2600 ============================================================================= GENJI HELMET Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support) Magic Defense: 29 (+2 Magic, +2 Defense) Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #6 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= GOLD HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Mental Break (Action), Rei’s Wind (Action), Clear Headed (Support) Magic Defense: 13 (+1 Magic) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1800/900 ============================================================================= GOLDEN HAIRPIN Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Auto-Regen (Support), Loudmouth (Support) Magic Defense: 32 (+1 Magic, +2 Magic Evade) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Raises Water Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 3700/1850 ============================================================================= GOLDEN SKULLCAP Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Power Up (Support), Locomotion (Support) Magic Defense: 47 (+2 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Earth Damage Reduced by 50%, Raises Water Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 15000/7500 (Gold Helm, Golden Hairpin) ============================================================================= GRAND HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Magic Defense: 33 (+1 Speed) Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 20000/10000 (Cross Helm, Power Belt) ============================================================================= GREEN BERET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Clear Headed (Support) Magic Defense: 23 (+1 Strength, +1 Speed) Where to get/buy: Oeilvert Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/1090 ============================================================================= HEADGEAR Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Undead Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 6 (+2 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Burmecia Mogshop Added Status: Water Damage Reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 330/165 ============================================================================= HOLY MITER Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Insomniac (Support), Body Temp (Support) Magic Defense: 39 (+1 Magic, +2 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Black Mage Village (Disc 4) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 8300/4150 ============================================================================= IRON HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Bright Eyes (Support), Level Up (Support) Magic Defense: 6 (+1 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Steal from big Plant at Evil Forest Buy at Lindblum Weapon Shop Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 450/225 ============================================================================= KAISER HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Eye 4 Eye (Support) Magic Defense: 26 (+1 Strength, +1 Magic) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 7120/3560 ============================================================================= LAMIA’S TIARA Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Clear Headed (Support), Confuse (Action), Float (Action) Magic Defense: 17 (+1 Magic, +1 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno/Daguerreo Added Status: Wind damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 800/400 ============================================================================= LEATHER HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Fire (Action) Magic Defense: 6 Where to get/buy: With Vivi and Zidane in the beginning of the game Buy at Weapon shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 150/75 ============================================================================= MAGE’S HAT Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Loudmouth (Support), Fira (Action) Magic Defense: 14 (+1 Magic) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo/Fossil Roo Added Status: Raises Holy/Shadow Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 600/300 ============================================================================= MAGUS HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Slow (Action) Magic Defense: 10 Where to get/buy: Buy at Burmecia Mogshop Added Status: Raises Ice Elem-Atk Price (Buy/Sell): 400/200 ============================================================================= MANTRA BAND Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support), Antibody (Support) Magic Defense: 19 (+1 Magic, +1 Spirit, +1 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Lindblum Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1500/750 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Insomniac (Support), Antibody (Support) Magic Defense: 11 (+1 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Lindblum Dragon’s Gate Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 1000/500 ============================================================================= PLATINUM HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Restore HP (Support), Stone Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 23 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Ice Damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 4600/2300 ============================================================================= RED HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: MP Attack (Support), Cover (Support) Magic Defense: 26 (+1 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: Raises Fire Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 3000/1500 ============================================================================= RITUAL HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Counter (Support), Bright Eyes (Support), Undead Killer (Support) Magic Defense: 16 (+1 Strength, +1 Defense) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1000/500 ============================================================================= RUBBER HELM Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Minus Strike (Action) Magic Defense: 5 Where to get/buy: Found inside the Prima Vista at Crash Site Buy at Weapon shop in Dali Added Status: Thunder Damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 250/75 ============================================================================= STEEPLED HAT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Protect (Action) Magic Defense: 9 (+1 Spirit) Where to get/buy: Steal from Black Waltz #2 Buy from Lindblum Weapon Shop Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 260/130 ============================================================================= STRAW HAT Character/s: Everyone Ability/ies learned: none Magic Defense: 0 Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #2 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/750 ============================================================================= THIEF HAT Character/s: Zidane Ability/ies learned: Long Reach (Support), Lucky Seven (Action), Mug (Support) Magic Defense: 38 (+2 Speed, +3 Evade) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Black Mage Village (Disc 4) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 7100/3550 ============================================================================= TWIST HEADBAND Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Quina, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Gamble Defense (Support), Add Status (Support) Magic Defense: 17 (+1 Strength) Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: Raises Earth Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 ============================================================================= --------------------------- Armors / Vests / Shirts --------------------------- * - Arranged in alphabetical order ============================================================================= ADAMAN VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Stone Killer (Support), Bird Killer (Support) Defense: 14 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy from man at Dragon’s Gate or man inside Fossil Roo Added Status: Fire damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 1600/800 ============================================================================= ALOHA T-SHIRT Character/s: Everyone Ability/ies learned: none Defense: 0 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #2. Give Kupo nuts to Moguta at Gizamaluke’s Grotto. Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/9500 ============================================================================= BLACK ROBE Character/s: Vivi, Quina Ability/ies learned: MP+20% (Support), Flare (Action), Reflectx2 (Support) Defense: 43 Bonus/es: Magic +2, Magic Defense +4 Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shop Added Status: Raises Shadow Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 8000/4000 (Gaia Gear, N-Kai Armlet) ============================================================================= BRAVE SUIT Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Restore HP (Support), Auto-Regen (Support) Defense: 42 Bonus/es: Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Black Mage village (Disc 4) Added Status: Raises Fire Elem-Atk Price (Buy/Sell): 26000/13000 (Mythril Vest, Mythril Rod) ============================================================================= BRIGANDINE Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Return Magic (Support) Defense: 20 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 4380/2190 ============================================================================= BRONZE ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Bird Killer (Support) Defense: 9 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Dali Added Status: Wind damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 650/325 ============================================================================= BRONZE VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Jelly (Support) Defense: 9 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +1, Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Burmecia Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 670/335 ============================================================================= CARABINI MAIL Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Auto-Regen (Support) Defense: 39 Bonus/es: Speed +1, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 12300/6150 ============================================================================= CHAIN MAIL Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Bird Killer (Support), HP+10% (Support) Defense: 12 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Cleyra Added Status: Earth damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 ============================================================================= CHAIN PLATE Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Devil Killer (Support) Defense: 10 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at man at Dragon’s Gate or man inside Fossil Roo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 810/405 ============================================================================= COTTON ROBE Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Chemist (Support), Shell (Action) Defense: 10 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +1, Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy from all Synthesis Shops (except HADES) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1000/500 (Wrist, Steepled Hat) ============================================================================= DARK GEAR Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Clear Headed (Support), Jelly (Support) Defense: 37 Bonus/es: Spirit +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Black Mage village (Disc 4) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 16300/8150 ============================================================================= DEMON’S MAIL Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Defense: 27 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: Raises/Absorbs Shadow Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 5900/2950 ============================================================================= DEMON’S VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Devil Killer (Support), Auto-Potion (Support) Locomotion (Support) Defense: 31 Bonus/es: Magic +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Shadow damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 10250/5125 ============================================================================= DRAGON MAIL Character/s: Freya Ability/ies learned: High Jump (Support) Defense: 42 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 14000/7000 ============================================================================= GAIA GEAR Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Insomniac (Support), High Tide (Support) Osmose (Action) Defense: 25 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: Absorbs Earth Elem-Atk. Raises your Earth Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 8700/4350 ============================================================================= GENJI ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Body Temp (Support), Accuracy+ (Support) Defense: 45 Bonus/es: Magic +2 Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Locate Outer Island 2 Chocograph Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= GLUTTON’S ROBE Character/s: Quina Ability/ies learned: Antibody (Support), Body Temp (Support), Auto-Regen (Support) Defense: 41 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +1, Magic Defense +4 Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 6000/3000 (Mythril Fork, Cotton Robe) ============================================================================= GOLD ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Stone Killer (Support) Defense: 19 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2950/1475 ============================================================================= GRAND ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Chemist (Support), Restore HP (Support) Defense: 59 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Shadow damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 45000/22500 (Mythril Sword Mythril Armor) ============================================================================= JUDO UNIFORM Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Distract (Support), HP+10% (Support) Defense: 23 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 5000/2500 ============================================================================= LEATHER PLATE Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Chakra (Action) Defense: 10 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Lindblum before Disc 3 Added Status: Ice damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 530/265 ============================================================================= LEATHER SHIRT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Protect Girls (Support) Defense: 6 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: With Vivi and Zidane in the beginning of the game Buy at weapon shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 270/135 ============================================================================= LIGHT ROBE Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Half MP (Support), Auto-Regen (Support), Full-Life (Action) Defense: 41 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +1, Magic Defense +6, Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Raises Holy/Shadow Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 20000/10000 (Magician Robe, Glass Armlet) ============================================================================= LINEN CUIRASS Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Cover (Support) Defense: 10 Bonus/es: Magic +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Burmecia Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 800/400 ============================================================================= MAGICIAN CLOAK Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Restore HP (Support), High Tide (Support) Defense: 15 Bonus/es: Magic +1, Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: Raises Ice Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 1850/925 ============================================================================= MAGICIAN ROBE Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Auto-Potion (Support), MP+10% (Support) Defense: 21 Bonus/es: Magic +2, Magic Defense +3 Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 3000/1500 (Mage Staff, Magician Cloak) ============================================================================= MAXIMILLIAN Character/s: Steiner Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support) Defense: 54 Bonus/es: Spirit +3 Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #8 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 650/325 ============================================================================= MINERVA’S PLATE Character/s: Dagger, Eiko, Freya Ability/ies learned: Restore HP (Support), High Tide (Support) Defense: 34 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +2, Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 12200/6100 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Jelly (Support), Cover (Support) Defense: 15 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Added Status: Water damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 1830/915 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Auto-Potion (Support) Defense: 12 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at man at Dragon’s Gate or man inside Fossil Roo Added Status: Water damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 1180/590 ============================================================================= NINJA GEAR Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Alert (Support), Locomotion (Support), Eye 4 Eye (Support) Defense: 35 Bonus/es: Speed +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Absorbs Shadow Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 14000/7000 ============================================================================= PLATE MAIL Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Locomotion (Support), Undead Killer (Support) Defense: 17 Bonus/es: Spirit +1, Magic Evade +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2320/1160 ============================================================================= PLATINA ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Beast Killer (Support) Defense: 36 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Ice damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 10500/5250 ============================================================================= POWER VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Stone Killer (Support), Gamble Defense (Support) Counter (Support) Defense: 27 Bonus/es: Strength +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 7200/3600 ============================================================================= ROBE OF LORDS Character/s: Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Reflect-Null (Support), Concentrate (Support) Defense: 46 Bonus/es: Speed +1, Strength +1, Magic +1, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +5 Where to get/buy: Buy from HADES. Exchange 10000 Chocobo Hot & Cold points. Get 12 Stellazzios. Added Status: Wind damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 30000/15000 (White Robe, Black Robe) ============================================================================= RUBBER SUIT Character/s: Dagger, Eiko, Freya Ability/ies learned: Eye 4 Eye (Support), Esuna (Action) Defense: 39 Bonus/es: Evade +2, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +3 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Thunder damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 20000/10000 (Minerva’s Plate, Egoist’s Armlet) ============================================================================= SHIELD ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Distract (Support) Defense: 23 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +5 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop in Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: Fire/Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 4300/2150 ============================================================================= SILK ROBE Character/s: Dagger, Eiko, Quina Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Loudmouth (Support) Defense: 16 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +1, Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2000/1000 (Silk Shirt, Bandana) ============================================================================= SILK SHIRT Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Cure (Action), Thunder (Action) Defense: 9 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Dali Added Status: Thunder damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 400/200 ============================================================================= SURVIVAL VEST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Locomotion (Support), Antibody (Support), Mug (Support) Defense: 17 Bonus/es: Strength +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment shop in Alexandria/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2900/1450 ============================================================================= TIN ARMOR Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: none Defense: 63 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +27, Evade +32, Magic Evade +17 Where to get/buy: Buy at Legendary Synthesis Shop (HADES) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 50000/25000 (Ore, Hammer) ============================================================================= WHITE ROBE Character/s: Dagger, Eiko Ability/ies learned: Loudmouth (Support), Auto-Potion (Support), Holy (Action) Defense: 42 Bonus/es: Magic +2, Magic Defense +3 Where to get/buy: Buy at Synthesis Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 8000/4000 (Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet) ============================================================================= --------------------------------- Wrist Band / Gloves / Armlets --------------------------------- * - Alphabetically Arranged ============================================================================= AEGIS GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Charge! (Action) Evade: 32 Magic Evade: 12 Bonus/es: Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: nulls Fire damage Price (Buy/Sell): 7000/3500 ============================================================================= BONE WRIST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Add Status (Support) Evade: 17 Magic Evade: 15 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Added Status: Raises Earth Elem-Atk Price (Buy/Sell): 330/165 ============================================================================= BRACER Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Add Status (Support), Power Throw (Action) Evade: 39 Magic Evade: 24 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Raises Wind Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 24000/12000 (Battle Boots, Venetia Shield) ============================================================================= BRONZE GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Antibody (Support) Evade: 10 Magic Evade: 4 Bonus/es: Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 480/240 ============================================================================= CHIMERA ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Mug (Support), Add Status (Support) Evade: 26 Magic Evade: 20 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Lindblum Added Status: Holy damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 ============================================================================= DEFENSE GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support) Evade: 27 Magic Evade: 22 Bonus/es: Defense +1, Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Fire/Ice/Thunder damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 6000/3000 ============================================================================= DIAMOND GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Jelly (Support) Evade: 21 Magic Evade: 15 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Esto Gaza before Disc 4 Added Status: Water damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 2000/1000 ============================================================================= DRAGON WRIST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Antibody (Support) Evade: 32 Magic Evade: 18 Bonus/es: Strength +7, Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Shadow damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 4800/2400 ============================================================================= EGOIST’S ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Beast Killer (Support), Level Up (Support) Evade: 24 Magic Evade: 26 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: Shadow damage reduced by 100% Price (Buy/Sell): 2000/1000 ============================================================================= GAUNTLETS Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Cover (Support) Evade: 38 Magic Evade: 9 Bonus/es: Speed +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Added Status: Fire/Earth/Water/Wind damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 8000/4000 (Mythril Gloves, Dragon Wrist) ============================================================================= GENJI GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: High Tide (Support) Evade: 29 Magic Evade: 19 Bonus/es: Magic +2 Where to get/buy: Steal from Lich at Memoria Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= GLASS ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Steal Gil (Support), Antibody (Support) Evade: 11 Magic Evade: 13 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria, Mogshop in Burmecia Added Status: Water damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 250/125 ============================================================================= JADE ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Body Temp (Support), High Tide (Support) Evade: 0 Magic Evade: 33 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Price (Buy/Sell): 3400/1700 ============================================================================= LEATHER WRIST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Beast Killer (Support), Blizzard (Action) Evade: 11 Magic Evade: 11 Bonus/es: Speed +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 200/100 ============================================================================= MAGIC ARMLET Character/s: Dagger, Eiko, Quina, Vivi Ability/ies learned: Clear Headed (Support), Silence (Action) Evade: 16 Magic Evade: 16 Bonus/es: Magic Defense +1, Magic +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno/Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 1000/500 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Bug Killer (Support) Evade: 21 Magic Evade: 17 Bonus/es: Strength +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 500/250 ============================================================================= MYTHRIL GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Man Eater (Support), Bug Killer (Support) Evade: 15 Magic Evade: 9 Bonus/es: Spirit +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Treno Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 980/490 ============================================================================= N-KAI ARMLET Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Bandit (Support), Undead Killer (Support), Water (Action) Evade: 31 Magic Evade: 0 Bonus/es: Spirit +2, Defense +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 3000/1500 ============================================================================= PEARL ARMLET Character/s: Everyone Ability/ies learned: none Evade: 0 Magic Evade: 0 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #2 Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): -/490 ============================================================================= POWER WRIST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Accuracy+ (Support) Evade: 34 Magic Evade: 16 Bonus/es: Strength +2 Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Daguerreo Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 5100/2550 ============================================================================= SILVER GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Undead Killer (Support) Evade: 12 Magic Evade: 7 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Lindblum before Disc 3 Added Status: Ice damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 720/360 ============================================================================= THIEF GLOVES Character/s: Zidane, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Master Thief (Support) Evade: 30 Magic Evade: 19 Bonus/es: Speed +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shop, win at Treno Auction House (preferred) Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 50000/25000 (Mythril Armlet, Sargatanas) ============================================================================= THUNDER GLOVES Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Devil Killer (Support), Add Status (Support) Evade: 18 Magic Evade: 12 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Added Status: Thunder Elem-atk, Thunder damage reduced by 50% Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 ============================================================================= VENETIA SHIELD Character/s: Steiner, Freya Ability/ies learned: Auto-Float (Support), Counter (Support) Evade: 19 Magic Evade: 28 Bonus/es: Strength +1, Magic +7, Magic Defense +1 Where to get/buy: Buy at Mogshop at Ipsen’s Castle Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 2800/1400 ============================================================================= WRIST Character/s: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant Ability/ies learned: Flee-Gil (Support) Evade: 9 Magic Evade: 9 Bonus/es: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Equipment Shop in Dali Added Status: none Price (Buy/Sell): 130/65 ============================================================================= --------------- Accessories --------------- * Listed in Alphabetical Order ============================================================================= AMETHYST STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Atomos (Action), Demi (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 200/1 (Ore, Annoyntment) ============================================================================= ANCIENT AROMA Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Odin’s Sword Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Evade +4 Added Status: Raises Shadow Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Found inside Ipsen’s Castle Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= ANGEL EARRINGS Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Auto-Regen (Support), MP+20% (Support), Rei’s Wind (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Defense +2 Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shop Price (Buy/Sell): 8000/4000 (Fairy Earrings, Barette) ============================================================================= AQUAMARINE STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Leviathan (Action), HP+10% (Support) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Dagger automatically gets it. Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= BARETTE Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Chemist (Support), Gamble Defense (Support), Cura (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Evade Added Status: Raises Shadow Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Found inside Ipsen’s Castle Price (Buy/Sell): -/3500 ============================================================================= BATTLE BOOTS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: MP Attack (Support), Initiative (Support), HP+20% (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Defense +2, Magic Defense +1 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shop Price (Buy/Sell): 6500/3250 (Feather Boots, Wing Edge) ============================================================================= BLACK BELT Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: HP+20% (Support), Beast Killer (Support), Demi (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Spirit +2, Defense +1 Added Status: Raises Wind Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 4000/2000 (Twist Headband, Survival Vest) ============================================================================= CACHUSHA Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Odin’s Sword (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Evade +4 Added Status: Raises Shadow Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Found inside Ipsen’s Castle Price (Buy/Sell): -/1500 ============================================================================= CORAL RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Insomniac (Support), Man-Eater (Support), Lancer (Action) Ability Upgrades: Spirit +2, Magic Evade +2 Added Status: Absorbs Thunder Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at various Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 1200/600 (Lightning Staff, Rod) ============================================================================= DARK MATTER Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Odin (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +3, Magic +3 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Win at Treno Auction House Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= DESERT BOOTS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Flee-Gil (Support), Protect (Action), Scan (Action) Ability Upgrades: Magic +1, Spirit +1, Evade +2 Added Status: Earth damage reduced by 50% Where to get/buy: Buy at Treno, Black Cat Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 300/150 (Leather Hat, Leather Shirt) ============================================================================= DIAMOND Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Body Temp (Support), Distract (Support) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy from Stiltzkin’s Item Set at Bran Bal. Receive from Friendly Garuda. Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= EMERALD STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Haste (Action), MP+10% (Support), White Draw (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy Stiltzkin’s Item set at Oeilvert Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= EXTENSION Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Auto-Potion (Support), MP+10% (Support), Level Up (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +1, Magic +2, Defense +1, Magic Defense +1 Added Status: Raises Thunder Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 3500/1750 (Lamia’s Tiara, Multina Racket) ============================================================================= FAIRY EARRINGS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Level Up (Support), Body Temp (Support), Regen (Action) Ability Upgrades: Spirit +2, Evade +4, Magic Evade +2 Added Status: Raises Wind Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 3200/1600 (Magic Armlet, soft) ============================================================================= FEATHER BOOTS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Auto-Float (Support), Float (Action), Mini (Action) Ability Upgrades: Evade +3 Added Status: Absorbs Earth Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 4000/2000 (Magician Shoes, Phoenix Pinion) ============================================================================= GARNET STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Bahamut (Action), Healer (Support) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 350/1 (Ore, Remedy) ============================================================================= GERMINAS BOOTS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Alert (Support), HP+10% (Support), Flee (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +1, Evade +2 Added Status: Raises Earth Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 900/450 (Desert Boots, Fork) ============================================================================= GLASS BUCKLE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Antibody (Support), Add Status (Support), Thunder (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +1, Magic +1, Spirit +2, Magic Evade +5 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at various Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 500/250 (Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist) ============================================================================= GOLD CHOKER Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Auto Potion (Support), Flee-Gil (Support), Shell (Action) Ability Upgrades: Magic +2, Evade +2, Magic Defense +1 Added Status: Raises Shadow Elem-Atk. Wind damage reduced by 50% Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 1300/650 (Linen Cuirass, Soft) ============================================================================= LAPIS LAZULI Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Ability Up (Support), Accuracy+ (Support) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 400/1 (Ore, Dead Pepper) ============================================================================= MADAIN’S RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Body Temp (Support), Chemist (Support), Guardian Mog (Support) Ability Upgrades: Spirit +2, Magic Defense +2 Added Status: Absorbs Ice Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 3000/1500 (Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod) ============================================================================= MAGICIAN SHOES Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: MP+10% (Support), Clear Headed (Support), Blind (Action) Ability Upgrades: Magic +2, Magic Evade +6 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at various Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 1500/750 (Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist) ============================================================================= MAIDEN PRAYER Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Auto-Regen (Support) Ability Upgrades: Magic +1, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +3 Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Found inside Ipsen’s Castle Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= MOONSTONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Shell (Action), Beast Killer (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy Stiltzkin’s Item set at Alexandria (Disc 4) Bring 4 colored stones at statue in Conde Petie Mountain Path Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= OPAL STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Shiva (Action), Blizzara (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 100/1 (Ore, Potion) ============================================================================= PEARL ROUGE Character/s: Women Ability/ies learned: Level Up (Support), Reflect-Null (Support), Loudmouth (Support) Ability Upgrades: Magic +2, Spirit +4, Magic Evade +4 Added Status: Holy damage reduced by 50%. Raises Water Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Lindblum/Treno Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 5000/2500 (Moonstone, Elixir) ============================================================================= PERIDOT STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Ramuh (Action), Thundara (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 100/1 (Ore, Soft) ============================================================================= POWER BELT Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: MP Attack (Support), Counter (Support), Fira (Action) Ability Upgrades: Strength +3, Defense +2 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 2000/1000 (Glass Buckle, Chain Mail) ============================================================================= PROMIST RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Restore HP (Support), Absorb MP (Support), Magic Elem-null (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Evade +3 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 6000/3000 (Chimera Armlet, Ruby Stone) ============================================================================= PROTECT RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Long Reach (Support), Magic Elem Null (Support), Half MP (Support) Ability Upgrades: Spirit +1, Defense +2, Evade +4, Magic Defense +3, Magic Evade +6 Added Status: All Elemental damage reduced by 50% Where to get/buy: Buy at Legendary Synthesis Shop (HADES) Price (Buy/Sell): 40000/20000 (Dark Matter, Rebirth Ring) ============================================================================= PUMICE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Ark (Action) Ability Upgrades: Speed +1, Magic +1, Defense +1, Magic Defense +2 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Legendary Synthesis Shop (HADES) Price (Buy/Sell): 50000/25000 (2 Pumice Pieces) ============================================================================= PUMICE PIECE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Boost (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength + 2, Magic + 2, Evade + 5, Magic Def + 1 Added Status: Holy/Shadow Where to get/buy: Get after beating Ark, locate “Outer Island 2” Chocograph, Synthesize at Black Cat’s Price (Buy/Sell): 25000/12500 (Pumice and Hammer) ============================================================================= REBIRTH RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Auto-Life (Support), Life (Action), Revive (Action) Ability Upgrades: Spirit +3, Magic Defense +2 Added Status: Raises Holy Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Daguerreo Synthesis Shop Price (Buy/Sell): 7000/3500 (Diamond, Anklet) ============================================================================= REFLECT RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Auto-Reflect (Support), Reflect (Action), Distract (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +1, Spirit +1, Magic Defense +1 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Alexandria/Treno/Lindblum Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 7000/3500 (Anklet, Madain’s Ring) ============================================================================= RIBBON Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Madeen (Action), Ability Up (Support), Guardian Mog (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +1, Magic +3, Spirit +1, Defense +1, Evade +5, Magic Defense +1, Magic Evade +4 Added Status: Absorbs Water/Wind Elem-Atk. Fire/Ice/Thunder/Holy damage reduced by 50% Where to get/buy: Win at Treno Auction House. Locate “Forgotten Island” Chocograph. Eiko will receive it automatically Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= ROSETTA RING Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Level Up (Support), Concentrate (Support), Reflectx2 (Support) Ability Upgrades: Magic +1, Defense +1, Evade +2, Magic Defense +3, Magic Evade +2 Added Status: Raises Fire Elem-Atk. Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Price (Buy/Sell): 24000/12000 (Madain’s Ring, Holy Lance) ============================================================================= RUBY STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Carbuncle (Action), Reflect (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Eiko automatically gets it at Iifa Tree. Price (Buy/Sell): -/1 ============================================================================= RUNNING SHOES Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Auto-Haste (Support), Auto-Potion (Support), Haste (Action) Ability Upgrades: Speed +2, Evade +4, Magic Evade +4 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat Synthesis Shop Price (Buy/Sell): 12000/6000 (Battle Boots, Emerald) ============================================================================= SANDALS Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: none Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Locate Chocobo’s Paradise Treasure #2 Price (Buy/Sell): -/600 ============================================================================= SAPPHIRE STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Fenrir (Action), High Tide (Support) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Mage, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 200/1 (Ore, Antidote) ============================================================================= TOPAZ STONE Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Ifrit (Action), Fira (Action) Ability Upgrades: none Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Black Cat, Daguerreo Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 100/1 (Ore, Eye Drops) ============================================================================= YELLOW SCARF Character/s: All Ability/ies learned: Bird Killer (Support), Millionaire (Support), Steal Gil (Support) Ability Upgrades: Strength +2, Magic Defense +1 Added Status: none Where to get/buy: Buy at Various Synthesis Shops Price (Buy/Sell): 400/200 (Feather Hat, Steepled Hat) ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SHOPS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here’s are the list of shops that found throughout the game and all their goodies. This will include Item, Equipment, and Synthesis Shops. ALEXANDRIA ========== Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Tent 800 gil Item Shop (Disc 3): ------------------- Potion 50 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Remedy 300 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Mythril Dagger 950 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Gladius 2300 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Ice Brand 3780 gil Magic Armlet 1000 gil Partisan 1600 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Ice Lance 2430 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Cat’s Claws 4000 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Poison Knuckles 5000 gil Ritual Hat 1000 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Twist Headband 1200 gil Healing Rod 1770 gil Barbut 600 gil Lamia’s Flute 3800 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Gold Helm 1800 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Magician Cloak 1850 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Survival Vest 2900 gil Oak Staff 2400 gil Brigandine 4380 gil Pinwheel 200 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Plate Mail 2320 gil Synthesis Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Rune Tooth = Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger 2000 gil Angel Bless = Mythril Dagger Gladius 9000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Silk Robe = Silk Shirt Bandana 2000 gil Magician Robe = Mage Staff Magician Cloak 3000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil Madain’s Ring = Bone Wrist Stardust Rod 3000 gil Fairy Earrings = Magic Armlet Soft 3200 gil Extension = Lamia’s Tiara Multina Racket 3500 gil Reflect Ring = Anklet Madain’s Ring 7000 gil Anklet = Gold Choker Peridot Gem 4000 gil Feather Boots = Magician Shoes Phoenix Pinion 4000 gil Black Belt = Twist Headband Survival Vest 4000 gil Pearl Rouge = Moonstone Elixir 5000 gil PRIMA VISTA CRASH SITE ====================== Cinna (before rescuing Garnet w/ Steiner and Vivi): --------------------------------------------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Tent 800 gil NORTH GATE (Melda Arch) ======================= Girl behind the Gate: --------------------- Potion 50 gil SOUTH GATE ========== Part-Time worker Mary: ---------------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Tent 800 gil Item Shop Vega: --------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Tent 800 gil VILLAGE OF DALI =============== Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop: --------------- Dagger 320 gil Bronze Gloves 480 gil Mage Masher 500 gil Leather Hat 150 gil Broad Sword 330 gil Feather Hat 200 gil Iron Sword 660 gil Rubber Helm 250 gil Rod 260 gil Bronze Helm 330 gil Mage Staff 320 gil Leather Shirt 270 gil Wrist 130 gil Silk Shirt 400 gil Leather Wrist 200 gil Bronze Armor 650 gil LINDBLUM ======== Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 Gil Phoenix Down 150 Gil Echo Screen 50 Gil Antidote 50 Gil Eye Drop 50 Gil Soft 100 Gil Tent 800 Gil Weapon Shop: ------------ Dagger 320 gil Leather Wrist 200 gil Mage Masher 500 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Bronze Gloves 480 gil Iron Sword 660 gil Silver Gloves 720 gil Javelin 880 gil Steepled Hat 260 gil Rod 260 gil Headgear 330 gil Fork 1100 gil Iron Helm 450 gil Synthesis Shop: --------------- Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Man selling items at Dragon’s Gate: ----------------------------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Coral Sword 4000 gil Survival Vest 2900 gil Partisan 1600 gil Brigandine 4380 gil Ice Lance 2430 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Poison Knuckles 5000 gil Plate Mail 2320 gil Magic Racket 1350 gil Potion 50 gil Healing Rod 1770 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Lamia’s Flute 3800 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Cypress Pile 3200 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Mythril Fork 4700 gil Antidote 50 gil Pinwheel 200 gil Eye Drops 50 gil Chimera Armlet 1200 gil Soft 100 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Twist Headband 1200 gil Magic Tag 100 gil Mantra Band 1500 gil Remedy 300 gil Dark Hat 1800 gil Tent 800 gil Gold Helm 1800 gil Magician Cloak 1850 gil Synthesis Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Rune Tooth = Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger 2000 gil Angel Bless = Mythril Dagger Gladius 9000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Silk Robe = Silk Shirt Bandana 2000 gil Magician Robe = Mage Staff Magician Cloak 3000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil Madain’s Ring = Bone Wrist Stardust Rod 3000 gil Fairy Earrings = Magic Armlet Soft 3200 gil Extension = Lamia’s Tiara Multina Racket 3500 gil Reflect Ring = Anklet Madain’s Ring 7000 gil Anklet = Gold Choker Peridot Gem 4000 gil Feather Boots = Magician Shoes Phoenix Pinion 4000 gil Black Belt = Twist Headband Survival Vest 4000 gil Pearl Rouge = Moonstone Elixir 5000 gil SOUTH GATE CITADEL ================== Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Tent 800 gil BURMECIA ======== Mogshop (Atla) -------------- Needle Fork 3100 gil Linen Cuirass 800 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Potion 50 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Steepled Hat 260 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Headgear 330 gil Soft 100 gil Magus Hat 400 gil Antidote 50 gil Barbut 600 gil Eye Drops 50 gil Bronze Vest 670 gil Tent 800 gil SUMMIT STATION (SOUTH GATE) =========================== Man at the bottom of the cafe ----------------------------- Air Racket 400 Mythril Rod 560 Glass Armlet 250 Silver Gloves 720 Mythril Gloves 980 Steepled Hat 260 Headgear 330 Magus Hat 400 Rubber Helm 250 Iron Helm 450 Barbut 600 Bronze Vest 670 Linen Cuirass 800 Potion 50 Phoenix Down 150 Echo Screen 50 Soft 100 Antidote 50 Eye Drops 50 Tent 800 TRENO ===== Synthesis Shop: --------------- Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Equipments Shop: ---------------- Dagger 320 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Mage Masher 500 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Mythril Sword 1300 gil Magus Hat 400 gil Mythril Spear 1100 gil Bandana 500 gil Air Racket 400 gil Barbut 600 gil Mythril Rod 560 gil Silk shirt 400 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Leather Plate 530 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Bronze Vest 670 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Fork 1100 gil Linen Cuirass 800 gil Needle Fork 3100 gil Chain Mail 1200 gil Leather Wrist 200 gil Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Mythril Dagger 950 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Gladius 2300 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Ice Brand 3780 gil Magic Armlet 1000 gil Partisan 1600 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Ice Lance 2430 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Cat’s Claws 4000 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Poison Knuckles 5000 gil Ritual Hat 1000 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Twist Headband 1200 gil Healing Rod 1770 gil Barbut 600 gil Lamia’s Flute 3800 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Gold Helm 1800 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Magician Cloak 1850 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Survival Vest 2900 gil Oak Staff 2400 gil Brigandine 4380 gil Pinwheel 200 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Plate Mail 2320 gil Synthesis Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Rune Tooth = Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger 2000 gil Angel Bless = Mythril Dagger Gladius 9000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Silk Robe = Silk Shirt Bandana 2000 gil Magician Robe = Mage Staff Magician Cloak 3000 gil Desert Boots = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil Madain’s Ring = Bone Wrist Stardust Rod 3000 gil Fairy Earrings = Magic Armlet Soft 3200 gil Extension = Lamia’s Tiara Multina Racket 3500 gil Reflect Ring = Anklet Madain’s Ring 7000 gil Anklet = Gold Choker Peridot Gem 4000 gil Feather Boots = Magician Shoes Phoenix Pinion 4000 gil Black Belt = Twist Headband Survival Vest 4000 gil Pearl Rouge = Moonstone Elixir 5000 gil Item Shop (Disc 3): ------------------- Potion 50 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Remedy 300 gil Tent 800 gil CLEYRA ====== Equipments (Dan): ----------------- Partisan 1600 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Multina Racket 700 gil Magus Hat 400 gil Mythril Rod 560 gil Bandana 500 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Mage’s Hat 600 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Needle Fork 3100 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Mythril Vest 1180 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Chain Mail 1200 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Items (Star Maiden Nina): ------------------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil LINDBLUM (After Alexandria’s Attack) ==================================== Weapon Shop: ------------ Dagger 320 gil Mythril Gloves 980 gil Mage Masher 300 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Headgear 330 gil Ice Brand 3780 gil Magus Hat 400 gil Partisan 1600 gil Bandana 500 gil Multina Racket 750 gil Mage’s Hat 600 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Silk Shirt 400 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Leather Plate 530 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Bronze Vest 670 gil Leather Wrist 200 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Mythril Vest 1180 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Chain Mail 1200 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Items (Woman near the Equipment Shop): -------------------------------------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil Synthesis Shop: --------------- Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil DRAGON’S GATE (After Alexandria attacks Lindblum): ================================================== Man selling stuff: ------------------ Ice Brand 3780 gil Partisan 1600 gil Multina Racket 750 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Bandana 500 gil Mage’s Hat 600 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Mythril Vest 1180 gil Adaman Vest 1600 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil FOSSIL ROO ========== Man selling stuff: ------------------ Ice Brand 3780 gil Partisan 1600 gil Multina Racket 750 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Thunder Gloves 1200 gil Bandana 500 gil Mage’s Hat 600 gil Mythril Helm 1000 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Mythril Vest 1180 gil Adaman Vest 1600 gil Mythril Armor 1830 gil Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil CONDE PETIE =========== Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop: --------------- Poison Knuckles 5000 gil Mythril Fork 4700 gil Multina Racket 750 gil Magic Armlet 1000 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Ritual Hat 1000 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Adaman Vest 1600 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Magician Cloak 2000 gil Oak Staff 2400 gil BLACK MAGE VILLAGE ================== Equipment Shop: --------------- Mage Masher 300 gil Steepled Hat 260 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Headgear 330 gil Gladius 2300 gil Magus Hat 400 gil Stardust Rod 760 gil Bandana 500 gil Mage Staff 320 gil Mage’s Hat 600 gil Flame Staff 1100 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Ice Staff 980 gil Ritual Hat 1000 gil Lightning Staff 1200 gil Silk Shirt 400 gil Oak Staff 2400 gil Leather Plate 530 gil Mythril Fork 4700 gil Bronze Vest 670 gil Leather Wrist 200 gil Chain Plate 810 gil Glass Armlet 250 gil Mythril Vest 1180 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Adaman Vest 1600 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Magician Cloak 1850 gil Magic Armlet 1000 gil Survival Vest 2900 gil Leather Hat 150 gil Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Remedy 300 gil Tent 800 gil Synthesis Shop: --------------- Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Rune Tooth = Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger 2000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Silk Robe = Silk Shirt Bandana 2000 gil Desert Boot = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil Madain’s Ring = Bone Wrist Stardust Rod 3000 gil Fairy Earrings = Magic Armlet Soft 3200 gil Extension = Lamia’s Tiara Multina Racket 3500 gil Reflect Ring = Anklet Madain’s Ring 7000 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 4): ------------------------ Wizard Rod 3990 gil Siren’s Flute 7000 gil High Mage Staff 6000 gil Thief Hat 7100 gil Holy Miter 8300 gil Dark Gear 16300 gil Black Cat Synthesis Shop (Disc 4): ---------------------------------- Butterfly Sword = Dagger Mage Masher 300 gil The Ogre = Mage Masher Mage Masher 700 gil Exploda = Mage Masher Mythril Dagger 1000 gil Rune Tooth = Mythril Dagger Mythril Dagger 2000 gil Angel Bless = Mythril Dagger Gladius 9000 gil Sargatanas = Gladius Zorlin Shape 12000 gil Masamune = Zorlin Shape Orichalcon 16000 gil Duel Claws = Dragon’s Claws Tiger Fangs 16000 gil Priest’s Racket = Air Racket Cachusha 11000 gil Bracer = Battle Boots Venetia Shield 24000 gil Gauntlets = Mythril Gloves Dragon Wrist 8000 gil Golden Skullcap = Gold Helm Golden Hairpin 15000 gil Circlet = Coronet Rosetta Ring 20000 gil Grand Helm = Cross Helm Power Belt 20000 gil Rubber Suit = Minerva’s Plate Egoist’s Armlet 20000 gil Brave Suit = Mythril Vest Mythril Rod 26000 gil Light Robe = Magician Robe Glass Armlet 20000 gil Grand Armor = Mythril Sword Mythril Armor 45000 gil Desert Boots = Leather Hat Leather Shirt 300 gil Yellow Scarf = Feather Hat Steepled Had 400 gil Glass Buckle = Glass Armlet Leather Wrist 500 gil Germinas Boots = Desert Boots Fork 900 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Running Shoes = Battle Boots Emerald 12000 gil Rosetta Ring = Madain’s Ring Holy Lance 24000 gil Garnet = Ore Remedy 350 gil Amethyst = Ore Annoyntment 200 gil Peridot = Ore Soft 100 gil Sapphire = Ore Antidote 200 gil Opal = Ore Potion 100 gil Topaz = Ore Eye Drops 100 gil Lapis Lazuli = Ore Dead Pepper 400 gil MADAIN SARI =========== Mogshop (Morrison): ------------------- Dagger 320 gil Mage Masher 500 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Gladius 2,300 gil Poison Knuckles 5,000 gil Multina Racket 700 gil Golem’s Flute 350 gil Pinwheel 200 gil Magic Armlet 1,000 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Ritual Hat 1,000 gil Adaman Vest 1,600 gil Magician Cloak 1,850 gil Survival Vest 2,900 gil Potion 50 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Soft 100 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drops 50 gil Magic Tag 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Tent 800 gil DESERT PALACE ============= Mogshop (Mojito) ---------------- Diamond Sword 4700 gil Cross Helm gil Trident 3580 gil Brigandine gil Mythril Claws 6500 gil Judo Uniform gil Magic Racket 1350 gil Gold Armor gil Healing Rod 1770 gil Potion 50 gil Fairy Flute 4500 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Cypress Pile 3200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Silver Fork 7400 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Pinwheel 200 gil Antidote 50 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Chimera Armlet 1200 gil Soft 100 gil Egoist’s Armlet 2000 gil Remedy 300 gil Mantra Band 1500 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Dark Hat gil Tent 800 gil Green Beret gil ESTO GAZA ========= General Shop: ------------- Gladius 2300 gil Diamond Gloves 2000 gil Zorlin Shape 6000 gil Venetia Shield 2800 gil Diamond Sword 4750 gil Black Hood 2550 gil Flame Saber 5190 gil Red Hat 3000 gil Heavy Lance 4700 gil Cross Helm 2200 gil Scissor Fangs 8000 gil Judo Uniform 5000 gil Magic Racket 1350 gil Power Vest 7200 gil Asura’s Rod 3180 gil Gold Armor 2950 gil Hamelin 5700 gil Shield Armor 4300 gil Cypress Pile 3200 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Octagon Rod 4500 gil Magic Tag 150 gil Silver Fork 7400 gil Vaccine 100 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Remedy 300 gil Egoist’s Armlet 2000 gil Annoyntment 150 gil N-Kai Armlet 3000 gil Tent 800 gil Jade Armlet 3400 gil MOUNT GULUG =========== Mogshop (Mogtaka): ------------------ Potion 50 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Magic Tag 150 gil Remedy 300 gil Tent 800 gil IPSEN’S CASTLE ============== Mogshop (Kumool): ----------------- Mage Masher 300 gil Power Vest 7200 gil Iron Sword 660 gil Gaia Gear 8700 gil Mythril Spear 1100 gil Shield Armor 4300 gil Poison Knuckles 5000 gil Demon’s Mail 5900 gil Multina Racket 750 gil Potion 50 gil Mythril Rod 560 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Lamia’s Flute 3800 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Oak Staff 2400 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Needle Fork 3100 gil Antidote 50 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Eye Drops 50 gil N-Kai Armlet 3000 gil Soft 100 gil Jade Armlet 3400 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Venetia Shield 2800 gil Vaccine 100 gil Red Hat 3000 gil Magic Tag 150 gil Golden Hairpin 3700 gil Tent 800 gil Cross Helm 2200 gil Diamond Helm 3000 gil DAGUERREO ========= Item Shop: ---------- Potion 50 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Antidote 50 gil Eye Drop 50 gil Soft 100 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Magic Tag 150 gil Vaccine 100 gil Remedy 300 gil Tent 800 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 3): ------------------------ Mage Masher 500 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Gladius 2,300 gil Zorlin Shape 6,400 gil Rune Blade 8,900 gil Obelisk 6,000 gil Tiger Fangs 13,500 gil Mythril Racket 2,200 gil Asura’s Rod 3,180 gil Hamelin 5,700 gil Octagon Rod 4,500 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Bone Wrist 330 gil Mythril Armlet 500 gil Magic Armlet 1,000 gil Chimera Armlet 1,200 gil Egoist’s Armlet 2,000 gil N-Kai Armlet 3,000 gil Jade Armlet 3,400 gil Venetia Shield 2,800 gil Defense gloves 6,000 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Twist Headband 1,200 gil Golden Hairpin 3,700 gil Coronet 4,400 gil Diamond Helm 3,000 gil Gaia Gear 8,700 gil Demon’s Vest 10,250 gil Demon’s Mail 5,900 gil Diamond Armor 8,800 gil Equipment Shop (Disc 4): ------------------------ Orichalcon 17,000 gil Defender 9,340 gil Ultima Sword 14,000 gil Holy Lance 11,000 gil Avenger 16,000 gil Kaiser Knuckles 18,000 gil Mythril Racket 2,250 gil Fork 1,100 gil Bistro Fork 10,300 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Magic Armlet 1,000 gil Egoist's Armlet 2,000 gil Dragon Wrist 4,800 gil Power Wrist 5,100 gil Defense Gloves 6,000 gil Aegis Gloves 7,000 gil Mage's Hat 600 gil Lamia’s Tiara 800 gil Golden Hairpin 3,700 gil Coronet 4,400 gil Flash Hat 5,200 gil Adaman Hat 6,100 gil Platinum Helm 4,600 gil Kaiser Helm 7,120 gil Demon's Vest 10,250 gil Minerva’s Plate 12,200 gil Ninja Gear 14,000 gil Platina Armor 10,500 gil Carabini Mail 12,300 gil Dragon Mail 14,000 gil Synthesis Shop: --------------- Angel Bless = Mythril Dagger Gladius 9000 gil Sargatanas = Gladius Zorlin Shape 12000 gil Cotton Robe = Wrist Steepled Had 1000 gil Silk Robe = Silk Shirt Bandana 2000 gil Magician Robe = Mage Staff Magician Cloak 3000 gil Glutton’s Robe = Mythril Fork Cotton Robe 6000 gil White Robe = Gaia Gear Jade Armlet 8000 gil Black Robe = Gaia Gear N-Kai Armlet 8000 gil Cachusha = Magus Hat Rubber Helm 1000 gil Coral Ring = Lightning Staff Rod 1200 gil Gold Choker = Linen Cuirass Soft 1300 gil Magician Shoes = Germinas Boots Bone Wrist 1500 gil Barette = Needle Fork Barbut 1800 gil Power Belt = Glass Buckle Chain Mail 2000 gil Madain’s Ring = Bone Wrist Stardust Rod 3000 gil Anklet = Gold Choker Peridot Gem 4000 gil Feather Boots = Magician Shoes Phoenix Pinion 4000 gil Black Belt = Twist Headband Survival Vest 4000 gil Pearl Rouge = Moonstone Elixir 5000 gil Promist Ring = Chimera Armlet Ruby 6000 gil Battle Boots = Feather Boots Wing Edge 6500 gil Rebirth Ring = Diamond Anklet 7000 gil Angel Earrings = Fairy Earrings Barette 8000 gil Garnet = Ore Remedy 350 gil Amethyst = Ore Annoyntment 200 gil Peridot = Ore Soft 100 gil Sapphire = Ore Antidote 200 gil Opal = Ore Potion 100 gil Topaz = Ore Eye Drops 100 gil Thief Gloves = Mythril Armlet Sargatanas 50000 gil BRAN BAL ======== Mogshop (Moorock): ------------------ Dagger 320 gil Adaman Hat 6200 gil Mage Masher 500 gil Platinum Helm 4600 gil Mythril Dagger 950 gil Demon’s Vest 10250 gil Gladius 2300 gil Minerva’s Plate 12200 gil Zorlin Shape 6000 gil Platina Armor 10500 gil Orichalcon 17000 gil Hi-Potion 200 gil Defender 9340 gil Phoenix Down 150 gil Holy Lance 11000 gil Echo Screen 50 gil Avenger 16000 gil Antidote 50 gil Mythril Racket 2250 gil Eye Drops 50 gil Bistro Fork 10300 gil Soft 100 gil Rising Sun 500 gil Annoyntment 150 gil Dragon Wrist 4800 gil Vaccine 100 gil Defense Gloves 6000 gil Remedy 300 gil Coronet 4400 gil Tent 800 gil Flash Hat 5200 gil LEGENDARY SYNTHESIST (Check Part 1 of the guide. Look at Memoria in Disc 4): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robe of Lords = White Robe Black Robe 30000 gil Tin Armor = Ore Hammer 50000 gil Protect Ring = Dark Matter Rebirth Ring 40000 gil Pumice = Pumice Piece Pumice Piece 50000 gil Garnet = Ore Remedy 350 gil Amethyst = Ore Annoyntment 200 gil Peridot = Ore Soft 100 gil Sapphire = Ore Antidote 200 gil Opal = Ore Potion 100 gil Topaz = Ore Eye Drops 100 gil Lapis Lazuli = Ore Dead Pepper 400 gil Pumice Piece = Hammer Pumice 25000 gil Save the Queen = Javelin Silver Gloves 50000 gil Phoenix Pinion = Phoenix Down Gysahl Greens 300 gil Ether = Echo Screen Vaccine 500 gil =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FAQs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ? This walkthrough/FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at http://WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM and at VGStrategies.about.com. You can also find an unaltered and updated version of this guide at the following sites: http://www.gamewinners.com http://surf.to/aaronph http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/finalfantasy9x/finalfantasy9.html http://nextff.8m.com http://www.cheatplanet.com http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk http://www.RPGamer.com http://www.gamespot.com http://www.gameshark.com http://www.rpgclassics.com http://www.angelfire.com/games2/chtournamentcenter/SquareExpo.html http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.ff3.com http://clix.to/gamecasters or - http://www.geocities.com/n64gg http://www.cheatcity.com http://www.gameinginc.homestead.com/gaminginc.html http://www.finalfantasyix.f2s.com http://www.angelfire.com/ri/finalfantasytrilogy http://eternalvivi.tripod.com/finalfantasy/ http://www.bdgames.net http://www.happypuppy.com http://www.fantasysquare.com http://www.philanime.com http://www.disc13.com http://members.nbci.com/fftactix http://www.supercheats.com http://www.rpgdreamers.com or - http://www.rpgdreamer.com http://www.everfantasy.net http://www.geocities.com/finalfantasy993041/www.allcheats.html?977326824940 http://www.geocities.com/kickinit_69_2000 http://www.crystalflame.com http://lockecole.webjump.com http://home.rpgvillage.com/scizorw/main[2].html http://www.geocities.com/ff8_squall2000/ http://www.geocities.com/sfunion2/ http://palaceoftheholyknight.homestead.com/nes.html http://www.hype.se http://www.skwerl.net/FForever/new http://www.angelfire.com/sd/RPGalore http://www.squaresoftepic.homestead.com/index.html http://rpgcage.com.homestead/main.htm http://www.fantasygamer.net http://www.geocities.com/rpg7654 http://www.angelfire.com/ab4/FF8/Domain http://www.geocities.com/andrewclegg3/gameFAQs_centrel.html http://digilander.iol.it/groggyland http://www.sjel.org http://www.rydia-shinra.net/ff9.html http://rpgu.terrashare.com http://www.gamespecs.com http://www.geocities.com/fflegendary/ http://drsayis.tsx.org http://pub18.ezboard.com/bpsxtreme http://SiteMasters1.homestead.com/MasterSim.html http://www.andersg.cjb.net http://silverqueen.cjb.net/ http://action_thriller.tripod.com/generationx9000xf http://www.finalis.fr.st http://hometown.aol.com/undertakerrulz22/index.html http://www.all.at/ffxtreme Note to webmasters, if your site is listed here, it means someone sent me an e-mail requesting for permission to use my guide. If you’re the real webmaster and you didn’t request for permission, please tell me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. How often do you update? As long as there is a need to update and as long as I have the time to do it I always do it right away. I make sure all are up to date. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Where is the best place to level up my characters? In my experience, I got a lot of EXPs before fighting Garland at Pandemonium. You’ll get more than 7000+ EXPs here. Another place (perhaps the best one I reach level 90 from level 65 in only 2 hours for Zidane) is the Vile Island which is the big island just to the southwest of the Iifa Tree in the Outer Continent. You’ll fight the Yan here which will give you 10000+ EXPs (if 4 characters are alive). The good thing here is that sometimes, they come in by 2s and 3s, you’ll rack up those Experience points in no time at all. You can check Side-Quest #12 at the first part for more info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Can Chocobo cross the ocean or rivers just like in FF7? Yep. Choco (your only Chocobo in the game) will change in color to depending on its abilities. Check the Chocobo’s section for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. What will happen if you piss Moguo in the world map? Nothing, he’ll just tell you to stop it. I tell you, I looked stupid while pissing off Moguo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. When I remove my equipment, the ability is gone. What gives? You must learn the Ability first. Once you reach the required # of ability points (AP), that Ability will be learned and it won’t disappear even after you remove the equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. How can I beat Grand Dragon at the World Map after I climbed up the vines at Gizamaluke’s Grotto? Here’s the contribution of Brandon Harwell: -------------------------------------------- a) There are a few tricks to defeating the Grand Dragons the first and second time you get a chance to meet them above Gizamaluke's Grotto. The first time, during the battle with Gizamaluke, steal an Ice Staff from him so Vivi can use Blizzara. Then make sure you have the "LV3 Def-less" ability for Quina. Go after the Grand Dragons, use Vivi's focus, and "LV3 Def-less". (Grand Dragons are Lv.60, HP: 13,206) If you're lucky and it doesn't use Thundaga on all your party members, you can deal 2,000 damage each round with Vivi using Blizzara. You need LOTS of Phoenix Down, however, because it can still kill any one party member in a single hit easily. Don't bother healing HP though, he'll always kill you in one hit anyway. b) Later, while in Treno the first time, use the Rod and Lightning Staff to get a Coral Ring, and make sure you have LOADS of Gil so you can win the Reflect Ring at the auction. After you go back to Zidane's party, equip one character (Vivi) with the Coral Ring, and that character will ABSORB THUNDAGA. Equip the Reflect Ring to another character, making sure to equip the "Auto-Reflect" ability. That character will send Thundaga back at the Grand Dragons for 1,500 damage. With this strategy, the Grand Dragons are much easier and you can level up your character in a hurry. (I gained about 10 levels in 20 minutes.) c) This is a real dirty trick. Buy a lot of the equipment you can the first time you go to Treno, especially from the Synthesis Shop. Equip a lot of this stuff to Zidane's party and equip the "Insomniac" ability. Get the "Night" spell for Quina from the enemies near Burmecia, and go after those silly dragons. Use night *every round* with Quina, and the Grand Dragons will be out for the count, but DO NOT ATTACK. (If you don't use "Night" every single round, he will wake up, and be very cranky I promise.) Use Zidane to Steal, use Freya to keep MP up on Vivi and Quina, and use Focus for Vivi, then hit him with Blizzara over and over (2,500 damage each turn) until he's dead. This makes these enemies REAL EASY. Nice way to get the mid-30s in levels easily in Disc 2. Here’s the contribution of Ben Price (stonehnd@dwave.net): You can use the Level 5 Death to kill the Grand Dragon Instantly. Remember, the Grand Dragon is always at level 60. :) Another Strategy by: rmueller ----------------------------- I have an almost sure-fire way to kill him easily by the 2nd disk (before one goes to the Outer Continent for the first time). Here we go: Requirements: 1) Have at least three characters learned and activated auto-reflect and the last equipped with the reflect ring on and auto-reflect activated (obviously one needs to get the reflect ring at the auction in Treno when they first visit there- this will take a long time to learn for three people, but its worth it for all the trouble). 2) Have everyone learned and activated antibody (since its an easy skill to learn, it shouldn't be too hard to do). 3) Have many phoenix downs (I'd say at least thirty to be safe). That's it! Now onto the strategy... Make sure all party members activated auto-reflect and antibody and that one has at least thirty phoenix downs. During battle, don't do anything with your characters, just wait for the dragon to do his attacks and have at least two people ready to cast a phoenix down. If the dragon uses poison claw, have one of the still-alive members immediately use a phoenix down on the fallen victim. Just keep this up during battle and the dragon will eventually kill himself with thundaga. For a better understanding of this strategy, let's examine the dragon's attacks. The dragon, as one may know, has only three attacks: poison claw, thundaga, and the strong venom attack (I forget its actual name- it inflicts venom status on the character). Poison Claw: -Description- In this attack, the dragonn comes on hard with his claws and slashes on character for 700-1000 hit points. Well, I'm afraid this is the only attack that he uses that will inevitably kill/damage a party member. The only way to combat this attack is to have phoenix downs ready on any of the other three unkilled characters. Do not, I repeat Do Not worry about healing characters during battle, its a waste of time and the poison claw can probably kill a member in one hit anyway. Venom Attack: -Description- Here, the dragon spews forrth a poisonous mist, inflicting = venom status on one of the party members. Easy, with antibody equipped on everyone, there's no way this attack can do anything to your party. The venom status will miss or be guarded against. Also, since this attack does not take away any hit points, its harm-less. Thundaga: -Description- Uh...the dragon casts the thundaga spell on one or all = characters in your party (duh).=20 This is it, the reputed grand-dragon-slayer. With auto-reflect activated = on all characters, this spell will always be reversed to cause massive = damage on the dragon. If the spell aims for and reflects off only one = character, the dragon will receive around 1500 hp damage. If the spell = aims for and reflects off all characters, the dragon deals himself a = lethal ~6000 hp of damage. So, all one needs is for the dragon to cast a = universal thundaga two-three times to kill himself! Ah the smell of = fresh hari-kari in the morning strategy by: Will (will907@excite.com) -------------------------------------- Here's another nifty strategy (though it doesn't work as well as the Death one, because this one has a chance of missing). Use Quina's Mustard Bomb spell on them. It has a chance of missing, but it's less MP than the Death spell (for people who have low MP, this could be a good thing). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Are there any summons in the game? Who can use them? There are summons/eidolons in this game just as the previous Final Fantasies (6/7/8/Tactics). Only Dagger and Eiko can use them though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. What does Eidolon mean? Mr. Webster defined Eidolon as an unsubstantial image. Meaning, it has no physical properties, it’s more like a spirit. In the game, they are the spirits of the protectors of Dagger, Eiko and the people of Madain Sari. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Are there any airship/s in the game? Of course, 3 of them to be exact. The Hilda Garde 1, Hilda Garde 3, and the Invincible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Can I steal more than 1 item from the enemies? Indeed. Most of the enemies have at least 2 items in their possession that are waiting to be stolen. Some have only 1 though. The bosses have a lot of neat items and equipments too. Just steal from the enemy/boss until the message reads, “The enemy has nothing.”. At Disc 4, you can get the Thief Gloves and learn the Master Thief ability to be able to get the rare items/equipments from enemies. This explains why you can’t get some of the best equipments from bosses. :) Suggestion: Don’t synthesize the Thief Gloves at Daguerreo, instead, win it at the Treno Auction house and you’ll get more than 65% discount. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. I can’t steal some of the items. I tried but to no avail, I still can’t get that item/equipment. Can you help? Well, there’s a success rate in stealing. It determines the probability that your character can successfully steal an item/equipments. To boost the success rate, equip the Bandit Ability to your stealer. This way, the success rate will be increased and you’ll have a bigger chance in stealing. Also, if you really want to get ALL items/equipments from bosses (especially at Memoria), you need to equip the Thief Gloves and the Master Thief ability. I was able to steal from every boss at Memoria using this. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. Is there a New Game+ Mode here just like in Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross? Nope. Just like in the previous Final Fantasies, there’ll be no New Game+ for this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. Can something be done to make the summons longer again just as it did when you first used it? Yes. Equip the Pumice Piece to Dagger or Eiko and when they use a Summon, you’ll see the full scene of the summon. The Eidolon will damage the enemy more as you have the Boost Ability. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Where can I get the Pumice Stone so that I could summon Ark? Try to find 2 Pumice Pieces. You can get one when you fight Ark. The other one is in one of the Chocographs. Then, go to HADES at Memoria and have him synthesize the Pumice (not Pieces) that will allow Dagger to summon her most powerful Eidolon, Ark. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. Where can I get Dead Peppers? What is its use? You can use the Chocobo to dig the Dead Peppers at Chocobo’s Lagoon or the Chocobo Air Garden. It is used to increase the ability for you Chocobo for a short period of time. After you get the Red Chocobo (Mountain), you can dig for Dead Peppers at the Chocobo’s Forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. I used a Tent but my character’s HP and MP are not fully restored, what gives? In my observation, when using a Tent, it will restore 1/2 of the total HP of the character and a 100 MP only. If you want to restore HP/MP completely, use an Inn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Does the enemies level up just as it was in Final Fantasy 8? No. The enemies here at a fixed level so you don’t have to worry about the level of a particular enemy when you’re at high levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19. How can I acquire more magic stones so that my character can use more abilities? There are no other ways to get more magic stones that during level ups. Sometimes, you’ll get 1 additional Magic Stone after a level up and sometimes you won’t. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20. I know a location of a Chocograph. Can I dig in that place even if Choco haven’t dug that Chocograph? You can’t. Choco won’t have any clue as to where the location is without the Chocograph. So, you MUST have a Chocograph in order to dig for the treasure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. What are the strongest attacks in the game? By far the strongest attack in the game is Quina's Limit Glove. If you're at 1 HP, it does 9999 damage every time, even to monsters with extremely high defense (like the Ragtime Mouse, even though 9999 won't kill it). If you use the Rebirth Ring's Auto-Life ability on Quina then kill him, he will be at 1 HP. Bombs away! By: Barubary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22. What does Vivi’s Focus do? Focus increases the ability of Vivi’s Magic. If you cast Focus in Vivi, his Black Magic will do greater damage than usual. In the next turn, Vivi’s Magic will return to normal strength so, you can use Focus again to increase the power of Vivi’s Magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23. I’m at Disc 4 and I can’t find certain equipments namely, Zidane’s Zorlin Shape, Freya’s Obelisk, and Steiner’s Rune Blade. Is it possible to get them? Those 3 items can be bought at Daguerreo only in Disc 3. If you reached Disc 4 without buying them, you’re out of luck. You can buy those 3 equipments anywhere else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24. What is the difference between the Phoenix Pinion and the Phoenix Down? a. Phoenix Pinions cannot be used out of battles. b. Phoenix Pinions sell a lot higher at 1,000 Gil. c. Phoenix Pinion allows the summoning of the Eidolon Phoenix. Their similarity? Both revive KO’d characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25. How can I make the Chocobo fly? It’s very easy. Just go to any forest and press the X button. You should see Choco fly. The controls are the same as the Airship by the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ENEMY LIST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here are the enemies that your can find in the game. The bosses are included in the walkthrough together with the strategies so I won’t include them here. Note that I used the SCAN ability of Dagger myself to get info from these enemies. I also included the exact location where you can see the monster. Here’s the list in alphabetical order. Note that the N/A are those that are impossible to scan. About the EXP of the enemies, the ones listed below are the TOTAL EXP of the enemy not the EXP that you’ll see when 2 or more of your party members receive them. Example, you’re fighting the Grand Dragon. If Zidane is the only party member alive, he will get ALL 35,208 EXPs! If all 4 of the party is alive, 35,208 will be divided into 4 (8,802). That’s all. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABADON Type: Insect/Aerial Level: 58 EXP: 26,376 HP: 12,658 AP: 4 MP: 2,479 Gil: 2,348 Location/s of enemy: Pandemonium Item/s after battle: Ether, Abadon Card, Vaccine Item/s you can steal: Ether, Vaccine Attacks: Thundaga, High Wind, Virus Fly Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOMINATION Type: n/a Level: 15 EXP: 912 HP: 879 AP: 1 MP: 482 Gil: 388 Location/s of enemy: Fossil Roo Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Fira, Silent Slap Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAMANTOISE Type: n/a Level: 31 EXP: 5,096 HP: 3,087 AP: 3 MP: 1,043 Gil: 4,433 Location/s of enemy: Uaho Island (Chocobo’s Paradise) Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Potion Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Tent Attacks: Heave, Thundara, Earth Shake Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: Physical Defense Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AGARES Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 7,365 w/Gargoyle HP: 6,000+ AP: 3 w/Gargoyle MP: 1,500+ Gil: 3,963 w/Gargoyle Location/s of enemy: Ipsen’s Castle Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ore, Soft, Tent Attacks: Rise, Fira, Freeze, Bio Elemental: none Weakness/es: unknown Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AMDUSIAS Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 26,376 HP: 10,000+ AP: 3 MP: n/a Gil: 2,316 Location/s of enemy: Pandemonium Item/s after battle: Ether Item/s you can steal: none Attacks: Bio Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARMSTRONG Type: n/a Level: 33 EXP: 7,148 HP: 4,204 AP: 2 MP: 1,165 Gil: 1,456 Location/s of enemy: Seaways Canyon Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Cannon, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANEMONE Type: n/a Level: 31 EXP: 5,080 HP: 3,586 AP: 2 MP: 1,045 Gil: 2,274 Location/s of enemy: Qu’s Marsh Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Tent, Ore Attacks: Bad Breath Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASH Type: Demon/Aerial Level: 66 EXP: 40,328 HP: 21,591 AP: 4 MP: 3,014 Gil: 2,748 Location/s of enemy: Memoria Item/s after battle: Lapis Lazuli Item/s you can steal: 3 Tents Attacks: Reflect, Stop, Snowstorm, Death, Doom Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: He’s very fond of counter attacking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AXE BEAK Type: Beast Level: 6 EXP: 123 HP: 241 AP: 1 MP: 267 Gil: 224 Location/s of enemy: Lindblum Plateau Item/s after battle: Bomb Card, Potion Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Beak, Glowing Eyes, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AXOLOTL Type: n/a Level: 6 EXP: 105 HP: 211 AP: 1 MP: 266 Gil: 236 Location/s of enemy: Qu’s Marsh (near Burmecia) Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Potion Attacks: Water, Tail, Aqua Breath Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANDERSNATCH Type: Beast Level: 14 EXP: 786 HP: 623 AP: 2 MP: 447 Gil: 347 Location/s of enemy: Alexandria Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Ore, Wyerd Card Item/s you can steal: Tent, Potion Attacks: Rush, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BASILISK Type: Beast Level: 6 EXP: 164 HP: 346 AP: 1 MP: 267 Gil: 233 Location/s of enemy: Suburb (Burmecia) Item/s after battle: Potion, Hi-Potion, Soft, Lizard Man Card Item/s you can steal: Rising Sun, Elixir, Tent Attacks: Poison Claw, Venom Breath, Thundaga Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEHEMOTH Type: Beast Level: 71 EXP: 53,168 HP: 24,123 AP: 4 MP: 3,338 Gil: 2,764 Location/s of enemy: Portal (Memoria) Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Echo Screen, Ogre Card, Lapis Lazuli Item/s you can steal: 3 Phoenix Pinions Attacks: Heave, Meteor Counter, Strike Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: Physical Attack Special Notes: You can inflict Status Effects on Behemoth. Use Mini and Silence and the Behemoth will be helpless! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLAZER BEETLE Type: Insect Level: 19 EXP: 387 HP: 1,468 AP: 1 MP: 603 Gil: 540 Location/s of enemy: Lucid Plains Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Charge, Hit, Fira Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CACTUAR Type: n/a Level: 30 EXP: 4,208 HP: 1,939 AP: 2 MP: 1,018 Gil: 1,021 Location/s of enemy: Donna Plains (near Qu’s Marsh near Burmecia) Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion Item/s you can steal: Ether, Tent, Phoenix Down Attacks: Confuse, 1,000 Needles Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: If you attack while it’s still sunken underground, it will counter attack with 1,000 needles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CARRION WORM Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 328 HP: 1,000+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 319 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra’s Trunk Item/s after battle: Potion, Carrion Worm Card Item/s you can steal: Tent, Annoyntment Attacks: Drain Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CARVE SPIDER Type: Insect Level: 3 EXP: 48 HP: 123 AP: 1 MP: 199 Gil: 124 Location/s of enemy: Bentini Heights (Treno) Item/s after battle: Ore Item/s you can steal: Ore, Tent, Potion Attacks: Antenna, Web, Fire Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CATOBLEPAS Type: Beast Level: 32 EXP: 6,609 HP: 3,727 AP: 2 MP: 1,069 Gil: 1,421 Location/s of enemy: Seaways Canyon Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Soft Attacks: Heave, Devil’s Bell, Earthquake, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAVE IMP Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 34 HP: 200+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 118 Location/s of enemy: Ice Cavern Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Potion, Phoenix Down Attacks: Blizzard, Rusty Knife Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CERBERUS Type: Beast Level: 44 EXP: 15,180 HP: 6,977 AP: 3 MP: 1,625 Gil: 1,984 Location/s of enemy: Ipsen’s Castle Item/s after battle: Opal Item/s you can steal: Ore, Tent, Ether Attacks: Strike, Flame, Firaga Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHIMERA Type: Demon Level: 67 EXP: 42,783 HP: 21,901 AP: 4 MP: 3,053 Gil: 2,732 Location/s of enemy: Memoria Item/s after battle: Antidote, Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Remedy, Garnet, Vaccine Attacks: Venom Breath, Cold Breath, Virus Crunch, Lightning Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPPER Type: n/a Level: 7 EXP: 78 HP: 294 AP: 1 MP: 278 Gil: 190 Location/s of enemy: World Map (near Qu’s March-Gizamaluke) Item/s after battle: Ore Item/s you can steal: Ore, Hi-Potion Attacks: Water, Bubbles, Crush Elemental: Water Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORE (w/SAND GOLEM) Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 676 HP: 800+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 589 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra’s Trunk Item/s after battle: same as Sand Golem Item/s you can steal: Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Revives the Sand Golem Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Regeneration Special Notes: You must defeat the core in order to destroy the Sand Golem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRAWLER Type: Insect Level: 10 EXP: 480 HP: 625 AP: 2 MP: 358 Gil: 323 Location/s of enemy: Gargan Roo Item/s after battle: Crawler Card, Ore Item/s you can steal: Antidote, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Stomach, Claws Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DENDROBIUM Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 39 HP: 100+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 99 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Eye Drops Item/s you can steal: Tent, Eye Drops, Ore Attacks: Wind, Pollen Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRACOZOMBIE Type: Dragon/Undead Level: 24 EXP: 4,304 HP: 2,179 AP: 3 MP: 760 Gil: 941 Location/s of enemy: Lucid Plains (Madain Sari), Cazedil Plains (Mognet C.) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Magic Tag Attacks: LV5 Death, Strike, Thundara, Zombie Breath Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Ice, Holy Strength/s: Instant Death Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAGONFLY Type: Aerial/Insect Level: 8 EXP: 249 HP: 348 AP: 1 MP: 295 Gil: 307 Location/s of enemy: Gargan Roo Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Eye Drops, Tent Attacks: Charge, Fira, Buzz Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRAKAN Type: Demon/Aerial Level: 30 EXP: 5,692 HP: 3,292 AP: 2 MP: 1,018 Gil: 1,118 Location/s of enemy: Desert Palace Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Sapphire Item/s you can steal: Hi-Potion Attacks: Bio, Mind Blast, Freeze, Mustard Bomb, Vanish, Reflect Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPITAPH Type: Stone Level: n/a EXP: 0 HP: 1,000+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 0 Mirrored Character: EXP: 3,304 Gil: 3,327 Location/s of enemy: Oeilvert Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Blazer Beetle Card, Phoenix Down, Peridot Item/s you can steal: Soft, Phoenix Pinion Attacks: Mirror, Gradual Petrify Elemental: none Weakness/es: Soft Strength/s: none Special Notes: This is a weird enemy. If you attack it, it will create a mirror image of any of the 8 characters. Example, if your party is Zidane, Steiner, Amarant, Freya and the mirror character is Amarant, the Amarant in your party will be killed by the mirror. It cannot be avoided. To easily beat the Epitaph, use a Soft. It will say “became too soft to live” and it dies. For the Mirrored character, just attack it with normal physical attacks. It’s HP and MP is exactly the same as the character it mimics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FANG Type: n/a Level: N/A EXP: 23 HP: 100+ AP: 1 MP: unknown Gil: 90 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Potion, Fang Card Item/s you can steal: Potion Attacks: Rush, Fang Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FEATHER CIRCLE Type: Aerial Level: 13 EXP: 629 HP: 619 AP: 1 MP: 448 Gil: 378 Location/s of enemy: Fossil Roo Item/s after battle: Mandragora Card Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Annoyntment, Ore Attacks: Blizzara, Demi Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLAN Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 40 HP: 200+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 110 Location/s of enemy: Ice Cavern Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Potion, Ore Attacks: Blizzard, Head Attack Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GARGOYLE Type: Stone/Aerial Level: 44 EXP: 7,365 w/Agares HP: 6,977 AP: 3 w/Agares MP: 1,628 Gil: 3,963 w/Agares Location/s of enemy: Ipsen’s Castle Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Tent, Hi-Potion Attacks: Charge, Break Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind/Soft Strength/s: none Special Notes: Use a “Soft” on it and it will die at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GHOST Type: Undead Level: n/a EXP: 48 HP: 300+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 378 Location/s of enemy: Dali (Underground) Item/s after battle: Echo Screen, Skeleton Card Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore, Potion Attacks: Thunder, Fire, Osmose Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: You can use Curative items or spells. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GIGAN OCTOPUS Type: Aerial Level: 31 EXP: 6,096 HP: 3,584 AP: 3 MP: 1,094 Gil: 1,840 Location/s of enemy: Ryuki Shores (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Eye Drops, Ether, Phoenix Down Attacks: 6 Legs, Blizzaga, Ink Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GIGAN TOAD Type: n/a Level: 7 EXP: 176 HP: 297 AP: 1 MP: 280 Gil: 288 Location/s of enemy: Qu’s Marsh Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Ore Attacks: Glowing Eyes, Water Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GNOLL Type: n/a Level: 18 EXP: 1,368 HP: 1,375 AP: 1 MP: 586 Gil: 691 Location/s of enemy: Conde Petie Mountain Path Item/s after battle: Sapphire, Mimic Card Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Gnoll Attack, Vanish, Blizzara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Water Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOBLIN Type: n/a Level: N/A EXP: 23 HP: 100+ AP: 1 MP: unknown Gil: 88 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Goblin Card Item/s you can steal: Potion Attacks: Knife, Goblin Punch Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GOBLIN MAGE Type: n/a Level: 15 EXP: 912 HP: 983 AP: 1 MP: 485 Gil: 1,136 Location/s of enemy: Lucid Plains (Madain Sari) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ore, Potion Attacks: Vanish, Axe, Goblin Punch Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAND DRAGON Type: Dragon Level: 60 EXP: 35,208 HP: 13,206 AP: 3 MP: 2,550 Gil: 2,604 Location/s of enemy: Sacrobless Island (outside Daguerreo), Palmwell Island (near Chocobo Lagoon) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Rising Sun, Elixir, Tent Attacks: Poison Claw, Venom Breath, Thundaga Elemental: Fire Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: Physical Attack, Magical Attack, Magical Defense Special Notes: They are very hard near the beginning of the game after Gizamaluke’s Grotto. You can easily beat them at level 50 and above. Use Quina’s LV5 Death for an instant death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRENADE Type: Aerial Level: 36 EXP: 7,458 HP: 4,685 AP: 1 MP: 1,240 Gil: 1,336 Location/s of enemy: Mt. Gulug Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Tent, Ore Attacks: Flame, Cannon, Firaga Elemental: Fire Weakness/es: Ice, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRIFFIN Type: Aerial Level: 16 EXP: 912 HP: 1,470 AP: 2 MP: 602 Gil: 602 Location/s of enemy: Kognish Shores (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: Peridot Item/s you can steal: Ore Attacks: Aera, Aero, Tail Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRIMLOCK Type: n/a Level: 30 EXP: 6,610 HP: 3,292 AP: 1 MP: 1,018 Gil: 1,363 Location/s of enemy: Desert Palace Item/s after battle: Echo Screen, Topaz, Troll Card Item/s you can steal: Echo Screen, Hi-Potion Attacks: Silence, The Drop, Counter Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Ice, Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: If the top head is Blue, use Magic attacks on it. If it is Red, use physical attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HECTEYES Type: Demon/Undead Level: 51 EXP: 17,096 HP: 9,567 AP: 3 MP: 2,033 Gil: 2,049 Location/s of enemy: Magdalene Forest (Black Mage Village) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Vaccine, Hi-Potion Attacks: Absorb, Hypnotize Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEDGEHOG PIE Type: n/a Level: 7 EXP: 120 HP: 295 AP: 1 MP: 281 Gil: 187 Location/s of enemy: Eunorus Plains Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Fat Press, Ram Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HORNET Type: Insect/Aerial Level: 7 EXP: 88 HP: 293 AP: 1 MP: 281 Gil: 174 Location/s of enemy: Gizamaluke’s Grotto Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Potion Attacks: Stinger, Buzz Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IRONITE Type: Dragon Level: 11 EXP: 576 HP: 889 AP: 2 MP: 374 Gil: 269 Location/s of enemy: Suburb (Burmecia) Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Ironite Card Item/s you can steal: Soft, Hi-Potion Attacks: Thundara, Wings, Flame Elemental: Wind Weakness/es: Ice, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JABBERWOCK Type: n/a Level: 30 EXP: 4,674 HP: 3,442 AP: 1 MP: 1,019 Gil: 1,156 Location/s of enemy: Daines-Horse Basin Item/s after battle: Potion, Hi-Potion Item/s you can steal: Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Light, Heavy, Earthquake, Aera, Everyone Light Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Shadow Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LADY BUG Type: Insect/Aerial Level: 6 EXP: 89 HP: 244 AP: 1 MP: 266 Gil: 193 Location/s of enemy: Eunorus Plains (near Gizamaluke’s Grotto) Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Tent, Phoenix Down Attacks: Fire, Spear Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAMIA Type: n/a Level: 10 EXP: 204 HP: 994 AP: 2 MP: 358 Gil: 494 Location/s of enemy: Gizamaluke’s Grotto Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Down, Ore Attacks: Cure, Entice, Slash Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LAND WORM Type: Insect Level: 29 EXP: 5,148 HP: 5,296 AP: 3 MP: 997 Gil: 1,316 Location/s of enemy: Kiera Desert Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Ore Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Sandstorm, Maelstrom Elemental: Earth Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIZARD MAN Type: n/a Level: 10 EXP: 214 HP: 589 AP: 1 MP: 359 Gil: 0 Location/s of enemy: Daines-Horse Basin Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Tent, Ore Attacks: Hatchet Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice, Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGIC VICE Type: Beast/Human Level: 7 EXP: 216 HP: 297 AP: 1 MP: 278 Gil: 239 Location/s of enemy: Suburb (Burmecia) Item/s after battle: Bomb Card, Ether Item/s you can steal: Ether x2, Echo Screen Attacks: Magic Hammer, Mug Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MALBORO Type: n/a Level: 57 EXP: 30,576 HP: 11,687 AP: 3 MP: 2,334 Gil: 2,572 Location/s of enemy: Magdalene Forest (Black Mage Village) Item/s after battle: Ore Item/s you can steal: Vaccine, Ore Attacks: Bad Breath, Thundaga Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Status Effect infliction Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MANDRAGORA Type: n/a Level: 9 EXP: 77 HP: 662 AP: 1 MP: 344 Gil: 595 Location/s of enemy: Bentini Heights (Treno Forests) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Tent, Echo Screen Attacks: Blizzara, Chestnut Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: sometimes, the Chestnut attack is fatal leaving your character with low HP or even KO’d. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIMIC Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 396 HP: 500+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 777 Location/s of enemy: Burmecia (Residence) Item/s after battle: Ether, Potion Item/s you can steal: Antidote, Hi-Potion Attacks: Call, Eat Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISTODON Type: Undead Level: 56 EXP: 24,276 HP: 11,434 AP: 2 MP: 2,301 Gil: 2,023 Location/s of enemy: Quelmiera Shores (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: Peridot, Sand Golem Card, Ether Item/s you can steal: Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Head Attack, Mist, Fira Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOVER Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 7,733 HP: 5,000+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 767 Location/s of enemy: Pandemonium Item/s after battle: Opal Item/s you can steal: Tent, Vaccine, Opal Attacks: Virus Combo, Delta Attack Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: Always comes in 3s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MU Type: n/a Level: 2 EXP: 34 HP: 77 AP: 1 MP: 183 Gil: 104 Location/s of enemy: Norlich Heights (Dali) Item/s after battle: Potion, Echo Screen Item/s you can steal: Potion Attacks: Tail Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MYCONID Type: Aerial Level: 20 EXP: 1,386 HP: 1,572 AP: 1 MP: 584 Gil: 726 Location/s of enemy: Iifa Tree Item/s after battle: Echo Screen Item/s you can steal: Tent, Eye Drops Attacks: Saw, Spore, Blizzara Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NYMPH Type: n/a Level: 9 EXP: 328 HP: 458 AP: 1 MP: 344 Gil: 303 Location/s of enemy: Eesistern Coast (island at center of world map) Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore, Echo Screen Attacks: Fira Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Shadow Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OCHU Type: n/a Level: 16 EXP: 2,092 HP: 3,568 AP: 2 MP: 622 Gil: 845 Location/s of enemy: Conde Petie Mountain Path Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Blizzara, Thorn Whip Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OGRE Type: n/a Level: 29 EXP: 5,184 HP: 3,300 AP: 2 MP: 996 Gil: 1,281 Location/s of enemy: Desert Palace Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Ogre Card Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Annoyntment Attacks: Knife, Trouble Knife Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLANT MINION Type: n/a Level: N/A EXP: 21 HP: 150+ AP: 1 MP: unknown Gil: 91 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Eye Drops Item/s you can steal: Eye Drops Attacks: Ore, Potion Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLANT SPIDER Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 22 HP: 80+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 91 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Fang Card Item/s you can steal: Potion, Ore, Hi-Potion Attacks: Thunder, Tentacle Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRISON CAGE Type: n/a Level: 2 EXP: 30 HP: 533 AP: 0 MP: 1186 Gil: 435 Location/s of enemy: Evil Forest Item/s after battle: Eye Drops Item/s you can steal: none Attacks: Right Stem, Left Stem, Absorb Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PYTHON Type: n/a Level: 2 EXP: 10 HP: 75 AP: 1 MP: 184 Gil: 106 Location/s of enemy: Norlich Heights (Dali) Item/s after battle: Phoenix down Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Rapid Fire Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RED DRAGON Type: Dragon/Aerial Level: 36 EXP: 22,376 HP: 8,000 AP: 2 MP: 1,242 Gil: 20,624 Location/s of enemy: Mt. Gulug Item/s after battle: Ether, Sapphire, Abomination Card Item/s you can steal: Elixir, Ether, Tent Attacks: Twister, Dive, Aerial Slash Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice, Wind Strength/s: Physical Attacks Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RING LEADER Type: Demon/Aerial Level: 51 EXP: 18,816 HP: 9,569 AP: 2 MP: 2,030 Gil: 7,472 Location/s of enemy: Terra Item/s after battle: Ifrit Card, Amethyst Item/s you can steal: Echo Screen, Vaccine Attacks: Reflect, Osmose Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: Magical Attacks Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAHAGIN Type: n/a Level: 18 EXP: 1,368 HP: 1,375 AP: 1 MP: 585 Gil: 1,026 Location/s of enemy: Qu’s Marsh (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion Attacks: Water-Gun Elemental: none Weakness/es: Thunder Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAND GOLEM (w/CORE) Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 676 HP: 500+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 589 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra’s Trunk Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Potion, Sand Golem Card, Hi-Potion, Annoyntment Item/s you can steal: Eye Drops, Hi-Potion Attacks: Sandstorm, Counter, Fira Elemental: Earth Weakness/es: Water Strength/s: none Special Notes: You have to defeat the core in order to beat this one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SAND SCORPION Type: n/a Level: 10 EXP: 399 HP: 526 AP: 1 MP: 360 Gil: 315 Location/s of enemy: Pinnacle Rocks Item/s after battle: Annoyntment, Potion, Sand Scorpion Card Item/s you can steal: Ether, Antidote, Ore Attacks: Claws, Fira Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEEKER BAT Type: Aerial Level: 12 EXP: 449 HP: 594 AP: 1 MP: 377 Gil: 366 Location/s of enemy: Pinnacle Rocks Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Echo Screen, Wyerd Card Item/s you can steal: Tent, Eye Drops Attacks: Darkness, Absorb, Scratch Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SERPION Type: Dragon Level: 8 EXP: 138 HP: 397 AP: 1 MP: 295 Gil: 184 Location/s of enemy: Eunorus Plains (Lindblum) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Antidote Attacks: Stab Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHELL DRAGON Type: Dragon Level: n/a EXP: 26,376 HP: 15,000+ AP: 4 MP: n/a Gil: 2,332 Location/s of enemy: Pandemonium Item/s after battle: Elixir Item/s you can steal: Elixir, Phoenix Down Attacks: Charge, Earth Shake Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Physical Defense Special Notes: It has a high physical defense. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SKELETON Type: Undead Level: 8 EXP: 104 HP: 400 AP: 1 MP: 293 Gil: 209 Location/s of enemy: Gizamaluke’s Grotto Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Potion Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Whirl Slash, Thunder Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOLDIER Type: Human Level: n/a EXP: 400 HP: 400+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 311 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra’s Trunk, Alexandria Item/s after battle: Potion, Hi-Potion, Mythril Sword Card Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Echo Screen, Phoenix Down, Potion Attacks: Slash, Blizzara, Escape Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STILVA Type: Demon Level: 67 EXP: 42,784 HP: 21,906 AP: 4 MP: 3,053 Gil: 2,780 Location/s of enemy: Portal (Memoria) Item/s after battle: Garnet, Tent, Vepal Card, Antidote Item/s you can steal: 3 Ethers Attacks: Sting, Red Clipper, Firaga Elemental: none Weakness/es: Water Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STROPER Type: Stone Level: 21 EXP: 2,344 HP: 1,840 AP: 2 MP: 697 Gil: 915 Location/s of enemy: Iifa Tree Item/s after battle: Peridot, Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Phoenix Down, Peridot, Soft Attacks: Silence, Slap, Gradual Petrify Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIAMAT Type: Dragon Level: 71 EXP: 0 HP: 24,127 AP: 7 MP: 3,338 Gil: 2,906 Location/s of enemy: Crystal World (Memoria) Item/s after battle: Peridot, Remedy Item/s you can steal: 2 Wing Edges, Ether Attacks: Absorb Strength, Absorb MP, Silent Claws, Twister Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: Physical Attacks Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TONBERRY Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 13,296 HP: 20,000+ AP: 2 MP: unknown Gil: 1,513 Location/s of enemy: Ipsen’s Castle Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion Attacks: Everyone’s Grudge, Knife Elemental: none Weakness/es: unknown Strength/s: magic is useless against it Special Notes: The knife is an instant kill so try your best to defeat the Tonberries as fast as possible. They will take time before reaching you though. Also, as soon as they use Knife, they will disappear and you’ll lose EXPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TORAMA Type: Beast/Demon Level: 30 EXP: 5,672 HP: 3,292 AP: 2 MP: 1,018 Gil: 1,118 Location/s of enemy: Desert Palace Item/s after battle: Amethyst Item/s you can steal: none Attacks: Electrocute, Blaster Elemental: none Weakness/es: Water Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRICK SPARROW Type: Aerial Level: 5 EXP: 64 HP: 191 AP: 1 MP: 250 Gil: 198 Location/s of enemy: Bentini Heights (Treno) Item/s after battle: Echo Screen Item/s you can steal: Ore Attacks: Beak, Drain Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TROLL Type: n/a Level: 20 EXP: 2,092 HP: 1,469 AP: 1 MP: 623 Gil: 854 Location/s of enemy: Conde Petie Mountain Path Item/s after battle: Troll Card Item/s you can steal: Tent, Ore Attacks: Spear, Blizzara, Solution, Counter Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE A (Black Mage) Type: Humanoid Level: n/a EXP: 114 HP: 400+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 199 Location/s of enemy: Gizamaluke’s Grotto Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Tent, Phoenix Down Attacks: Fire, Thunder, Blizzard Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Magical Attack Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE B (Black Mage) Type: Humanoid Level: n/a EXP: 372 HP: 500+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 321 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra Settlement Item/s after battle: Potion Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Fira, Blizzara, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Magical Attack Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE C Type: Humanoid Level: 13 EXP: 628 HP: 623 AP: 1 MP: 447 Gil: 336 Location/s of enemy: Alexandria Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Tent, Potion Attacks: Strike, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: Magical Attack Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEPAL Type: Aerial Level: 34 EXP: 4,825 HP: 4,363 AP: 1 MP: 1,188 Gil: 1,270 Location/s of enemy: Quelmiera Shores (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion, Vepal Card, Echo Screen Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Freeze, Body Ram, Blizzaga Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VEPAL #2 Type: Aerial Level: 35 EXP: 6,932 HP: 4,622 AP: 1 MP: 1,214 Gil: 1,266 Location/s of enemy: Mt. Gulug Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down Item/s you can steal: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion Attacks: Lava Gun, Scratch, Body Ram Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice, Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VETERAN Type: Demon/Aerial Level: 44 EXP: 3,795 HP: 6,972 AP: 3 MP: 1,627 Gil: 1,971 Location/s of enemy: Memoria, Ipsen’s Castle Item/s after battle: Ether, Topaz Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Ether, Hi-Potion Attacks: Roulette Elemental: none Weakness/es: Water, Wind, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: Often times, its roulette attack backfires at him. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VICE Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 48 HP: 300+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 128 Location/s of enemy: Dali (Underground) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Potion, Echo Screen Attacks: Steal, Escape Elemental: none Weakness/es: none Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WHALE ZOMBIE Type: Undead, Aerial Level: 32 EXP: 6,608 HP: 3,738 AP: 3 MP: 1,060 Gil: 1,528 Location/s of enemy: Ryuki Shores (Outer Continent) Item/s after battle: Hi-Potion Item/s you can steal: Magic Tag, Antidote Attacks: Fin, Ultra Sound Wave, Zombie Powder Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Thunder, Wind, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORM HYDRA Type: Dragon Level: 37 EXP: 8,008 HP: 4,846 AP: 3 MP: 1,268 Gil: 1,345 Location/s of enemy: Norlich Heights (Dali) Item/s after battle: none Item/s you can steal: Antidote, Hi-Potion Attacks: Venom Breath, Aero Breath, Cold Breath, Flame Elemental: none Weakness/es: Ice Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WRAITH Type: Undead/Aerial Level: 36 EXP: 8,480 HP: 4,686 AP: 1 MP: 1,239 Gil: 1,500 Location/s of enemy: Mt. Gulug Item/s after battle: Opal, Topaz Item/s you can steal: Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Devil’s Candle Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Wind, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WYERD Type: n/a Level: n/a EXP: 44 HP: 150+ AP: 1 MP: n/a Gil: 116 Location/s of enemy: Ice Cavern Item/s after battle: Potion, Ether Item/s you can steal: Potion, Phoenix Down, Tent Attacks: Blizzard, HP Switching Elemental: Ice Weakness/es: Fire Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YAN Type: n/a Level: 72 EXP: 42,672 HP: 19,465 AP: 2 MP: 3,378 Gil: 4,436 Location/s of enemy: Vile Island Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion Item/s you can steal: Elixir, Ore Attacks: Float, Comet, Snort, Aera Elemental: none Weakness/es: Shadow Strength/s: Ultra Strong Attacks Special Notes: The Yan is the best monsters to gain EXP with. Although, even at high levels, you might have trouble with them. They always counter attack your move. Sometimes, the Yan will use the very annoying Snort attack. It will literally blow one of your party member out of the battle. So, try to kill the Yan as fast as possible. Use Odin and most of the time, it will kill the Yan instantly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZAGHNOL Type: Beast Level: 16 EXP: 1,260 HP: 1,189 AP: 2 MP: 499 Gil: 546 Location/s of enemy: Pinnacle Rocks, Outer Continent Item/s after battle: Eye Drops, Ether, Zaghnol Card Item/s you can steal: Tent, Ether, Ore Attacks: Electrocute, Heave, Thundara Elemental: none Weakness/es: Water Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZEMZELETT Type: Aerial Level: 20 EXP: 2,092 HP: 1,571 AP: 2 MP: 625 Gil: 889 Location/s of enemy: Forest inside Black Mage Village Item/s after battle: Eye Drops Item/s you can steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Ore Attacks: Aero, Rainbow Wind Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZOMBIE Type: Undead Level: 19 EXP: 1,444 HP: 973 AP: 1 MP: 603 Gil: 708 Location/s of enemy: Iifa Tree Item/s after battle: Magic Tag, Soft, Zombie Card Item/s you can steal: Ether, Tent, Magic Tag Attacks: Strike, Melt Elemental: none Weakness/es: Fire, Holy Strength/s: none Special Notes: It sometimes use it’s suicide attack, which is “Melt”, when it’s HP is in critical condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZUU Type: Aerial Level: n/a EXP: 318 HP: 600+ AP: 2 MP: n/a Gil: 384 Location/s of enemy: Cleyra’s Trunk Item/s after battle: Phoenix Down, Potion, Ether Item/s you can steal: Phoenix Pinion, Hi-Potion, Ore, Potion Attacks: Swallow, Fira Elemental: none Weakness/es: Wind Strength/s: none Special Notes: Zuu’s Swallow ability will remove one of your characters in battle just like the Snort Ability of the Yan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GAMEPLAY TIPS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are just simple strategies that will help you in the game. You can add in your own strategy just e-mail it to me and I’ll credit it to you. :) 1. When you see an item shop and you if you have money, don’t hesitate to buy Healing Items such as Potions, Phoenix Downs and Ethers. You’ll need them especially during the early parts of the game. 2. Equip only the abilities that you need. You don’t have to equip all of your Abilities as your Magic Stones are limited. Choose only the abilities that will make you stronger and those that will protect you from certain attacks. 3. Know your enemy. Try to know what element your enemy is affiliated with and attack him/her/it with the opposite element type. This will damage him/her/it more and will save you time and resources. 4. Take advantage of your enemies. If you can access the menu, try to use the Ability specially designed for that type of enemy. I.e. Use Bug Killer Ability when you’re fighting bugs. This will increase the damage that you inflict on the enemy. 5. Whenever there’s a Moogle, always save your game. You’ll never know if a very strong enemy lurks ahead. 6. If you can, try to steal items/equipments from the different enemies especially the bosses. Bosses often times carry neat items. 7. The level of your character is not enough to beat enemies. Equip the most powerful items if possible. Once you’re in a new town/village, buy new equipments to make your characters stronger. 8. If you see Stiltzkin, talk to him. You might be able to buy a set of items for a cheap price. 9. You can have multiple targets when using magic. Press the L1 Button and you’ll be able to use a Magic that affects all your enemies or a Magic that cures your entire party. Applicable Magic, Elemental Magic (Fire, Fira, Firaga, Cure, Cura, etc.) 10. Vivi’s magic can be amplified up to 4 times. Have everyone equipped with the Auto-Reflect ability. Now, when the battle begins, have Vivi cast any Black Magic attack you want to all of your party members (remember to use the L1 Targeting). The Black Magic will be reflected on the enemy 4 times. :) 11. don't sell your older armor, weapons, or accessories because you never know when you might be able to "Synth" them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FANTASY TRIVIA -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Seeing that this will be the last for the Playstation, I think square intentionally put a lot of things similar to previous square games (not only the Final Fantasy series). Here are those similarities. They need not be exact events/persons but just a resemblance of some sort. 1. The idea of combining equipments, creating a more powerful one, is similar to the idea of Assembling weapons in Vagrant Story. This is also seen in Final Fantasy 8 and in Chrono Cross. Take note that this is introduced in Final Fantasy 4 and 5. 2. I remember the name Mogli (Mogri), one of the Moogles, is also the name of the Summon in Final Fantasy Tactics. Kumop was one of the moogles in FF6. 3. Tetra Master or the idea of Card Gaming using monster and character cards is similar to the Triple Triad in Final Fantasy 8 as well as the Card game in Xenogears. 4. The song played by Baku and his band in the Theater Ship is the same as the song during Rufus’ Welcoming Parade in Final Fantasy 7. 5. The Elemental Magic in Final Fantasy IX uses the same pattern as Final Fantasy 8. Fire, Fira, Firaga. Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga. Etc... Although this pattern is seen from Final Fantasy 1 (Japanese version), it was translated to Fire1, Fire2, Fire3, etc. 6. Don’t you think that Zidane is a cross between Cloud and Squall? Cloud’s height and hair color with Squall’s face. Except the seriousness? Zidane is the exact opposite of the two in terms of attitude. And Garnet is ALSO a cross between Tifa and Rinoa in the same respect? 7. The battle music is very similar to the battle music in Final Fantasy 6 and the Battle Music against Ultimecia’s final form in Final Fantasy 8. The Victory Fanfare is exactly the same as in Final Fantasy 5 and is also like the ones in the Final Fantasy 3. 8. Enemy Type Specific Abilities such as Bug Killer, Man Eater, etc. has the same idea as the type of character in Vagrant Story. 9. A LOT of Abilities from previous games have been brought back such as Auto-Potion (FFT,FF3,FF8), Chakra (FFT,FF5,FF3), etc. Also included is Freya’s skill, Jump (FF3,FF4,FFT). 10. The feeling of having Beatrix in your party is just as exciting as having Orlandu in Final Fantasy Tactics and General Leo of Final Fantasy 6. They’re so damn strong! It also the same feeling for Celes of FF6. 11. Beatrix uses ClimHazzard just as Cloud did in FF7. She also uses Shock, which is General Leo’s move in Final Fantasy 6. 12. Chocobo footprints in the world map are also included in Final Fantasy 7. You can get Chocobos in this area on FF7 and this one, the difference is the way to catch one. 13. Shiva and Ramuh were always there since Final Fantasy 3j. Except that Ramuh was replaced by Quezacotl in Final Fantasy 8. 14. You’ll see an old man named ‘Locke’ in the Business District at Lindblum 15. Cid appeared again! This time, he’s back in the Airship business. Remember that Cid built the Airship in FF7. But in FF8 Cid is just the Headmaster of Balamb. He also appeared Final Fantasy 2, 3, 4 where he built airships. And as a scientist in Final Fantasy 6. There’s also a Cid in Final Fantasy Tactics. Orlandu. He’s also called Thunder God Cid. 16. There’s a reference to Freya’s “Kain’s Spear” weapon in Final Fantasy 4. His name is Cain and is a dragoon in FF4. There is a Dragon Knight named Kain in FF2. 17. Also in the Final Fantasy Trivia section, Maduin(Madeen) is Terra's(FF6) father in FF6. Also the world of Terra is named after Terra(FF6) and also Terra the Sage in FF4(Japanese Version), and Tellah in the FF2 US version. 18. The name of Gaia is from other Squaresoft RPG's (Legend of Gaia, Secret of Gaia) it is also referred to as the Earth itself. It is also a town in Final Fantasy 1. 19. The Chocobo melody is the same in every FF that has a Chocobo- just the STYLE is different. The tracks are always called ____ de Chocobo. For instance, Techno De Chocobo, or Aloha de Chocobo, Mods de Chocobo, Cinco de Chocobo, Electric de Chocobo, Waltz de Chocobo. 20. Moogles can be found in almost every Final Fantasy game. In Final Fantasy 8, you can only see the with a Pocketstation. But, there can’t be seen in FF1. 21. Zidane and Locke are similar in some ways. Their job class is Thief. They are both Main Characters. And both have big heart in helping other people. 22. The item menu and equipment menu is really look-a-like with FF5 and... kinda like FF6 too. Those bluish tone with white outline of "classic color" is from FF5 and FF4. 23. Quina’s Blue Magic is like the Enemy Skills in FF7 as well as the Blue Magic of Quistis in FF8. There are also Blue Magic in FF5 and FF6 (Lores) 24. The graphics from Boco the Chocobo, Airship, and Namingway come directly from FF4 25. There is a Ragnarok (either a summon, weapon, item, or vehicle) in almost every Final Fantasy. 26. There are some monsters from other Final Fantasy games. Malboros (All FF's); Stilvas(FF7); Iron Giants(FF7) and Ochu(FF8 and FF7) are only some of these. 27. Ultimate weapon (equipment, not the monster) is in every 3D Final Fantasy. 28. Save the Queen is Quistis’ Ultimate Weapon in FF8. It is also one of the swords of Agrias in Final Fantasy Tactics. 29. The names of the two guys who work at the Lindblum Synthesis Shop are the same as the two guys who work at the weapons department of the N.Y.P.D. in Parasite Eve, Wayne and Torres. 30. The name Garland is used in the 1st Final Fantasy (He was the first boss). 31. The Gladius is also a dagger in FF6 (It was called the Gradius). 32. The Wing Edge was a weapon for Locke in FF6. 33. The Antlion is also FF4. And it was also referred to as "harmless" but attacked you anyway. 34. There is a key item called "Rat's Tail". There is a Rat's Tail in the FF1 and in FF4. 35. The Ultima Weapon, the best weapon for Zidane, is also the best weapon for Cloud in FF7. 36. There is also an Airship Invincible in FF3j and the Invincible Airship in Chrono Cross. 37. Whenever there are dwarfs in Final Fantasy they say "Lali Ho!" (FF3j, FF4), "Tally Ho!" (FF5) or "Rally Ho!" (FF9-Conde Petie). 38. The white mage suit of Garnet in the beginning as she runs away is very familiar (all white mages wear the red/white outfit). 39. If you look at the beautiful/strange/??? potions the spell is by Matoya, the witch from FF1 who needs the crystal ball 40. Hilda, the name of Cid's wife and that is also the name of the airships that can fly without the mist (Hilda Garde 1 and 2) is also the name of the leader of the rebel army in FF2j. 41. Talking about the Adamant, it's mentioned on FF9 as the Adaman Vest, it's also very important for the series in other two games. FF4, I already said how, and in FF1, where you had to find it in order for the blacksmith to create the Xcaliber (which is Excalibur with a smaller name due to the lack of memory to write it full). that is the second strongest weapon in the game, just after the Masamune (another thing that have always been on the series... The strongest weapon in FF1 and FF2j, and the second strongest from FF3j and on, losing its place to the Ragnarok, that didn't existed in the previous games in any way). 42. Vivi looks exactly like the traditional Black Mages of the FF series. You know, they can be seem in FF1, FF3j, FF4, FF5 and, maybe on FF Tactics too, but the one he resembles the most are the ones from FF1. 43. You know the Gysahl Greens, that you use to call chocobos on the footsteps (and also to summon them on FF8 and to feed them in FF7)? It's named after a town of FF3j... It was a town of chocobo raisers. 44. If you check the 'Unusual Potion' on the key item menu, it'll say something and then say it's from the 'Book of Matoya'. Matoya is a witch from FF1, and his cave, named Matoya's Cave, is one of the most famous places of FF1. 45. Some of Zidane's weapons (The Ogre, Sargatanas) look just like Serge's sword from Chrono Cross 46. The song at the end of the credits is just like the ones in FF7 and FF8. And the background melody while the “The End” is shown is the same as the themes from FF2, FF4, FF6, FF7 which are titled, “The Prelude”. 47. In the play of Tantalus, Marcus will say “No Cloud or Squall can hinder us”. An obvious reference to Cloud and Squall. Although Cloud means literally the clouds and Squall, which means Storm. 48. The background music at Mognet Central is a modified version of the Moogle theme from FF6. 49. "I remember someone with pointy hair who had a sword like that", Zidane refers to Cloud with the Buster Sword. 50. Kuja kicking Garland off the cliff was deja vu of Kefka kicking Gestahl off the cliff in ff6j. 51. The story you have to tell Ramuh to get him (after you've found him 5 times), it's a part of FF2j, where you have to ask for Josef's help to enter the Ice Cave and get the Goddess Bell. Without it, you couldn't enter the Kashuon castle and get the Sun Flame to destroy the Baramekain Empire's Airship. By the end of this quest, the group is all trapped by Borgan, an ex- member of the rebels that betrayed them and allied with the empire, and Josef saves everyone, but dying to do that. 52. The Stellazzio story is almost the same as the Zodiac Brave Story in Final Fantasy Tactics. 53. The four bosses you have to fight in memoria are EXACTLY the same as the four fiends of FF1. Lich of earth, Kraken of water, Tiamat of wind, and that Maliris. Correction, Maliris isn’t a translation. Maliris is Maririsu in the Japanese Version. :) He looks like Kary though. There are also there Four fiends in FF4j! They are Rubicant of Fire, Kainazzo of Water, Valvalis of Wind and Milan of Earth. 54. Necron’s Grand Cross is also the attack of the last boss in FF1, NeoExDeath. 55. All Final Fantasies have Chocobos. 56. The victory fanfare is actually the same in ALL ff's! There are some differences though. 57. Remember Priscilla from FF7? There’s also a Pricilla in Lindblum Business District. 58. There is an item called Asura's Rod which is a weapon for Garnet I think. Well, "ASURA" was the name of Leviathan's wife in FF4j and back then they were the King and Queen of the "Summoned Monsters" (GFs were called Summoned Monsters back in FF4) Asura was a 3 headed Goddess in FF4j whom you had to defeat in order to "earn" her services as a summoned monster. When summoned, the effect was random depending on which head she decided to use. Her first head, a grotesque, evil looking dark one, would cast heal on all your party members(lame), the 2nd one, a stern, motherly looking one, would cast Cure2 or Cure3 on your party. The third one was a beautiful looking young maiden which would cast Cure4(Full Cure!) on your whole party. 59. The name of the item to learn specific abilities in Final Fantasy 8, Example: Rosetta Stone- learned Ability X4, is the same as some name of the Armors, Weapons, and Accessories in FF9. 60. There are two things you buy in ff9 in auction house: Doga's artifact and Une's mirror. Doga was a powerful mage who upgraded the airship. Une was a dreamer who guides your way to get ship Invincible! Doga and Une sacrificed themselves to give two keys to the final dungeon (you have to fight them by the way), they were in ff3j. 61. The old man who gives you the Excalibur, gives a reference of Gogo. The Gogo in FF VI is the one who can mimic other party members' moves. In FF IX, he is a doll maker. Both of them have similarity, which is mimic. Gogo of FF VI mimic other's move, and Gogo of FF IX mimic other's appearance in his dolls. 62. Doesn't the Desert Palace remind you of the Ancient Castle in FF VI ? Both of them in underground. And the Ancient Castle is near the desert area. 63. The graphics when Vivi casts Osmose, resembles the Draw Ability in Final Fantasy VIII. 64. In FF 1, The Cornelia Kingdom Queen's name is Jane and the princess' name is Sara. In FF IX, Garnet's real name is Sarah, and her mother's name is Jane. 65. The princess' name in "I want to be your canary" is Cornelia, which same as the kingdom's name of FF 1. 66. We see tents in both FF IX and FF VI when our characters use tent in save point. 67. The tutors of both FF VI and FF IX are moogles. 68. The optional boss Tantarian has two forms; one of the is a book. That seems a lot like the boss in FF6 (I forget it's name) right when you get Relm back in the World of Ruin. 69. Armarant's throwing weapons (Pinwheel and Rising Sun) are from FFVIII (Rinoa has them) and FFVII (Yuffie Uses them). 70. The name of the Eidolon, Fenrir, was also use as Citan’s Omnigear in Xenogears. 71. If you go to the Inn at Conde Petie, you'll see two fountains and stuff. Come near it to a "!" mark appear. Press X and some of the guys there will say something like "There's water that can recover you" or something like that. Well, that's a reference to FF3j, on the game there were those fountains in lots of places, exactly that way, on in from of another, on of them to heal you, and the other to revive any party member that is dead by the moment. 72. The background music of FF9's Gulug Volcano is taken from FF1's Gurgu Volcano. 73. There is a small shop called Porom's doll shop before Lindblum is attacked, an obvious reference to Porom from FF2. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MELODIES OF LIFE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here’s the lyrics for the song, Melodies of Life. -------------------------------------------------- Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart To weave by picking up the pieces that remain, Melodies of life. Love's lost refrain Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told Let them ring out loud till they unfold In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name A voice from the past, joining yours and mine Adding up the layers of harmony And so it goes, on and on. Melodies of Life, to the sky beyond the flying birds, forever and beyond So far and away, see the bird as it flies by Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me Was it fate that brought us closer and now leaves me behind A voice from the past, joining yours and mine. Adding up the layers of harmony And so it goes, on and on Melodies of life, To the sky beyond the flying bird, forever and on If I should leave this lonely world behind, Your voice will still remember our melody Now I know we'll carry on Melodies of Life, come circle round and grow deep in our hearts as long as we remember For any corrections, feel free to e-mail me. :) Also, you can hear this song if you want. Just go to my Home Page and go to the Media Station in the Music Section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SOUNDTRACK SONG LIST -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This are all the songs, in 4 discs, included in the Original Sound Track of this game. Disc 1 Disc 2 ------ ------- 1 – The Place I’ll return to someday 1 – Cid’s Theme 2 – Forgotten Memory in the storm 2 – One Problem Settled... 3 – Strategy Conference 3 - Lindblum 4 – Sky Above Alexandria 4 – Song of Memory 5 – Vivi’s Theme 5 – Hunter Chance 6 – Feel my Blade 6 – Qu’s Marsh 7 – Vamo’alla Flamenco 7 – Quina’s Theme 8 – Search for the Princess 8 – Aloha de Chocobo 9 – The Jesters of the Moons 9 – Ukele le Chocobo 10 – Steiner’s Theme 10 – Freya’s Theme 11 – Prima Vista Band 11 – Boundary South Gate 12 – Eye Catching 12 – Aerial Battle 13 – Tonight 13 – Kingdom of Bulmecia 14 – Your Warmth 14 – Forgotten Face 15 – Fake Love 15 – Kuja’s Theme 16 – Queen of the Abyss 16 – Mystery Sword 17 – Stirring the Forest 17 – The City that never sleeps - Treno 18 – Battle 1 18 – Tantarus Theme 19 – Fanfare 19 – Immoral Rhythm 20 – Memory of That Day 20 – Garnet’s Theme 21 – Battle 2 21 – Gargant Rul 22 – Game Over 22 – Cleyra Stem 23 – Run! 23 – Cleyra Settlement 24 – Rest 24 – Eternal Harvest 25 – Crossing the Knoll 25 – Heaven Distress 26 – Ice Cavern 26 - Extraction 27 – Border Village – Dali 28 – Them in the Sunset 29 – Steiner’s Stealth 30 – Limited Time 31 – Zidane’s Theme 32 – Black Waltz Disc 3 Disc 4 ------ ------- 1 – Ambush Attack 1 – Airship - Hildagaly 2 – Loss of Me 2 – Secret Library - Daguerreo 3 – Fossil Rul 3 – Ipsen’s Heritage 4 – Mountain Pass – Conde Petit 4 – The 4 Mirrors 5 – Black Mage Village 5 – Consecutive Battles 6 – The Ungrasped Memory 6 – Terra 7 – Ceremony before the Gods 7 – Soulless Village - Branbul 8 – Eiko’s Theme 8 – Castle Where Time Froze-Pandemonium 9 – Ruins of Madain Sari 9 – You’re not Alone! 10 – Wall of Sacred Beasts 10 – Dissipating Sorrow 11 – Iifa Tree 11 – The Rebirth of the Evil Mist 12 – Salamander’s Theme 12 – Scurmish of the Silver Dragons 13 – Footsteps of Desire 13 – The Memory Place 14 – We are Thieves! 14 – Crystal World 15 – The Slew of Love Letters 15 – The Dark Messenger 16 – Quadmist 16 – Last Battle 17 – Moogle Theme 17 – Bittersweet Romance 18 – The Thing I Must Protect 18 – Hidden Lips 19 – The Chosen Summoner 19 – Wanting to be your Bird 20 – Janitor of Time 20 – Didn’t Capture the Hearts of Both 21 – Oeilvert 21 – Towards That Gate 22 – A Fleeting Past 22 – Melodies of Life – Final Fantasy 23 – Turning Frog and that Scoundrel 23 – Prelude 24 – Sacred Grounds – Esto Gaza 24 – Coca-Cola TV Commercial 1 25 – Gulgur Volcano 25 – Coca-Cola TV Commercial 2 26 – The Heart and Melting Magic 26 – Melodies of Life (Layers of Time) Acapella Version =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= OTHER STUFF -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, I’m bringing back the other Stuff Section, which I also included in my Chrono Trigger guide. This is mainly to ease the seriousness of the gamers in playing the game. We know that some people play games seriously (like me, sometimes), that they do not sleep just to see what happens next and what should they do to get this or that. I wanted to add these so that we can also get a different perspective of the game, it is not only a game wherein you buy the game then finish it then dump it. It has lots of things to discover. We can learn from them, specifically the Words of Wisdom, and we can apply some of them in our lives. Gaming also means, to have fun and we should be happy every time we’re playing, that’s why Square included some funny scenes in the game to make you laugh and enjoy more. Not just play and finish, as stated above. As for the screw ups, these are just minor mistakes in the game such as spellings, graphics, etc. But, I’d like to point out that this is not intended to hurt others’ feelings just because they made a mistake. It’s only for fun. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- WORDS OF WISDOM This section contains different statements, which are excerpts from the game. The statements that will be included here are those that you can learn a lesson from, those that we can apply in our lives, and those that touch the hearts of the gamers out there. Also includes simple, yet interesting statements. 1. “You don’t need a reason to help people.” ,Zidane (Beginning) 2. “How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don’t exist...” ,Vivi (Beginning) 3. “Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?” ,Steiner (Beginning) 4. “I do what I want! You have problem!?” ,Quina (Beginning) 5. “Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself.” ,Dagger (Beginning) 6. “To be forgotten is worse than death.” ,Freya (Beginning) 7. “The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.” ,Amarant (Beginning) 8. “I don’t want to be alone anymore...” ,Eiko (Beginning) 9. “We seek the meaning of life because we are mortal.” ,Philisopher Minu (Protection Bell Key Item) 10. “Let fear propel you forward. Do not let failure stifle you.” =Iron-Tail Fratley= (World Map Key Item) 11. “The body may perish, but the spirit lives on.” =Words on the Artifact= (Une’s Mirror Key Item) 12. “The Sly Eagle doesn’t kill at whim.” ,Zidane (Madain Sari) (The deceitful eagle doesn’t attack on impulse.) 13. “Good food not only delicious, Good food made with heart! This very important when cooking for friends...” ,Quina (Ending) 14. “Chivalry requires a knight to look after his comrades-in-arms. I will not abandon you! And I shall follow you to kingdom come if I must. You remember that!” ,Steiner (Pandemonium) 15. “World only have two things: Things you can eat and things you no can eat.” ,Quina (Black Mage Village) -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- SCENES OF HUMOR This section particularly focuses on scenes that make you laugh and ease your seriousness in the game. One thing to remember is that this is really intended to be a funny scene, and it’s not a mistake. 1. In the FMV where Steiner chases Zidane and Garnet in the beginning of the game where the 2 were trying to escape, Zidane and Garnet were able to swing successfully to the Theater Ship. Steiner, on the other hand, crashed into the wall of the Theater Ship. 2. After swinging from the Tower of Alexandria onto the Theater Ship, while trying to escape, Dagger bumped into the Musicians creating a funny tune. 3. At the Evil Forest Camping scene, when the party leaves, Zidane will tap Steiner’s back. Steiner will be surprised, but little does he know that he was already left behind. 4. While boarding the Cargo Ship in Dali, Zidane, accidentally or maybe intentionally touched Dagger’s Bottom and he says, “Oooh, soft!” 5. When the party is at Bran Bal, in the chamber where the genomes are staring at the blue stone, Quina enters and asks them about it, s/he wants to lick it and asks if s/he can do it; s/he no received an answer and LICKS it!! then s/he says: "Oh. it felt salty" 6. When you visit Gizamaluke's Grotto later you'll see that 2 kupos were born. Then, in disk 3, there is other more! and it's the smallest of all!! 7. You know that to enter Conde Petie everybody have to say "Rally-ho!", right? then, in the ATE of Quina, the guy at the shop (I don't know what they are) greets Quina with a "Rally-ho!" and Quina responses: "Rally-ho yourself". That’s a good one Quina. :) 8. Another funny thing in Conde Petie is after Zidane and Garnet are married, you can marry Vivi and Quina, too!! 9. One really funny scene is when the party if floating of the airship when they arrive at the shimmering island, Steiner looks like a helpless bug wiggling to get to the ground. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- SCREWED UP This section, contains screw ups or mistakes found in Final Fantasy IX. This section is not intended to hurt the feelings of the developers. Again, it is just for fun. 1. In Alexandria Prison, the Soldiers will chase Steiner and Marcus as they escape right? Well, why can’t they chase them up the stairs. They have a way lighter armor than Steiner? It’s better if they were able to chase them. 2. In Alexandria, a phrase will say, “Now, Dagger will try to save his mother”. This is wrong, because Dagger is a girl. It should be, “Now, Dagger will try to save her mother”. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- SAD MOMENTS This section, contains the different events in the game where we almost cried our hearts out, feel pity for someone, feel remorse at actions and decisions of different people, and even angered by a very unlucky and non-momentous event. 1. Aboard the Cargo ship, when Black Waltz 3 destroyed the Black Mages, we feel pity for Vivi as they are just trying to protect him. 2. We all know that Dagger loves her mother so much even for what she did. At the end, Brahne finally realizes that what she has done is wrong. Then, she dies. 3. The destruction of Cleyra, Lindblum, and Alexandria by the Eidolons. 4. When Freya and Fratley met after a long time being away from each other, Fratley didn’t even remember his long lost love, Freya. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GUIDE TRANSLATIONS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this section, you’ll find info about ongoing translations of this guide into different languages. I hope these guys will be able to finish it soon so that more people can view and understand this guide. To find out more info when these people will finish the guide translation, please visit my website. I’ll put it there. Italian Translation - Emmanuela Corso (Part 1 Complete) - Go to http://www.nonsologiochi.com/walkthrough.asp?I=159 Japanese Translation - Me ;) (to be posted on my Home Page) Polish Translation - Martin (poganin) French Translation - David Harrison -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CREDITS/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Thanks to Square for creating the bestt Final Fantasy game ever. In behalf of the Playstation gamers, thanks for bringing Final Fantasy to us it sure was a blast! (well, that’s it for Final Fantasy for PS) - Thanks to my Mom and Sis for waiting ppatiently for me to finish my session of gaming. (They’re waiting for me so that they can watch TV) - Ultra Special thanks to one of my co-wwriters and one of the most respected ones, Dingo Jellybean (DJellybean21@aol.com) for the following info: 1. Getting Rare items at the Treno Auction House 2. Ending sequences for Hammer and Save the Queen 3. Ozma Strategy - Major thanks to Elranzer (elranzer@hottmail.com) for giving me permission to refer to his Quick Walkthrough. Thanks my friend. - Major thanks to Ferdinand Pelayo (fpellayo@altavista.com) for his info regarding the scoring system of the card game. And super thanks to him for supplying me the info about the bosses’ HP,MP,Level,Type,Weakness. He got it from the Official Brady Games Guide so they also deserve credit here. - Major thanks to Brady Games for the HPP,MP,Level,Type,Weakness info of the bosses in the game. - Special thanks to Martin (sunrider61@hhotmail.com) for the following 1. his info/views about the card game rules. 2. his complete contributions for the Ragtime Mouse. 3. for his Fantasy Trivia contributions. - Special thanks goes to Hikaru (hyuga9@@pacific.net.sg) for his info about the prizes from the Jump rope mini-game at Alexandria. - Special thanks to Tuxedo Alex (tuxedoaalex@home.com) for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks to the following peoplee who gave me information about the Festival of the Hunt at Lindblum: “Vince” jerry1516@yahoo.com “Michael Frazer” mfrazer1@optonline.net “Brandon Harwell” anubis@fcg.net “Rockin_Gohan” ANTLinkDD@aol.com “Betovan Martino” ibmartino@hotmail.com “RJ Thoune” rj.g.thoune@syntegra.com - Special thanks to Lloyd Hannesson (Llooyd_Hannesson@umanitoba.ca) for his info about Carbuncle. - Special thanks to Jay Adams (jayadams@@microsoft.com) for his info about the maximum dig in Chocobo Hot & Cold. - Special thanks to Brandon Harwell (anuubis@fcg.net) for his contribution at the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to RJ Thoune (rj.g.thouune@syntegra.com) for telling me the items that you can steal from Baku in the beginning. - Special thanks to David Schloss (drschhloss@mcdonogh.org) for sending in the prize that you’ll get if you pleased all 100 audiences at Alexandria. - Special thanks to Brendan (bmcclosk@211stcentury.net) for his contribution for Chocobo Hot & Cold. - Special thanks to Pete Wang (akaiame@nnergal.org) for his contribution for the special battles. - Special thanks to Megat Suhamdan (shahh_ff7ff8@hotmail.com) for his strategy for Soulcage at Iifa Tree, I never imagined that it can be done! :) - Special thanks to Chris (Y2JRULZ4LYF@aaol.com) for correcting me about the Status Effects - Special thanks to Flo (panda@mangoostaa.net) for her correction at Iifa Tree. Also, about the stones in Conde Petie. - Special thanks to Mozerg (MultiMozerg@@aol.com) for the following: 1. Her correction at the Summon Magic section 2. For supplying the items that you can win from the Auction house at Treno 3. For her contributions for the Fantasy Trivia. 4. For the ending information too - Special thanks to Veewee106396@cs.com for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks also goes to Mark Shalllow (046105s@acadiau.ca) for his numerous contributions for the Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks to Dr. Koo (deuxist@homme.com) for the following: 1. his very interesting contributions for the Fantasy Trivia section. 2. told me how to get Quina early in the game. 3. 2216 gil at the Treno Auction House. 4. for telling me how to get the Lindblum Card 5. for telling me about the Phoenix Pinion near Alexandria Castle gate at the beginning of the game. 6. for telling me about the Phoenix Pinion at Conde Petie. - Special thanks to Digital Vagabond (PuunkLover1@cs.com) for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks to Persius (persius@ix..netcom.com) for info about the Cancer Stellazzio. - Special thanks to Amberdrake (rodger@eessex1.com) for his contribution for the Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks also to Bert Villacortaa (penpen75@tokyo-3.com) for info about the Lindblum card and Frog Card. - Special thanks to Josh (jsh1082@yahoo..com) for the steal info of Black Waltz #1 at the Ice Cavern. - Special thanks to LSTYD (LSTYD@aol.comm) for his correction on a Fantasy Trivia. - Special thanks to Jason Huskey (sepirooth365@ignmail.com) for the following: 1. Card Collector Level info (Coach, Advisor, Director, Dealer, Trader, and correcting me for Doctor, Professor, Veteran, Freak). 2. for another Alexandria Card location. 3. for the Soft Item to be used at Oeilvert. 4. Meltigemini Attack Update 5. Other card locations (Gargant, Elixir) 6. Chocobo Hot and Cold info - Special thanks to Dragonus Flare (d_fllare@hotmail.com) for his contribution for the Fantasy Trivia section. - Special thanks to Neal McAloon (NSX@noorthnet.org) for his info about the weak weapons at Ipsen’s Castle. - Special thanks to Negate (Negate79@aoll.com) for telling me where to get the Abandoned Beach Chocograph. - Special thanks to Chicobo394@aol.com ffor his contributions: 1. For the Fantasy Trivia Section. 2. For the steal information for Antlion, Beatrix, 2nd snake at Fossil Roo, Thorn and Zorn. 3. For a Pop Quiz Question 4. For the Germinas Boots at Burmecia 5. For his info about ship cards 6. For telling me where I can get the Ultima Weapon Card 7. For informing me where Quan’s Dwelling is - Special thanks to Josh Attwood (attwooodj@pilot.msu.edu) for telling me the location of the Mognet Central. - Special thanks to Indra, Hansen, Andreew and Yosa (indra_pramana@yahoo.com) 1. for the info about HADES. 2. for the Side Quest at Madain Sari. 3. for the Special Battles Section. 4. info about the 4-armed man in Daguerreo. 5. Carbuncle and Fenrir’s Secrets 6. Final Fantasy III OST - Special thanks to Dave (nike13@ids.nett) for telling me where to get the Taurus Stellazzio. - Special thanks to Lim Yap Hong (yaphonng@yahoo.com) for telling me the meaning of the letters in the cards from Tetra Master and the rules of the game itself. - Special thanks to BURP (bbelloc@hotmaiil.com) for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia Section. And also for lots of corrections and contributions for the trivias! - Special thanks to Mr. Andrew Gilbert GGualberto (andrew415@gamefreaks.ph) for his valuable info about the following: 1. Told me where to get ALL Stellazzios 2. Told me where Quan’s Dwelling is 3. Told me about the locations of the 3 Chocographs that I can’t find 4. Told me about the extra treasures you’ll get at Chocobo’s Paradise 5. Told me the whereabouts of Ozma. 6. sending me info about other battles at the Treno Knight’s house 7. For his Fantasy Trivia Contributions 8. For his complete Ragtime Mouse Q&A Contributions 9. For the info about Hippaul in Alexandria 10. Carbuncle and Fenrir’s Secrets - Special thanks to Yonson Yonson (yonsoonyonson@hotmail.com) for telling me how to see the full scenes of the Eidolons. - Special thanks to Paul Falcon (pfalconnx@juno.com) for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia section. - Special thanks to Luis Alberto S. Carddenas (evildarkheart@hotmail.com) for the entire list of Quina’s Blue Magic. Also, for a Card Location for the Ifrit Card. - Special thanks to Meltorefas (tint@intterchange.ubc.ca) for his information about the 2 bloodstones I missed at the Desert Palace. - Special thanks to Ben Price (stonehnd@@dwave.net) for his contribution on how to beat the Grand Dragon. - Special thanks to Uromastyx2000@aol.coom for his contributions for the Blue Magic. - Special thanks to Edward Santos (h_kazze@hotmail.com) for the L1 Targeting. - Special thanks to Percival for the inffo about the Pumice - Special thanks to David Scotton (dscottton@uclink4.berkeley.edu) for Zidane’s Tower at Memoria. - Special thanks to Daniel Orner (omegaoonyx@geocities.com) for his corrections for the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to Kevin Jeun (kj2786@hhotmail.com) for some Spelling/Grammar Correction. - Special thanks to Mr. Aljoriz M. Dubliin (aljay@i-cebu.com.ph) for his contribution for the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to PhoenixUltima (phoennixu@teleport.com) for his strategy against Necron. - Special thanks to Jason Platten (jaspllatt@earthlink.net) for the extra item at Ipsen’s Castle. - Special thanks to MAG (gandolpm@mail.nnih.gov) for the Moogle Suit and Autograph at Lindblum in Disc 1. And for the very detailed intructions on how to get the inaccessible trunks to get more chests at Cleyra’s Trunk. - Special thanks to Billy Englehart (y22jericho5000@hotmail.com) for the ff: 1. Steal information for Black Waltz #2 2nd encounter. 2. Gil at South Gate (before Treno) 3. Gysahl Greens at Cleyra Settlement 4. Steal info for Beatrix at Cleyra 5. For a correction at Fossil Roo 6. For some items at the Iifa Tree 7. For the Lapis Lazuli at Painter’s House in Lindblum - Major thanks to Eric Tropin (manofbonee@cheatcc.com) for sending in the complete names of the enemies in this game. - Special thanks to Barubary (barubary@hhome.com) for: 1. Telling me where Mois is at Disc 4 2. telling about Stiltzkin’s items at Alexandria. 3. His contributions and corrections for the Fantasy Trivia Section. 4. telling me how Vivi can win at the Festival of the Hunt at Lindblum 5. Brigandine Vest at Iifa Tree 6. telling me also how to get Quina early in the game 7. For the stronest attack in the game. (FAQ #21) 8. for telling me where exactly and how to get the Excalibur II. 9. for sending me info about the shop at the Summit Station. 10. reminding me about Morrison at Madain Sari 11. for sending me alternate locations for some cards 12. Tons of corrections in my guide - Chocobo’s paradise treasures and the map 13. information on Blue Magic 14. Ozma and Necron Strategies 15. Beach Hunt update 16. Mognet Central Update (Mois’ location) - Special thanks to BRASH (brash@mac.comm) for supplying info about the last 3 bosses. - Special thanks to William Yu (h_kaze@hhotmail.com) for telling where to get Quina’s Night Blue Magic. - Special thanks to Uromastyx2000@aol.coom for sending in a Blue Magic list for Quina. - Special thanks to Andrew Schmidt (Dreww10784@hotmail.com) for an in-depth explanation about using LV5 Death against the Grand Dragon. - Special thanks to Miranda Maryadi (mirranda@centrin.net.id) for her contributions for the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to Jason (LockeJV@aol.ccom) for his Fantasy Trivia contributions. - Special thanks to Jack Moore (codeguruu@ezwv.com) for clearing me up about the Madain Sari Side Quest. - Special thanks to MogTheMogri (abatt300@hotmail.com) for the following: 1. info about the money at the very beginning of the game. 2. Also for the 3 cards you’ll get if you didn’t let Vivi to be the slave of Puck. 3. And the prize you’ll get from Brahne after the fighting scene. 4. Telling me to modify my Side Quests. He really helped me a lot. - Special thanks to Brainy Boy (zodiacbrrave13@hotmail.com) for telling me how to get the Hippo into selling equipments at Daguerreo. He also sent in the equipment list of that shop. And for his contribution for the Special Battles Section. - Special thanks to rmueller (rmueller@zzbzoom.net) for his strategy for the Grand Dragons. - Special thanks to Han Sun (hansun@iqneet.net.au) for informing me that I made a mistake about the tent. - Special thanks to Carlos Miranda (gabee_logan@edsamail.com.ph or Alpha1@philwebinc.com) for his contributions for the Fantasy Trivia section. - Special thanks to Big Sexy (blue_126@yyahoo.com) for the tip on how to acquire Quina’s Blue Magic easier. - Special thanks to Kenneth (kenneth182@@hotmail.com) for telling me how to get the Running shoes at Quan’s Dwelling. - Special thanks to Piccolo002@aol.com ffor telling me how to amplify Vivi’s Magic by using the Auto-Reflect/Reflect abilities for the Gameplay Tips section. - Special thanks to Brian Friday (bfridaay@Lasierra.edu) for telling me how to get 2 more treasures at Pandemonium. - Special thanks to Joaquin Puga (joaquiinpuga@infovia.com.ar) for 1. Telling me how to get Quina early in the game. 2. For a strategy against Ozma as well as corrections. 3. A very comprehensive strategy for Tantarian. 4. The 4-armed man at Daguerreo and the Rank S Medal Key Item. 5. For information about Mr. Morrid’s Coffee Side-Quest 6. For some Blue Magic Corrections - Special thanks to Aprosenf@aol.com forr giving me info about some of the important cards and their respective locations. - Special thanks to Wulfson344@aol.com ffor the well-explained info about Side-quest #11. - Special thanks to Keltarnis (Keltarniss@canada.com) also for sending in additional info on side-quest #11. - Special thanks to Mike Blais (mirobla@@hotmail.com) for some info on the Jumping Rope mini-game. - Special thanks to N.H.Kinz (kin_1987@hhotmail.com) for hinting me on the items that you can get by digging inside Fossil Roo. - Special thanks to Dalias (dalias@aeriffal.cx) for corrections and additions to the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to Kyle Miller (EliteCoommando1@excite.com) for 1. Info on the cards at Alexandria 2. for the info about my missing cards 3. for the Chocobo Hot & Cold update too 4. for the Bad Breath Blue Magic 5. for the well-explained info about the Beaches 6. for the complete info about Hippaul Racing 7. for the sending a monster list concerning Quina’s Blue Magic 8. for the battle with Quale at Qu’s Marsh 9. Summon Magic Information - Special thanks to Desmond Quek (r1skbrre4ker@hotmail.com) for some info for the Blue Magic Section. - Special thanks to GOkou veGETA (dinasttiamejia@hotmail.com) for his Fantasy Trivia contribution and some correction for Quina’s Blue Magic. - Special thanks to Lionel Koh (lionel_kkoh@hotmail.com) for his correction about the Rat Tail. - Special thanks to David Meleedy (dave..meleedy@analog.com) for telling me the correct way of getting the Ancient Aroma in Ipsen’s Castle. And for the correction about the Aquamarine at Daguerreo. - Special thanks to Deviant Savant (dvnttsvnt@mail.com) for the info about the items at the engine room of Prima Vista. - Special thanks to MAG (gandolpm@mail.nnih.gov) for some corrections for Quina’s Blue Magic. - Special thanks to Will (will907@excitee.com) for 1. The new items at Iifa Tree and 2. The Kirman Coffee at Madain Sari 3. For the Chimera Armlet in Alexandria too 4. The Black Belt at Black Mage Village - Special thanks to Danthar "Cardmaster"" Darkblade (joel_v13@hotmail.com) for more Tetra Master rules. - Special thanks also to Girard Gorospe (yard_g@edsamail.com.ph) for the info about the coffee at Madain Sari. - Special thanks to Franco (efcayos@edsaamail.com.ph) for correcting me about the location of the Aries Stellazzio. For some Key Items Contribution and some corrections. - Special thanks to Bryan Glass (bryanthheman7@hotmail.com) for correcting me about Qu’s Marsh near the Dragon’s Gate. - Special thanks to NoseSocks (tsulliva@@stevens-tech.edu) for the Desert Palace level 30 info. - Special thanks to Theo O’neal (morpheuus@imsa.edu) for his very good strategy against Ozma! - Special thanks to Luna (squirestand@hootmail.com) for her Ozma Strategy guide and Fantasy Trivia Contribution. - Special thanks to funkenwangel@aol.comm for the info about the chest in the South Gate that Steiner just can’t get. - Special thanks to Ignacio De Lucas (dee_lucas@yaho.com) for the correction in the Fantasy Trivia Section. - Special thanks to Samuel Edric Solis ((edricsolis@hotmail.com) for the following: 1. Earth Guardian Strategy 2. for telling me where to get the Mini-Prima Vista Key Item after Mr. Morrid’s Side-Quest 3. for the Blackjack Mini-Game 4. for the Carbuncle Secret 5. Battle with Quale at Qu’s Marsh - Special thanks to Odinson (Thenotnicegguy@aol.com) for contributing in the Gameplay Tips Section. - Special thanks to Zack (zdviegut@studeents.wisc.edu) for the info on Kuja at the End of Disc 3. - Special thanks to Sheemone (sj333@hotmmail.com) for his info as to where I can acquire the cards that I missed. - Special thanks to Wee Kok Seong (hellffire_mwks@yahoo.com) for the Elixir at Alexandria. - Special thanks to Eon Strife (eon_striife@yahoo.com) for lots of Fantasy Trivia Contributions. - Special thanks to Ernie Hixon (eh127@uumail.umd.edu) for a correction at the Chocobo Hot & Cold Section. - Special thanks to Omnikion (omnikion@hhotmail.com) for telling me a good use for the Aloha Equipments. - Special thanks to John Blitz Macalma ((johnblitz@edsamail.com.ph) for the info about the Alexandria Card in Disc 3. - Special thanks to NeoMoonGalaxy (blackk_galaxia@yahoo.com) for the following (now I know that his favorite character is Quina!): 1. Told me the location of Mini-Brahne 2. Corrections for the Ability List 3. Correction for the Aquamarine Stone 4. Words of Wisdom contribution (Quina) 5. Absolutely hilarious Scenes of Humor! 6. Suggested the Sad Moments Section 7. Suggested to include the words of the characters in the beginning at the Words of Wisdom Section - Special thanks to Melissa Van Wormer(ttigressgirl13@hotmail.com) for the following: 1. Steal information correction for Baku 2. Ether at Lindblum Grand Castle 3. Gil at house beside steeple in Alexandria 4. Items at Alexandria Steeple 5. Card at the Bell on the Steeple 6. Dali Items 7. Silver Gloves at Lindblum synth shop 8. Gil outside Lindblum Inn 9. Multina Racket at South Gate 10. Phoenix Pinion at Cleyra Settlement 11. Zuu and Nymph Card at Cleyra 12. 1,800 Gil at Conde Petie 13. Ether and Elixir at Black Mage Village 14. Ether at Conde Petie Mountain Path 15. Phoenix Down at Madain Sari 16. Elixir and a Cachusha from Mr. Morrid’s Side Quest 17. Elixir and a Remedy at Lindblum in Disc 3 (Card Freak Gon) 18. Tent inside Hilda Garde 3 19. 2,700 Gil at Conde Petie - Special thanks to Reeko (reelfish@monccourrier.com) for his contribution on how to encounter the Ragtime Mouse. - Special thanks to Chris Dobson (chris@@dobson58.fsnet.co.uk) for the Soft info at Oeilvert. - Special thanks to Rev (rev_concepcion@@yahoo.com) for the Phoenix Pinion and Phoenix Down difference (FAQ #24). For the Trance abilities of Steiner and Amarant. - Special thanks to Lau Zhen-Jock (zhenjjock@zhenjock.com) for the info about Ruby at the beginning of the game. - Special thanks to Marcelo Suzumura (SuuzumuraMM@aol.com) for telling me an alternate way of getting Earth Shake for Quina. - Special thanks to Acessk8board@aol.comm for the correction about the location of Yeti. - Special thanks to Wolvie (bxcen@yahoo..com) for the Tantarian Strategy. - Special thanks to Brock45678@aol.com ffor his Fantasy Trivia Contributions. - Special thanks to Grandmaster Sexay (ggrandmaster4000@hotmail.com) for his in-depth strategies against the 4 Chaos Guardians at Memoria. - Special thanks to Pennywise (pennywisee120@homail.com) for his Fantasy Trivia contributions. - Special thanks to DarkSera@aol.com forr his Fantasy Trivia Contributions. - Special thanks to Rahl (leegregg@cookeeville.total-web.net) for correcting me about the Virus Information. - Special thanks to Moomba Who (chocobo22602@hotmail.com) for correcting me about the Venom Status effect. - Special thanks to TENDO847@aol.com forr the info on how to enter the Desert Palace. - Special thanks to Jacques Maxwell (jmaax9991@hotmail.com) for his Fantasy Trivia Contribution. - Special thanks to Guillaume Louel (gloouel@techmag.net) for correcting me in the directions at Black Mage Village - Special thanks to Benny Lenchner (bennnymail@home.com) for a nice strategy at the battle at Treno Knight’s House. - Special thanks to Betovan Martino (ibmmartino@hotmail.com) for sending me info about Carbuncle and Fenrir’s Secret. Also for an alternate location for the Elixir Card. For telling me about Stiltzkin’s offer at Alexandria in Disc 3. - Special thanks to David Gibson (dainsllef@hotmail.com) for the Alexandria items in Disc 1. - Special thanks to Steven Zeck (spzeck@@vmth.ucdavis.edu) for a very in depth Ozma Strategy - Special thanks to Katrina (katx12@edsaamail.com.ph) for reminding me about the Card rules. For the alternate location of Alexander card. - Special thanks to vash24 (vash24@triguun.com) for telling me about the images of the characters when in Trance. - Special thanks to Thomas Hefty (trheftty@bellsouth.net) for telling me about the Bomb Card in Alexandria. - Special thanks to Hero bobmerman (rumpple4skln@yahoo.com) for telling me about the Vanish Blue Magic and for the MP usage info of some of the Blue Magic. - Special thanks to Luke Hill (knighty2@@yahoo.com) for his Ozma Strategy. - Special thanks to MKahnFan@aol.com forr a Fantasy Trivia contribution - Special thanks to John Dekker (JDekkerr@BJengineers.com) for corrections in the weapon list - Special thanks to Neil (Ssaijan4@aol.ccom) for the Alexandria card in the jump rope game - Special thanks to Dracoboy37@aol.com ffor a Fantasy Trivia contribution and a Scenes of Humor contribution - Special thanks to Pete Ownby for correections at the Chocobo’s Paradise Treasures section. Also, for further corrections in the ability list. - Special thanks to SpeldidGenesis@aol.ccom for giving some tips on learning Blue Magic - Special thanks to Dave (amarant76@hotmmail.com) for giving some tips in beating the Yans - Special thanks to Matthew Withers (majjin_matthias@yahoo.co.uk) for his Ozma strategy guide - Special thanks to Traveller (vancouverr78@searchbug.com) for his very useful and very intricate Ozma Strategy guide - Special thanks to ajie (ajieadona@edsaamail.com.ph) for supplying the rest of the card collector levels - Special thanks to Eliseo Caballero (ellyka1729@yahoo.com) for an enemy info correction - Special thanks to Donald Westcott (biggwestcott@hotmail.com) for sending in a tip at Cleyra Settlement - Special thanks to Damien (damien_cousiins@consteam.com) for Anemone and Antlion’s locations. - Special thanks to Atomos (atomos@darkmmail.com) for his Lich strategy contribution - Thanks to Richard (angelwingnl@yahoo.ccom) for his time and efforts. :) - Thanks to Gabriel Clermont (Trane29@hootmail.com) for correcting me in the Equipments list. - A Very special thanks goes to Brandon Boucher (TheDOORS66@aol.com) for the idea of the Screwed Up section. I came up with the Words of Wisdom and the Scenes of Humor. He told me it would be a great addition to the guide. - A Very Special Thanks goes to all the readers of this guide. Without you, this will not be called a guide at all. - A Very special thanks goes to Sensui. He’s a friendly person and we’ve talked ever since I started the FF9 guide. And he stopped talking after I mentioned him. what a guy! :| - Special thanks also to these people whho are interested in the guide and asked my permission politely to put my guide on their respective web sites. “Al Amaloo” of VGStrategies; “Allen” from Cheat Planet; “DB Moenning” from nextff.8m.com; “Jamie Long” of Games Domain (UK); “Andrew Bilyk” from RPGamer.com; “Gerald Villoria” of GameSpot; “Dave A.” From Cheat Code Central; “Erik Jackman” of Square Expo; “Jarrod Gonzales” from Final Fantasy Online; “Sam” from ff3.com; “Scott Miller” from GameCasters; “Keven T.” Of Cheat City; “Rajiv Ashrafi” of BDGames; “Mike Nam” of Happy Puppy; “Timothy” of Fantasy Square; “Jay Sanvictores” of PhilAnime; “Richard Gardner” from Super Cheats; “Chi” of RPG Dreamers; “Max” from Ever Fantasy; “Croi Makin” from Crystal flame; “Foxstrifer” of Squaresoft’s Fans Union 2; “Chuck Sakoda” of Final Fantasy Forever; “jac” of Fantasy Gamer; “massimofur” of Groggy Land; “JOKER” of gamespecs; “Sayis” of Dr. Sayis; “Silver Queen” of Silverqueen; “Kevin Walter” of Gameshark.com; “John Blitz Macalma”; “Patti Estes”; “Dennis Hendrys”; “Tritocho”; “Eternal Vivi”; “Beatrice Margarita Lapa”; “Steve Cheek”; “Captain Jeremy”; “Matt”; “Alex Hopwood”; “Alakazamiac”; “Mr. Alvin”; “Naes”; “CM”; “Aaron Shaner”; “Patrick Walsh”; “Zack Crowell”; “Jordon Musgrove”; “ANDREWCLEGGY”; “rydia”; “Sjel”; “dawnclif”; “Shadow Risae”; “Matthew Smith”; “Ayman Habayeb”; “Anders Gatu”; “Tristan”; “Notsu”; “Patel Chirag”; If I forgot anyone, just tell me. I have tons of e-mails and sometimes I overlook a few of them. I apologize if ever that happened. - And last but absolutely not the least,, thanks to GameFAQs where you can view and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to him. Congratulations man, keep up the excellent work! These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if there are same info sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top of this Walkthrough/FAQ. Thank you very much! Final Fantasy IX(tm) is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd. Playstation(tm) and its accessories are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America The Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough/FAQ (Part 2 of 2) Copyright November 2000 “A” Tadeo