Who would consider the simple act of making a scrapbook a heartbreaking or even heartmending experience?

Not I.

Until today.

The world's gone to hell as of late, and as you can imagine there's not alot of joy around here. We've lost too many, had too much happen.

Hank's been so full of pain, so sad and depressed. I know he feels guilty about leaving his freinds behind. They gave their lives for the others to escape, so Hank could save who he could...but he still feels like it's his fault Jean, Bobby, Cyclops, Archangel and countless others are dead.

Then I found him yesterday putting this scrapbook together, in silent honor of his fallen friends and teammates. I watched him for awhile and then I sat down and helped him finish it. Neither of us said anything...it was the gesture that counted, and it helped to show to light just why our marriage is so strong. Because of love and support.

Hank's taking it hard, but he's getting over it. This scrapbook was perhaps the biggest step towards getting on with his life.

We're getting on with our lives to try and further the Professor's dream in any way we can.

Here's his scrapbook..here's his memories, his big furry heart and soul spread out for all to see. Tred lightly upon these hallowed grounds, for in it lurks pain and memories of a family lost, hearts broken, and a time where,  things most certainly weren't good but they weren't as bad as they are now, it was the past..it was the X-men.

Tread lightly dear friend. And come away more better for the experience.

Peace and may God be with.

Cassandra McCoy


The Scrapbook



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