VIJAY: "The word kismet is derived from  a turkish word meaning fate or fortune, and fate had a major part to play in the formation of this band.

I had been writing songs for more than two years and was trying hard to get a band together,  but never quite found the right guys, and I was slowly losing hope of ever bringing my music to the world.

One day,  I bought a set of strings to restring my guitar but in my adsentmindedness I cut one string too short.  So I had to return  to the store the next day to buy a string,  and it was here that a young and talented guitarist(ASIF) walked in  to try out some guitars, and be began playing a 12 bar blues progression on an acoustic guitar.  Impressed, I walked up to him, and during our conversation I discovered that he too was looking for a band to play in.  It was in this chance meeting  that the seed of Kismet  was sown and when our two creative energies combined, we succeeded in getting the band together.

Thus, if it hadn't to be for the string I accidentally cut short, there would probably have been no KISMET.

Asif  has moved out of our city to pursue further studies but the memories will always remain.

Thank u Asif.

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