Title: Break Through

Written by: Areanna Whitewolf

Disclaimer: The songs and characters in this story do not belong to me. They belong to Sony/Tri-star and to all the respectable people who have written or sung them. This is not infrigment by any means. I don't want any trouble. I just want have some fun with Nick, Lacroix, Natalie and Janette.( Very evil grin)

Summary: This Story takes place two weeks after "Break Down". This is the second installment to my break series. In this story, Nick has to deal with unchecked and pent-up bloodlust and Natalie finally faces off against Lucien Lacroix. Janette wears a color that no one has ever seen on her. This story is full of a couple surprises.

Note of thanks: To all my friends of the knight. And to the numerous helping hands I had along the way to help me better myself and

Content Warning: GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT. Viewer discretion advised. AND IF YOU ARE BELOW 18,LEAVE NOW. This is no story for you. So please, before you get me in trouble, take your finger and push the back button. All others proceed with caution. This steamy piece has same sex straight and lots of blood sharing. What can I say, I am a sucker for lust.

All comments, possible changes and help can be sent to: [email protected]


Author�s Note: Please don�t just focus on the sex. I�ve had a lot of comments about the pairings in my story. While it is true that this story is one of lust, there is also a lot of hidden meaning behind that. Please learn to read between the lines. I spent 4 years on this fan fiction. It would be a shame to waste my time writing out a well laid plot to have people scream at me about the male/male pairing. I am trying to make a good story. If sex was the only focus of this tale, then it would have been a lot shorter.

Chapter 1

Natalie Lambert-Knight sat on the couch, tapping her fingernails on the arm of it. Slowly, in frustration, she grabbed the leather arm with her nails and ripped five tiny half moon holes in it. Nick and Lucien had been gone the last three days, going over plans with Aristotle for the move-on. She hadn't been out of the house much in the last two weeks, and her anticipation with tonight's outing to the Raven made her excited. Anything was better then staying here. She looked at the clock for the hundredth time and sighed. Her need to get the hell out of the loft was clearly showing on her frustrated face as she got up and paced the room. She wondered silently to herself if she was going to run a groove into the floor from having paced the same section a thousand times in the last hour. Nick was an hour late. 'He must have stopped by the Raven to fix things up', she thought to herself. They decided that before they leave altogether, they would have sort of an good-bye celebration for Lacroix, Nick, Janette and herself. They wanted to have one last hoorah in their hometown and Janette saw this as a way of saying good-bye to the Club that she had grown to love like her own childe. Nat needed anything to get out of Nick's apartment, even if it meant risking the sickening smells and sounds of the outside world.

She heard the grind of the machinery from the lift, and she let out an exasperated sigh of relief. 'Finally they're here' she thought to herself as she walked over to the fridge to get a snack. She wanted to make sure the hunger wouldn't interfere with any part of this night. She wanted Nick to see just how much control she had over the beast. She absentmindedly grabbed an unmarked green bottle from the fridge, not paying attention. She stopped in front of the door, waiting for Nick, and pulled out the cork with her teeth, spitting it to the floor, and took a sip. That trademark way of removing the cork she had learned from Nick. Suddenly the most god-awful flavor of sour blood filled her lips, and she spit it out, turning almost green.

When Nick opened the door, he was greeted by a spray of spoiled cows blood from Natalie's lips. Even Lacroix was hit with more then a few drops. Nick grumbled at Nat and spoke.

" Geez, someone is angry with me. Natalie, love, I'm sorry we're late, but that was no reason to spit blood on me. And what on earth are you doing drinking cows blood? I didn�t think I had any left."

She looked at Nick, and then the bottle, then made a face of absolute disgust.

�I didn't spit at you on purpose, you twit. I had no idea I grabbed the wrong bottle. I thought we got rid of all these bottles of cow stock. God, how did you ever drink this. It tastes horrible."

Lacroix rubbed a finger against Nick's dripping chin, and brought the finger under his nose. He made a face at the smell. Deciding to have a little fun at his son�s expense, a note of sarcasm colored his voice as he spoke.

"Really, Nicholas, you shouldn't be keeping stale, rotten swill in your fridge. Didn�t anything I taught you make it�s way through that hard head of yours? If I were her I would spit it in your face too. For Shame my son. Do you want your fledgling to get sick? "

Nick growled at Lacroix. He never liked to be the butt of the joke.

Nat turned and walked towards the kitchen, trying not to laugh out loud. Lacroix sure knew how to pluck the right chords to make Nick squirm.

Nick's vampire ears picked up the sound of low snorts and the choked laughter in her throat. Now it was his turn to have some fun.

"Oh, you think it's funny, do you? Well how about I just not let you go out tonight, young one. Then we'll see who spits blood in my face and laughs about it, won't we. After all, is it not a sire�s job to disciple a fledgling who has been rude."

Nat was by his side in flash, growling at him, and dug razor sharp nails into him shoulders. She hated when he called her "young one".

" Nicholas de Brabant Knight, if you so much as think you are keeping me in this house one more night, I'll burn it down with everyone in it, and then there'll be nothing but ashes and soot. And we will just have to go to the party as MR and Mrs. pile of dust. How about that?! And never ever call me young one. You may be 8 centuries old, but I am no child. Do I make myself clear."

He dislodged her hands from his shoulder blades, barely feeling the slightly bleeding marks she left behind. He smiled at her response. Well wasn't she a little wild fire. So beautiful and so tempered, like hot diamond roses in your hands, he thought.

�Easy Nat, I was only kidding...and you want to go out by yourself at night. With that temper, I wouldn't let you walk five feet out my door without someone watching you. You have to learn to control yourself, love. Now hug me please, I missed you."

She relented, hugging him hard. She had missed him. And she had to admit, her reaction was so out of hand it was funny. She had stayed with Janette for the last three day, which wasn't too bad. But she had really missed Nick. Janette had taken her out a little, so her outing today wouldn�t prove too over baring for her. But they never stayed out long. Only for a few minutes on the roof really. She hugged him tighter, loving the feel of him in her arms. After a good long kiss, she finally backed up and let him go.

"You better run up stairs and get ready. Or you could just go out in that fuzzy pink bathrobe. The clientele at the Raven would have a good laugh at your expense though."

�Very funny Nick, very funny"

Lacroix looked around the apartment and the his eyes roved the stairs and the ceiling. He felt two presences, not three, in the house.

" Where is our hostess for this evening?"

"Oh, Janette. She left an hour ago, said something about getting me a dress 'befitting the evening'. I just hope its not one of hers. I wanted to wear something black for a change, but her dresses look more like costumes then evening wear. "

"You mean she left you alone. When I specifically told her to not let you out of her sight. Is she crazy?! I told her to stay with you. I'm going to scold her when she gets home. What could she have been think, leaving my fledgling lover in the house "

"God Nick, it was only for an hour. I think I can handle one little hour all by myself. Don't go getting your panties in a twist, she has been keeping contact with me the whole time."

She tapped her head and frowned at him. Sometimes she wanted to just belt him one. But as she realized Nick was only trying to protect her, her anger faded. She sighed, looked from one man to the other, and smiled.

�Nick, Lucien, why don't you get ready in Nick's room and I'll wait for Janette down here. She said she'd be back in a flash. She is already on her way home. I set up the guess room for us"

Nick looked at her in amazement. Everyday her skills were growing, it was fantastic. She was learning some things so fast, like the telepathic link she had with all of them. Others, like controlling her anger, was always harder to learn, for any vampire in the beginning. Nick went up stairs, followed shortly there after by Lacroix.

She heard a whoosh and Janette appeared, as if out of thin air. She had two dress bags in her arms and a twinkle in her eyes. Her hair was quite wind blown. She had flown as quickly as she could to get back before the men, but knew it would be a close call. Nat looked at her and smiled back at the grinning night mistress. In truth, Janette had been gone the whole day, she had been with one of her dressmakers. Nat had given her plain instructions on what the dress she wanted was to look like, and Janette had wanted to be sure that the dressmaker had gotten it perfect. In exchange for the dress, Nat promised not to tell the men Janette had been gone all day. It would be their little secret. Janette whispered to her so low, even right next to her, Nat had to strain to hear it.

"Are the men back yet, mon cheri?"

Nat laughed a little at Janette's French accent. Whenever she was worried or nervous about something, Janette sounded like she had just come back from Paris, France. Nat had to tease her.

"Qui, Monsieur Nicholas and Monsieur Lacroix have returned from their outing, Madam Ducharme"

Janette giggled too. She had all but forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of someone who spoke French.

"That was good, better then I would have expected from one who has never spoken French before. Most of them don't have the flare that it takes, not to mention the accent. Here is you dress, as per my half of our bargain. You kept up your end of it, I pray"

"Yep, they have no idea. Don't worry about it, your secret is safe with me. Now we better go the guest room and get ready before the men come down. I want to surprise them."

With that Janette took a hold of Natalie's hand and floated her up to the top of the steps. Nat had yet to learn the fine art of flying, but Nick promised to teach her soon. They landed in the guest room and locked the door behind them. Janette put one long dress bag on the bed for Nat and pulled out one for herself. Nat looked at her with a questioning eye and pointed to the bag. It was beyond her why, after seeing her closet full of nothing but evening wear, Janette would purchase yet another dress.

"Don't you have enough dresses, Janette? How many dresses can a woman have? And that shoe collection. It must have cost you a fortune. How much did that closet full of your clothes cost you any way?"

"Too Much, in my opinion. But this dress and shoe set is particularly different. I wanted something that no one has ever seen on me. Won't all the men drool when they see us tonight."

The women smiled again at each other and went about getting dress. They heard the men do a 'whoosh' down stairs about 20 minutes later. They must be ready.

Janette and Natalie smiled like school girls, putting the last finishing touches on their look before unlocking the door and coming downstairs. It was going to the knock the men out of their socks.

But as it turned out, the men had a surprise of their own.

Janette and Nat looked in awe at the sight before their eyes .

Nick was wearing a tailored tux, with long coat tails. His suit was black and his shirt underneath his coat was red. A black tie and polished leather dress shoes finished the outfit. His hair had been brushed and smoothed back, slight curls gracing the bottom, just barely feathering the nap of his neck .

Lacroix, rather then wearing his customary black suit, was wearing a tailored, blood red tux. His shirt under his coat was a creamy white, and a blood red tie finished the look. His usual sword pin was stuck in the middle of the bow tie.

They were a stunning pair, father and son. Nat swooned over Nick, but bit back the desire to have him right then and there. She wanted to show him how much control she really had over herself tonight.

�Well boys, don't we look dashing today. A stunning ensemble I must say"

Nick turned towards Nat to smile and his mouth hung open instead as he let his eyes rake over his beloved.

Natalie�s hair was hanging loose , but pulled up on the sides. A garnet tiara crowned her head, with a teardrop diamond hanging in the middle of her forehead. Her black dress was a satin gown that pulled tight over her waist and fell down graceful from her waist to the floor, trailing behind her slightly. The lace shoulders hung loosely down onto her arms. A satin sash of red was tied around her waist and instead of being tied in a bow, the two tail ends hung down at her left side. Her lips and eyes was shaded crimson, with a shimmering finish that made her sapphire eyes almost glow. Red garnet earrings hung from her ear and the De Brabant pendent necklace hung seductively down on her cleavage. A pair of red strap leather shoes finished the portrait she had made herself into. She was drop-dead gorgeous. It showed on Nick's face when his eyes glowed yellow and his fangs dropped as he stared lustfully at his beloved.

"Well, my, my, my, Sir Nicholas, I do believe you are losing control of yourself. This from a vampire who, two weeks ago, wouldn't have touched his new childe. I must say, this is quite a change. Won't we be the perfect couple.

Nat stopped talking, noticing Lacroix as he stared up at the figure walking down the stairs slowly, and his mouth hung open in amazement. His voice was husky, speaking of lust.

"You won't be the only star attraction"

They all looked at Janette. Even Nat, who had seen the dress was amazed at what she saw.

Instead of a black dress, Janette's was a creamy shade of off white. A tendril design of ruby beads laced down, giving a swirled pattern to the dress. It was like Nat's dress, but long sleeves hung down off her shoulders, the wrist part giving a bell-bottom flare out. The gown trailed behind her, and just the tips of her red shoes could be seen. Blood red covered her lips, and a dust of red eye shadow and blush finished her face. Her hair was done in a French braid and beaded with tiny glass roses and ruby beads. She looked like a red-jeweled angel.

Even Nick had to control himself immensely to keep the beast at bay.

Nat noticed a dust of gold and red in each man's eyes, and she couldn't blame them. With not one but two beautiful women in their mist, it had to be difficult to keep themselves in check.

"Janette, you are stunning. And a white dress becomes you."

Janette smiled at Nick and gave him a small wink. She always did love playing coy.

"Savor it Nicholas', for it is the first and last time you will see me in white. But thank you for the compliment."

Lacroix cleared his throat, trying hard to be calm in the presence of such stunning beauty. His pants had already become tighter. The normal ice blue returned to his eyes as he spoke.

"Well I dare say that we had better get going. For the more we stand here, the more itis becoming painfully clear that staying home and indulging in our desires might be far more entertaining. Besides, we mustn�t keep our guests waiting too long. It is simply rude to show up late to one�s own party."

They all nodded at Lacroix's statement and finally stepped onto the lift. As they walked out into the night, a limo sat waiting for them. If they were going to arrive, they were going to arrive in style. They stepped into the limo and felt the car lurch forward and drive into the night.

Chapter 2

They arrived at the Raven fifteen minutes later, greeted by Alma, who sat staring at them in open-mouthed amazement. They couldn't fault her when she forgot to open the door for them in her shocked state. Lacroix instead took the liberty of opening the door, letting the ladies in first. Then the men followed, closing the door behind them.

The interior was dim, but everywhere there were roses. Petals sprinkled the floor, the counter, the chairs and the tables. Every table had an enormous bouquet of various color roses. Sterling, red, white and black roses were everywhere. It perfumed the room so much, it was damned near overpowering.

Various members of the vampire community were shuffling around on the dance floor and around the bar, but upon the door closing, they all turned to stare and the Beautiful foursome that had just walked in. Everyone stared hard at Nick and Lacroix, but few would ever meet eyes with them. After all, Lacroix and his children were elders, and the eldest member of the community here in Toronto. For some, it was as close to seeing a true elder as any of them would get.

However, several of the male vampires in the room stared at Natalie. For a new fledgling, she carried with her and uncommon grace. A true huntress of beauty. Several of them let out the wolf whistle, and some stared at her with glowing eyes. The fact that Nick had sired such a beauty made several of them jealous and envious all at once. It also put Nicholas� status in the community up several notches. Maybe he wasn�t the weakling they thought he was.

Nat got a little self-conscience seeing all the attention she was getting from all the male eyes staring at her. She clutched Nick�s arm shyly , but kept a mask of confidence none the less. She wanted to show everyone that she was not just some shy, innocent little baby doll. She had to be strong now, for her sake and for Nick�s. She was determined to prove her worth.

Janette on the other hand relished in the attention she brought to herself. She was always considered a beauty among the community here. And the dress she had chosen for this evening made her look all the more stunning. She let a coy smile play on her lips as she let herself be led down the stairs by her sire. Among all other things, one thing she was always good at was being a tease

They walked down the stairs slowly, each couple smiling. "Evanescence" blared from the stereo system. As they mingled, the couples parted in their own directions. For about two hours they remained separate, the girls going one way and the man going the other. It was time to meet and greet some old friends. Janette held Natalie�s arm in hers as she led her around for introductions.

Suddenly Nick, Nat and Lacroix found their way back to each other. Janette smiled by the radio and hushed the crowd.

"This song is in honor of Lacroix, Nicholas', and our newest Member to the fold, Natalie Knight, all whose fight is finally over. Enjoy. This song is called "Surrender"

As the song began to play Lacroix looked at Nicholas and smiled. It was their song indeed

�Is this real enough for you
You were so confused
Now that you've decided to stay
We'll remain together

You can not leave.
You belong to me

Breath in and take my life in you
No longer myself, only us
There is no escaping me, my love

Lacroix smiled and Natalie swayed to the music like an exotic dancer. Nick just listened. The song, however noisy, did indeed point out the truth of the matter. He could no longer escape his nature. He was what he was, just without the killing of innocents. He rocked to the song. It was a little more violent then he was used to, but it fit. Something�s, he thought to himself, are just right.

Darling, there's no sense in running
You know I will find you
Everything is perfect now
We can live forever

You can not leave
You belong to me

Breath in and take my life in you
No longer myself, only us
There's no escaping me, my love

As the song finished, everyone clapped. It was a good song indeed.

Then Lacroix took Janette's place at the radio. It was a surprise when he hushed the room. The floor cleared leaving Nick and Nat in the middle. He cleared his voice, tapping the microphone once and waited for utter silence.

They all looked up at the commanding figure of Lacroix demanding their attention.

"I have a song of my own to play. It is for the new couple. It has taken many years for me to stand aside and except the presence of a mortal in our mist, and even more time before I understood why my misbegotten and lonely son would decided to love a mortal. He sacrificed so much for control and the search for Mortality. He risked much to stay in control of himself. But at long last he has given in. And not only did he return to the fold, but he chose a worthy childe, one that I am more then proud to call family. It took a little longer then I would have expected for him to come around. But I am glad my son has finally returned. And he now has a true beloved by his side. This song is for them. It is properly called 'You can't walk away from love'. May it teach us all a lesson. Some things are just meant to be."

"Here I am before you
Naked in your eyes
Hoping with each kiss
You will never see through my disguise

I had been made to believe
That no one could love me for me
The good and the bad
First to the last
No matter the cost
No matter the past

�You're eyes only see what they want to see
You heart makes the truth what you want to believe
Passion turns pain into ecstasy
You can't walk away from love.
Loving you more then I do myself
Revealing the things I would never tell
Daring to risk even life itself
You can't walk away from love�

Nick and Nat swirled and swayed on the floor like a professional dance couple. They never broke eye contact, except when Nick twirled Nat under his arms or dipped her. It was the truest love song they had ever heard. They truly owned the floor as they danced. Nick's body moved as it never had before. He followed Nat's lead and copied her moves perfectly.

There will be no other
Lips against my skin
No need to regret
How can pleasure ever be a sin

I tried to make you believe
You meant almost nothing to me
Through all the lies
Chasing a dream
Finding at last
The human in me

You're eyes only see what they see
You're heart makes the truth what you want to believe
Passion turns pain into ecstasy
You can't walk away from love
Loving you more then I do myself
Revealing the things I would never tell

Daring to risk even life itself
You can't walk away from

As the song finished, Nick spun Nat in a final flare and dipped her to the finish of the song. It was a truly inspirational performance. Hoots, Whistling and clapping roared through the room. Nick and Natalie bowed before slowly making their way off the dance floor

Even Lacroix clapped and let out a whistle. He had never seen his son dance that good. His lust was high. He wanted his son now. It would not wait for later. Lacroix saw Nick and Nat sit at the corner table and went to get his son. He walked up to the pair who was sitting with Janette, chatting about their dance. He cleared his throat gently and they all looked at him.

"That was very well indeed Nicholas. A stunning performance from the both of you. I hadn�t any idea you could move so well after so long, my son. But I must ask your lady bride if I may borrow you for a moment. Alone."

Natalie smiled At Lacroix. She could just about smell the lust coming off of him. They all knew what Lacroix wanted Nick for. There was no question. Nat nodded and Nick stood, following his sire to the back room. It was locked, but Lacroix pulled out his key and stepped inside once he had opened the door. Nick stepped in and saw Lacroix lock the door behind them. Since Janette was the only other key holder and the door was made with four inches of solid steel, Lacroix knew they wouldn't be bothered. He turned towards his son, his eyes blood red with lust. Nick's own golden eyes met his in answer. It had been too long since they had actually made love. It was time.

"Nicholas, it has been long, Mon protégé, has it not. Now you can either fight me fang and nail, or you can summit and enjoy it for once. Either way the end result will be the same."

Nick began to undress slowly, hanging or folding each item. He knew he would have to wear them later, and he didn't fancy letting Lacroix tear through them and only to later have to explain why he was walking out in shreds of clothing. He saw Lacroix do the same, laying them right besides Nick's. Then again he faced his son, and took slow steps toward him.

It surprises him to feel Nick ravage his lips only seconds later. His hands were everywhere, and Lacroix let out a soft groan. While Nick's mouth reached Lacroix's throat, one hand closed around his manhood. Nick knew this would be to satisfy his father's desires. He knelt down, his tongue trailing fire across ancient cold flesh, his mouth finally found the head of his sire's manhood. He knew his sire�s body well. Even after years of not having touched it, Nick�s memory came flooding back the minute fingers and tongue touched the body before him.

Lacroix placed his hands against Nick's golden curls and guided him ever so gently. His son knew him well. A few second later, Lacroix let out a cracked growl and pulled Nicks head up, assailing his mouth with another kiss. Then Nick bent over on his hands and knees, spreading his legs out, offering himself to his sire. Lacroix bent and ever so slowly entered his son. He groaned again and Nick made small growling sounds of pleasure in his throat. They soon got lost in the sweet ecstasy of it. They moved to a timeless rhythm.

Finally, Lacroix could not take anymore. He dragged Nick's upper back toward him, reaching for his throat. He reached around, locking his hand onto his son's manhood as he slammed himself into Nick with a fierce need. Nick moaned loudly as he felt fangs pierce his neck. The hand on his manhood went limp and fell away as Lacroix slipped into the after math of release.

Nick pulled away, an ache in his groin, but he went about getting dressed anyway. He knew it would go away. An ache in his fangs and his groin told him that one taste of human blood could prove to be more then he could handle. He drew the key from Lacroix's jacket and left it where Lacroix could find it then slipped out of the room, leaving his sire to collect himself up from the puddle that he was lying over the couch.

He made his way towards the bathroom. He fixed his hair and made sure his collar covered the healing fang marks on his neck. A painful lust held him firmly within it�s grasp, but so many years of control had given him extreme silence about certain kinds of pain.

He walked out of the bathroom and made his way over to the table where Janette and Nat was waiting for him. He quickly blocked Nat out of his brain. The fact that he was sire and many times older then her made it all to easy for him to block her out. but tricking Janette would take some fancy mind work. He cloaked himself, nearly shutting down the link between them. It was a trick his sire used so often when trying to keep a close watch on his rebelling son. She might know something was wrong, but he knew she would be kept guessing. And that�s exactly the way he wanted it.

The girls smiled at him in secret knowledge of what had just occurred. The radio started another slow love song and Nick took Janette's hand, looking to Nat for acceptance. With a small nod of her head, she joined eyes with Nick, telling him it was okay. He locked arms with his former lover and strode gracefully towards the dance floor.

As he danced with Janette, Nat stared at him. Something was wrong, he was in some sort of discomfort. She knew he had fed, they all had drinks that night. So why was the pain coming to her. She thought hard, focusing on Nick. Something was blocking her link to him. Like a brick wall in her way. Then it dawned on her. Nick was deliberately hiding something from her. Probably from everyone else too. She watched them dance, her eyes flashed golden in anger at Nick being secretive. But she sat and waited. She would find out what was wrong, she somehow always did.

As the song played to it's end, Nick and Janette walked slowly towards the table. Janette turned to face Nick, stopping in mid step. Pain could be felt through their link. She looked into his eyes with concern.

"Mon amour, what is wrong? You are in pain, I can feel it. What happened, did Lacroix wound you somewhere other then your throat."

Nick tried to fool her by looking embarrassed and whispered.

"No, Janette, it's just....our sire is not a gentle lover when he is in such a state of lust. He left certain parts of me with soreness that�s all."

She looked at him with wide eyes. She knew immediately that he was lying to her. Vampires usually could not lie very well, and Nicholas was more horrible then most. She had never known Nicholas to deliberately lie to her. He eyes sparked with the silent Knowledge that Nicholas was cloaking himself to everyone. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to quell the urge to shake the answers out of him. Why did he have to be so damned secretive and controlled all the time. But she remained silent for now. One way or another the truth would come out.

They were close enough to the table for Nat to hear, and she didn't buy it either. Something was really wrong and it was getting worst by the second.

Lacroix sat down, composed once again. He immediately felt the searing pain coming from his prot�g� . There were very few things his Childers could keep from him He locked eyes with his son's head, trying to see the reason for the pain. At first, he assumed it was from their last throes of lovemaking. He had been rough with his son. When desire hit him like it had tonight, he never bothered to take the time to care if he was hurting the object of his desire. But then he looked more closely and bent into the link with his son. He was stopped. Now he, like Nat, knew there was more to it then what he thought. His son rarely blocked him out unless there was something he was either too ashamed of or something he was too desperate to not let them in on. He was not content to just sit there. He pushed into the link again, determination set in his chiseled jaw.

Nick glared at him. They locked eyes in a silent battle of wills. Then Nick spoke with a growl, letting fangs flash.

" You've had your fun, father. Stop pushing me. Don't make me want to hate you again. Stop poking around in my mind, please. The pain I feel is none of your concern."

"No, Nick, it is his concern. It is all of ours. We are apart of you in one way or another, and that means if you are in pain, we know about it first hand. I may be new at this, but even I know you're lying through your teeth. So open up and let us in, or suffer by yourself till we push through the wall you blocked us out with."

Lacroix prodded more and more, and then the knowledge dawned on him. His lust was stronger then most, but Nick's screamed in raw fury. Why? He sat there thinking, and then understood. Nicholas had never taken blood from him. He had never climaxed. Lust was burning his son raw. But now he understood why his son had said nothing to the females. It was shame, it was fear. Never had Nick felt the rage of lust he was feeling now. Lacroix looked at Janette and spoke.

"May I trade seats with you. The closer I am the more I will find out."

She stood and switched her seat with his and Lacroix sat next to Nick. The table and the dim light were enough to cloak him as he reached under the table and gently rubbed up against Nick's erection. Nick let a low growl rumble in his throat, but all at the table heard it. Nat looked at him with concern and anger. Blood red tears filled his eyes and he closed them, turning away from her face. He hated hiding from her, but even as a vampire, he could still hurt her. Nick's nails dug into the table. He grabbed the glass of human blood in front of him, gulping it down, but nothing happened. No release. He tried again, drinking straight from the bottle till it was finished. But the Raven's private stock did little to appease the beast roaring inside him for completion. He craved possession. Nat watched as Lacroix stuck a now bleeding finger between Nick's lips. Nick's eyes were closed, but the raw animal desire pouring from him was unmistakable. She reached under the table and came in contact with Lacroix's hand over Nick's shaft. She blushed slightly, but she understood now. She looked at ice blue eyes, and Lacroix looked back at her. Nick sucked and sucked at Lacroix's finger but nothing happened. Lacroix stopped stroking and Nick bit his own lip hard and tried not to scream. His lip dripped with blood as his fangs dug home. He was gaining unwanted attention. Even vampire lust could be smelt. Lacroix became aware of this and decided they were drawing too much attention. He had to get his son out of this place and somewhere to answer the calling of lust. Finally he spoke low to Nat and Janette, trying to keep anyone else from hearing what he was saying

" We need to leave here. Natalie, Janette, stay and mingle. I will care for my son. He needs me."

They nodded at him in understanding, and he took Nick's arm and led them both to the door. As soon as they were outside and Lacroix made sure no humans were around, he hoisted himself and Nick into the air, taking off at Mack 2 speed toward the loft.

They got there faster then any car could take them. Lacroix flew in through the open skylight into a pitch-black loft. He sat Nick on the couch and went to turn on the light. A dim light flooded the loft. Then in turn, Nick grabbed him and flew them up to his master bedroom. Lacroix took off Nicks coat and slacks. Boxers did not hold in the monster erection Nick had. Lacroix tore them from his son. He sat Nick down at the edge of the bed, spread his legs out, and knelt before his son. Nick looked down at his sire and watched him dip his head towards a stiff shaft. Lacroix's lips closed around Nick and he began to lick and swirl his tongue around the head. Nick moaned loudly, feeling painful pleasure course through him. Lacroix took all of his son into his mouth and went faster, his head bobbing up and down. Nick's eyes locked on Lacroix's head and tears of red bled from his eyes. He cried out with a growl and threw his head back in sweet bliss.

"Oh god yes, yes! Please father....god you feel so good. More, faster harder. Oh sweet merciful god"

Lacroix went faster, sucked harder. Nick swooned with drunken, raging pleasure. Fangs grew in and eyes of red stared down at Lacroix as he continued. A sound of pain erupted from his lips as his sire finally stopped. Nick growled grabbing his father's head and pushing it back into position. The mouth returned. Nick growled when Lacroix didn't move. Nick roared and glared down, the beast in total control.

"Finish, NOW!"

Lacroix looked up at his son, pulling his mouth off of Nick.

"I know what you truly desire. You want to claim me, possess me, as I did you. I feel your hunger, your craving. I know what you want, my son. I can feel it in you. Let me give you what you crave. "

Nick looked at his sire with pain in his eyes, and saw Lacroix lay down on the bed. Nick lifted his father's legs straight up and drove himself home inside Lacroix's ass. He rammed faster and moaned. Lacroix felt pain then pleasure sweep through him. His hand went to his manhood, stroking it. Nick pulled his hand away and growled harshly


With that he replaced Lacroix's hand with his own. He pumped on his father, using cool saliva to lubricate his hand. Lacroix groaned as did his son. Finally it was time to finish. Nick bent over, still stroking his sire's large erection. He drew Lacroix's head up towards his throat, offering already healing fang wounds to his sire. Lacroix bit, drinking of his son. Nick bit into the master vampire, feeling blood of raw power fill him. He pumped and pumped waiting for release. Finally Lacroix lifted his head, but Nick pounded harder and drank more, trying desperately to finish. Lacroix pushed him away, and Nick fell off the bed, roaring.

" My son, that is enough. I will not be drained by you. What would be the point of killing me. You need your lady bride. Her blood is the key. I can not give you what she can. Stay here, do not leave. I will call the Raven."

Nick growled and sat , his hand pumping his manhood, tears streaking his face. It hurt so badly. Lacroix no sooner picked up the phone then Janette flew in through the open skylight, carrying a very sick looking Natalie.

"We were talking and she screamed and almost fainted. What is wrong with Nicholas. He is in so much pain."

"All I will say is it is something only his lady love can fix. Take her to him, go now. Anymore of this and he'll go feral."

Janette once again floated Nat upstairs, taking her to Nick�s room. When Janette saw Nick in his present state, her mind screamed in raging lust. She had never felt anything so powerful. Nat opened her eyes and they glowed gold as she stood and looked at Nick. She glanced towards Janette and spoke with a growl in her voice, flashing fang.

" Janette leave now, close the door behind you and wait down stairs till I come back down. You can sleep the day with Lacroix in the guest room. It has a queen size bed. Go now, please, I have to take care of my husband."

Janette left without a word and closed the door behind her. Nat just about ran to Nick's side as he growled, pumping himself and drinking from his wrist. She got undressed quickly, tossing her clothes carelessly around the room. She pulled Nick's wrist out of his mouth. The beast roared at her, and nearly charged. But Nat was in control, and the commanding presence she had felt so many times from Lacroix fell over her.

"Nick, enough. You'll get what you desire, but not like this. Gain control over the beast Nick. See through the rage and desire. Come back and bring the man I love into my arms again please. "

Nick stopped and fought with himself. Finally red eyes faded to golden and the man inside Nick found his way to the surface. He looked at Nat and put his head down, falling to the floor, and cried.

Nat bent to him and took him into her arms. She rocked him gently. Then she pulled away, dragging him to the bed. She leaned over his swollen member and put it to her lips.

"NO....not like that, Nat. I need...I need..."

"You need release. A gentle love can come later. You need this now. "

She put her mouth on his manhood, working in an ever quickening pace. It was so good. She offered her wrist to Nick, and his fangs paired flesh. He took one gulp then two, then shook as he released into Nat's mouth in an explosive climax. His whole being seemed to be blinded with a pleasure that he could not hold control over. His hand held Nat's wrist to his mouth and one hand guided her on him. Another release rocked him. He finally collapsed, letting go of her wrist. She pulled away from him and gulped finally. He breathed heavily, but seemed to be unconscious She stood up, and lay beside him on the bed. There they both rested, finding peace in each others sleeping embrace.

Chapter 3

Nick woke up at three in the afternoon the following day. He didn't exactly remember much of anything, after getting to the Raven yesterday. He remembered dancing. There was a dull ache somewhere inside his body, and as he stretched, the ache increase. Not paying much attention to it, he stood up, seeing Natalie peacefully sleeping beside him on the bed. After getting dressed he went down stairs, opened the fridge, getting a bottle, and went to the window. He felt the heat of the sun on the other side and wondered if he should try chancing it today. After much debate, he took the remote and open the blinds a little, feeling the sun envelope him. No burning, no pain. He felt refreshed, and except for that constant dull ache, he had never felt better. He opened the blinds fully, bathing in the warm glow of the sun. Hearing footsteps behind him on the stairs, he sniffed the air and smiled.

"Be careful Lacroix. I don't think you are ready for a deadly sun bath."

Lacroix walked up beside him, standing full in the sun. Nick had his eyes closed, feeling warmth surrounded him. He didn't realize his sire was beside him. So Lacroix decided to speak.

" I am fully aware of the sun, mon fils. So do not concern yourself. I was down here earlier, Nicholas. The sun is always warmest near noon, I think. I do not really remember. After 2000 years, my mind doesn't remember much in the way of sunlight."

Nicholas turned his head to his sire. A look of utter shock covered his face. Lacroix just looked at him with a slight smile.

"How did....you are....this makes no sense. Lucien Lacroix, explain this to me please. I must be dreaming, because my sire could never be tolerant of anything so human as sunlight. Wait, did Nat give you the Lytoveuterine B?Is that why you can stand in the sun with me?"

" Really Nicholas. You should know me better then that. I saw what that drug did to you. Reducing you to no more then a pathetic human drug addict. Sorry but I would rather not. Like I said, if that filthy human bile was a cure, I would much rather have the disease.

�Then how are you standing in the sun , Lacroix? It makes no sense.�

Well, last night's events proved to be more then either of us expected. Your blood yielded some gifts to me that Were, for the lack of a better term, surprising. I came down here to close the shutters and when my hand reached out to get the remote, it hit the sun with no pain. It startled me at first. But I sat down here for quite some time to test the theory. While it still has a slight discomfort, but it no longer burns my flesh. I must have taken more of your blood then I remember, to spur this change. Had I any idea that it held such power, I would have taken it months ago."

"My blood...I don�t understand? When did you take my blood. So help me Lacroix, if this is another one of you stupid tricks�"

"Would you stop being so thick headed. Must everything between us be nothing more then constant war. While you may think that of me, I promise you this. I have far better things to do with my time then to play games with you. Besides, had I wanted your blood, believe me when I say, I would hardly have to sneak it out of you.�

� Then just tell me what the hell happened. I am not in the mood for 20 questions Lacroix.�

�It obviously came from our sharing last night. Gods Nicholas, must I explain everything in detail to you. I thought you were brighter then that.�

Nick looked at him like he had 40 heads. Confusion glazed his eyes. �Last Nights sharing�What sharing� he thought to himself. When did they share blood last night? He rubbed his eyes, trying to remember anything.

� What sharing Lacroix. I never shared with you. I haven�t done that in over two hundred years.�

Now it was Lacroix�s turn to be confused. Was it possible his son did not remember. He shook his head with a rather tight lipped grin.

� We shared blood last night. At the Raven, then again when I had to fly you home. Come now, Nicholas, don�t you feel it? It is not possible you don�t remember anything from last night."

Nick did feel something about last night, but his mind yielded no pictures. He just nodded and went along with the conversation, deciding that if he didn�t stop this now, he may find out things about last night that he really didn�t want to. Better just to play along.

"Ah, yes. Well, how does it feel to know you are not completely a creature of the darkness."

"I am still what I am, there is just one more thing to add to my persona is all"

Nick touched his sire's hand slightly, wanting to try for a tender moment. But he was blinded by the shock wave of desire when he did so. The dull ache turned to searing as he made contact with Lacroix. He pulled away, backing away from Lacroix slowly, but the searing didn't go away. Walking fast to the fridge he grabbed another bottle, downing it quickly, and then something went through him. His body began to spasm with release. He hid behind the counter just to keep anything below his stomach out of view. Even for a vampire, his face looked awful red at the moment. He looked at the bottle he had grabbed, never having seen it before. It tasted like Nat, but a underlying flavor of sire�s blood also hung on his tongue. It was like someone had played a cruel prank on him.

Lacroix noted his son's discomfort with a smile, still looking out the window.

�What is wrong my son. You seem a little, shall we say, agitated."

"Nothing, Lacroix, really"

Lacroix sniffed the air and his son's release perfumed the room. He smiled.

" Ah, I see you found our new vintage. There is nothing like it. I trust that you approve?

Nick looked down at the bottle again. He sniffed the bottle, smelling Natalie all over it. But Lacroix's scent came through as well, causing him to look up at his master again. But this time his look of confusion turned in an angry glare as he met icy blue eyes

" Lacroix, explain what the hell is going on here. You who preached about not playing games and doing tricks. Then tell me about this. This blood smells like Natalie. And for some reason I can smell your blood too. What did you do to her. So help me, if you hurt her, no amount of power or years will help you"

" You sense of smell isn't wrong Nicholas, for that is indeed what it is. Your lady bride and I put together a few bottles for you last night after you fell to sleep. We figured it might have some good use for future occasions. I am guessing by the smell in the room, it did as it was intended to do, No."

Nick was more confused now then he had ever been. Something about last night and the reaction he just had were connected. Why was everything so fuzzy? What the hell happened last night? He walked to the stairs and made for the bathroom, but Lacroix stood in the way. He looked down at his son and smiled, holding another bottle of the strange new mixture in his hand. The title on the label read "Relachement De palasir � (Pleasure�s release) Lacroix opened the bottle, waving it under Nick�s nose, almost causing him another release. He shook. When his eyes turned to his Sire, they were gold.

"Lacroix, what the hell have you done to me. I thought we agreed no tricks or games anymore."

"And as agreed I have done nothing. Gods, how many times must I repeat myself. As to your question, the reaction you are having is your own body�s response. That was made specifically for this reason and no other. And might I add, as to last night you were the one "doing" things, not I. "

Nick shook his head in confusion.

"What in the nine gates of hell are you talking about. Nothing happened last night. I remember quite clearly going to the Raven, dancing and coming home. So unless I lost my brains some where between here and the Raven, then you had better start giving some answers. Because I am running out of patience."

"First of all, calm yourself. Do not force me to have to punish you for your stupidity. I am actually in a good mood, and having to fight with you was not exactly what I had in mind when I came down here. How you could not remember last night is beyond me. However seeing as how you are clearly without a memory, I will explain. We reinstated our bond l last night through way of blood and mating. You, of course, denied yourself pleasure, as always, and your sexual responses yielded more then a few problems. I had to fly you home, otherwise you may have caused quite a scene at the party. As it was, I had to struggle with you to keep you from going, wild, shall we say. Had your lady bride not arrived when she did, then we would have allot of things to answer for."

Nick just looked at him dumb founded.

"Nicholas, you really don't remember anything do you. Well here maybe this will refresh your memory."

Lacroix came face to face with his son, and touched his manhood through sticky material. Nick moaned. Then Lacroix stroked him ever so gently. Nick's mind flashed with images of the previous night, and his fangs dropped in lust. Lacroix handed his son the bottle and rubbed faster through the material. Between the satin pajamas and the stroking, Nick's mind reeled with raging passion. He gulped from the bottle, and for the second time in the last ten minutes, he released. He shook leaning against his sire, and his eyes closed in shame and confusion. His reaction was so fast, so blinding. He raised glowing eyes to his sire and spoke.

"What is happening to me, Lacroix? Why this lust? I have never felt so much for you. We have had our mating in the past, but it never felt like this. Already I want more. I feel so thirsty for touch it scares me. Help me to understand."

Nick's eyes filled with tears. Lacroix held his son, feeling his confusion and shame.

"You have so long denied touch and taste, that finally when you had it last night, the beast went insane. We are creatures of blood, Mon protégé, but first of lust. You shunned me for so long, you forced desire and love away to gain hatred and coldness towards me. But lust never leaves, my son, you know that. And you flared a few passions of my own. As for the blood, Natalie and myself put that together for you. Our blood together is the only thing that will release you from pent-up desire. Until such time as this passes, we will replenish this special stock of blood for you. It will slow in time, but never go away. You must except that without shame or guilt. After all " No need to regret. How can pleasure ever be a sin" remember my son. You can't ignore this again. It won't go away unless you answer the call. Do you understand me? I don't want to force you to do what is needed. If you do not allow this it's full run, then you will become very feral. We wouldn't want that now would we".

Nick looked at Lacroix again and sighed. He didn't say yes or no, just walked past his sire, up the stairs and to the bathroom. He pulled off his stained satin pajama pants, trying hard to understand everything. It was not right. It had to be a trick. But his body did not lie for him. He felt desire build in him again and tears fell from his eyes. He wouldn't give in to it, he wouldn't except that the beast had taken over again. Determination set in his jaw and he nodded his head. He would beat this, he thought, no matter what it took.

Chapter 4

Several months past, and everyone was busy moving into their new surrounding. Nat finished her basic vampire training after a month alone with Nick in the jungles of the Amazon. To everyone�s utter shock, he had even trained her to hunt, though only on animals. She was glad to be able to finally join with the others. Lacroix and Janette had been setting up a living area with Aristotle and had everything prepared ahead of time. They had moved to a country villa in a rural area just north of London, England. It was A picture perfect mansion sitting in the middle of fields of green. It came complete with a bar, a stable, and a set of 4 purebred horses. Two black stallions for the men and two white mares for the women.

Then they settled into working. Nick took up a job as a paleontologist, working with a local university. Nat took up a scientist job at a prodigious teaching hospital, identifying new strands of different unknown diseases of the blood. Lacroix and Janette opened up another club called "Knight's Outing" . Everything seemed to be going well. Or so it seemed.

But not everything was as peaceful as it appeared. Nick kept his hungry lust a secret. But all the control he had did not come without a price. After 9 long month, he had become quite ravenous. His beast was gaining control more then it ever had in all his 800 years. He hid his secrets well from the others and never dared to show an ounce of pain. But each night since the first one at the Raven, the blood lust had returned. His sexual desires and need for blood grew in ever increasing amounts, totally shattering all but his control, which he held onto so tightly he let everything else slip away. He had been blocking out his lust from the others for almost a year by now. In the beginning it had been easy. He consumed blood wine for quite some time to deaden the pain. But as that stopped working he started consuming pure human blood. Once it got to the point that that had no longer helped, he cut himself off, only drinking his special brew when he could no longer stand it. He started to isolate himself from the world, as his mind and body were slowly driven to the brink of insanity. He had stayed home for three weeks now and took leave from work, telling them that he had developed mono. He got angry quickly at the least little thing, and stopped sleeping all together. Pain and desire was his constant companion. All he knew was control and secrecy. But he could not be around the others. His control was slowly splintering under the constant pressure of all consuming need. He did not know how much longer he could stand it. How long would it be before someone would find out. Often most nights he sat on his bed and cried, waiting for the inevitable to happen.

Finally, in the end, it was Janette who decided to approach him on the matter. She knew her brother in darkness very well. She did not like it, the way he hid away from everyone and everything. Lacroix and Natalie confided in each other, frustration finally giving way to acceptance. They knew of Nicholas's stubbornness and knew as long as he stayed away from the sun and the bottles kept disappearing, then Nick wasn't dead. But Janette was not satisfied to just stand aside and let things work them out.

One night Nat and Lacroix had gone to see a play, but planning on getting things straightened out, Janette stayed home. She walked up to Nick�s room and found the door locked. After a few knocks did not receive an answer she called out, hoping that Nicholas would answer her call.

"Nicholas', darling, why don't you let me in. I think it is time we talked. We miss seeing you around the house. You don�t go to work, you hardly come out for social functions and lately you barely leave your room. You are becoming quite the hermit. Come now, just open up the door. Lucien and Natalie have gone out. It is safe. You can trust me."

The voice that answered her roared, sounding like a demon rather then the Nicholas' she knew.


She tried again. Anger flushed her face at the flat out roar that echoed back at her

"Nicholas', if you do not let me in, I will break down the door. Now stop being such a stubborn fool and let me in this instant. You can not stay in there forever."


Janette had had enough now. Her eyes glowed golden as she broke the knob off the door and kicked it open. What she saw shook her to her core.

Nick sat on his bed, one of his hands chained to the steel bedpost. He was dressed in lose fitting sweats and a blood stained tee shirt. His hair was completely unruly and he smelled as if he hadn't taken a shower in over a week. Stale bottled blood was piled up haphazardly next to the foot of the bed, having grown dusty from misuse. His eyes glowed blood red as he looked at her. A raspy voice echoed out through the silence of the room as he spoke.

"Janette, please...you shouldn't have come. You can't be here. "

" And why not Nicholas'? Hmmm? So you can go on like this forever. Torturing yourself until you waste away to practically nothing. My god what have you done to yourself. Look at you. You are an absolute mess. You are almost skin and bones. You are lucky the others aren't here right now. They would both kill you. Come, speak to me. Tell me what is wrong?"

He did not answer her. Unsatisfied with that, she raised his remaining hand and pierced his thumb with a fang, taking a small drop. But she was not prepared for what came next. She was dropped to her knees as his pain washed over her like a thousand pounds of pressure. It was like sunlight close to her skin. Then the raging lust that he hid so well made it's way to the surface. She grabbed his shoulders and growled.

"Nicholas', what is wrong with you?! There is nothing I can do to fix this. What have you done? You�re barely holding onto yourself, my brother. Why didn't you tell us."

Nick stared at her, a hundred answers laying silent in his red rimmed eyes. But with his weakened control, the beast took over far too quickly, seeing only the feminine flesh ready for the taking. The vampire raged forth and he grabbed Janette with one hand, gripping her like a steel vice. With a hard snap, the other broke the chain cuff that held him in to the bed. But his weakness did not allow him to hold her for longer then a few moments. She struggled and managed to break free, running out of the room. Nick followed her, staying hot on her trail. Finally, she found Natalie's lab, the only room with a solid steel door. As Nick ran to her, she pushed him in and locked it. It could not be opened from the outside or inside without a key. Thinking quickly, trying to see through the wash of pain, Janette called out through the link. She couldn't leave, somebody had to be here to keep him busy in case he broke free. She called out to Lacroix and Nat, and sat against the door, tears running from her eyes as she heard the moan of frustration and pain from Nick inside her head.

All the way across town, just as Lacroix and Natalie were preparing to sit, they heard the mental scream from Janette. And with it the raging pain from Nick. Nat didn't understand why Nick was in pain, but one look at Lacroix told her it must be very dangerous. Possibly even fatal to him. Concern etched her brow as Lacroix took her arm and led them both swiftly out of the building. They walked out of the theater and ran behind the building. Looking around first, they took off into the air. Lacroix was going much too fast for Nat, but he stopped, taking her hand, and raced forward again into the air. They had to get there as quickly as possible.

They got to the villa, all but teleporting inside. Lacroix focused for a moment and made his way to the lab. They found Janette crumbled on the floor, howling in pain. Tears bled from her eyes. Lacroix looked through the tiny window in the door, and the minute he saw Nick his mind began to fall into action. In a mere few moments, he had formulated a plan. He turned to the two females, his general face snapping into place as he took command.

"Natalie, Janette, look at me and do exactly as I tell you."

Janette looked up and her eyes met her sire, calming the pain. Nat looked on too, her eyes filled with nothing but concern and worry.

"I want you to go get a bottle of Nicholas's mixture out of the fridge Natalie. Then I want you and Janette to stay out of here. Do you understand me. I have to enter alone. In the state that he is in, Nicholas will surely overpower you both. I have fought with him when he is in his wildest state. I can handle this.

Nat looked at him in concern and angry frustration. What was it exactly that Lacroix was not saying.

"What's wrong Lacroix. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me whets going on."

"Nicholas is suffering terribly. He is near feral. When a vampire pushes themselves beyond their ability of control, the beast runs rampant, driving out any civility. It is rare to see it happen. Nicholas has driven himself beyond the point where he is thinking at all. He is insane with pain, hunger and need. His control and his denial have given him a very dangerous and powerful disease. It has taken over his whole self. If this goes on for much longer, we will lose him completely and the enforcers will have their way with him. A vampire who is feral is immediately destroyed. It is the code. Now step back and take care. Go as far away from this room as you can. I am the only one I know that can hold him long enough to fix this."

They did as he instructed and left afterwards. Only when they were gone did he open the door. Nick shook on the floor, sitting there in a crumpled ball. Lacroix put the bottle down and bent to his son, taking Nick into his arms like a child. Nick hugged Lacroix, whimpering like a wounded dog. Lacroix felt Nick's claws rip through fabric and pierce the flesh of his back. He gave it no heed. With the tears his son cried, he now knew that there was still some of his son left. He touched his son�s head, feeling a violent fever burning his son raw. Then he pushed Nick back, looking straight into his eyes.

" Nicholas, I know you are in there. Come to me. I know that it hurts, but you must at least try to control the vampire in you for a bit longer. I will make the pain go away. Come now, let me see my son."

Nick looked at him, and the man found the strength to make it to the surface somewhere.

"Father.....I...need.....hurts...can't touch. Blood...bottle...won't help. I need......need..."

"Lay back, Nicholas, and let me take a look."

"No...don't touch...painful...."

"Just lay back, my son. I must see to fix. I won't hurt you."

Nick lay back and waited, holding the beast in check just barely. Lacroix peeled away the sweats slowly. When he saw his child's burning red member, he hissed in sympathy. Pulling the pants all the way off, he stripped his son ever so slowly. In the mist of stripping, he noted that several veins in his son's neck budged out with blood. In fact his whole body seemed to be covered in threads of blood filled veins. The sickness his son had kept the blood from being absorbed. His son�s red-rimmed eyes stared blankly at the ceiling. Lacroix shed a tear. Never had he seen his son suffer so much. What had happened to drive Nicholas so far away into this horrible state. Focusing hard on his son�s eyes, he stared deeply, using his elder powers to hypnotize his son.

"Sleep, Mon fils. Sleep in Peace. Rest in my arms, my son."

With the overpowering mental suggestion from Lacroix, Nick's eyes slid closed, and he fell heavily into Lacroix's arms. With another tear, Lacroix stood with pain in his face, holding his son close to him, like an infant. He opened the door with his key and walked out into the house. He headed towards his own room, laying Nick on his bed and drew a blanket over his son. He sat back and shook. What could he do now. If the combined blood of Natalie and himself did not work, what would keep his son from an almost certain death sentence. He rubbed his face. Blood had not done any good. What would release his son from pain.

Natalie and Janette entered the room silently. Lacroix looked at them mutedly, and he locked eyes with Natalie.

"Doctor, I do not know how to fix this. Our combined blood did nothing. At first I thought it was just a little lust. I did not know it would go so far. Do you know of anything, anything that can help my son? If he remains this way, he will die."

Natalie came close to Nick and sat down next to him, rubbing a hand gently against his cheek. She raised the blanket, getting a glimpse of what the rest of him looked like before putting it back down. The doctor persona she had honed over the many years came over her and she thought about anything that she knew that might help. Thankfully the many hours studying rare blood diseases at the teaching hospital had taught her a lot.

"Well first we must take care of that unused blood. If the pressure from all that blood is not released, Nick�s blood vessels will explode and he will bleed to death. I could give him a high dosage of Morphine. This might help that pain at least. The vampire cannot feed because something in Nick will not allow the blood to be absorbed into his system. There has to be drug or something that will fix this. Something that allows the vampire to absorb the blood he takes in. That�s the problem , Lucien. He is starving to death as it is, simply because his body does not recognize that there is blood in there. I can try hunger increase to the point where the system has to feed. He does not digest like a human, however, and therein lies the problem. "

She thought for a moment, then an idea hit her like a bomb in the head.

" Lacroix I must ask you something."

Lacroix turned his fixed gaze from his son and locked his ice blue eyes onto Natalie.

"Can a vampire live for a short amount of time with only minimal blood in it? And if so how long"

"Well yes, but only for a short time. Three minutes at the most."

" Okay here is the plan then. We have to draw out most to all of Nick�s blood through an IV or through several large needles. If we drink it, it may cause us to contract whatever unknown virus he has contracted. Then when he has almost nothing left, we hook up a line from ourselves into him, and recreate the virus, which originally makes him vampire. The introduction of Normal vampire cells will heal him and poof, problem Solved."

Janette and Lacroix looked at each other with a weak smile. It would be dangerous. They would have to get blood into him quickly enough to keep him from turning into dust. But if they acted quickly enough, Nicholas might be saved.

Natalie thought of some way to get the proper equipment needed to do all of this. Had she still worked at a morgue she would have been able to get the supplies easily. With the invention of cameras, breaking into her own teaching hospital wasn't going to be easy. And she would have a lot of explaining to do if they caught her stealing from the supply room.

" Lacroix...do you know of any vampires in London who work in a hospital?"

Lacroix smiled widely.

" Just give me a few minutes to make some calls and I will connect you to someone who can help you get what you need for this "cure". "

" Good...and feed up both of you. Extra blood. Fill yourselves up full. Vampires need twice the amount of blood to make a transfusion like this work. Plus I will need to inject both of you and myself with a specail drug to help make the blood flow easier. It has to get into Nick quickly. Or everything will be lost."

Though both of them disliked human drugs, they knew that if it were going to help Nicholas it would be far worth it. They nodded and left the room, Natalie at their heels. They needed to work quickly. Nick wasn't going to sleep forever.

Chapter 5 (part a)

After a half a dozen phone calls and a delivery the following night, Natalie sat next to Nick, drinking blood. He was sweating heavily, blood sweat drenching the bed beneath him. But at least he still slept. After the forth bottle of blood was finished, she had had enough. She was stuffed to the gills with blood.

Lucien and Janette entered the room, looking equally full. They sat down and removed their shirts, revealing warm pink arms to Nat. Natalie swabbed their arms with alcohol and injected them with an IV needle. They had already been administered the highest dosage of aspirin they could handle to thin their blood and allow it to go into Nick as quickly as possible. With a nod as blood filled a bag above them filled slowly, Natalie began what was to be the longest stage of the total body transfusion. With several large Syringes, she began taking a pint at a time from Nick, withdrawing his tainted blood cells. Careful not to remove her own needle, she drew out all but a half pint blood from Nick's prone form. Now deathly pale except for the red erection he had still, she sighed and injected a needle ever so gently into his stomach and his heart. This would allow him to receive the blood waiting for him in the bag over his head. Taping both needles in place, she opened up the valve control on all the IV lines and blood filled the enormous bag on the bag holder. With a quick movement, she opened up Nick's Line fully and watched the blood make its way into him. With a silent prayer, she fell back, waiting with a hope that this would work.

An hour and 12 pints later, Natalie began to stop the blood fill. Withdrawing needles first from herself and then everyone else, she sat back with a sigh and waited to see if Nick would open his eyes.

Lacroix bent close to his prot�g� and whispered French words into his ear.

"Come back to me my son. Awaken once more with your renewed body. Come back to me Nicholas. Come back."

For a few agonizing minutes, nothing happened. Then slowly, with a sigh and a growl, Nick's eyes fluttered and slid open. They glowed a silvery gold. He had a very confused look on his face. In a low raspy tone, he spoke his first words.

" Where am I?"

Lacroix smiled with a near tear filled relief.

"Back from the dead, mon fils. You are in my room. Natalie has helped you to remove the illness in you that caused your body to reject blood. You were starving to death and she saved you. With Janette's and my help of course."

Nick shook his head, trying to clear the fog in his brain. He was hungry, but the insanity and fever were gone.

" What happened to me, father? Why did I get sick? Vampires don't get ill."

Natalie pulled him up into a sitting position and glared at him with annoyance.

"Well let�s see. Coupled with the fact that you have been fighting the vampire for so long, and our little quest that drove you half mad, you went too long in neglect. The vampire was starving under your constant desire to fight it. After a while your brain affected your body in such a way that it began rejected the blood you put into it. You have driven yourself half mad trying to control so much. To hide from us everything. Of course my cure fixed only one of two problems. The illness you gave yourself through physo-sematic suggestion is gone. But that lust you feel brewing in you now is your own fault. How long did you think you could hide it, Nick. How many years did you think the vampire would sit back and wait for you to take what you needed to be healthy and strong? I don't know how long this lust is going to last, but you better watch it, Nick. And you bet your sweet ass we are going to be watching you like a hawk. If you need to breed like a rabbit, then well, we are going to see to it you do just that. Your body has Needs Nick. Feed them damn it, before you kill us all. When is it going to be enough Nick? When are you ever going to stop fighting? You are a vampire; you will never be anything else. Even Modern science cannot give you the cure you are looking for. How many times are you going to almost die on me before you accept the enviable? You are what you are Nick. I don't want to lose you damn it. Not when we have already come so far. You can stop fighting Nick. You can. Please, for me."

He thought on her words. He frowned. Yet again he had gotten in the way of their happy lives. Why did they keep bringing him back? Wasn't it obvious to them that he didn't want to live anymore? He sat up and stretched, feeling the desire that was not taken hit him like a ten-ton weight in the gut. He nodded to her, to appease her and lay back again in bed. He wanted to rest some more. He looked at his father with a tired look in his eyes and pleaded silently for rest. Lacroix nodded.

" Alright then, ladies. Lets give the Patient some rest. He hasn't slept in a while."

They all got up and walked out of the room as Nick fell into a deep slumber .

Chapter Five (part b)

A few nights later, Nick was up and walking about. But he was far from happy. His lust was with him always and seemed never to stop. He drank blood from the others to keep the sickness from coming back, but the desire for flesh was all consuming. He walked into the lab and looked around. Maybe he should be locked up in here to keep everyone safe, he thought to himself.

Natalie and Lacroix walked in silently, followed a few minutes there after by Janette. The link was far more open then it had been, and Nick's lust had become quite evident. They has given him almost a week to recover from his near death experience, but the time had come for him to be approached.

Natalie was the first to speak.

" So Nick, um, are you going to talk about it. Or am I going to have to let Lacroix beat the crap out of you before you Start talking."

His angry eyes met hers.

" You cured me. Perfect. But this lust isn't going anywhere. The first time on that night I went half mad. How long is it going to last? Why can't I just go back to the way things were."

Lacroix's voice pierced his ears.

" Never, mon fils. Unless you give into it. Come now, why don't you just let down you guard and give in. You will enjoy it."

" I am fine , Father. I will just keep drinking and eventually it will just leave me alone. "

"Really? Or perhaps it will just get worst. Nicholas, don't you understand anything. It will never stop. It will never just go away, anymore then your need to feed will go away. When are you going to learn? Fight it and it will destroy you. "

Nick sighed.

" Well maybe I don't want to give in. Did you ever think that maybe I do not feel like mating all the time to suppress this?"

" Oh really? You don't feel the need to do it? Lets see then, shall we."

Lacroix reached up to rub against Nick�s erection. Nick growled low in his throat, and red feral eyes of the beast stared back at Lacroix.

" And you were saying, my son"

Nick growled as Lacroix began to undo his pants. He did not give in, but neither did he stop Lacroix. He stood there slowly becoming nude as Lacroix finished his work.

Lacroix began to strip nude slowly, his now golden eyes never leaving his son's crimson pair. Nick stood, Staring hungrily back at his sire. Kneeling before his son, Lacroix bent his head to Nick's erection, aiming to take it into the one place he knew was gentle enough. Nick pushed him away.

"No, father, don't."

Lacroix went forward, and before Nick could stop him, took the engorged body part Into his mouth all the way. The sound that ripped from Nick's lips were of pure pleasure. He cried out, his hips bucking, as his sire pleasured him. Nothing had ever felt so good.

Nick was lost in a sea of lust, but then his eyes met with Nat, and he pushed his sire away. Nick crawled into a corner, hiding his face. Nat had seen him, taking guilty pleasures with his sire. Shame ripped at him.

But Lacroix would not have it. He dragged Nick out of the corner and stood him up to face the girls.

"Nicholas, do not hide, there is no point. They have seen you already. We are Here to help you. Please do not force us to chain you to keep you from running. "

Nick looked at Nat and tears came from his eyes.

"Nat, I.... You...last. Finish, must be drained...release."

"Nick, what are you trying to say."

She reached out to him, and the minute her hands came in contact with his skin, the beast took over again. He kissed Natalie feverishly, and at last, Nat got to do what she wanted to do before. She rubbed her tongue against his fangs, cutting it deeply. Nick tasted her blood and gulped it down. She rubbed hard against his fangs, blood filling his mouth from her tongue But suddenly Nick pushed her back, falling to his knees. He closed his eyes, feeling Nat's blood course through him. His hands went to touch himself, but touch was too painful. He cried, hanging his head. Release, he just wanted release. Lacroix bent to him and laid him down. Nat undressed quickly and for a moment, leaned against the wall. Nick flashed before her, lifted her hips up, bringing her legs to meet his waist, and with one sure thrust, claimed her body. Nat writhed, not having felt Nick's touch in so long. Lacroix came up behind him, touching his son. A cracked voice answered him.

"Go ahead father, I can feel you want it. Please."

Lacroix entered Nick's ass ever so slowly, finding a comfortably slow rhythm. Nick would have none of it. He pushed against Lacroix and then pushed toward Natalie, pounding body to body with them. Finally, leaning against the wall with his hands, Lacroix pushed as far in as he could go. Nick's lips erupted with pleasure. Lacroix gave in to his own desire. The three of them pounded into one another, till finally Nick couldn't take anymore. He bent his head to Nat�s breast and fangs pierced flesh. She gasped in pleasure. Nick raised a hand and Nat took it, biting. Lacroix bent his head forward and bit Nick's shoulder, releasing instantly. Nat found hers. Finally, with a last mighty thrust, Nick completed the act. He shook, never feeling a release like this. It was consuming. He let go of Natalie's breast and felt Lacroix pull away. He lie on the floor, and breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. He stood up and took another breath.

But it was cut short as desire and fierce need filled him again. He cried out, frustrated. Would it never stop? He was blinded by it. Desperate to put a stop to it he called out to his sire.

"Father, please come to me. I want a favor."

Lacroix came over and made to bend down, but Nick stopped him.

"No, not that. You see that sharpened pole, can you get it for me."

"Nicholas, just what do you plan to do with a large wooden stake."

"Don't worry about it. I am not strong enough to do much of anything."

Lacroix was reluctant, but got it for him.

"Now take Nat and leave. I am going to put this by the door. If when you enter here tonight, you see that I am feral, kill me. Come alone. You alone have brought me across, and you alone have the right to return me to the earth. Okay."

"Alright Nicholas, I'll leave. And because you asked it of me, I will come alone tonight. And if need be, I will do as you wish of me."

"Thank you. Turn out the light as you go. The darkness still brings peace."

Lacroix gathered the naked rag doll that was Natalie and walked out of the room, closing the light before locking Nick in.

Peaceful darkness filled Nick's world, giving him the strength to face what he had to do. He could not live with this, he thought to himself. It was best he was dead before tonight. He listened and concentrated on the link, to make sure everyone was resting and calm. Nodding to himself, he raised the stake, whispered a silent apology and brought the stake down towards his heart with a deliberate force.

The door flew open, and he stopped as light filled the room. Natalie, who only a half hour ago lay past out in Lacroix's arms, was seething in rage. Her two eyes were completely aglow with a white light, that seemed to consume the entirely of her eyeball. Like two shining orbs, she looked at him and growled. Faster then his eye could catch, she took the stake away from him and threw it out the window in the wall behind him. She pushed him down.


Nick looked at her, he had never seen her so angry.

"Nat, please, you don't understand...."

Lacroix entered the room, and upon hearing Nat's words, he knew exactly what she had walked in on. Janette was the last to walk in. They watched as hurricane Nat unleashed her rage. Weakened by his desire and pain, Nick wasn't sure what to do, so he sat still, flinching as her words of uncontrolled anger filled the room.

"I don't understand...I don't understand?! What do you know about what I understand. Stupid pathetic fool. Ungrateful bastard. How dare you speak to me about understanding. Now I know why Lacroix treated you as he did. You stand here upon endless life and love. A pack of blessed damned miracles at your feet for the taking. And instead of seeing them, you throw them aside and wish for nothingness. I have been nothing but understanding. When you asked me for help, I gave it. You asked to be mortal again, I tried with all my power. And who was there to help you when you starved yourself into an almost sunny grave. And tonight again with the mating. I have been nothing but there for you. I understand all too well. You and your damned guilt, your frustration, your regret, your pain. You choose them over me again. I won't let you do this Nick. You made me, and your stuck with me whether you like it or not."

Nick stood again and pleaded with her. She knocked him with a double fist in the jaw, and Nick landed on his ass again. The vampire in him finally roared to life.

"Nat, I would be careful who you are hitting. I am your sire still, and I am far more powerful then you. I would think carefully if I were you."

Now Janette chimed in. Her eyes looked blood red with rage.

"Would you challenge me and Lacroix too, Nicholas? Would you do that? Fight all three of us, until you are dead and we are dead and there is no one left. I would think carefully if I were you!"

Nick sat there and then stood up, trying to make them mad at him, mad enough to kill him.

"If I am nothing to you anymore, and you have had enough , then why did you stop. Go ahead finish this once and for all, then maybe you'll all sleep better at night knowing I am not ...."

"Why you little...."

Nat grabbed him by the neck and shook him. Tears raged in her eyes. He had never seen anyone so angry. Not even Lacroix at his worst, could match the fury inside his beloved. Then it dawned on him. He had been this angry too, every time Lacroix asked him to kill again. His own rage mirrored through her eyes. As is the sire, so is the childe. Lacroix had said that to him once. Now it finally made sense. He looked into her glowing white eyes as she spoke.

"Could you do it to me. Watch me bleed and die. Watch me suffer, like you suffer, each day by your own choice. Damn it Nick. I love you. I LOVE YOU! Do you know what it is like to see you do this, go through this everyday, feel your pain and You�re need and the building of these things over and over again. Let me inside, let someone inside to cleanse you. I won't let you go, Nicholas de Brabant Knight. Not by my hand, and not by yours. Damn you, don't you see."

Nick snapped, and cried, answering her just as fiercely.

"See what, my love. See you suffer my pains everyday. Go through life knowing that I could kill everyone I touch. Watch the people I care about die, and not be able to do anything. Watch you fall into my darkness. I am stuck here Natalie. Like a cork in a bottle. And I am dragging you all down with me. And you ask me why I do this. Because I LOVE YOU! You know what would have happened if Janette hadn't found me today. I would have destroyed you. My beast has been denied too long. The light we fought for, it's gone. I am nothing but darkness, and I spread it everywhere I go. And you two back there, getting all self-righteous. Do you know what it is truly like for me to be this...thing. You said it yourself once, Lacroix. Leaving is the truest form of love. So don't get all lovely dovey with me now. You made me what I am, lured me, half drunk, and took me. Your dark gifts tempted me then, but after 8 centuries, it has lost it's appeal this....great gift. So just let me die, please. Stop my suffering, stop my pain."

Finally Lacroix spoke.

" You want us to know what it is like to be you. Then show us. Maybe then we'll better understand your request. Show us my son, open up inside to us. Let your pain flow free. If we experience it and we see fit to kill you to end your pain, then we will abide by your request."

Nick tried to understand Lacroix, and he dug inside himself, letting all the walls down. He concentrated on the link they shared, and the room filled with his emotional torture. Lacroix, Janette, and Natalie surrounded him. And then they began slicing cuts into their palms, and at last they sliced one cut in each of Nick's palms. Finally they joined hands, forming a circle. Words of ceremony filled Lacroix's lips. Janette and Natalie joined soon there after, their link joined with Lacroix's mind.

"In love I claim thee as my own
With all my flesh, my blood, my bones
May love consume to take away
All the pain thou keptst at bay
I circle thee to cleanse all sins
Within my words, may healing begin
Reach for the light I give to thee
And with love's touch, come back to Me.
I call to thee captive soul
Be free of pain, let thine torture go.

Nick closed his eyes, feeling love pour through him like never before. It wiped out everything, pain, thirst, lust, hunger, sorrow. He struggled, but they held him firm. This time they wouldn't let go till they were sure he was covered in their love. He shook as years of self torment came welling to the surface and poured down his face in a red river of unending tears. The beast in him howled out like a wolf in great pain. It was the first time in 800 years that Nicholas has shown anyone the true feelings in the depths of his soul. Relief came to his heart finally. He rejoiced in their touch, while they understood the true problems inside him. It was like a distraction. Love rolled him in a warm blanket, while they searched for the true reason why he put himself through so much for the sake of protecting others. Then they broke the link, breathing heavily. Nick's eyes still danced with tears as he looked at Lacroix with wonder.

"Where did you learn that, Lacroix. I thought you didn't believe in ritual and spells."

"I am not sure exactly where that came from. The blood of many souls dance within my vein, Nicholas. You can't expect me to remember everything they have given me. All I know is that when I wanted to get through to you, the words came."

"Well they made me feel better if nothing else. But if that was a cure for the problem I am having now, I doubt it is going to work."

"It was not a cure, nor to make you feel better, although that came from it obviously. It is done to reveal what is inside you to us. Now, before your painful lust returns I think we should explain to you why we have decided not to grant your request for death."

Lacroix cleared his throat before continuing

"Nicholas, one does not go through life without making mistakes. And our mistakes can haunt us if we let them. Shame for a vampire, like everything else, is so much stronger then shame for a human. It is a hard fact we live by"

Nat came up beside Lacroix and spoke as well

"But you live by your mistakes instead of learning from them. You use the same errors over and over in your mind to beat yourself up for eternity. You no longer kill, but you did once, so you think you'll be a killer for the rest of existence. You did what you did out of nature, and maybe for enjoyment. Does a wolf chase a rabbit and kill it just to feel sorry for it in the end. So you fixed the problem, you stopped killing. You were just barely 300 hundred when the self-torment began. You have spent the last 500 years making up for barely 300 years worth of mistakes. For a human that would be like feeling guilty about the mistakes of one week, and beating themselves up for it till they die. But you don't die, Nick. So it goes on forever . You are consumed by control. It's all you do. I know some is needed, but your control turns to denial. That's why you get self-destructive. And that�s why these problems that develop don't go away. You push them so far back, that the beast in you gets over loaded and you snap"

Janette chimed in last, to finish the lesson. This was the turning point, this is where he would learn his problem.

"Nicholas, when our own kind feeds from us, our whole life is shared together. But we control the pace and how much of something the other will feel. At least we control it to some degree. When you feed from Natalie, what do you feel?"

Nick thought for a moment before answering.

"Passion, peace, contentment, love, fire, lust. Everything I never knew I wanted. Like bathing in the warmth of the sun. It is so good I don't want to stop."

"Exactly, but you have controlled yourself. The emotions you get from her is what any family should share. But do you know what we get from you? The first 400 years of your existence, every death you created, every bit of pain and guilt you carry. We feel your love, and your feeling to protect us, but you portray yourself as the monster you were, not as you are now. That is why you are stuck. You try to push into us the portrait of hatred you have painted onto yourself. Nicholas, you have paid enough for what you did. You are reliving mistakes over and over again, and it is killing all of us, not just you. And if you die, we will be missing a peace of ourselves. Would you leave Natalie without a love, or a master. When you thought Lacroix was dead, do you remember how well that felt? Well, Natalie has no hatred of you to cover the torment of knowing you will never come back. She will surely follow you. Could you bare that thought? And it is no secret that I too love you, as does Lacroix. You would destroy yourself and us all with you, for the sake of protection and love? Do you see now how stupid that sounds, Mon amour. It is one of the dumbest solutions I have ever heard. How can you protect us if you are dead? You are a small danger compared with those of the outside world. Hunters, enforcers, lunatics on a mission. And have you forgotten how many human lives you have saved in all your time with the human justice system. And how much what you are has made a difference between victory and defeat. See the whole picture, and it won't be so hard for you to see what a good man you have become. Then maybe you'll begin to enjoy existence with us."

"I wasn't happy about Lacroix being dead."

They looked at him with questioning. Tears shined in his eyes.

"He is not just my sire, he is my only living father. And I tried to kill him. It hurt me more then anyone will ever know. I felt so guilty for having done that. No matter what he has done to me, a sire does not deserve to die. I mourned him for years until he returned. Secretly I was relieved that the stake did not achieve what it was intended to do."

"Well, Nicholas, that is all very nice, but it does not fix the problem, does it. Make no mistake, my heart swells with joy to know my death gives you no happiness. At least you see me as you are meant to, Mon fils. But like I said, your guilt over what you did does little to help you. In fact I think it would probably make it worse."

Nick just sat there, listening to all of them. He knew what they wanted. They wanted to hear him say that he understood. But lust began to return, and he was torn. Did he want to leave them without protection to find the peace he craved? And did he want Natalie to suffer? He began to weigh his options, and life was winning. He looked from one to the other, and then thought to himself. What am I, a vampire or a man. Killer or Savior? He pondered this. Finally Lacroix cut his concentration.

" You are neither killer nor savior. You just do what you feel is right. And as for being vampire or a human, that is easy. You are both, Mon protégé You are the balance between man and beast. You have the best of both worlds. Perfect by Nature. So what have you to say to all this. You are too quiet. "

Nick answered his sire by taking his wrist and biting it, drinking blood. Then in turn he offered his neck to his sire. And put out his arms.

" I can not say exactly, so through blood, I will show you. Each of you, all at once, share me, then maybe we can all heal. "

The girls took a wrist each and Lacroix took his throat. They shared blood with him and felt for the first time a kind of peace, with a slight underlying of lust. It was the first time in a long time that they had felt anything except pain from him. They all let go, except for Nat, whose vampire was racing with the taste of blood. Nick swooned against her, and drew her buttocks toward his stomach, then finally knelt down to the floor, as she slowly drained him. Finally, though pleasure beckoned he pulled his wrist away.

" Natalie, that's enough. As much as I enjoy this, you could still drain me, and then all you effort would have been for nothing."

With tremendous effort, she let go. Looking up at him, she smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, but you taste so good. How is your jaw? I did let rage get the better of me didn't I."

"It is fine, like you never hit me. It popped itself out of joint for a few minutes, but it is back in it's place. It knows where it belongs. And from now on I am going to make sure it stays there."

She looked at him, understanding the hidden meaning of his words. It was true what he said. Now he was back where he belonged. Nothing was hidden from her, his mind and body an open book. She felt the lust return. And looking from him to Janette, who stood against the wall behind him, she made a small decision.

"Well, then we will have to continue to fix this lust problem. Hmmm let's see. You've had Lacroix, you've had me, then you had us together. Hmm let's see. Ah yes, Janette. We wouldn't want to leave her out. She didn't get a turn yet and it's only fair to share. After all, she did come first. Why don't you two run along upstairs and complete this while Lacroix and myself have a little chat. Oh and Nick, you owe us some tickets to the play, we had to leave to save you. Think of it as a debt to be paid."

Nick smiled at her then turned towards Janette. It was time. It had been so long since they had been together. He smiled lustfully at her. "Well, I better do as the lady says, or she might pop me in the nose or something"

He took Jeanette�s hand in his, and walked out, leaving Natalie and Lacroix alone in the room. They regarded each other with a sort of smile and Natalie spoke first.

"You know, he learned it from you."

He looked at her strangely and turned towards the wall.

"What are you speaking of, my dear?"

She smiled. Fine she though, go ahead and play stupid. She faced him and stared straight into his ice blue eyes as she spoke.

"The hiding of emotions, you taught him that. You hide more then anyone else in this house. You are a 2000 page story locked and bound like a diary. And you are written in your own language, so no one can know you unless you allow it. And Nick has control problems? Well I wonder where he learned it from. And you had nothing to do with that too, I suppose."

Lacroix grinned slightly at the sarcastic remark.

"Ah my dear, but I do not suffer from my hiding."

"Says you. Yeah that�s right go ahead a raise your brow and tell me I am speaking nonsense. I know better, Lucius Lacroix. A nightcrawler with a heart of stone. So smug and self-indulgent. Hah. You've showed us your love, but just a grain of sand. And you showed Nick just a few grains more. You let him believe that what you do for him is for your own pleasure, not his. Possession in it's truest form. No give, just take, take, take. I know better though. You carry more scars then you let on. Fleur is just one of many. Janette said it best. You had to be stone and ice all these years. Divia, Fleur, Nicholas, Janette, and how many others through the years have left you bleeding on the inside."

How dare she speak in such a matter, Lacroix thought. Insolent Fledgling. But he remained calm, with just a razor's edge of icy anger underneath his words.

"My dear Natalie, you are treading on dangerous ground. You tasted my power once and you couldn't take it then. I doubt you want to walk into that fire again. It could leave you in such a state where you would wish for death."

She didn't back down. She knew if she pressed him, he'd soften. It was just about how many buttons she pressed at once that would make the difference. She stared him down.

" Oh go ahead and try, you old goat. You would never be that stupid. Destroy me and you loss Nick. I don't think you can handle that again. And this time it would permanent. There would be no bringing him back. Do you really want that, Lucien? "

"My dear, why do you insist on trying to 'read me' as you would put it."

"Because maybe, just maybe, if you let go of your own pain, Nick wouldn't hide so much in his. Janette is millennia younger then you, and she might not have as many years, but she has her fair share of scars. She is direct, thought, she shares. She hides nothing of herself, except maybe a few dark desires. You share nothing unless it serves in your best interest. That's why your blood was fierce fire for me. How can you suck through a straw when someone is holding the other end closed. It was like you saying, 'here, breath' while you choke me. It wasn't power, it was a wall of solid steel, to keep anyone from knowing anything inside you. You coat it over with sugar and honey, just a tap, barely a taste of you. You are empty to everyone, a lightless void of power and fire. Why? Pride, is it. Your dignity, or just plain fear. Maybe it's all of them at once. I may be a new fledgling, and I may not have the mind of a shrink, but I know Nick, and since you are his sire, I know some of you as well, though not a hell of a lot. How can you expect to find love, when you never share. How do you expect to hold Nick close while you push him away? You expect him to stay when you show him no reason to. No care, just control over him. You use your words against him, to keep him away."

He looks at her and frowned. She smiled inwardly, but her face was solid stone.

"And what words would those be?"

Good, she thought it was time he learned she was no dummy. And she took this time to show him that that small blood joining with Janette did some good.

"Vous este son sire et il vous este" (You are his sire and he belong to you)

It took a moment for Lacroix to understand her, he hadn't expected her to speak such clear French. Clever he thought, very clever.

"My applause to you, dear. Your French is remarkable for a fledgling. And you are right. I am Nicholas' sire, so therefore he does indeed belong to me. But what does that have to do with anything."

"Your are not Nick's sire Lacroix. You are the only semi-living father he has left. I hear the love in your voice when you say 'Mon fils'. You pretend, you hide, but no one can run forever Lacroix."

His eyes raised in anger.

"How dare you presume to know so much about me, young one. In the vampire world you are barely off your sire's neck."

"I know more then you think. A person, mortal or immortal, can barely make it through life all alone with no contact. You shun contact, love, anything to stay cold. It is fear, isn't it. You are afraid if you give of yourself, you'll lose your power to control. Love is power, Lacroix. That if nothing else, is what brought Nick back to you. Not possession, not control, not blood. Love."

He looked at her with a questioning.

"What do you want, Natalie, a taste of me. You might never come back from it. All the things I have seen in 2 millennia, not even Janette can take that. She has tried. What makes you think that you can handle such a rich and fiery feast. If you really want it, you can have it, but I seriously doubt you can handle it."

"Fat chance. You give only what you want to. How can I know if you are showing me the real you, or just what you want me to see. But I know something that would help. 'Me gouter, le gout de ma fete' (taste me, taste of my feast). Let me show you the reason I have more power in emotion, then you have had in all your long years. "

She offered her throat to him, knowing that if it didn't work he might drain her. She held on to the one hope that his love for Nick would stop him from killing her.

Lacroix raised a brow to her, wondering how a fledgling could know so much. Her words were all too true. The hiding of any of his emotions, his mask of 'I do not care' , that is what gave him the element of surprise. He rarely opened up at any one time. He wasn't sure what it was, but it had kept him going all these long years. And it is what gave him his power. The power that could make even one far older then him flinch, if he had ever been so stupid as to challenge the elders themselves. He spoke, and although the temptation to teach her a lesson called, he for once decided to play it safe. Wouldn't want to disturb his son. Their relationship was just mending after all.

"Are you sure, dear. Aside from Janette and Nicholas, I have never had a willing victim who has lived. 2000 years of visions will come to you, and I have seen quite a few horrors in my time."

"The visions I can handle. A bunch of flashing horror shows does not scare me. And I have a couple of tricky visions of my own. Now shut up and feed, it may be the only time I am nice enough to let you do this�

She offered him her neck again, and waited. He took a hold of her, putting one hand behind her neck, and the other on the small of her back. His vampire came to life, and he shook with the scent of her. He understood now why his son was so drawn to her. Her blood scent was like roses and chocolate. It made his mouth water. He kissed her throat ever so gently, and his tongue flicked out to touch the vein. Then drawing his head back, he struck, causing her to spasm a little as tiny pin pricks of pain dove into her neck. Her blood was like richness of a thousand virgins upon his lips. Like the nectar of the gods. But he drank slowly, not wanting to drain her.

She saw images flood her brain, images of Lacroix's long history. Some of what she saw shocked her, but she let it pass, concentrating on her link with him. She filled her blood with all the love and compassion she could muster. And then she pushed it into him.

Lacroix was flooded with warmth and love, so bright it nearly blinded him. He saw Nicholas and her, he shared in their pains and passions. He saw her life, the times she hid from everyone, but not from him. And he knew she was willingly showing him this. If she had not wanted him to see, he wouldn't see. Her blood poured through him, and the more he had the more he wanted. He raised his hand to his neck, too lulled to pull away and bent down the collar of his shirt, then brought her head to his vein. He felt her fangs enter as she began to drink from him as he drank from her.

Nat's eyes fluttered as she drank from Lacroix. Then she went to work, delving past the darkness. Every time he pushed her away, bright lights of love from her stopped him from doing it. So help me, Lucien Lacroix, I will get through to you, she thought.

Upstairs, as the lovers rested in the aftermath of their lovemaking, Nick bolted upright in bed, feeling Nat and Lacroix. He made to stand, but Janette stopped him with a hand on his Arm.

"Leave them be, Mon Amour. Your lover has our sire on the ropes. Besides, it'll do him some good to learn he cannot make everyone bow to his will. Let her delve. You are her sire, what can it hurt for her to dig inside him."

"Janette, our master is a dangerous man, you know that. He could destroy her."

"And if that were going to happen it would have happened already. Stay here and let them have their connection, Nicholas. She is holding her own. You chose a stubborn fledgling. She is knocking through his walls as if they were made of paper. Her love for you keeps him from doing what our master does best. He cannot make her submit and his love for you keeps him from destroying her. She put him between a rock and a hard place, as the mortals would say."

Nick looked at her, and felt something from his sire he hadn't felt in many years. He couldn't believe what he felt. His master was opening up like a flower of steel under Nat's constant persistence and love. Sorrow ripped through their connection, so much so, tears streamed from Nick's eyes.

"Oh god, I had no idea he held that much in. It's like there is nothing but sorrow."

"Our master is among the elders, Nicholas. He had been through much in his many years of immortality. He is more then a Roman General. He is still a man, and any man who lives that long alone inside himself, and sees all who he cares for leave, is bound to build up more then his fair share of grief and pain. She broke through, Nicholas. I don't know how she did it, but she broke through."

Down stairs, Lacroix reeled from the impact of Natalie's emotional unleashing. How could a fledgling have so much power? It wasn't possible. But as tears bled from his eyes, there was no more questioning. Her love for Nicholas was bright and consuming as his love with his creation had once been. He wanted to pull away, but was held steady fast by the grasp of Nat's love. He held to her tightly, hiding his tears the best he could, pride standing in the way. Finally she let go, but he could not close what she had opened, and it was disconcerting and disturbing. What -had- she done to him.

"How on earth did you do that, Natalie? No one, not even Nicholas, who is my favorite childe, has ever gone that far that fast."

"Because you gave him no reason to dare try to show love for you. You toyed with him, controlled him, to hide away your pain of seeing him turn from the one gift you had given him. But you see Lacroix, my love mirrored your own. Your love for your favorite childe, as you put it, is very strong. I just mirrored what was there and your soul opened up the rest of the way. And unlike you, I hide nothing. I have no hatred of you. But I understand your pain, and your grief. Love heals all, Lucius."

She looked into his eyes, and the lightless void she had always seen there in his eyes was gone. A mirror of sadness, loneliness and love seemed to shadow just beneath the surface. She still saw flashes of pictures from his long history, and the two things that had most caused him pain above all else. Divia's death having been by his hand was one of them, but she let that be. She didn't want to push that button. But the other vision, the one where Nick had tried to kill him, that she could talk about. She decided to go slowly on this, after all it was a big topic.

"Lucius, you know, I saw some interesting things in there. But one bothered me. It caused quite a bit of pain, and I am not talking about physically either."

"Be careful, doctor. I may have opened up, but there are a few things I do not speak of."

"Well there were two vision that scarred you deeper then all the others. One I will not talk about, but the other vision, it is of Nick and you. But this is not the pain of love, this is one of betrayal. Why did you never show him?"

He looked at her and his brow came together in thought.

"Nicholas has betrayed me on several occasions, so I'm afraid that you will have to be more specific then that."

"I should think you would know, after all it happened to you. That fiery stake in you chest must have hurt. But that's not what bothered you. I mean you did provoke him long and hard, how did you expect him to react. He is of your line, your blood, and there is so much he can take before he snaps. But the fact that he went so far as to try and kill you, that hurt your very soul."

He watched her bow her head, and anger flared in his eyes. Yes it was a deep scar, but one that brought more anger then pain. He was boiling. He had almost forgotten about that little incident.

"Doctor, I do believe you are trying to make me angry."

"No, Lucien, hardly. Any shrink will tell you that revenge is seldom the answer. Vengeance never wins, because then what Nick did would have been justified. What are you going to do Lacroix, go back and forth hurting each other till it makes you both weary? Nick has never asked for forgiveness, but he believes his motives justified. After all, how long did you expect for him to deal with all the torture and the mind games? Just remember Lacroix, before you get all insulted and angry at what he did. A bow will only bend so far before it breaks."

"I am afraid I do not understand where you are going with all of this."

"Lacroix, one rarely makes it through life, whether it be forever or not, going through it with as many burdens as you carry. Forgiveness is not beyond vampires, whether you think so or not. Why do you want to harbor anger and love towards your son? Hatred and love walk a fine line. But you cannot hate him so much, and then love him so much as well. Too many things have happened between the two of you, because neither one will let the wrong doings of the other go. Continue this way, angry and cold, and a fiery stake will be the least of your troubles. Be that way with the rest of the world, but not with your most cherished fledglings. Your existence is too long to go through it forever harboring hatred and grudges. End the war, Lucien. Fight now more. What a perfect waste of time you are having by constantly fighting the one you claim to love. And all because you want to prove , what, that you love him. How does that make any sense. Raise the white flag general. The war is over. Let it die and be in peace."

He looked at her, and almost wanted to kill her for being so right. But his anger quickly faded. What was the point of wanting to hurt her for being honest. He shook his head at the thought, trying to claim his anger for her again. She smiled, feeling his struggle.

"You can't do it, can you. You can't hate me for stating something you already know is true. It's hard to fight me, because I give you no weapons to fight with. That�s the whole point. I am not the enemy, and nor is Nick, but your wall of steel and fire is. You can't claim to be among the ancients and cower behind walls. That would make you no better then you guilt ridden son Lacroix. You are mighty, you walk with esteem and power and ageless wisdom. Share it, as well as the rest of yourself, with your family. It can't hurt to try and make some peace, can it? Try to see through your anger for once."

"All that is true, as you well know, by your confident tone. But there is one thing I want payment for. The debt he owes me for Fleur. He denied me my love and I found peace in letting him have his. But I think I deserve at least some payment for what he took from me that night."

She looked at him, worried. Was he slipping away so soon?

"How do you plan to do that, with my death."

"No, in a way I think will be fit for all of us. Tonight, after I make sure Nicholas is not feral again, I will share you with my son, except I will be between the two of you this time."

"You want to have sex with me, and have Nick there to watch?. Sure that�ll make Nick all calm and peaceful like."

"You misunderstand. Nicholas will be a willing participate, just not with you."

She thought for a moment. She had seen Lacroix take Nick before, but she had never seen Nick with anyone but women

"I know you do that, but does he...I mean is he like that too?"

"When I let him be, yes. It happens, but on rare occasions. I usually don't like when others control me. But in this case, I know Nicholas will be served in knowing that at least he will have some enjoyment with you. Even if it is not inside you."

She smiled in his direction. It was a little on the odd side. But at least Nick would still be there. And maybe she could delay it for a little while. A plan began to boil in her mind, but she kept it silent. Better he didn't know.

"I agree to your terms, Sir General. Tonight, then?"

Lacroix looked at her with a smug grin. Like she would turn him down, he thought.


They smiled at each other, finally satisfied that the other had gotten what they had wanted


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